posted on Jul, 6 2010 @ 04:16 AM
The gulf oil spill is how it starts. First all the fishing industry is ruined. Then as the chemicals get into the air and rain down across the land,
crops will wither. Add to that, the frequent flooding which is already destroying the crops, and the increase in hurricane frequency and intensity
battering our coast and spreading these toxic chemicals far and wide. Years from now people will get chronic illnesses caused by the sickening miasma
spreading from the gulf and many will die. The gulf coast states will fail and people will migrate away into other states. Those states already face
crippling economic woes but with all the new refugees, it will be much worse. Many states will become totally bankrupt. A double dip depression will
take root and stay for a long long time. Pandemic diseases will crop up like swine flu or the morgellons disease and the weakened states will fail to
resist it's spread adding to the mass die off of humanity. Then as 2012 approaches the increased solar activity will destroy all our satellites and
our power grid. Without food, without power, the people will quickly devolve into savages tearing each other apart for a scrap of food or a few drops
of untainted water. The methane spewing from the gulf oil spill is a potent greenhouse gas which will accelerate global warming. Places that were
green will become deserts. Eventually earth will become like mars, a dead world incapable of sustaining life.
To prevent this, we would have to stop using oil, stop burning coal, clean up the oceans of all the oil and plastic and garbage, scrub the excess
greenhouse gasses from our atmosphere, begin aggressive wildlife protection programs to bring back the flora and fauna from the brink of extinction.
We would have to erradicate our consumer mentality and return to the rennaisance mentality where people built things to last forever, not built
cheaply to be used once and disposed of.
It will be like returning to the stone age or the medieval dark age.