Originally posted by alonzo730
The earth lines up with galactic center. I studied the Mayan calendar a number of years back. From what I understand is that those of us who are open
to new ideas or "enlightenment" will ascend to a higher spiritual plane. Those that are closed minded are going to die spiritually.
Hello alonzo...
Just thought I would share a thread I made recently, about the Galactic Alignment, already has happened.
It takes years to move all the way through the bulge of the center alignment, but the center point of the alignment, the most precise point of it,
happened in 1998. Read the thread if you want to know more. People that are awaiting ascension usually wont confess to stuff like this, its a denial
Plus, Im just going to add something, for your benefit, but only take what resonates with you.
A while back I studied deeply everything that was out there. I have had very bizarre experiences, enough to the point that as crazy as it may sound to
some, I feel my son and I have had some sort of a convergence with a light body of a higher self. It was something that could be 'seen'. My sons
happened at age 5, mine happened a couple years ago, after I had made a certain choice.
Before my 'choice'....ascension was part of my study. I had talked with some pretty big wiggs of the 'Law of One' and conversed alot of things
with them. What I found though, even though alot of different material had great info in it, the people that use the material, treated it somewhat
like religions treat their books, very literal, without much understanding and reasoning of their own.
I will be blunt. I now do not think that all these great souls came here to 'ascend'. Ascension happened during the 'in between' existences....you
must experience death to ascend. There can be 'convergence' with your body complex, possibly changing some vibrations to DNA ect...but this is still
very subtle. Hardly noticed. These king of changes will be noticed, far in the future though....of the species.
You do not have to incarnate, for ascension. Actually, you must experience death, for it. So why would all of these great souls, come to just die and
then ascend?>
Reading material can help us alot. But there is a secret to the Universe, and it does not sway. Everything comes with distortion. The reason for
this....is simple. We are NOT NOT NOT supposed to be just given the answers. We are to find understanding, on a personal journey. It is not about
following others....we can learn things from this, but ultimately, we have to have a path of seeking, a quiet path of seeking, by ourselves.
The ones seeking ascension, are going to see how this idea was just another marker for the soul to weigh it and measure it, similar to what the belief
in self salvation does to the soul. It shows the soul/spirit complex, they have chosen a path of self, therefor, still must learn of the self.
The idea of a 'home' to go to is not different then the idea of a 'heaven' to go to. It is another marker, to sift and weigh the soul. You may go
on, learning about the 'self' for a while....but you will have to look back at some point, for you can only progress so far on the path of self. You
will see something is missing, and that is all the other selves you left that are still learning....you left for your own sake. You will have to
abandon the path of self, you will come back to a 3d experience, you will come back, to make a choice according to your inner nature.
That is what has happened, why so many are here now...they were on the path of self...had to abandon that...had to come back here...and will make a
choice. To be of service to ther self Again.....or to brake the link, and find the understanding, of what true service to others means.
Service to others, does not mean, while in this life, you do for others. Not when your choice is to ascend and leave, for the self. Service to others,
means, you offer your soul/spirit back to the ALL, the God, the Monad, the Universal need, to be of service. You understand that to move forward, as a
whole unit, there has to be offerings. This was how all existence started, was of a offering of self, the Holy Spirit. Cycles....are a key.
The delusions have been layed...they are....that there is a home somewhere that allows you much for love, and allows you to pretty much do what ever
you want. Another is, that you can actually have pure love when there are still other selves of you suffering that you left behind. Another is..that
ascension is something that will happen while alive, suddenly, just paradise will be there at your fingertips. Another is, that if you are living your
life now, and doing alot of things for other people, having great empathy for them, trying to help them...that you are likely at least 51% service to
others and this is what it takes to ascend. Ascension though....is a path of self. So the path of self, the desire for this, knocks out the 51% of
deeds you did while here. Your inner nature was not for others all along, you were doing it to reach ascension, reward for your own self.
Now this may be what you are in need of...but I caution some, for it was not what I found on my personal path what I needed. I did not want to go on
to another place starting all over with a bunch of others restarting, the path of self. I would rather stay here where many thousands of years has
already progressed. I have chose to stay, not go. I have chose to not care about the self part of this and offered myself back to the Universal cycle
for what it all finds need of me. The things that happened, after I made my choice, I will keep to myself. For like all precious pearls, it does no
good to just throw them out there when there is no understanding of their worth.
My wrap up to you....this 'moment' in time has been ongoing for a while now. I think it really began somewhere around 1980....and we will exit the
bulge somewhere around 2017-2018. It is happening right now. The open gate of the soul, for the choice. The choice will be what their nature is weigh
There are other things to back this up too....like, we are only half way through the great year here. If it started in Leo, with the Sphinx as that
sign, we are only at a half way point then. We have another 13,000 years to go, as a species. The purpose of Earth, and its people, is unity and
harmony, just like anything of nature seeks. We have came on the down side of the clock....the past 13,000 years....its time for the upside now. As I
said the other day elsewhere....its time for souls to find that second wind....
I discovered on my own path, I cant leave any other selves behind, why would I do that....for me? Why? Cause I want peace, cause I want rest, ? But
how can I rest, knowing all my other selves are still suffering through learning here? So my personal path was realizing, I have no real desire to go
anywhere....I offer myself back to Earth, to try to make it the gem that the highest visions hold for it.
Just my take, I only share, not judge. If you have personal understanding of this 'ascension'....then by all means, follow what you are in need of.
All my best
I almost for got a very important point, which shows you have little understanding of the Spirit of life.....no one dies, spiritually. This is very
important to understand.....the spirit within you, me, and all....is what is immortal. You still see yourself very much as a individual....this is a
illusion. We are one.