+28 more
posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 10:06 PM
If you aren't doing exactly what you want to do, then why even bother getting out of bed?
While the official motto for ATS is "Deny Ignorance", the unofficial motto seems to be "WAKE UP!!!!" All too often this "wake up call" is
nothing more than another screed ranting about those ever mysterious "TPTB", and the message is clear; "they" control you.
If you "wake up" to the political madness around you and your reaction is to get angry, then there are threads created telling you that your anger
is caused by "their" conniving and scheming, and you are angry because "they" want you to be.
If you "wake up" to the global madness that surrounds us all, and your reaction is to look at the stars and shake your head slowly, then there are
threads created to tell you that you are reacting exactly the way "they" want you to react.
Those who create these threads present themselves as one of the enlightened few who apparently believe they are enlightened because they are capable
of looking down their noses at you and declare you to be merely a pawn in "their" game. Of course, these enlightened few never truly identify which
game piece they are in this silly game, but one would imagine they believe they are not pawns.
They will tell you how you are feeding on negative energy if you choose to express yourself regarding the problems in the Middle East, the Gulf oil
spill, or the numerous problems facing the world regarding political misconduct, tyrannical governments, and financial meltdowns. They will scream
"Wake Up!!!" with their exclamation marks because you had the audacity to wake up to the shenanigans around you and speak out against it.
They will wag their virtual fingers after pointing them at you and ignore that less than 20 years ago most people in the world simply ignored all the
shenanigans taking place and instead chose to entertain themselves with useless and mindless games or means of escape, but now that you are awake and
coming out of your own mind numbing denial, your anger, or shock, or quiet rage is just more of the problem, according to those enlightened few who in
their self professed wisdom declare "they" those mysterious "Powers That Be" are the ones in charge, and these enlightened few offer no answers to
the bondage they wish you acknowledge you are subject to, and only want to admonish you for having an opinion, and worse, for being angry or shocked
at the clear and present corruption that has spread across the globe like a...
Well, like a cancer, but those enlightened few would instead insist what is spreading across the globe like a cancer is you. These enlightened few
will use large bold letters to make urgent and even histrionic pleas, begging you to lead by example, as if you have not all ready been doing so.
These enlightened few will demand you stop ridiculing people, all the while smugly certain their ridicule of you is warranted. These enlightened few
will demand you stop thinking how superior you are, for after all, they have all ready pointed out to you that all you have been doing is just what
"they", those "Powers That Be" want you to do, and these enlightened few will remind you for the umpteenth time that you are doing all of this
because of your woeful and dangerous ego.
Then, as if these enlightened few are really just parental in nature, they will begin to speak softly again and tell you that they realize life is
hard, and indeed, remind you that no one ever said it was easy, but they just want you to know that their negative assessment of your thought process
is really just admonishment for your own good, because these enlightened few are really just concerned for the planet and our place on it, which is
presumably to accept our role as pleasant puppets who willingly and peacefully embrace our brilliant masters, those that are "they"; the mysterious
"Powers That Be".
These enlightened few will offer up simple platitudes for complex problems and declare that you need to change the way you are thinking so that
"they" cannot win, but these enlightened few, just as the enlightened few throughout history have always done, offer up no practical methods of how
to change the way you think, this is not the purpose of the enlightened few, their purpose is merely to castigate you for thinking as you see fit.
They will tell you to just change the way you think and it is as simple as that, but all they are doing is precisely what you are doing, which is to
speak out and voice your opinion in a virtual world filled with opinions, but these enlightened few would have you believe that your opinions are not
worthy of being heard and that your address towards negative events is just more negativity, but their address of your address of negative events,
which is to declare your address of negative events another negative event, is the kind of negativity all should respect and admire.
The most insidious thing of all about these enlightened few is that they continue to insist that you are truly powerless to change these negative
events and can only just do any good by ignoring the negative outcomes and pretending that everything is really just hunky dory. These enlightened
few desperately want you to believe that you can not beat those that are "they" by speaking out and informing others as to what is happening, and
how you can in your own personal life counter those that are "they" through thoroughly peaceful means of resistance, and instead want you to "Wake
Up!!!", and what they mean by that is go back to sleep.
So, my brothers and sisters, if you truly believe that those who are "they" really do have so much power over you that no matter what you do, you do
because "they" wanted you to do it, then by all means "Wake Up!!!", and go back to sleep.
If, however, you know in your heart, you know by your own rational mind that your voice most certainly does count, and that by posting in this site
and others, your voice is touching thousands of people across the world, then carry on my proud and glorious warriors of truth. Stumble if you must,
sleep when you can, but when you awake, carry on, and stay the course.