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In Arizona, 'Los Samaritanos' leave water and food on trails used by immigrants

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posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by SeekerofTruth101
reply to post by flycatch

Reality check.

They simply came here because they are HUMAN. They need and want a better life, and to contribute to that society if that society is kind to them, and better than the one they had to flee from.

They seek not to steal or rob, or engage in moral vices if they were simply given a chance, just as every human on Earth.

There is enough to share, to go around, and whatever goes around, comes around.

They are human. With unalienable rights as you have. We are ALL humans first before we separate with differences. Is it so difficult to share, and then regulate the social aspects of sharing. instead of seeking extermination and expulsion of fellow humans, who bleed and aspire the same as us?

I am honoured and priviledged that that are still samaritans in these cruel times and age. Cheers and salutations to whomever you are and may you and your kind be blessed in return a thousand fold.

Read my post above give me your address IM moveing in ! Boy were going to have fun living together, hey if you don't mind I like rubens alot can you buy the fixens I'll make them and give you one if there are any left over.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by bigcountry08]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:53 AM
This is in response to the people saying that these illegal immigrants come here and don't pay taxes. I have at least a dozen of my own friends that, for years, worked for cash under the table. no taxes. I'm sure most people know someone who worked for cash and didn't pay taxes on their wages. hell, in college i never claimed my tips from bartending. if you are going to bitch about illegal immigrants not paying taxes, think about how many legal americans don't pay taxes.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:57 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Do you speak or understand spanish? If you do not then you have no idea. I understand spanish quite well, can even speak it myself and have for some of these illegals, for others I just sit back and listen. If you only knew what they say about us Americans in their language right beside us because they "think" most of us are ignorant and can't understand what they're saying. If you only knew. I do.

It would sound alot like any group of bigots talking about them "dammned illegals" but, probably a bit more like a group made up of working class people talking and bitchin about the rich.

What do you expect?

[edit on 6-6-2010 by daskakik]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:59 AM
reply to post by jeepers.h.crackers

Well, maybe we're just tired of picking up the slack. Can you blame us? Besides it was retarded for you to not claim your taxes and tips in college, being a student you would have probably recieved it back and then some, especially if you were paying your own way, even if you had loans or grants you'd be entitled to all of it back. I do not work under the table nor have I ever, but I am speaking for those who do. They are just plainly tired of taking the ROD up the A so to speak. I can surely understand those sentiments!

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:00 PM

Originally posted by sdcigarpig
The actions that these people are noble, and are to help those in need, but at the same time, they are part of the problem of the illegale immigration. The reason is they stock areas with water and food, and thus word gets out and illegale immigrants know where to go and where to get refuge, and that does not help at all. It perpeptuates the problem and encourages those to cross illegally, and to make a dangerous journy, risking life and limb. They need to be telling those who are illegale to send the message home, not to do such and to cross legally, rather than take this kind of risk.

The Mexican govt. is also COMPLETELY complicit in this. They produce a sort of "comic" (like the military issues/issued to troops) explaining how to cross the desert, avoid detection, ect..

Their own govt. would rather them attempt this at the risk of death. This only because of the American money coming back AND reducing the load on their recources.

There is one other thing, and let me ask you this, if a person stood by and watched another committ a crime then assisted them in their escape are they guilty? Under the current laws, the answer is yes, and taking that view, people who are doing stuff like this, are aiding and assisting, knowing that the people crossing the border illegally, break the law and therefore should be punished for their actions.

Almost like assisted suicide?

It may seem a bit harsh, but the illegale immigration and border security needs to be tackles on different fronts. Cut off the aid and secure the border, and it should stem the flow of illegale immigrants coming into the country.

I dang sure would help but then you still have coyotes carrying people in trucks (read as "mobile ovens") where they die of over heating, the coyotes that have the "cute ones" that end up being raped along the way, or even sold into various types of slavery.

its bad all the way around.

I wonder as to the "nobility" of these actions. Are they really doing this as a help to these people or are they furthering the erosion of our way of life up north?

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:00 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Not exactly it sounds more of an heir of self entitlement.
second line.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:00 PM
What a strange time we live in where aiding highly illegal activity that isn't only just illegal, but that also helps to destroy jobs and the economy for our own country, is seen as noble. They may not be the encouragers of the choice that the immigrants are making to take the trip, yet they are still encouraging the fact that it is OK, because they'll be there to save the day with water, maps, etc. No one deserves to die, but they are the one's who make the choice to trek over dangerous territory and it is up to the legal system to help them, but oh yeah, wait a sec...IT"S AN ILLEGAL ACT. Wrong is wrong, no matter how much it is sugar coated.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:04 PM
If they built a wall and manned it with the national guard there wouldn't be people dieing in the desert, because they would know it would be futile to even attempt to cross.

I'm not going to support coyotes smuggling illegals.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by Darkrunner

I second that my friend.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:09 PM
One of these days, probably very soon, these "Los Samaritanos" are going to run across some Drug Cartel members, or a drugged-up human slaver, and they will be in the next round of pictures of headless bodies found near the border.

And they deserve it.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:15 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by daskakik

Not exactly it sounds more of an heir of self entitlement.
second line.

That's also very normal. Many immigrants are aware that the US has been involved and beneficiary of the exploitation of they natural resources. In my country the United Fruit Company operated for the better part of the last century. They payed almost nothing for the use of our land and even used pestisides that had been banned decades ago in europe because they were cheaper. I know that this is not the US gov but a corporation but the wealth still flowed into the US.

When you see how the US obtanied part of it's wealth from the exploitation of the less powerful nations around it it gives you that "it's only fair" attitude.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:22 PM
reply to post by ldyserenity

Well, sorry for being retarded, but that was 10 years ago, and that's the way it was. There were actually very few places that required their bartenders, servers, pizza drivers to claim their tips in the college town where I lived. The only places that required you to claim your tips were the big corporate chains, such as Pizza Hut. Even then, nobody wrote down what they actually took home in tips. I'm sure if you go any college town today, many of the local establishments don't require you to claim your tips, and if they do, the tip recipients aren't completely truthful in what they earned.

I now pay taxes on everything I earn, and I don't feel like I'm picking up anyone's slack.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
Yeah.. they should be allowed to die in the desert.
These people are helping others break the law and they are wrong for that. They should all be locked up and prosecuted.

It is unfortunate that some of these people die. But they made their bed, they have to lie in it.

Are you a smoker? Remind me to come show no support at your funeral.

I'm a little suprised so many people starred you for that! You people honestly believe that a person should DIE because they chose to break a law while trying to fight for a better life?? What the heck is wrong with that picture!?
Reactive vs thoughtful ; ignorant vs self-actualized

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:30 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

The real question is do Mexicans leave water and food for people invading Mexico's southern border .

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by daskakik

Well I am against outsourcing or using any other resources outside of our own, unfortunately sadly many companies do all this and then some, but not because of me or the rest of the public.
In my opinion, though just as I stated about us using our own resources and not stripping and bilking any other nation of theirs, the shoe also goes to the other foot. The survival of the fittest, if you can't live off of the land you are living in and can't cut it in the world/ situation that God gave you, then IMO what makes it your right to live at all? No matter where I am or what Resources I have, I know I will survive, because 1.) I am Not dependant on money, I can grow my own food, fish and hunt and all it takes to survive, without assistance. and 2.) I do not expect others to hand anything to m, regardless of what their ancestors may or may not have done to me.

That's the problem with 99.999 % of the world's population, everybody feels that the Universe or God or Humanity owes them something.....WRONG!!!!!!
I learned this early in life, and guess what Money is not always going to be around. Understand that!

Let me break it down for you:

Like any product there is a life cycle, and it's the same for any economic or political system:

We are in decline, and this will be the final decline.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:34 PM
I've got news for everyone here.

1) No one should be made to pay to live on a planet of which you were born. Sorry, it is this simple.

2) No one has the right to be told where they can and cannot go to make a better life for thier family.

3) No one should be denied food or water or shelter for breaking a false law that violates number 1.

If your life wasnt based on lies that you need a job and work 40+ hours a week to house and feed your family then you wouldnt need to worry about anyone taking your job.

Peace = )

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by hiluxxulih
reply to post by LDragonFire

The real question is do Mexicans leave water and food for people invading Mexico's southern border .

Actually there's a system of safe homes in mexico and guatemala to aid illegals. It's called "Casa del Inmigrante".

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by jeepers.h.crackers

I was just simply stating facts, if you claimed you would most undoubtedly have gotten back everything. I do my own taxes and always have so I know the laws. Also I was going to be an accountant at one time. Anyway. If you don't feel that way, fine but a lot who don't pay into taxes, well they do feel this way and I am not talking about college kids, most of them are really not up to par on tax laws and don't understand that claiming will do them good. Didn't mean to call you retarded sorry, I was not trying to be rude I was really just kidding. But I think all universities and college should have 1.Have someone from an accounting firm there to help students with their taxes and understanding of them, or 2. a class in the first year of college just on basic tax law. This would be informative to the students and help them better their situations in a lot of cases, esp. those with credit cards.

And sorry for going off topic.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by ldyserenity]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:45 PM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
reply to post by daskakik

Well I am against outsourcing or using any other resources outside of our own, unfortunately sadly many companies do all this and then some, but not because of me or the rest of the public.

In my opinion, though just as I stated about us using our own resources and not stripping and bilking any other nation of theirs, the shoe also goes to the other foot. The survival of the fittest, if you can't live off of the land you are living in and can't cut it in the world/ situation that God gave you, then IMO what makes it your right to live at all

The creation of bannana republics is not the same as outsourcing and it had everything to do with you and the public.

Wouldn't having the balls to treck through a desert, enter a country where you don't speak the language while facing deportation every moment of every day be cutting in the world/the situation God gave you?

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 12:46 PM

So... wars have been fought so I wouldn't have to press ONE extra digit after pressing 7-10 already? What a waste! By the way, I have lived over half my life in the Southwest US and I have NEVER had to press one for English... Never. Any automated phone system I've ever used assumes English and tells the caller to press 2 for Español.

I'm not aware of any Spanish versions...(Heavy Sarcasm)

I've lived 50 years in Chicago and 6 years in San Diego, and I've always had to press one for English except twice, and I spend a lot of time on the phone.

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