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President Obama is completely worthless as a president

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posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:02 PM
Ah another one of those clueless Anti-Obama folks wrapping themselves in their blanket of ignorance threads.

Here comes the 101st Chairborne parachuting in claiming he is a Socialist, Marxist, Terrorist, Communist who is out to pull the plug on Grand Ma all the while seeking reparations for slavery at the same time he is pouring sugar in some old white ladies gas tank.

The other page had a good solid dozen legislative accomplishments that any president in modern history would dream of.

But lets just get down to the oil spill eh?

Obama secured without having to sue or go to court to get BP to put up 20 Billion for those suffering the most in the Gulf and for the clean up.

Did any of you -SNIP- give him any credit for that? No, instead you thought BP should not have been shaken down, and how this was an egregious offense to business relationship between government and the private sector..blah blah blah.

You Conservatives have absolutely nothing to show for all your years. Not one damn legislative accomplishment. Not one. These past 10 years have proven without a doubt that your entire philosophy of trickle down and free market self regulation brought this country to near disaster.

-Snip-. You philosophy has brought this country to the brink and even now animals are dying in the gulf because of your -Snip- ways.

Listen to right wing radio, wrap yourselves in your warm blanket of ignorance because the world is passing you by. Have fun denying solid science like evolution and Global Climate Change. Have fun denying the President is actually a citizen or that he is out to kill Grand Ma. Keep spouting drill baby drill and standing in the way of decent affordable health care.

You are but a foot note in history and soon enough your whole ignorant 30% of this country will be cast into the closet where you belong.


[edit on 21-6-2010 by AllexxisF1]

Mod Edit - Civility And Decorum Are Required on

[edit on Mon, 21 Jun 2010 16:23:18 -0500 by MemoryShock]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by whatsup
reply to post by nikiano

How many times can we say this...FIX THE DAMN LEAK FIRST!! Then worry about who is to blame. How hard is that simple task???

While I agree with much of your frustration and feel that Obama should kick BP out and get others involved. I think your FIX THE DAMN LEAK, "how simple is that" is a ridculous statement. ITS DAMN HARD to fix this leak (if not impossible). That is why we should not be F*ckin with the earth in this manner in the first place.

Why don't you go fix the leak if the task is so simple - or tell them how?

[edit on 21-6-2010 by whatsup]

Ok, let me rephrase that statement:

FIX the damn leak first, how simple is that CONCEPT.

No, it may not be simple at all to fix the leak, but they should at least be TRYING. We are the country who put a man on the moon first. We've done a lot of amazing things. I think, that if we collectively put our brains to it, we could think of a way to plug the leak, before its too late. (Of course, it might already be too late, but at least we could say that we TRIED.)

For the person who accused me of "trolling for flags and stars" - ha! hardly. I wrote this as a way to vent my most of my posts are these days! When I came back to ATS a few hours later and saw my post at the top of the page, I was completely startled that I even got ANY replies.... let alone the amount that I did. I guess I must have hit a nerve.

To the people who are saying that the President is a puppet of TPTB and I shouldn't be surprised - yeah, I'm finally getting it. I honestly never really started to think about TPTB before last year...I thought it was just bunch of paranoid crap that paranoid people came up with - but I am starting to finally believe that I think there is a powerfully elite group that is intent on bringing down the US (the world?), and one of the ways they are accomplishing the task is to put complete IDIOTS in charge of our country.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by AllexxisF1

It's important to have good leadership.
Are you saying that you believe that it actually matters who is in the whitehouse?
I believe that no matter who resides there, they each answer to the same board of supervisors, and I dont believe them to be US citizens.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by mothershipzeta
Nixon and his cronies pushed the Vietnamese to put off peace talks until after the 1968 election.

I believe I'm laughing the hardest here.

First, your link is to NPR! For crying out loud. Of course the NPR would say something like this and second, the tapes in question came from the Lyndon Johnson Library, a plethora of leftist propaganda.

And last but not least, Johnson SUGGESTED that Nixon was persuading the Vietnamese to postpone any peace talks.

Wow! ATS is really a conspiracy website!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:10 PM
If that oil rig is in international waters, why is it the offers of help were not turned into action anyway? what would Obama do? have the US navy fire on the ships sent to help? what's up with the rest of the world???

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:11 PM
Oh really, never would have known, Obama a POS? Who knew!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:16 PM
reply to post by nikiano

I agree with everything in your OP.

I expected his socialist agenda but I am very disappointed in the way he has handled the oil disaster. I think he needs to let Gov. Jindle tutor him.

I think Gov. Jindal has exhibited what a president should look like during a regional/national disaster.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by FearNoEvil]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by thegremlin666

Don't ever accuse me of voting for Obama.

How can you say EVERYONE voted for Obama? That's not even a believable lie.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1

Obama secured without having to sue or go to court to get BP to put up 20 Billion for those suffering the most in the Gulf and for the clean up.

Did any of you ignorant tards give him any credit for that? No, instead you thought BP should not have been shaken down, and how this was an egregious offense to business relationship between government and the private sector..blah blah blah.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by AllexxisF1]

That 20 billion won't even cover the losses and damages done. Why do you think Tony Hayward was smiling that day as he left the wh after that big meeting with Obama? "Shakedown" my foot.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:23 PM
Those who are hopelessly enslaved are those who believe they are free.

Personally i don't think Obama is doing enough, he could of took over the whole operation and got alot more things going and thousands more people working on solution, rather than all this "pay up BP!!" crap that is programmed into the American society - the land of the Lawyer.

Alot of Americans seem to have this generalized aggression towards the UK now because BP was a British company, today it is an international company, please remember that.

Also the fact that the rig was leased out by BP to several other companies, yet where's the help from them? I hope they are helping but all i hear about is BP.

Personally i think Obama has handled this in the worst possible way, and if i was an American, i would of lost my faith in him as a re-elected president.

P.S Its quite funny that when i type Obama, it comes up as a spelling mistake and asks to correct to Osama on Google Chrome. - Not meaning any sort of connection, just doesn't seem to be a recognized name.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:30 PM
Yeah, he's pretty useless, alright, but look at the alternative.

Not only is Bush smarter than McCain, he was probably a better pilot....and he's retarded.

And then there's the heroically stupid Palin.

What a collection of horrible candidates in the last few years on both sides of the aisle, I was disappointed that Bush beat Kerry but that is in no way an endorsement of Kerry, he's just another member of the political class with his head up his ass.

I thought Obama was a better choice this time around because, among other reasons, he had Paul Volcker(and hopefully some of his monetary policy) on his advisory panel but that was just a well executed bait and switch, at least I wasn't alone in the fake out.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:37 PM
reply to post by nikiano

I'm from another country - but didn't you get it yet ? All presidents are just front men. Very few countries have real elected, acting on their own - presidents.
Paranoia is good. Are you some kind of an agent ? Why am I answering you - I don't know. In my view - everyone that talks about "presidents" or "politics" - does so just throw people off course.

[edit on 21-6-2010 by pai mei]

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:37 PM
I have to say thanks for knowing obama is sxxx, as a president I do not understand anyone voting for him period! I would like to say that obama KNOWS what he is doing, everyone should quit trying to disquise this as though it's because of this or that HE is doing everything delioberately he wants to destroy america he is not for america and will do everything he can to see a downfall before we can pull him out WHY no one or more people have not rose against him and started impeachment processes I cannot began to understand but, if you think this is hell, he 's just warming up' guess what? people voteed him in; and he loves the arrogant sociopathic position HE ENTITLED himself to; he does not give a rat's a-- about this oil spill in fact I am certain this is part of his demise and grinning about how we aws americans feel, there is a very very sinister force in this office no one is doing jack about and it will continue until we are in bad shape bowing to him ; if you don't believe check out the thread about the monument or post that he had erected to feel he was being bowed to!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 04:51 PM

Originally posted by AllexxisF1
Ah another one of those clueless Anti-Obama folks wrapping themselves in their blanket of ignorance threads.

Here comes the 101st Chairborne parachuting in claiming he is a Socialist, Marxist, Terrorist, Communist who is out to pull the plug on Grand Ma all the while seeking reparations for slavery at the same time he is pouring sugar in some old white ladies gas tank.

The other page had a good solid dozen legislative accomplishments that any president in modern history would dream of.

But lets just get down to the oil spill eh?

Obama secured without having to sue or go to court to get BP to put up 20 Billion for those suffering the most in the Gulf and for the clean up.

Did any of you -SNIP- give him any credit for that? No, instead you thought BP should not have been shaken down, and how this was an egregious offense to business relationship between government and the private sector..blah blah blah.

You Conservatives have absolutely nothing to show for all your years. Not one damn legislative accomplishment. Not one. These past 10 years have proven without a doubt that your entire philosophy of trickle down and free market self regulation brought this country to near disaster.

-Snip-. You philosophy has brought this country to the brink and even now animals are dying in the gulf because of your -Snip- ways.

Listen to right wing radio, wrap yourselves in your warm blanket of ignorance because the world is passing you by. Have fun denying solid science like evolution and Global Climate Change. Have fun denying the President is actually a citizen or that he is out to kill Grand Ma. Keep spouting drill baby drill and standing in the way of decent affordable health care.

You are but a foot note in history and soon enough your whole ignorant 30% of this country will be cast into the closet where you belong.


What legislative accomplishments were passed by this administration? Just curious.

I know life is busy in "insane world" by when it slows down you might wanna take a look at your dear leaders poll numbers. Anti-state Ideologies are far from a footnote in history..

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 05:02 PM
I agree with the OP
The Black Part of our leader is like
Martin Luther King
But the White part of our leader
is like Charles Manson!

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 05:03 PM

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 05:09 PM
I am new here but, this topic about obama really caught on with me because I have from day one felt and knew he was a piece ofs--- take it how you want but any president no matter who that will offer up our ocean , healthcare, unemployment, now involved with going to concerts, playing golf, singing with paul mccartny,going to games, I mean come-on give the guy a break he is a very very busy and serious president! F---- HIM

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 05:22 PM
I have just one word to say on this.


posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 05:22 PM
Speaking for the very few of us that actually opposed Obama before the 2008 elections believing he had a serious lack of credentials to be President...

I told you so.

posted on Jun, 21 2010 @ 05:22 PM
You people voted for him. Live with the consequences of your actions. Maybe in future you all will think before acting or voting.. You brought it upon yourselves. Time to grow up and be responsible for your actions.

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