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Computer = 666 = mark of the beast

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posted on Aug, 24 2004 @ 01:14 PM
For sure people get a grip. LadyV is right, 666 is the mark of man. Numbers, computers, chips etc are the work of mans own evil. People try to interpret the bible and add their own thoughts and conclusions - thoughts okay, but nothing will be concluded until the day we pass this earth. I am a Christian, but I personally believe that the mark of the beast is who you are. For example in the book of Revelations it says that the mark of the beast is written on their foreheads and hands; I believe this is how we think and what we do. The bible repeatedly tells us not to be inticed by the world, so to speak, to stay apart from the world. A chip could possibly be a part of the "mark of the beast" as well as a barcode, but I believe it could be conforming to the world by your "forehead" - thoughts, and your "hand" - actions - this is a choice, like God has always given to us. Okay, think I am looney, but none of us will know for sure until the day we die.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 05:08 AM

Much to my surprise I believe the antichrist has actually now appeared. His name is Maitreya Ishwara. In the East he has been proclaimed a new Buddha, and in India they are seeking public donations to build a five hundred foot high bronze statue to this fellow.

Yep ...apparently this idiot turned up out of nowhere and some think
he's Jesus and some think he's the antichrist.
Just someone looking for their 15 minutes of fame me thinks.

posted on Sep, 6 2004 @ 09:10 AM

Much to my surprise I believe the antichrist has actually now appeared. His name is Maitreya Ishwara. In the East he has been proclaimed a new Buddha, and in India they are seeking public donations to build a five hundred foot high bronze statue to this fellow.

Really? i didnt know that

You got a more information so that i can learn more??

posted on Sep, 7 2004 @ 01:23 AM

Originally posted by arc
does this mean I get to wear one of those little 'satan inside' badges instead of sticking it on my pc case?

Mine has 665 - the neighbour of the beast.

posted on Oct, 18 2004 @ 08:25 AM
if you do the a=6, b=12 etc, and count up the word computer it comes to 654 you guys should get calculators

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 04:25 PM
Ok anyone who SERIOUSLY studies the nwo knows that the mark of the beast described in the revalations, is the barcode they want to put on everyone. I could write forever about this subject but im not gona. I'm not an anyway a religous person. But i've known about the nwo's plans for puttinga a bar code on us for a long time now. Only ppl who take the nwo citizens pleadge will get the barcode on the back of their hand, and with out it, you cant buy anything. If you guys read the patriot act2 victory act victory act2 ect. They want it to start out as a national id card, then it will go to thumb print. In some parts of the country, there are already stores trying out the thumb scan thing. Everything is linked to your thumb print, you social, you bank acount everything, you will need to scan your thumb to do just about anything. Your thumb print is connected to your "number". Wether its a national id card number or global id card number. Then eventually when they can get aproval from the majority population, which is ez, cuz all they gota do is put on the news how its good for you, and it keeps you safe ect. It will go from thumb scan, to a barcode on the back of you hand. I've known about the plans for that forever, and the fact the bible predicts that is kinda scary. By the way anyone who doubts they want to do this, just go read the patriot act 1 and 2 and the victory act 1 and 2. And do some research into the us gov'nt contingency plan for a natinoal emergency, they proove that they are trying to do this, and have been for ever. Shoot, all they need is one more staged attack like 9-11, they can blame on some terrorist again(theres no such thing as terrorist, they're all merk's for the cia, and other us gov'nt agencies), and all this stuff would go through. And the majority of the people, err im sry, SHEEPole, would be like "oh thats a good idea we need the thumb scan,(or barcode) to keep us safe from the terrorist. Just like thoughs ignorant ppl who aprove of giving up their rights for so called protection(patiot act). PROBLEM REACTION SALUATION.

posted on Oct, 20 2004 @ 05:56 PM

Originally posted by LordRothschild
Ok anyone who SERIOUSLY studies the nwo knows that the mark of the beast described in the revalations, is the barcode they want to put on everyone. I could write forever about this subject but im not gona. I'm not an anyway a religous person. But i've known about the nwo's plans for puttinga a bar code on us for a long time now.

Haha, I already have a barcode tatooed onto my right shoulder. It has my Military serial numbers (both new and old version) and the actual barcode strip is that of a large condom packet - just for a bit of fun at the local shop. This is no joke. So in some ways I already have the mark of the beast (if you are against contraception). And I love it.

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 09:33 AM
Not really exactly on topic but if you told someone that something bad was going to happen in the future than wouldn't you be preventing it before it happens? If someone wants to put a mark on my hand or head i will refuse

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 11:48 AM

Originally posted by genuineninja
if you do the a=6, b=12 etc, and count up the word computer it comes to 654 you guys should get calculators

I think you need to replace your batteries.


My 38� (inflation)

Concur with those that get 666 out of many many words. If you want it, you can find it.


[edit on 24-10-2004 by Misfit]

posted on Oct, 24 2004 @ 06:40 PM
Everything will be ok as long as you own a Macintosh.

posted on Oct, 26 2004 @ 04:52 AM
you guys are streaching kinda far for that 666

ok heres what i gather,
- supposidly 6 represents absolute imperfection
- each number of 666 represents a union of the 'false trinity' (as opposed to the holy trinity)
which consists of the 'spirit of malice-the beast-the second beast'
- the anti-christ will decept the ppl by allowing satan to act through him and proclaiming himself a prohet

Many people think that the seal of the Antichrist will be something like a stamp or brand, or an
electronic chip implanted under the skin... Most likely, however, this scientific development is designed
to distract mankind's attention from the real mark of Antichrist, which will have nothing to do with
the advances of science, technology or medicine. At a time when people's suspicions and anxieties
are fixed upon some innovation of progress-the implantation of computer chips in humans, for
example-the real seal of Antichrist will be imprinted quietly, without any particular commotion.

its not freaking barcodes or chips... b/c thats subtle lol
if it were to happen i think it would be something along the lines that you would want to get in order to united the NWO wereas you would feel obligated to do so for the sake of freedom/ or some bs
pehaps evan just the mere acceptance of the fact that you aknowledge him

On the other hand, our attitude towards the mark of the beast must be free of all unorthodox
fatalism and fetishism, for no seal or mark, in and of itself, can have any power over a man.
The powers of evil behind this mark have power only over those who personally submit to
them, who deny Christ.

just thought id add this for the bible beaters

Check it out here

***btw using the hebrew letters (or was it greek... hmm) George w(whatever) Bush = 666

[edit on 26-10-2004 by Franki]

posted on Oct, 27 2004 @ 11:27 PM
I'll give you guys a new one to think about. A REALLY BIG ONE. if we use the computer as our basis and translate letters to their ASCII code and add them up then H+O+L+Y+B+I+B+L+E = 666

posted on Oct, 28 2004 @ 03:10 PM
Blah blah this, blah blah that.
The serpent is subtle.
And the very best place to hide something is out in the open.

A dandy precursor, a test-marketing of mechanism has already taken place.


The, "he who has wisdom," part?

A particular type of Qabalist (Qabala, a catch all for Jewish wisdom teachings encompassing quite a few territories) would immediately reduce that:
6+6+6 = 18; 1+8= 9.

If you live in the U.S., your social security number is comprised of 9 digits.

The hand, forehead part?

You do one of two things:
You whip it out of your wallet with your hand, the right having the connotation of active, putting forth...
You remember it, bringing it to the forefront of thought, memory.

That it is the number of a man?

The man whose number it is.

Can't buy or sell without it?

Try surviving within the system without it.

Take a look at the outfit that put this together.... take a dollar out of your wallet, take a look at the back of that Buck, which does stop with you, me, everyone... take a good look:
New Order Of The Ages.

A long time dream.

And the Test for each and every comes down to serving God or mammon (money).
Little needs be said about the hyper-capitalist thing that has reared its head in recent decades.

Which leads me to one last blurb.
The hyper-capitalist thing that has so re-engineered American society, talking about God, blah blah while truly worshipping the Dollar....

That Whore of Babylon... that greatest trading outfit, devastated in one hour, hands over mouths on ships offshore that can't offload there, watching the plumes of smoke rise in disbelief that the mightiest is laid low... taken out before the big shingding in the Valley....

A giant from the North in the Valley.
A great multitude from the East, in the Valley.

The U.S., as a substantial power, is already whittled down, done by that time.

Anyway, a dandy precursor that has already been tested in The United States of Animosity.

In the march to One World, the U.S., with the selling out of its industrial base, is now not worth much to the rest of the world... Couple that with the belligerence, pre-emptive war, and though it has had great value in setting the Whole Thing up, is now Expendable.

Take care of your souls, folks.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:00 PM
Anyone heard of that thing where if you convert Bill Gates 3rd to ASCII code and add up the results you get 666??

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 01:40 PM

Originally posted by Jah Warrior 108
Anyone heard of that thing where if you convert Bill Gates 3rd to ASCII code and add up the results you get 666??

heard it and probably nothing to it.
there is and has been so many theories about 666.

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Rogue Chris
If you take the multiples of 6 down the alphabet, A=6, B=12, C=18 etc... add up the multiples from the word computer. It equals 666. This is no coincidence.

Revelation 13:16-18 states,

And he causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man: His number is 666.

Buying and selling, a upc codes home is in the computer. Only a computer scans the UPC. Universal product code. NO MAN WILL BUY OR SELL unless they have the mark. A spiritually dead world is dependent on the system, not faith in God. Their faith is their paychecks and materials. They don't want to wake up from the matrix. They'll fight to keep it alive, which leads me to believe most people are not aware of their own mortality. Death is not reality to them, they run from the truth. They're full of fear because they have no faith.

They will take the mark willingly because they are dependant on the system. Don't be one of these people.

Your theory may have some merit, very astute ....

I think you forgot to mention how or why you are using the number 6 ...

For it is the number of 'a man' .... The number of man is 6 .....

a = 6 .. b =12 .... etc,

This also implies the one who claimed this had a certain knowledge of a computer and how they are to be used.


posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 03:38 PM

Originally posted by Ezekial

Originally posted by arc
does this mean I get to wear one of those little 'satan inside' badges instead of sticking it on my pc case?

Mine has 665 - the neighbour of the beast.

He would live across the street ... Not next door.

[edit on 24-2-2005 by ShawNee922]

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by Misfit
Concur with those that get 666 out of many many words. If you want it, you can find it.


[edit on 24-10-2004 by Misfit]

But how many of those words correctly portray mans course, over a period of thousands of years?

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 03:50 PM

Originally posted by Harry711
I'll give you guys a new one to think about. A REALLY BIG ONE. if we use the computer as our basis and translate letters to their ASCII code and add them up then H+O+L+Y+B+I+B+L+E = 666

I like that one bruh ....

It sure has been the cause of as much evil as anything else ...

posted on Feb, 24 2005 @ 09:44 PM
While the Beast has yet to come, this is a really interesting find. Just another hidden symbol of the NWO/Antichrist to come.

666 = Computer if A = 6, B = 12, C = 18 etc.

Either that was planned by the Illuminati, or God's way of dropping little clues here and there for us.

When you put the whole picture together from start to present day, its really quite incredible how its slipped through the cracks for so long.

Those of you who don't get it yet, I pray for you.

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