Marriage is an artificial construct.
Many people get MARRIED for all the wrong reasons, upholding a whole myriad of stupid things as being valuable traits. When it becomes apparent that
they made a miscalculation, they realize what was true all along. That they, and that particular person, were not meant to be.
This, coupled with a massive media insurgency which constantly attacks our values and systems of deduction, tempting us with all sorts of ridiculous
antics; leads to a very hostile environment for a rich bond.
I'm an existentialist, and as such, I know that there are no true constructs other than what I really believe to be true. Love is something I admire,
I think it is beautiful and wonderful, and so I shall have it.
Science merely sees chemical reactions, and based solely on this, science suggests that love is merely that and nothing else. Anything else is for the
A credit to the same people that claim something is true one moment, and laugh at you for not believing, then find out they were wrong and go to
something else.
When I was in school: atoms were solid little billiard balls that make up everything we see, Pluto was a planet, and Christopher Columbus discovered
If you didn't believe that, you were stupid. You didn't comprehend. You were laughed at for being a dimwit.
Now? Christopher Columbus was not the first. This is, of course, excluding the natives. There were others, from other countries that came here first.
Pluto? Not considered a planet anymore. Atoms? Not considered solid, they're condensed wavelengths.
Lol, what? But entire generations were raised on these
Point is, science says a lot of things. Statistics mean nothing to the individual. In reality, 99% chance = 50% chance. How so? Because you either get
it, or you don't. At the end of the day, you either have it, or you don't.
I'm not completely disregarding probability and calculations and whatnot. Nor do I advise you to live by this standard because some of these
calculations have proven to be very useful.
But like I said. If someone says either A or B is going to happen. Once it happens, and you look back. There was only two choices to begin with. You
were either going to make it, or not make it.
I have decided, based on my own experiences, that love is willingly choosing to live for the sake of bettering the quality of another person's life.
Regardless of whether or not they see you in the same light. (That doesn't mean stalk them. If they don't want you around then, yeah, it sucks.)
Anyway, no one can tell you that something so personal is true or not. You will believe in love based on your own experiences with or without it.
By the same token; music, art, dance, etc. These are fanciful things that we enjoy, and may even love. Why? Because we deem them worthy of such.
This is just one of those things that some of us embrace because it is beautiful to us, we love it's nature, we believe it to be rich and splendid
and merely wish that everyone else could experience the same things we experience.
Unfortunately, that may never come to be. Certain people just don't care for it.
So -- in conclusion. I believe that love may not be for everyone.
But to outright deny it is just ... simple-minded.
[edit on 23-6-2010 by SentientBeyondDesign]