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In Arizona, 'Los Samaritanos' leave water and food on trails used by immigrants

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posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by jfj123

Their is no reasoning with the illegal sympathizers they just dont get it.
Ive also bought up the point in NUMEROUS threads that their are billions of people worse off than mexicans why are they not rallying behind them to get a boat ride here? That seems racist to me. Yet none of the sympathizers have refuted this arguement!!! Not one! So to me it seems they think mexicans are special and screw the rest of the third world country populations who are worse off and cant make it here.

Yep they feel the mexicans should get a free ticket to come to america but if your in
Burma (Myanmar), Cuba, Libya, North Korea, Somalia, Sudan, Turkmenistan, and
Uzbekistan, all worse places than mexico screw you come legally.

NO i would not let anyone die in the desert but i would also build a wall with land mines in front of it and warnings all over in spanish saying crossing could get you blown to hell. That way noone sane would try to cross thus their would be noone thirsting to death in desert and no more illegal invaders

Ray Stevens has a message for the sympathizers.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by ker2010]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:12 AM
reply to post by ker2010

Their is no reasoning with the illegal sympathizers they just dont get it.

I agree. This is like trying to shut off Niagara Falls with a roll of scotch tape and some toilet paper. For those of us who have experienced this- we're idiots, who know nothing, and yet these people know oh, so, MUCH, and never had it right up in their faces.

I also agree wholeheartedly about the other countries who get a raw deal in all of this. The reason why is laziness. All these roaches have to do is scurry across a border. The other nationalities put in time, effort, and their entire souls in, and get screwed. And the worst part? They'd probably bend themselves over to make their lives AND this country a better place to be!

Well, we cant have *that*, can we.... *sarcasm*

[edit on 7-6-2010 by wylekat]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:13 AM
reply to post by ker2010

All of those countries could be eligible for Refugee Status (America has a high number of Refugees, especially from Africa) .. Also Canada will accept anyone from any of those countries with open arms if they could make it there. Mexicans cannot claim asylum as refugees. Though I do agree 100% that Mexicans are given an unfair free pass into the country for no reason what so ever.. Liberals seem to think that they are doing some worldly good by encouraging them to come here, I believe their passions misplaced. Personally I'd be more open to letting more people come from war ravaged countries like Sudan, Congo, Burma etc because the people are far, far more grateful, where as Mexicans deem it their birthright to walk wherever they please, and hold America with contempt.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by John Phoenix
Yeah.. they should be allowed to die in the desert.

They are Lawbreakers. This girl is not helping them to survive so they can be brought safely to prison then deported. If that were the case, the border patrol would be doing this also.

These people knew the risks they took when they left Mexico. If they did not prepare for the journey coupled with their choice to undertake this very stupid and illegal act, they deserve what happens to them. Perhaps more illegals would think twice.

These people are helping others break the law and they are wrong for that. They should all be locked up and prosecuted.

It is unfortunate that some of these people die. But they made their bed, they have to lie in it.

I agree, they know the risk. But they shouldn't have to die for it. I would fight a drunk to keep him/her from getting behind a wheel. But I would also take responsibility for allowing it to happen. I say enforce the laws and charge this person who is helping with obstruction to justice and aiding and ebbedding law breakers.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:25 AM

Originally posted by thegrayone
I want to see how many citizens of this country would do the jobs that the illegals do.

There was a poster here on ATS, a building contractor specializing in tile installation. He was basically driven out of business by onslaught of cheap labor from Mexico. Yes, some Mexicans will take jobs for pennies, which drives the wages way, way down and as an example, all of a sudden you start seeing that 100% workers in landscaping business are indeed Mexican. It's not that citizens never wanted these jobs, it's that suppressed wages do make some of these undesirable.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:50 AM
I wonder how long this will take to end badly?

What I mean is, now more than just illegals know about these supplies. How long will it take for some nut job to start posioning the well?

Imagine what would have happened if the slave owners knew about the underground railroad? Would less slaves have made it free?

Not a good analogy but kinda close.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix

Originally posted by Oozii
Yeah, in some places where I live there's even signs suggesting to leave water if possible. Signs made just like "Construction Ahead" and whatnot.

And its the right thing todo if you ask me. Little do the people know, by leaving 1 bottle of water, they are saving lives.

By leaving one bottle of water you are encouraging and condoning illegal activity.

I suppose next you'll want to set up a free McDonalds and say, " Come on in, taste American Freedom"

Let me tell you something.

If you have a really bad cockroach problem in your home, and you don't want them there, you Do Not Feed Them !

( I'm not calling illegal Mexicans cockroaches, just using an analogy.)

[edit on 5-6-2010 by JohnPhoenix]

Thats incorrect because they are going to attempt to come over regardless if the water that might save their life is there or not. Believe me a lot of these poor people don't make it. The people doing this are very honorable in my opinion. Kudos to them.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 12:33 PM
First off I "DO" oppose illegal immigration!!It is the law Duh!
That being said I would consider myself a humanitarian, I'm for evryones right but breaking the law is not a "right"
Anyway--Have you guyz seen the pics of those trails they leave stuff on?
They are absolutly disgusting.
I beliave that these people are civil rights activista or just feel its the right thing to do, but usually people that are libral thinking also love mother earth. You would think if they are willing to risk jail, heatstroke yada yada yada they could at least have people that will pick up the trash!!!!!
The Irony arouses my curiosity

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:30 PM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
Yeah.. they should be allowed to die in the desert.

They are Lawbreakers. This girl is not helping them to survive so they can be brought safely to prison then deported. If that were the case, the border patrol would be doing this also.

These people knew the risks they took when they left Mexico. If they did not prepare for the journey coupled with their choice to undertake this very stupid and illegal act, they deserve what happens to them. Perhaps more illegals would think twice.

These people are helping others break the law and they are wrong for that. They should all be locked up and prosecuted.

It is unfortunate that some of these people die. But they made their bed, they have to lie in it.

God damn... the problem in this world is people like YOU! You know what shame on you... we're ALL human beings.. we can't help where we're born... what color we are... and sometimes you get the short straw in life, so you gotta do what you need to survive and protect your family!

For you to sit there on your high horse and scream on top of your lungs all this patriotic crap is just low.... so what "they're breaking the law".. i say F&*# the law... this is beyond what some old bastards wrote on a piece of paper... this is about HUMANITY.. something you seem really out of touch with!

This is how HATE and FEAR is born... don't you see... how can people like you be so damn blind to it, they hold the carrot in front of you and say support it.. it's for your own good... THEY are creating a SYSTEM for you to hate OTHERS... this causes US, the human race to stay apart and divided.

Get your head out of the gutter... I DON"T CARE about your LAWs... I CARE about HUMANITY.. something bigger then what you stand for by "luck" of being born on another part of the land.. on this ONE planet!

People UNITE AND LIVE IN PEACE .. or die alone!

When will people like you grow up.... time is running out!
This is MUCH, MUCH BIGGER then your political agenda! This is about survival of humanity

Ps. for you information... when the economic system collapses (which it will) you can shove that patriotic crap away, as you will be the same level as they are.... the day will come ... where you would need a hand from the people you are bashing today.... mark my word! I wonder if they'll treat you the same way you treat them?!

[edit on 7-6-2010 by freighttrain]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:39 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

of course i would. are you daft? ive said multiple times in this thread alone i want them here legally so they can pay taxes. i work with some legal immigrants from mexico city. theyre awesome. got nothing bad to say about them. anyone who tries to make this about race is a closet rascist.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:43 PM

Originally posted by chiponbothshoulders
reply to post by riffraff

Those people were native to this continent before all the white races showed up to steal the resources,and kill them for objecting,so who is really doing the trespassing here?.

Same old,same old.

Aside from that,it's not really the illegals that are the problem,it's the corporations and so on that hire them.

If there was no work for them,they wouldn't even come here.

Somebody isn't talking,somebody isn't asking,somebody is averting their gaze.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by chiponbothshoulders]
I really do need to make that thread. You as well as many others who are pro-illegal, need to understand the difference between conquering and trespassing (as well as the reasons why immigration laws exist). Even if that was the case, so what? It's a terrible argument. Don't use the past to justify the present, because by that logic, it would be okay to enslave white people because they did the same thing to black people.

Back on topic, if I were them I would probably do the same thing. I mean yeah, they're breaking the laws, being supported by people who fail to understand why the laws concering this sort of thing exist in the first place, but it's not like this crime is worthy of death.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by technical difficulties]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by riffraff

I've SAID THE SAME THING. It's like shouting at a wall, to be honest.

No, wait- you at least get an echo shouting at a wall!

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:25 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem

Originally posted by thegrayone
I want to see how many citizens of this country would do the jobs that the illegals do.

There was a poster here on ATS, a building contractor specializing in tile installation. He was basically driven out of business by onslaught of cheap labor from Mexico. Yes, some Mexicans will take jobs for pennies, which drives the wages way, way down and as an example, all of a sudden you start seeing that 100% workers in landscaping business are indeed Mexican. It's not that citizens never wanted these jobs, it's that suppressed wages do make some of these undesirable.

I understand what you are saying, I really do. But who is to blame here?
The greedy corporations that become richer and richer at the expense of desperate people or people that would take any job to put food in their mouth?

I just want you to understand this. Have you been so hungry, so hungry and with no money that things that you don't like eating (in my case vegetables ) you would eat it because there is nothing left?

I tell you from experience that most of those illegal coming to the US (at lest in california) are humble people. That said, I do understand that NO ONE should come illegally to his country, but to let them die like worthless animals is not the solution.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:30 PM
after sitting back and think about the majority of comments on this thread.

this popped up in my mind....

as i said previously in this thread helping illegals like its been said before aiding and abetting.-both criminal acts.

all those people whining about how they are not gonna let someone die in the desert-well if they were'nt breaking the law they would'nt be in the situation they are in.

this is what disturbs me the most about all you who support these people helping illegals.

how much illegal crime is there?

what i remember most about this entire issue is some illegal getting behind the wheel of a car drunk and killing a 5 year old little girl. if that woman had not helped that guy that little girl would still be alive cause there guy would have never been here.

thats not a hypothetical scenario its happened hunds of time over the past 20 years that and other crimes but its something liberals seem to turn a blind eye and for what reason i do not know.

plain and simple if you support illegal immigration and those people who help them YOU ALL ARE EVIL INCARNATE.

if those people sleep well at nite they shouldnt be.

new today 2 more people found dead near a border trail.

when are you people gonna wake up and smell., what you are shoveling.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by neo96]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 02:30 PM

Originally posted by nenothtu
NONE of the US anglos I know celebrate Cinco de Mayo.

...lots of texans celebrate cinco de mayo (even lily white ones) - and - its not always about the beer... many are simply thankful that the french influence isnt dominate here because eatin' snails is purely disgustin...

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:13 PM
And the disgusting replies continue.

Give me a break people...most of this is internet tough guy talk anyway by people looking to create controversy.

And to those complaining about illegals and then also claiming you are on disability...quit wasting MY tax dollars. If you are able to be on ATS all day and cry and can get off your but and go get a job. Lazy people sucking of the governments teat and then complaining about people wanting to bust their backsides to WORK for a living. Illegals are more of a human than you guys ever will be...crossing a desert to WORK...while you collect your disability and cry about them. Pathetic...have some self respect.

And then we have the famous..."no...YOU'RE the racists" comments.

Their is no reasoning with the illegal sympathizers they just dont get it.
Ive also bought up the point in NUMEROUS threads that their are billions of people worse off than mexicans why are they not rallying behind them to get a boat ride here? That seems racist to me.

anyone who tries to make this about race is a closet rascist.

I have asked this so many times...but I'll ask again.

Exactly what RACE are these people RACIST against???

Do you people even know the definition of what a RACIST is??? How can supporting people in need who are of one race make you RACIST against another RACE???

People just get dumb over this topic.

I'm tired of the people here trying to blame their hardships on illegal immigrants....oh boo hoo...pick yourself up and better your situation like these ILLEGAL immigrants are doing. Like it or not...they have more self worth then you do because they are doing something to better themselves...not just crying about how bad you have it because of someone else. Take some responsibility...get off your chair and go better yourself.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

[edit on 7-6-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:19 PM

Originally posted by neo96
how much illegal crime is there?

all crime is illegal!

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by neo96

"Unidentified person saved little girl from drowning." "Man saves the lives of 3 people in a car accident by calling 911". Oh wait, they were illegals and by you logic this people should have die and of course this people would have not been saved.

By your logic Hitler's mother should have had an abortion or die before conceiving him. By your logic all the European that invaded the Americas should have had drown before reaching them, thus saving millions of native Americans in the process. By your logic all criminals in jail should have had die when kids to avoid all the crimes they committed after they grew up.

Are you gonna let some one die because he might be a potential drunk driver? He might also be a potential hero!!

Have you seen the movie "Minority Report"?

By your logic all religious people should be put to death because religion has killed more people than any other war in the history of Humanity, thus your logic predicts that any religious person is a potential murderer. By your logic we should look at the actions of a few and judge their entire country, culture and belief.

"Die you potential rapist. Die of thirst or starvation"

btw, the Border Patrol have special units to aid people like this in distress. As a matter of fact, a BP friend of mine hiked for 7 hours straight, after his shift was over, to aid some illegal aliens in distress. He said he would do it again and again because human life is more precious than "they should know better".

All the BP I know complain about how this people should know the risks they are taking and they should learn their lesson but when this people are in distress this BPs don't hesitate for a second to go and help them out. Why? BECAUSE THEY ARE HUMAN BEINGS!!!!!!!!

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:35 PM

Originally posted by wylekat

BTW- I see not a one even began to say anything in regards to a trip down to Brownsville, Tx. I wish ATS had a chicken icon, because there'd be an epic coop at the bottom of this post! You bunch of bleeding heart COWARDS. You'd accept Mexican rule and try to tell the rest of us we're 'just misunderstanding them'. No wonder this country's gone to hell.

i just wonder WHY you'd want to go to Brownsville, either for a visit or to live!


posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 03:41 PM
I don't want to foot the bill for these free loaders. Plain and simple.

Why entice them with goodies on their immigration here. (illegal)

Anyone whos interested go ahead and send funding to me and I'll make sure it goes to the right place to help all these illegals get to where they're going... Jail or Home. ICE needs $$$ I'm sure.

I hope they spread out the 1200 national guard at mile and a half intervals with sniper rifles to shoot the bottles of water and snack cake out from under the bridges and hiding spots.

If they cant plan ahead enough to bring food and water for a week or so, how in the hell will they survive in our economy and state of employment legally? FOOD STAMPS, WELFARE, HEALTHCARE, ETC, ETC, ETC...

I'm done now, it is humanitarian in a tree-hugger kind of way..

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