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Computer = 666 = mark of the beast

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posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by zerotime
666 potatoes
666 museums
666 bathrooms
666 newlywed
666 closeness
666 buttocks
666 housewife
666 hilltops
666 tornadoes
666 skylight
666 wrinkles
666 pictures
666 somewhere
666 opinions
666 nutshell
666 rickshaws
666 appetites

The problem here is that when people look up 666 Gematria they usually find occult websites that tend to only show words like Necromancy, Witchcraft, and Mark of Beast because they sound scary and evil. However, most of the time these sites never show that there are literally hundreds if not thousands of common words that also add up to 666 like bathrooms, skylight, potatoes, or housewife. People who want 666 Gematria to be true deliberately select only the words that work in this system and fit the propaganda and �conveniently� leave out all of the rest that do not fit into their conclusion.

[Edited on 25-3-2004 by zerotime]

your list is clearly evil.
perfection(666) is another one.
i would agree with you, if it wasn't for the other numbers that have 'families'.
because there are divine clues in our language, does not mean that everyword has been encoded for us to determine what's 'good' and 'bad'.
how about 222? hell, hades, flame, hit, demo
how about 444? fruit, nuts, messiah, occult, orgone, masonic, ruler, jesus, lucifer, jewish, kirlian, nuclear
how about 330? satan, wicked, jaiker, trap, pent, agency, necro, exile, sky(lord of things that flit), judas
or 888? morning star, messiah jesus, coming truth, a holy truth, king of the sabbath, the king jesus, finished cross, the trinity, scriptures, the lion of judah,
the house of god, the doings of god.
the fact that jesus is 888 in koine greek gematria AND in english is a pretty frickin' HUUUUUGE 'coincidence'.
anyone who doesn't think GOD could've arranged for these clues to be written into our language, has a pretty low opinion of a being that created EVERYTHING from scratch.

oh, look. scratch. they used to call the devil ol' scratch. lord of this, the material, world.

anyway, make sure that 'freedom' fry is boiled to perfectioon

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 05:47 PM
In case none of you know, I'll tell you. Companies like Texas Instruments, Sematech, Applied Digital Solutions and others have been manufacturing micro-transponders no larger than the thickness of a human hair and only 1/32 nd of an inch in length. They have been making them by the millions for years now when the NWO powers that be decide to commit the next major act of terrorism they will then force everybody to have them implanted. Here's something else I bet none of you know. In 1995 the intelligence services slipped a little addendum into the Omnibus Anti-terrorism bill to have all infants born in the United States starting in the year 2000 implanted with micro-transponders. Do your homework people!!! You'll learn a lot.

[Edited on 25-3-2004 by Eljay]

[Edited on 25-3-2004 by Eljay]

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 06:55 PM
I do not see any families of words. This is the same case as 666 numbers. When listing words that equaled 222, 444, 330, 888, an individual selects exactly what words to use to support their theory. Exactly like 666 Gematria there are thousands of common words that equal 222, 444, 330, and 888, but only words that support the Gematria theories are used and the countless other common words that are also equal to those numbers are discarded as worthless.

I believe this system is a case of statistical probabilities. When numbers are assigned to letters and the English language has over a million word forms then there are going to be hundreds of words that equal certain numbers. Then, out of those hundreds of words that equal the same number only a few words are hand selected to mean something secret or hidden. Hundreds of words equal 666 but only a few of them represent words in society that are seen as evil. These evil words are highlighted and the hundreds of others common words are discarded.

Why use the word sorceries and not sorcery. Simple, because sorcery does not equal 666 or any special number so it is discarded and various word forms are used until one fits � if nothing fits then move onto the next word. There are thousands of �evil� words that do not equal any special number. There are also many �evil� words that equal supposedly holy numbers.

- Of course there are patterns when individuals with agendas selectively choose which words out of large groups to use in their theories:

potatoes - museums - Witchcraft - bathrooms - newlywed - closeness - Sorceries - buttocks - housewife - hilltops - tornadoes - skylight - wrinkles - pictures - Necromancy - somewhere - opinions - nutshell - rickshaws - Computer - appetites

A person can study complex mathematical number manipulation for their entire life. I do believe that mathematics and numbers are probably the only divine science. One of my favorite lines from the movie The Prophecy is when Christopher Walken says, "Study your math, kids. Key to the Universe." I believe that statement is very apt, but I don�t believe that gematria is not that key.

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by zerotime]


posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 09:32 PM

Originally posted by Eljay
In case none of you know, I'll tell you. Companies like Texas Instruments, Sematech, Applied Digital Solutions and others have been manufacturing micro-transponders no larger than the thickness of a human hair and only 1/32 nd of an inch in length.

Here is a link to support your claim

SO. ST. PAUL, MN JULY 8 � Digital Angel Corporation (AMEX: DOC) announced today that it recently sold its 25-millionth patented, implantable, identification microchip that has been used successfully in the animal kingdom.

posted on Mar, 25 2004 @ 11:46 PM

The book of revelations uses symbolic images to portray future events. It is not meant to be taken exactly literally, but is written in a sort of code, where the meaning becomes clear as events unfold to the wise and the worthy.

To me 666 is not a number as much as a symbol. Now suppose it is bbb and not 666. Remember Revelations was not written in modern English, but the person that wrote it under Gods direction was trying to convey an image which everyone assumes is 666.

Later translations of Revelations may have been corrupted slightly because everyone assumes 666 is a number.

It clearly says that without this symbol you will not be able to buy or sell. Now have a look at your BANKCARD. what do you see on that piece of plastic bbb !

To me the mark of the beast represents the banking system and credit, and the destruction of real money. All through history Gold and Silver coins have been real true honest money. Gods gift to mankind as a store of value, and honest medium of commerce.

The evil bastards that run the world these days now have a corrupt fraudulent banking system based on worthless paper tokens and plastic credit. Gods honest money is no longer used.

To me, the beast is the whole banking system, and especially the Federal Reserve and the crooked politicians they have bought out.

It could well be that in the near future an implantable chip will be used as a convenience instead of plastic credit cards that can be lost or stolen. These cards have already replaced real honest money for many transactions. Without this chip, in the future you will not be able to buy or sell.

But once you are chipped you can be tracked because the personal chip ID will then be used for entry to every public building or public transport. Just for convenience you understand. Big brother IS watching.

This is not really such a big step is it now ?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 12:46 AM

Originally posted by zerotime
I do not see any families of words. This is the same case as 666 numbers. When listing words that equaled 222, 444, 330, 888, an individual selects exactly what words to use to support their theory. Exactly like 666 Gematria there are thousands of common words that equal 222, 444, 330, and 888, but only words that support the Gematria theories are used and the countless other common words that are also equal to those numbers are discarded as worthless.

i have no agenda but to find as much truth as i possibly can.
the holy numbers come up again and again.
many people are seeing 11:11 all the time. they have no agenda. there is no 11:11 religion. and yet, it is a bonified phenomena that thousands, if not millions, are noticing this number. ask around your circle of friends. better yet, do a web search and see the theories and testimony(some hare brained and some excellent.)

(also triple number sequences are being noticed, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999.
so, if you only believe in statistics, and you say it is a function of the subconscious, you would expect these to occur with equal frequency.
they don't.
most people mostly just get 333 and 444. (these stats are from my personal observations, and are pure conjecture. i vouch for me as being an upright, conscientious kind of person, though, so you can put at least a little credence into it. go me. yay, teim. see, there is an 'I' in teim)
if it was just a side effect of all the digital clocks we are surrounded by, you might argue, that's why they don't see 666, 777, 888, 999.
why not 111 and 222 and 555, then?

this guy here(at the link below) used a=1, b=2, c=3, etc. if you read the page, he wasn't discarding anything. he sat and thought of things that might be connected, did the math and........
That was interesting in that 111 suggests binary code and we know holograms are created by laser light beams.
BINARY CODE = 96, the mirror of 69
I noted that the numbers 6 and 9 come together to form the yin/yang symbol which, itself, can be thought of as a binary symbol.
We'll return to this idea of binary code in Part 2

still a coincidence?

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 03:24 AM

still a coincidence?

No, not a coincidence - Mathematic statistics and probability of chance.

Enjoy the links - satire and informative.

Moby Dick predicted the "War on Terrorism"

Famous Assassinations Foretold in Moby Dick

Statistical Science publishes Bible Codes

How to transform every number into 19

Why Barney is Satanic

The World will end in 1997

An extreme breakdown of the number 666

Jesus Codes: Uses and Abuses

Statistical Analysis of Ivan Panin's Numerics

Why I'm No Longer Researching the Bible Codes by Lori Eldridge

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by zerotime

still a coincidence?

No, not a coincidence - Mathematic statistics and probability of chance.

Enjoy the links - satire and informative.

none of these pages are about conceptual/alphabetical/numerical concordance(gematria). they are about skip letter bible codes, which i agree are statistical probability.(but also divine, as everything is!)
gematria is about codes built into language, and calculating the odds would take a galaxy full of supercomputers.
i say the galaxy IS a supercomputer. (every notice how looking at a galaxy is like staring down the barrel of a dna strand?)

greg braden recently claimed on art bell, that our dna can be 'read'. that it is a storehouse of knowledge, and that the first string decoded was, 'eternal god in the body'. he has a new book out, called, 'the god code'. incidently, the codes are in hebrew. that would make all of us, 'the chosen people'.

ever read 'healing codes for the biological apocalypse'(len horowitz)? there's some pretty convincing code in there.

p.s. i love the guy who plays with 666. doesn't debunk anything, really, but does show the uniqueness of the number.
i believe he forgot, 2/3=.6666667, which has an interesting tie-in with 1/3 of the denizens of heaven 'falling' meme.

--this 'debunking' actually turned out to be just an adjustment of 'ivan panin's' stats:

It turns out that the chance of this many features of seven in the 41 we examined is one chance in 7,143. This is still quite remarkable, and good evidence of design rather than random chance. However it is a very different number to what Mr. Panin would have calculated. He would have said it was one chance in 7(to the power of)14 or one in 678,223,072,849.
1 in & 7,143 is hardly coincidence.

[Edited on 26-3-2004 by billybob]

posted on Mar, 26 2004 @ 09:20 PM
What baffles me about all this analysis of words and numbers is that the original text in Hebrew has now been translated into every possible known language on this earth.

So some guy with an Italian bible, or a French bible, is busy trying to find the hidden meaning where the letters used in every word are totally different.

So maybe the ten commandments written in Swahili adds up to 666 when you perform some mathematical tricks on it, so what ?

Surely this is not interpreting Gods eternal message ? But is just some flight of fancy.

Just look at the parables Jesus told the disciples, the meaning is quite clear in ANY language. But may not totally obvious at the initial telling to most people.

This is how I feel the book of Revelations needs to be seen, not by trying to count how many times the letter "M" appears in the Fijian text version, if you happen to live in Fiji.

Please do not tell me English is Gods chosen language, that would be even more laughable.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 02:17 AM

Originally posted by Warpspeed
What baffles me about all this analysis of words and numbers is that the original text in Hebrew has now been translated into every possible known language on this earth.

Please do not tell me English is Gods chosen language, that would be even more laughable.

everything about god is laughable. that's why i love god. god chooses everything, and yet, makes the things choose for themselves what is 'his' choice for them.
english=444, just like jesus=444.
being baffled is good. i greatly enjoy it.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 06:26 PM

english=444, just like jesus=444.

Just like Lucifer = 444.

posted on Mar, 27 2004 @ 11:47 PM

Originally posted by zerotime

english=444, just like jesus=444.

Just like Lucifer = 444.

exactly. lucifer is definitely not satan. i think a freemason snuck that word into the bible. it's a bad translation.
keep an open mind. this could all be part of the end times deception.


posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 12:35 AM

Originally posted by Warpspeed

To me the mark of the beast represents the banking system and credit, and the destruction of real money. All through history Gold and Silver coins have been real true honest money. Gods gift to mankind as a store of value, and honest medium of commerce.

To me, the beast is the whole banking system, and especially the Federal Reserve and the crooked politicians they have bought out.

here is a link to support your theory

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 01:27 AM
we are the beasts. 6 is the number of man, not 'a' man.
'the corporation' is the anti-christ.

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 03:10 AM

we are the beasts. 6 is the number of man, not 'a' man.

The King James Version and The American Standard Version are the two most popular versions of the Bible. Both say "Number of a man"

King James Version: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.

American Standard: for it is the number of a man: and his number is Six hundred and sixty and six.


New Revised Standard Version of the Bible:
for it is the number of a person. Its number is six hundred sixty-six.

Young's literal Translation of the Bible: for the number of a man it is, and its number is 666.

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 03:40 AM
see the 'new standard revised" edition? a person. IT'S number. a person's number. us. the beast.
what's the atomic number of carbon? (we're carbon based life forms)

posted on Mar, 28 2004 @ 04:30 AM
Thanks for the link DAR, I had not seen that before.

I have been studying the international banking system for a very long time. It started with the Rothschild's, and the rot really set in with all the secret societies spawned by the Zionist bankers.

These super rich elite already own everything and control everything, it only remains now for total slavery by the NWO and the antichrist to emerge.

Much to my surprise I believe the antichrist has actually now appeared. His name is Maitreya Ishwara. In the East he has been proclaimed a new Buddha, and in India they are seeking public donations to build a five hundred foot high bronze statue to this fellow.

It seems strange that in the West almost nobody has heard of this guy, I would really value other peoples opinions on this. If it is true, I think the horrors of Revelations may not be all that far away. It is all starting to fall into place bit by bit.

Do a Google search on "Maitreya Ishwara" he has a website, and some of the stuff on there will make your hair curl, if you are a Christian.

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 04:47 AM
and with the mark of the beast (666) no one could buy or sell etc..



its obvious its all about the chipping , the number of a man. > identity
get it?

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 05:09 AM

Originally posted by forsakenwayfarer

Originally posted by Tier Enrie
Okay....a lil' side note....Revelation has nothing to do with what is happening now...hate to burst yer bubble, but after several years of studying it (as I have) One can clearly see that Revelation is encouraging people to not give in to the leaders at the time of Jesus. The beast with the horns and all is ALL symbolic...just an experts opinion...

hahaha another expert poster. # off. i get so tired of your idiotic I KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT speaches.

Do you always have to just come in and bash people? How about contributing to the thread and stay on topic, otherwise you're twice as bad.

Anyway, IMO... I think this is a load of crap, though I don't have anything to back it up... I find this opinion to be absolutely full of it. IMO

posted on Jun, 10 2004 @ 06:53 AM
Didn't this post die on its arse months ago?

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