posted on Jun, 22 2010 @ 10:14 AM
Love certainly does exist, its the definition of true love which is at fault.
True Love has to be unconditional in every way, if you Love someone with your whole being, then you Love enough to allow that Love to find true
happiness, even if that Love does not want to be with you, to Love enough to allow that Love to exist without you, to want that Love to exist at any
cost to yourself, even if it means you have to let it go.
Love is every single emotion that has and ever will exist all rolled into one, Love can tear out your heart and also fill it so much you feel you are
going to break into millions of tiny pieces, it has made the most fearsome of Men melt into worthless babbling fools who have lost empires as well as
their lives so that the Love they had could continue to exist.
Love is Adoration is need is fulfilment of the highest level, Love is the most powerful force that can exist within Humanity itself, without Love we
feel we are nothing, yet we seek it out all our lives because we can feel it, and like the most potent of drugs once we get hooked we want more and
more of it.
Love is give and take, often giving more than taking, it is understanding, it is comforting, it is heartbreaking yet we never stop seeking its
effects, we try sometimes to run from it, but what we are really running from is our fear of it ending, so some try to avoid it altogether, only to
end up seeking its comfort in many forms, be it the beauty of a Flower, or the dazzling display of the the night sky, to gasp at the wonders before us
is to Love, to shed a tear for another, to make Love to your partner wanting to please them more than your own pleasure is Love.
Love however to often becomes confused with Lust, with greed, with slavery, what does anyone really want from Love?
You can never take true Love, you can never steal it or own it, you can only live it, it is not a possession nor something to hold, but something to
When you find true unconditional Love, then you know its there even if only for a moment when you want to climb to the highest place on Earth and
scream at the World how you feel, tell the World of this magnificent emotion which fills your entire existence with passion and wonder, yet all to
often we throw it away, only realising at the moment its gone just how wonderful it was and the epiphany passes through your mind to the moment you
lost it.
Love never leaves you, you just become tolerant to its greatness, when the withdrawal takes hold it becomes hard to keep your life going in any
direction and with any meaning, we strive to survive that time when we feel death is the only way to end the feelings inside, we want the World to
leave us be, we want to wallow in the feelings just as much as we want them to go away, yet the only way for that to happen is time.
Take comfort in the Love you had and deep down still have, it never really goes away, it fades into the background as a distant memory we both want to
forget and remember.
Love certainly does exist, its how we find it that becomes the problem.
Never stop searching, it is there, its how we grasp it that makes all the difference between finding true Love and finding something to fill in the
gaps, you can never direct Love it has to take its own path into anyone's heart, when it arrives without the want or the conditions of requirement,
then you have true unconditional Love, its how you nurture it and allow it to grow that decides on how long it stays within your heart and not your
Your head will tell you anything you want to hear, your heart will never lie to you.