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In Arizona, 'Los Samaritanos' leave water and food on trails used by immigrants

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posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:28 PM
That is nice of them. I don't believe in letting people die in the desert. Yes it is illegal, but so were many things. I don't agree with illegal immigration but I also don't agree with the claim that illegals harm Americans so much. I don't feel harmed at all.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:32 PM
irony? really? um yeah its latin star for you?

and how long has the government of this country used latin on its buildings or currency?

and yes spanish is a derivation of latin. you tell how many schools teach latin these days. and dont count univerisities.

how many schools teach spanish? oh and how many jobs require that you speak spanish?
how many jobs require you to speak latin?

seriously you had a problem historical significance to a latin phrase ?

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Oxygen56

you are exactly right..but until we can all live in this dreamland utopia thats full of and fairies and rainbows and magical pots of gold i still have to pay taxes. and as long as i have to pay taxes i will only think its fair that everybody does. you have to be on wellfare to not see it that way

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by jeepers.h.crackers

then your friends are breaking the law and should be prosecuted. this isnt about race this is about taxes and im sick of people not getting that. i dont care what color you are, if you are leeching on the system you are a leech and should be delt with. nicholas cage and wesley snipes included.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:37 PM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Your thoughts are bad man. The people have the right to move anywhere in the world. America or any place. Although i agree that they should not be handed free goodies stressing your economy. Saying that let them die there is a sick thought. This is what the media and government. Let us fight within ourselves and they will rule us easily. Honestly man, change your thoughts. Think logically. If what you are thinking is fair. Maybe the native americans should have fought guerilla type war and should have killed you guys when settling , conquering and killing what is theirs and them. Change these hate and be united. Let us not fight with each other on basis of race, nation, religion. Saying let them die in desert is so so sick. I mean no offence. Its just worrying to see the people mental thoughts in the present world.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:42 PM
I can't believe people are are trying to say that we shouldn't be giving water and food to our fellow human beings simply because they weren't born on a specific piece of rock.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by hippomchippo]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:47 PM
I wouldn't wish dying of thirst on anyone. Most illegals are just trying for a better life. I am fully in support of closing the border, but I don't want people dying of thirst either.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by neo96
seriously you had a problem historical significance to a latin phrase ?

No. I don't have a problem with other languages. I wasn't the one who ranted against having to see things in another language.

Originally posted by riffraff
this isnt about race this is about taxes and im sick of people not getting that. i dont care what color you are, if you are leeching on the system you are a leech and should be delt with.

Just curious... Would you support a change in immigration law that made all the illegal immigrants legal so they would have to pay taxes? I would.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

BH if we were to legalize all the illegals would you support a stronger boarder? That's the way I've been leaning. Actually rounding up and expelling all the current illegals would be so costly and frankly impossible, that I think it would be easier to just allow them citizenship, pending examination of criminal records.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by SeekerofTruth101

They seek not to steal or rob, or engage in moral vices if they were simply given a chance, just as every human on Earth.

Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. You wanna know what happened when I took a sabbatical down in Brownsville, Tx? These 'gentle, kind, misunderstood people' NEARLY KILLED ME. What I saw was a wasteland of filth, corruption, prejudice, disease, abuse, crime, chaos, and destruction. I was treated WORSE than an animal. I saw $#*^ that'd turn obsidian white.

I offer the following challenge- Hell, I'll be your tour guide! All of you bleeding hearts want to see, feel and experience what illegals truly are and what they are fully capable of? Lets ALL go down to Brownsville. There's some rules, tho. We're not staying in a fancy hotel. We're not taking any planned tours. We're going to rough it as a group of people looking to make a new life. You'll not get the ivory tower treatment- You're gonna be getting your hands nice and dirty.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by wylekat]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:05 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
I applaud these peoples efforts, just because they are illegal immigrants doesn't mean they should be allowed to die in the desert. They are only coming here for the same reasons our ancestors came here, better jobs and hopefully for a better life...


think how bad it must be there if they are literally dying to get in over here!

LOVE your neighbor as yourself applies nationally, too!

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:31 PM
reply to post by Raustin

Yes, I absolutely support a stronger border (not just for illegal immigrants, but to protect this country) and strict and severe punishment for companies who hire illegal immigrants. I'm NOT pro-illegal immigrant, nor am I a bleeding heart. But I'm also not a cold-hearted, cruel nationalist.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:37 PM
Again, these people are invaders in every sense of the word.

Providing aid to an invading force is criminal.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 08:43 PM

Originally posted by brainwrek
Again, these people are invaders in every sense of the word.

Providing aid to an invading force is criminal.

Only problem is that your laws don't define them that way so providing for them really isn't criminal.

Youd have to get the laws changed to make it so but until then I see no crime.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by brainwrek
Again, these people are invaders in every sense of the word.

Providing aid to an invading force is criminal.

Providing food and water isn't aiding an invading force.
If these samaritans were putting automatica weapons on the trail then you would have a point, but they're giving the bear necessaties ALL HUMANS need to live.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:43 PM
reply to post by LDragonFire

You know posting this information in a thread might harm the illegals by giving the vigilante groups some ideas:

Red Rock, Arizona. A thirty-two-year-old man told a sheriff's department investigator that he was standing in the desert with a group of twelve illegal immigrants when two men wearing camouflage fatigues pulled up in a vehicle and opened fire. The man escaped, but when the sheriff arrived, two men lay dead and the remaining nine had disappeared.

I'm concerned you may be spreading ideas to these militia groups in how they can set up food and water like this to bait traps for illegal immigrants so they can use them for target practice. You really shouldn't give them any ideas, they seem to be pretty fed up already.

"Vigilante groups have formed, taking up arms, and taking the law into their own hands because they do not believe the federal government is doing its job at preventing illegal immigration at the border. We simply cannot tolerate this type of violence at the border." He and Senator Jon Kyl, also of Arizona, support resolutions against civilian militias and ask that the federal government take responsibility for border problems.

Obviously what some of the militia groups are doing is wrong, but there may be bigger risks to some immigrants than just running out of water.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:48 PM

Originally posted by chaosinorder
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

Your thoughts are bad man. The people have the right to move anywhere in the world. America or any place.

One world government. No pesky national borders. Isn't that what the NWO agenda is all about? Looks like you might get your wish before long. Enjoy the slavery attendant upon it. I won't live long enough to see it, fortunately.

Although i agree that they should not be handed free goodies stressing your economy. Saying that let them die there is a sick thought.

Eh. Maybe. It's a sick world. I have to live with the results of MY own decisions. Why should they not? If I don't want to die of thirst in a desert, I decide to take my own water. Or not go there. THAT'S always an option.

This is what the media and government. Let us fight within ourselves and they will rule us easily. Honestly man, change your thoughts. Think logically. If what you are thinking is fair.

Did someone tell you life is going to be fair? If they did, they lied.

Maybe the native americans should have fought guerilla type war and should have killed you guys when settling , conquering and killing what is theirs and them.

We did fight a guerrilla action. It started in VA in about 1624, Under Opechancanough the brother of the chief of the Powhatans, and kept up for a good long while (almost 300 years, as the war spread westward). Doesn't seem to have worked, but scalps were taken when we could. A lot of families suffered, and some were entirely wiped out, on both sides. Not a pretty picture, but a possibility. It's been done before.

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:53 PM
It's very easy for most of us to sit back in our comfortable homes, on our high-speed internet, drinking a Coke and say "It's bs that any illegals want to enter and we should never help any of them", isn't it? This is not about what is legal, to me. This is about basic human decency. They are CROSSING A BORDER, not necessarily drug trafficking, or wanting to bomb us, or any other malicious crime against humanity. As Oxygen56 has been so kind to point out.... NO ONE should have to pay to live on the planet we were ALL born on. No one should have to die to be able to provide a life for their family. If it comes down to this being a "life or death" situation (which it clearly is), no one should die because of this! And it truly sickens me that anyone would say otherwise.

WE are the change we want to see in our world. We are all One. We have experienced our American rights being stolen from us, we have experienced genocide here in our own country, so I would feel that WE should have compassion for our fellow human beings. No one (in any of the posts on this thread from what I've read) is in their position. How could any of us say we would do it any differently if we felt we had no choice? I know I would do ANYTHING in my power to give my children the best chance at good life, including crossing into any country that I felt would help give them that.

Wow, the judgmentality on this thread is heartbreaking.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by UnityFT]

[edit on 6-6-2010 by UnityFT]

posted on Jun, 6 2010 @ 10:55 PM

Originally posted by hippomchippo

Originally posted by brainwrek
Again, these people are invaders in every sense of the word.

Providing aid to an invading force is criminal.

Providing food and water isn't aiding an invading force.
If these samaritans were putting automatica weapons on the trail then you would have a point, but they're giving the bear necessaties ALL HUMANS need to live.

Giving an invader food and water isnt aid? Are you sure about that?

aid (d)
intr. & tr.v. aid·ed, aid·ing, aids
To help or furnish with help, support, or relief. See Synonyms at help.
1. The act or result of helping; assistance.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 12:06 AM

Originally posted by ldyserenity
Do you speak or understand spanish? If you do not then you have no idea. I understand spanish quite well, can even speak it myself and have for some of these illegals, for others I just sit back and listen. If you only knew what they say about us Americans in their language right beside us because they "think" most of us are ignorant and can't understand what they're saying. If you only knew. I do.

i know, too. i also know WHY.

it is because of how they are treated - by people like you, maybe.

and i know this to be true because of what i have "overheard" being said about me, before it was known i could understand and speak Spanish.

i have lived in NM just about all my life and i try to be kind and courteous to EVERYONE.

guess what? it pays to be kind and sincere!


Originally posted by Darkrunner
If they built a wall and manned it with the national guard there wouldn't be people dieing in the desert, because they would know it would be futile to even attempt to cross.

a futility that extends to the wildlife. do you realize how much that wall is going to NEGATIVELY affect the animals that live on the border?

but of course, if you don't care so much for people of another culture, you might not care about animals, either.

i don't know.


Originally posted by ldyserenity
Personally, no I wouldn't come through the back door because I have principles, I would do it the LEGAL way and only if I was in the worst absolute worse possible desperation, it would take me a lot to actually even go through the process of immigrating. I would suffer all those same things first on my own soil until I found it was impossible to do so, ie there were absolutely NO resources to live off of. But that's just me, I am strong a fighter and I have strong morals.


you do NOT KNOW what you would do because you have not yet been in their shoes. you wear only your own shoes.

of course, i'm sure Karma will be happy to oblige you in changing this fact if you're not interested in changing it on your own.

she's funny like that.


Originally posted by Arbitrageur
They know the difference between living inside a prison from illegal activity, versus being on the outside of the prison from legal activity, and they would correct your misguided statement: the difference is way more than words on a piece of paper.

And I think your parents have failed you if they never taught you the difference.

i think you are confusing "legal" with "ethical."


Originally posted by neo96
really? havent done my research??

i call directv theres the menu in spanish
i goto a western union theres signs in spanish
i goto my dentists theres signs celebrating cinco demayo
i goto an atm woah theres another menu in spanish
i goto a bank wow theres antoehr signs in spanish

Cinco de Mayo is not exclusively a Mexican celebration.
IN FACT, it is celebrated to a far lesser degree south of the border than it is in the US.

it is the celebration of the squelching and successful defense of the last foreign invasion of North America.

it is a celebration of independence and liberty and it belongs to all inhabitants of North America who have lived without being subjected to foreign invaders ever since.


Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a holiday held on May 5 that commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín. It is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla and in the United States. While Cinco de Mayo sees limited significance and celebration nationwide in Mexico, the date is observed nationwide in the United States and other locations around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.[8] Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day, the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico.

and i might add, your own spelling and grammar being what it is, what do you care about language, anyway?


Originally posted by riffraff
then your friends are breaking the law and should be prosecuted. this isnt about race this is about taxes and im sick of people not getting that. i dont care what color you are, if you are leeching on the system you are a leech and should be delt with. nicholas cage and wesley snipes included.

so, in other words, this whole thing is a problem because MONEY is of more value than HUMAN BEINGS???

that's the same attitude that has filled the sea with oil down in the Gulf.


Originally posted by brainwrek

doing the right thing?

Aiding and abetting an invading force is now considered the right thing?

On what planet?


the right thing is LOVING your fellow man.
regardless of what color they are, what language they speak, and what nation they hail from.

doing the right thing is to do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
doing the right thing is to withhold judgment of another until you walk a mile in their shoes.


Originally posted by brainwrek
Between immigration and the high birth rates of immigrants, projections show our population will grow by 100 million people in the next 40-50 years. That will be the death of this nation.


what will be the death of this nation is to fail being humane and to succeed at hypocrisy.

which obviously is not so hard.

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