reply to post by Ex_MislTech
The point I, and others in this thread are trying to make is that it is insane to abdicate ones personal power and hand it over to those people who
are clearly insane.
You mention climategate as an example of a set back for those that are "they", but you don't mention it to point to any global awakening, but
rather to dismiss the event as a temporary set back for those you seem to willingly abdicate your own power to.
You point to 9/11 and imply it was an event created for a power grab, but seemingly fail to recognize that this clear and obvious power grab generated
a response that is obviously resistance. You claim that what makes them that are "they" so powerful is that "they" know how "we" will react,
but "they" seem woefully unprepared for the global reaction to the power play made by "they" since 9/11.
You point to the main stream media as support of your argument that "they" are those who have the power and not "we", by pointing out all the
irrelevant fluff pieces "they" present as news, but you seem to either be ignorant of, or ignore the fact that the MSM is dying, and dying rather
quickly. Newspapers across the U.S. are failing at an enormous rate, and I have personally watched The L.A. Times go from a prestigious newspaper to
a thin and tattered rag in the span of just a few years. I, along with many others, rarely watch CNN, MSNBC, FOXNews, or ABC, NBC, and CBS, any
longer precisely because of their filtered "news" programs.
When I was a child, Walter Conkrite was heralded as "the most trusted man in America", now few even know who that man is, or was, and there are few
who still believe he was as trustworthy as "they" would have "us" believe he was. Today, while there still may be "Dittoheads" and "Bill
O'reillyphiles", or "Kieth Olberman fans", there are far more "John Stewart fans" who the MSM will wring their hands and wonder why people are
turning to a comedy show on a cable channel to get their news, not understanding that it is because the "news" is viewed as a joke anyway, and most
would much prefer to laugh at funny jokes rather than roll their eyes in disgust and groan at unfunny jokes. Thus, instead of turning to journalist
hacks for jokes, they turn to professional comedians, as anyone who wants a good joke should.
You speak of freedom of the press being manipulated clearly ignoring the fact that there are thousands of alternative news sources available today
that just weren't available to "us" a decade ago.
You point to the CFR, Bilderberg Group, The Trialateral Commission, (which is really just another part of the CFR), and the Club of Rome, as examples
of powerful "elite" who have "100's of Billions of dollars" to support your own abdication of personal power.
You name drop Noam Chomsky, as many who would abdicate personal power tend to do, in order to complain about "manufactured dissent", as if Chomsky
is some sort of cultural icon rather than the crafty linguist he is. Chomsky is no more in favor of your personal power than you seem to be, and
would probably be quite satisfied to know that you are dropping his name in support of surrender to the elites.
You smugly pretend to support the idea of each person doing what it is they want to do, but clearly are against such an idea and point to Nazi Germany
as an example of what happens when people attempt to resist the power grabs of a few lunatics. You clearly have no respect, or possibly are even
unaware of resistance groups in Nazi Germany, such as
The White Rose who most
certainly paid a high price for their peaceful resistance, but who showed such personal power and integrity that anyone who would dismiss their worthy
efforts as useless simply because they ended in executions, only reveal their own level of integrity.
You point to the movement of those who are "they" who would depopulate the planet in the name of some twisted agenda, and in doing so either ignore,
or are ignorant of the remarkable resiliency of people. You point to a small group of insane people in order to condemn humanity as being insane, and
I would suggest that humanity as a whole has gone into agreement with insanity in the past, but these are different times, and that was then, and this
is now.
We are here now, which is to say we are Now Here, which is to say, we are NowHere! We are the masters of our own destiny and if your destiny is to be
manipulated by those who are "they" this is your choice. If you think the only sane answer to insane people is to agree to that insanity, this is
your choice, and you will be doing precisely what it is you choose to do, regardless of how much you want to believe that what you chose to do was
preplanned by those who are "they".