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In Arizona, 'Los Samaritanos' leave water and food on trails used by immigrants

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posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by antonia

Ok, so who is going to live on the uninhabitable land? the illegals? I doubt it because no one is allowed to live there. You totally missed the point and I will not point out the point because I would be wasting my time on some one that is obviously very uneducated.

As far as the welfare gos, CAN YOU PROVE MY WRONG? That Is a challenge. Amigo.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:40 AM

Originally posted by UndergroundMilitia
Being pissed about pressing 1 for English has absolutely nothing to do with being lazy, it has all to do with the countless brave souls that have fought and died to preserve the American way of life.

So... wars have been fought so I wouldn't have to press ONE extra digit after pressing 7-10 already? What a waste! By the way, I have lived over half my life in the Southwest US and I have NEVER had to press one for English... Never. Any automated phone system I've ever used assumes English and tells the caller to press 2 for Español.

I'm not aware of any Spanish versions...(Heavy Sarcasm)

La Constitución de los Estados Unidos de América

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:41 AM

Originally posted by kimish
reply to post by antonia

Ok, so who is going to live on the uninhabitable land? the illegals? I doubt it because no one is allowed to live there.

As far as the welfare gos, CAN YOU PROVE MY WRONG? That Is a challenge. Amigo.

The figures state 94% of the land in this country in uninhabited. It does not state it is uninhabitable. The government only owns 30% of this land, so the other 60% is privately owned. Remember that old thing I said about capitalism? Someone owns the resources. The problem is not lack of resources, it is the improper allocation of said resources. You are saying there just isn't enough. I'm saying there is enough, you just don't know how to use it correctly. These are two different arguments.

As for your argument concerning welfare-It is not my responsibility to prove baseless assertions wrong. It was your theory, you better prove it.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by antonia]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:44 AM
Illegal immigrants need to be dealt with ....... sure enough .

Leaving people to die in the desert ........ is not how to go about it imho.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:45 AM


posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:49 AM
Oh please, then why not go about in a legal fashion? I don't want to start flaming you dude, but I live here in Tucson, I deal w/ the crimes illegals commit, the drugs they smuggle, the people they hurt and the unemployment they cause, do you? Have you live by the border for at least 10 years so you are a eye witness to border crossing problems? I've lived here 40 years and seen the violence escalate. Why should we encourage lawbreaking?

Please read the ATS post;
"They come here for a better life" and "Jobs Americans Won't Do"

Knowledge is free, Ese!

[edit on 6-6-2010 by Jimerton]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by antonia

Wow! I believe I said there was no land available for the influx of immigrants (not in those words) and you posted a link showing uninhabited land. That means to me that you think that because the land is uninhabited there is room or land for more people to live in America. I proved you wrong and uneducated.

As far as the welfare go's I gave you legitimate reasons as to why I am unable to show you proof (can you prove to me that you are not homosexual?) and you deny to prove me otherwise so either you do not live in the U.S. or you are one of the ones that I bust my rear end at work to pay for.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by kimish]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:51 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

im with you on this one, my family is of hispanic descent, but they came here legally, which is what we want them to do. why should people from south of the border circumvent the immigration process? because they can do it quick, cheap and not be investigated by immigration. these background checks are to insure that criminals don't infest, which they already are!!! and the one's looking for work are not picking the fields or doing a job an american won't, they are taking ALL jobs available and sending a good percentage of the money out of country, thats just as bad as an american company outsourcing for cheaper labor, it hurts US bad. great post op..... lets help illegals keep taking what little is out there.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by mjsmor]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by kimish
reply to post by antonia

Wow! I believe I said there was no land available for the influx of immigrants (not in those words) and you posted a link showing uninhabited land. That means to me that you think that because the land is uninhabited there is room or land for more people to live in America. I proved you wrong and uneducated.

It means there is room. Uninhabited means no one lives there. It could be put to use with people living there. Again, it is a problem of allocation as opposed to lack of resources.

As far as the welfare go's I gave you legitimate reasons as to why I am unable to show you proof so either you do not live in the us or I am working to pay for your lazy ass.

No, my husband pays for my lazy ass by going to war. Your reasons are not legit, you can either prove your claims or you can't. If you can't prove something don't proclaim it.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:55 AM
reply to post by wylekat

Oh, My GOD! I can't believe I just read that! Rarely does someone write something on here that makes me look at their avatar and wonder what kind of a person they are, but your post did. And someone starred your post... This is sickening! I wouldn't suggest that for a dangerous animal, much less a human being!

For those who say that this woman should be arrested or that she's breaking the law, I believe you're wrong. You talk about wanting less government but you're perfectly willing to arrest this woman for putting HER OWN FOOD wherever she wants to. It's HER FOOD. She can do with it what she wants.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by antonia

NO ONE CAN LIVE THERE BECAUSE IT IS FEDERAL LAND!!! Why is that soo hard to comprehend?
I would also like to apologize, sincerely, to you for being harsh and ignorant and saying mean things.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:00 AM
Why do you bleeding hearts always think it's good hard working people trying to cross? They are mostly human-smugglers, drug carriers, and criminals wanted by the Mexican police. I live in Tucson and know. So hey, do yourself a BIG favor and get some knowledge before you go onto your soapbox. It's ILLEGAL to enter any, I repeat, ANY country without applying. My brown-skinned friends and their parents all came here legally because even in Mexico they were law abiding citizens. Big surprise, the illegal crossers are usually criminals in Mexico and will remain criminals here. Is that to big of mental jump to understand?

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:03 AM
Why Can most of you people not see that these people are being herded into making the border crossing?
The plain truth is that the international corporations are in large measure controlling many of our goverments....(included is big banks etc.)
The world is run by other people than our elected reps.
It is the machinations of these entities that are soleley profit motivated that
creates the world we live in.
We are simply the consumers who are manipulated to eat drink smoke and drive the inferior products which are produced as CHEAPLY as possible and foisted off upon us through every type of programming available to them.
The entire system is constructed to bilk the consumers of their income, and put it into the hands of a small percentage of the population.
This is the reality. You are fed industrial waste and told it builds healthy teeth, with absolutely no science to back this up, yet this poison is eaten by the populace so that some industrialist can avoid the costly process of rendering it harmelss and dealing with its toxicity.

WE prefer to avoid any measure of responsibility for the excess which we daily consume,and instead of trying to find ways of doing anything constructive about it, We avoid it by blaming the impoverished humans who have little choice but to indebt themselves to criminal ganags for a slim chance of reaching a place where they will be worked like animals, treated like fugitives, and exploited by all .
And this is a better life than what they left behind!

Dont you think it is possible that these human beings are being used by the PTB to distract and delete the focus of the peoples anger from whatever other dirty dealings are in the works?
The reactionary laws actually fit right into the NWOs agenda nicely.
When you look at it, its a win win for the corps, the govboys and the NWO.

It seems to me that the time has come for a more equitable split of the worlds resources.
Without which the problem (and many more)will persist ad infinitum.

The illegals are not your problem.DONT YOU GET IT?

If we persist in dealing with the symptoms the "disease" is going to kill as ALL!!!

The illegals are simply dupes like you and me....they will always do what they are forced to for a chance at better for their children.

The problem is not with the poor of this world, but with the RICH!

[edit on 6-6-2010 by stirling]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:04 AM

Originally posted by kimish
reply to post by antonia

NO ONE CAN LIVE THERE BECAUSE IT IS FEDERAL LAND!!! Why is that soo hard to comprehend?

I'm not sure why you can't comprehend what I am saying. What i am stating is the land can be used for other purposes. Again, the government only owns 30% of that uninhabitable land. What i am saying it is stop letting them squat on it. Most people understand this concept rather well. Of course, they accuse me of being a socialist. In truth I am just egalitarian. I believe we should stop with the hoarding of resources by all entities public and private. Again, there are enough resources for humans to live in abundance, the resources are just poorly allocated.
Overpopulation is a myth, period. Once people understand that the problem is not too many people but rather too many selfish people who hoard all the land then we might get somewhere.

As for your apologies, if you are truly sorry stop engaging in the offensive behavior.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by brainwrek
Aiding and abetting.

Thats exactly what they are doing.

^^^ Yup, that's it and they should be arrested.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:23 AM
Hopefully, ICE will pick up on this and shut it down. Otherwise, I can envision some sadistic people leaving poison along those trails, or psycho serial killers seeing an opportunity to up their body count, or slavers looking for easy pickings.

It just seems to broadcast the dangerous situation these people put themselves in. There are plenty of sick people in this country who would take advantage of this.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:26 AM
All right lets put it this way then guys, If you think its all right for illegal imigrants to break into our country. then You know what Im going to break into your house and live there. Im not going to hurt you or throw you out I just want to live in your house with you, I like it more than mine and I feel since your house is better than mine that it is my dream to live there and have a better life. don't worry I will do odd jobs around your house I will sweap the floor and clean the windows to help out. I am going to watch your TV and play on your computer Though, so we will have to work out what times you can be on YOUR TV AND YOUR COMPUTER. Thats ok though cause when I break into your house to live there I should have the right to use your stuff at your expense cause its all part of MY Dream.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:32 AM
Reality Check People

They come here to find work that pays more than in Mexico.

They come here to use our welfare system.

They come here to use our medical system.

They do not come here to become Americans!!!!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by flycatch

Reality check.

They simply came here because they are HUMAN. They need and want a better life, and to contribute to that society if that society is kind to them, and better than the one they had to flee from.

They seek not to steal or rob, or engage in moral vices if they were simply given a chance, just as every human on Earth.

There is enough to share, to go around, and whatever goes around, comes around.

They are human. With unalienable rights as you have. We are ALL humans first before we separate with differences. Is it so difficult to share, and then regulate the social aspects of sharing. instead of seeking extermination and expulsion of fellow humans, who bleed and aspire the same as us?

I am honoured and priviledged that that are still samaritans in these cruel times and age. Cheers and salutations to whomever you are and may you and your kind be blessed in return a thousand fold.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

Do you speak or understand spanish? If you do not then you have no idea. I understand spanish quite well, can even speak it myself and have for some of these illegals, for others I just sit back and listen. If you only knew what they say about us Americans in their language right beside us because they "think" most of us are ignorant and can't understand what they're saying. If you only knew. I do.

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