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In Arizona, 'Los Samaritanos' leave water and food on trails used by immigrants

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posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 12:16 AM
reply to post by jam321

Jam, I view you as a brother, and you know that. I won't argue a lot of these points with you, because the simple fact of the matter is that you're right, the dollar has a LOT to do with it.

Like my dear old dad used to stress to me, always follow the money, and you'll find the source of the trouble.

I believe that a multi-pronged solution is the only answer, and one of those prongs is to put teeth into the laws, and enforcement of those laws, regarding those who promote this sort of border crossing for personal gain. I wouldn't be opposed to seeing some of the CEOs in question serve time.

Preferrably in a Mexican prison.

US could outsource the care and feeding of such individuals to Mexico. That sort of outsourcing would be a matter of poetic justice, in my opinion.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:26 AM

Originally posted by queenannie38

Cinco de Mayo is not exclusively a Mexican celebration.
IN FACT, it is celebrated to a far lesser degree south of the border than it is in the US.

it is the celebration of the squelching and successful defense of the last foreign invasion of North America.

it is a celebration of independence and liberty and it belongs to all inhabitants of North America who have lived without being subjected to foreign invaders ever since.


Cinco de Mayo (Spanish for "fifth of May") is a holiday held on May 5 that commemorates the Mexican army's unlikely victory over French forces at the Battle of Puebla on May 5, 1862, under the leadership of General Ignacio Zaragoza Seguín. It is celebrated primarily in the state of Puebla and in the United States. While Cinco de Mayo sees limited significance and celebration nationwide in Mexico, the date is observed nationwide in the United States and other locations around the world as a celebration of Mexican heritage and pride.[8] Cinco de Mayo is not Mexico's Independence Day, the most important national patriotic holiday in Mexico.

Fascinating analysis. How do you get from this that Cinco de Mayo "belongs to all inhabitants of North America"? Just because Corona made commercials saying that it's a good excuse to drink Mexican beer, and some anglos said "YAY!"

NONE of the US anglos I know celebrate Cinco de Mayo. It's a Mexican holiday, to celebrate a Mexican victory. Good for 'em I applaud, and wouldn't dream of taking their holiday away, but it's not a celebration of US 'anything', and most certainly isn't a holiday for "all of North America".

It says specifically in that snippet that it's a "celebration of Mexican heritage and pride". The reason it's so widely celebrated in the US is precisely because this invasion has been so successful. For the most part, it ain't anglos doing the celebrating.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 01:53 AM
I might be blindly guessing but the ones who commented on here with disdain attitudes about illegals must be middle-class or upper class people who have had everything handed to them most of their life. In reality most of you couldnt even provide factual concrete evidence of how these 'leeches' affect you directly. I am a legal immigrant in this country and I am against illegal immigration as well and suggest that the in order for this nation to assimilate the wave of immigrants they must meet certain requisites: a high education level, clean criminal record, and of course pay taxes. I through experience with illegals of all sorts have seen the criminal masterminds you guys speak of and also on the other side of the spectrum have met the educated well civilized law abiding immigrants who even pay taxes under fake SSN#'s. Of course we can all agree on the closure and fortification of the border but most of you on here have this generalization about illegals that make you look very ignorant and racist (not saying you are) and it is beyond belief why any human being would deny basic resources to people who try to raise their standard of living. Most of you aren't even questioning the issue at hand, why we even have illegal immigration in the first place. Don't get me started on how NAFTA screwed these countries (its been posted before) and employers hiring illegals in the first place at jobs that most Americans dont even want. American should blame corporations and their government instead of using the immigrant as a scapegoat.

[edit on 6/7/2010 by MustNotSpeak]

[edit on 6/7/2010 by MustNotSpeak]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:12 AM
Hating these people will not stop them from coming. A permanent solution needs to be that will make anyone wanting to come illegally think twice.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:30 AM
WOW... wow and wow. I can't believe that I read that people here support the idea that they should die in the dessert

First of all entering illegally in to the US is a MISDEMEANOR not a crime, just like a traffic stop.

Second of all leaving water for them or giving them water and even leaving maps showing where water is, it's not inciting them to cross to the US. Then, what's the difference when Jews were being killed for being Jews and leaving an illegal to die of dehydration or starvation just for being illegal? Aren't they human? aren't they a living beings? Would you kill or leave to die a hungry dog that enters to your backyard without permission or would you feed it and then send it back?

Third, even Border Patrol Agents carry cases of bottle of water to give to the illegals when caught. Why? Because they are HUMAN BEINGS!!!!

I want to see how many citizens of this country would do the jobs that the illegals do. They call them thieves. Are those workers in china and in other countries working for pennies for American Corporations thieves as well? Why don't those corporation bring those jobs over to the US to support the economy here instead paying "nothing" to people overseas to do what can be done here?

How many people in here have encounter an illegal immigrant almost dying from dehydration or starvation? Do you think is a pretty sight to see a fellow human being dying in front of you? To look at that poor person in the eyes begging you for water and not feel some type of sympathy for that person, not to help just saddens me deeply.

And just for your information, Border Patrol Agents are told that when they find water left in trails for the illegals not to touch them, because they are HUMAN BEINGS and they don't deserve to die like that.

If you live in a country where you see your family suffering from starvation and some one tells you that once you make it here you would be able to help your family, wouldn't you at least try? I'm not saying that we should let them in illegally, but we shouldn't let them die for trying to better theirs and their families lives.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:47 AM

Originally posted by skull_bones
Aiding and Abetting/Accessory:

They should be prosecuted also.

At the end of the day I have to live with my conscience. I think I'd rather endure prosecution for helping my fellow man, than live with knowing I didn't help someone.

History repeats itself as I am sure there were plenty of white people who didn't feed hungry and starving indians, because the plan was to get rid of them or whitemanize them. Even though the land was inhabited by indians, no one wanted them around. They wanted to tell them where to go live.... and when they did, they were still pushed off their land. Watch "broken rainbow" on youtube, and see how recent it was where Navajo and Hopi were told to get off their land. They were starved off, literally.

I see similarities to how mexicans are being treated. There are people on this thread who would rather see them die in the desert.

And you see, I have some of my own opinions about illegal aliens coming here.... and ruining some areas with their crime. But at the same time, for someone to say....... "let them die" ...... are you kidding me?

This issue has turned so blackhearted, it makes me fear for human kind.

And Oxygen has some of the most awesome posts on this thread. They are wise... very wise.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 04:54 AM

Originally posted by MustNotSpeak
I might be blindly guessing but the ones who commented on here with disdain attitudes about illegals must be middle-class or upper class people who have had everything handed to them most of their life. In reality most of you couldnt even provide factual concrete evidence of how these 'leeches' affect you directly.
[edit on 6/7/2010 by MustNotSpeak]

Well, lets see here.. I have been vocal on this thread about my disdain for people entering this country illegally and i can tell you I live way below middle class.

I have worked for 20 years of my life as an AC and Heating service person and made good enough money to buy a small condo. I had an injury during Hurricane Katrina that caused me not to be totally disabled, but bad enough where I could not do that type of work anymore.

After Katrina I saw this city New Orleans and its surrounding areas flooded by illegal Mexicans looking for cheap work. In fact, a guy I hired to repair my house had illegals working for him.. I did not know this until after they started the job. They were all very young men who could not speak a word of English.

Being in AC and Heating you have to know about a lot of things. Plumbing, carpentry, wielding, house wiring and general electricity up to 240 volts - not to mention the particulars and dynamics of AC and Heating itself.

I had to show these men how to do their jobs half the time and how to do it safely ! At one point, a fellow was about to unhook a washing machine drain line and flood the place when there was live exposed wires from the wall outlets all around him. I stopped him, brought him to the breaker box and showed him how to turn it off, then gestured that it was safe for him to continue. I didn't want to imagine the horror that could have happened.

I came home one day to find they had removed my bathtub. Something they did not have to do to replace the sheetrock.

It took me months to fix all the things they either didn't do or did half-assed.

If not bad enough crime in the city shot way up because of these Mexicans, and I should know. They broke into my house and held me and my wife at gunpoint to our heads while they took anything that wasn't nailed down.

Now you tell me Mr. KnowItAll, If I don't have a good reason to disdain these people.. I dare you.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by JohnPhoenix]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 05:14 AM
[edit on 7-6-2010 by JohnPhoenix]

I never said I didnt look down upon these criminals did I? Of course I do. I suggested that most of you shouldnt so blindly regard an illegal as incompetent and inept. Clearly you've had your fair share of immigrant confrontations. But guess what buddy? Blaming them and is not going to solve anything. Blame your local and state government for not enforcing its laws. No matter what ethnicity or race, poverty line immigrants will contribute to the rise in crime. Whether it be Harlem, L.A. or Dallas, Cubans, Mexicans, Asians the same thing will happen as long as there are laws that arent being enforced. My whole point in my post is for you to see them as people rather than 'illegals' because an unfortunate series of episodes shouldnt entitle you to make statements like 'If not bad enough crime in the city shot way up because of these Mexicans, and I should know'. While that may be true as it is, I hear no one complaining about crime commited by black citizens living off of welfare checks or even White citizens. Now the race game is not an issure here. Its time you stop blaming these 'illegals' and time you see what your elected officials are doing to stop them.

Notice how I said "MOST of you" haha. I wasnt even specifically calling you out Mr. Joaquin Phoenix. Anywho of course I feel disdain for any criminal especially if they are illegal. Why wouldnt anyone? I think you missed my point and that was to shine some light upon the working class law abiding educated illegals which are beneficial assests to this society, by ridding this country of the notorious lazy and parasitical illegals we would be doing some good . Of course you seemed to set 'illegals' all under one category:animals. This has not been mentioned before but most of the crime caused is actually by the so called "anchor babies". Trust me I live in L.A. and I know what its like to see all types of crime like graffitti, theft, drug use,
And although I look down upon these activities with frustration and utter abhorrence I cant help to think that people like you actually go on living thinking that all 'illegals' are monsters and a curse to this nation when in fact a number of them actually come here for a better life as they say and they do not come here for the sole purpose to leech off a system and stay in their little one bedroom apartments their whole lives. Ive met a number of individuals who DO NOT take advantage of your tax money or Social Services programs and do not come here to drop anchor babies as you guys like to call it but rather start a productive family just like any good ole American. So before you go on out in the streets and start treating people based off their language or color you first must understand not to generalize people. I say deport all the criminals and idiots. That easy.

And of course thats just an example ^. IF you live in the U.S. learn the damn language. Nothing simpler than that. And I speak to you as professionally as I can because I know nothing more of that experience. I am in fact Hispanic but I cannot say I struggled like others or that we should let everyone in because we can not. I learned the language in 6 months in grade school and rose above my classmates academically through Honor curriculum in no time. I later took Advanced Placement courses in high school to this day, (shocking I know, a kid on these boards but I cannot help but notice the level of disregard on these boardsfor law abiding intellects)Anywho are you telling that just because my classmate is illegal but is far superior than most kids at my school that he shouldnt receive federal grants and scholarships? Are you to tell me that because 'illegals' in Tijuanized Arizona commit crimes that my buddy shouldnt get a shot at higher education when it is nearly impossible for him to go through the process of citizenship

[edit on 6/7/2010 by MustNotSpeak]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 05:36 AM

Originally posted by Stop-loss!
reply to post by LDragonFire

To me, she is a hero! To help those in need and that are seeking a brighter future from poverty and despair is truly what humanity should be about.

Yes, what a hero. While she's helping " those in need and that are seeking a brighter future" by stealing jobs from struggling Americans, she's also helping the ILLEGAL who raped a little girl on the way to school in broad daylight. She's also helping the ILLEGAL who overturned a van with 16 ILLEGALS crammed into it, killing an innocent man. She's also helping the ILLEGAL who shot a cop in the face and killed him over a traffic violation. She's also helping the ILLEGALS who come here to kidnap several people and hold them hostage for ransom. She's also helping the ILLEGALS who burst into the homes of elderly people and terrorize and rob them. Yeah, she's a real hero. This crap happens EVERY SINGLE DAY in Arizona.

Obviously you don't live in Arizona, and most likely don't live in ANY state with a huge ILLEGAL alien problem, otherwise you'd have some of those warm and fuzzy feelings for someone other than the criminals.

Note I didn't say "immigrants". Immigrants come here legally. They're ILLEGAL ALIENS, criminals.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 05:59 AM

Originally posted by UnityFT
It's very easy for most of us to sit back in our comfortable homes, on our high-speed internet, drinking a Coke and say "It's bs that any illegals want to enter and we should never help any of them", isn't it?

Not if you have a conscience. I think most people do feel for these people HOWEVER, we must feel for our own first. We have too many people here legally who don't have food, shelter, jobs, etc...

This is not about what is legal, to me. This is about basic human decency.

Ok well using that same logic, there are a lot of other people on the planet that are much worse off then mexicans. Should we start shipping billions of people to the US so they can get help too?

They are CROSSING A BORDER, not necessarily drug trafficking, or wanting to bomb us, or any other malicious crime against humanity.

Some do. Some don't. Many will commit some type of crime once here.

As Oxygen56 has been so kind to point out.... NO ONE should have to pay to live on the planet we were ALL born on.

Every other country protects it's borders including mexico. And most other countries do so a lot more harshly then the US yet the US seems to be the only country that gets condemned for it.

No one should have to die to be able to provide a life for their family. If it comes down to this being a "life or death" situation (which it clearly is), no one should die because of this! And it truly sickens me that anyone would say otherwise.

You must also ask yourself who starts the chain of events locally. The illegal who decides to try and enter the US ILLEGALLY is the person who starts the chain of events.

WE are the change we want to see in our world. We are all One.

But the US cannot provide food, shelter and jobs for the entire world. So who is responsible for doing so?

We have experienced our American rights being stolen from us, we have experienced genocide here in our own country,
so I would feel that WE should have compassion for our fellow human beings.

You can have compassion without providing food, shelter and jobs.

No one (in any of the posts on this thread from what I've read) is in their position.

And we don't want to be. If we allow illegals to invade our country as they have been, and steal our resources, we will be just like them.

How could any of us say we would do it any differently if we felt we had no choice?

If you wanted food, would you commit burglary to get money for food? What kind of crimes are you willing to excuse and dismiss? Murder? Theft? etc...

I know I would do ANYTHING in my power to give my children the best chance at good life, including crossing into any country that I felt would help give them that.

including murder of the innocent?

Wow, the judgmentality on this thread is heartbreaking.

[edit on 6-6-2010 by UnityFT]

[edit on 6-6-2010 by UnityFT]

We're not judging, we're just telling it the way it is. There are billions of people on this planet that are much worse off then mexican illegals who sneak into the US. How should we help those people? Obviously since you're advocating that we help the mexican illegals, you must alos agree we help all those other billions. How do you suggest we do it?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 08:17 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix
Now you tell me Mr. KnowItAll, If I don't have a good reason to disdain these people.. I dare you.

You are judging an entire group based on the actions of a few. That's prejudice. If it was a black person who had done that to you, would you have disdain for all black people?

An illegal immigrant stole $6000 from my husband and I. One person. The fact that he was an illegal immigrant is unimportant. I don't extend my disdain for HIM to all people that look like him or have something in common with him.

Most of you who are so adamantly against helping these people survive talk as if they're all murders, rapists and drug dealers. That's EXTREME prejudice! And I don't think you even realize it.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 08:27 AM
reply to post by MustNotSpeak

I might be blindly guessing but the ones who commented on here with disdain attitudes about illegals must be middle-class or upper class people who have had everything handed to them most of their life.

Please pick up your cane and seeing eye dog on the way out. There's a good fellow. Or would you like your disinfo check from the govt first?

I am on disability, and I live below the poverty line. As for their affecting me:

I tried moving to brownsville. The actions of the mexicans in that area were deplorable to the point of my needing to be on disability for MORE by the time I got back.

I was robbed B L I N D. Everything I had, right up and including my dignity was taken from me. They would steal anything and everything.

I was treated like an animal, an invader, a piece of filth. I was lied to, I was robbed, I was misdirected, I was injured, I was hurt... I watched a mexican family at the zoo down there SHOVE a girl who had a prosthetic arm out of their way at an exhibit, because they 'deserved' a better view (She had done nothing to deserve this!) What made it 5,000x worse??? SHE apologized!

There's a list of things that I was put thru that would take up pages

I was (and I cannot stress this enough, but few want to believe me) NEVER prejudiced against anyone. These people have accomplished the impossible- They got me to the point where I would set them on fire and roast marshmallows over them. Happily. I dont think I'd even blink sending an illegal to hell on the end of a bullet.

Do you people STILL not get the fact that the real Mexicans who emigrated here and actually try to make a real life hate, hate, HATE the illegals as much as the rest of us?

BTW- I see not a one even began to say anything in regards to a trip down to Brownsville, Tx. I wish ATS had a chicken icon, because there'd be an epic coop at the bottom of this post! You bunch of bleeding heart COWARDS. You'd accept Mexican rule and try to tell the rest of us we're 'just misunderstanding them'. No wonder this country's gone to hell.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by wylekat]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 08:35 AM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

You are judging an entire group based on the actions of a few.



Amazing how you bleeding hearts who haven't so much as stepped foot in crap like this have all the 'right' opinions. Go on. Try living in Brownsville for 2 weeks- and if you survive- tell us how it went. Try to get the govt services someone on disability would try to get as a normal matter of course. Try to get housing. No hotel. Go to Wal Mart. Try to do it without speaking spanish- try getting thru it on english only. Talk to the border patrol people.

And then.... see if YOU can control the homicidal urges that you will more than likely end up with. It wont be YOU changed your opinion, It'll be changed for you.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by wylekat]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 08:57 AM

Originally posted by JohnPhoenix

Well, lets see here.. I have been vocal on this thread about my disdain for people entering this country illegally and i can tell you I live way below middle class.

I have worked for 20 years of my life as an AC and Heating service person and made good enough money to buy a small condo. I had an injury during Hurricane Katrina that caused me not to be totally disabled, but bad enough where I could not do that type of work anymore.

Sorry to hear you have had a rough time, I guess being sorry or giving a crap about our neighbors is the decent human thing to do...

After Katrina I saw this city New Orleans and its surrounding areas flooded by illegal Mexicans looking for cheap work. In fact, a guy I hired to repair my house had illegals working for him.. I did not know this until after they started the job. They were all very young men who could not speak a word of English.

I say bs here, you hired illegals [there is that dehumanizing label again]because they were cheap labor and you needed the job done.

Being in AC and Heating you have to know about a lot of things. Plumbing, carpentry, wielding, house wiring and general electricity up to 240 volts - not to mention the particulars and dynamics of AC and Heating itself.

I had to show these men how to do their jobs half the time and how to do it safely ! At one point, a fellow was about to unhook a washing machine drain line and flood the place when there was live exposed wires from the wall outlets all around him. I stopped him, brought him to the breaker box and showed him how to turn it off, then gestured that it was safe for him to continue. I didn't want to imagine the horror that could have happened.

I came home one day to find they had removed my bathtub. Something they did not have to do to replace the sheetrock.

It took me months to fix all the things they either didn't do or did half-assed.

So you hired Illegal aliens to fix your condo and you got burned,now you hate the entire group of people for it.

If not bad enough crime in the city shot way up because of these Mexicans, and I should know. They broke into my house and held me and my wife at gunpoint to our heads while they took anything that wasn't nailed down.

Sorry to hear about you getting robbed, again its the human thing to care about each other.

Now you tell me Mr. KnowItAll, If I don't have a good reason to disdain these people.. I dare you.

Your avatar speaks volumes, I have to assume you don't even view these people as humans..... but then that would explain letting them just die in the desert.

Your judging and entire race based on 2 experiences you have had with these people. 1 of these experiences you were trying to take advantage of there cheap labor and it didn't go the way you wished. You knew they were illegal when you hired them.

[edit on 7-6-2010 by LDragonFire]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

Take up my challenge, then. Sounds like you need a dose of reality as well. Or should I come around with a basket tomorrow morning and gather the eggs?

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 09:17 AM

Originally posted by wylekat
reply to post by LDragonFire

Take up my challenge, then. Sounds like you need a dose of reality as well. Or should I come around with a basket tomorrow morning and gather the eggs?

And what is reality? Are all of these people bad? Do they all deserve to die? What is the point of your challenge?

If one of the people needed a drink would you give it to them?

Personally our Immigration Laws need to be fixed oh and the War on Drugs needs to be fixed as well as it seems lately these people we have been at war with are now bringing this conflict home.

This whole mess is brought to you by the federal government.

Are you from Brownsville Texas or have you just read about it?

91%of Brownsville Texas is Hispanic is this what makes it such a bad place?

[edit on 7-6-2010 by LDragonFire]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 09:24 AM
once again, the problem is not the illegal inmigration. The real problem is the companies that are hiring illegal inmigrants to pay low wages, evade taxes and maximize the profit. That is the real crime.

Well done for the Samaritanos. There is always good people even in between the most terrible racists.

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by LDragonFire

And what is reality? Are all of these people bad? Do they all deserve to die? What is the point of your challenge?

Reality: Our country is being invaded. Reality: Their OWN PEOPLE hate them. Reality. My eyes were opened and nearly ripped from their sockets by these people.

Since it's obvious you like to pick and choose what you will read from a post, I'll copy/ paste WHY I made the challenge.

I tried moving to brownsville. The actions of the mexicans in that area were deplorable to the point of my needing to be on disability for MORE by the time I got back. I was robbed B L I N D. Everything I had, right up and including my dignity was taken from me. They would steal anything and everything.

I was treated like an animal, an invader, a piece of filth. I was lied to, I was robbed, I was misdirected, I was injured, I was hurt... I watched a mexican family at the zoo down there SHOVE a girl who had a prosthetic arm out of their way at an exhibit, because they 'deserved' a better view (She had done nothing to deserve this!) What made it 5,000x worse??? SHE apologized!

There's a list of things that I was put thru that would take up pages

This is a massively abridged account of what I went thru down there at the hands of Mexicans who had simply invaded and taken over. The illegals have literally ruined and run out of town any person who is not compliant to THEIR way of life. Everything is corrupted- from social services to the cops to hospitals.

As for my challenge- which you oh- so- conveniently 'missed' Like the rest of the posts you picked, chose, and edited to suit your views is to go down there and SEE what these people have done. LIVE IT. EXPERIENCE IT. Don't sit there in your comfy chair mashing the keyboard- go see WHY people like me and others are ready to spill blood. A great deal of us have met this problem face on, and are lucky to have survived the experience!

Are you from Brownsville Texas or have you just read about it?

Can you not read? Or is it really the fact you refuse to read and ignore the facts? I STATED WHAT I HAD DONE.

91%of Brownsville Texas is Hispanic is this what makes it such a bad place?

You're an ignorant fool. That is not an insult, it's a truth. You IGNORE what people write, and are foolish enough to suggest YOUR interpretation of THEIR posts is the truth!

Lemme add- oh "wise (acre) one": Before I went there- I was tolerant of ALL races. I liked Mexican girls, Mexican food, Mexican people. I was SURE If I moved there, I could live in peace and harmony- Get myself healed up in the warm sun, buy my food cheap in Mexico, and soak up culture.

The word 'Idiot' doesn't even begin to describe the absolutely grave mistake I had made......

[edit on 7-6-2010 by wylekat]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by wylekat


You can stop crying about Brownsville.

Brownsville Crime Rate

In 2008, Per 100,000 population:

Murders 2.3
Rapes 14.7
Robberies 97.8
Assaults 243.7
Burglaries 898.8
Thefts,000 4638.4
Auto thefts 194.5
Arson 21.5
Crime index (higher means more crime, U.S. average = 320.9) 358.4

My Town (A lovely town in Southern New Mexico):

Murders 10.1
Rapes 50.4
Robberies 50.4
Assaults 736.3
Burglaries 1754.9
Thefts 3751.9
Auto thefts 282.4
Arson 0.0
Crime index (higher means more crime, U.S. average = 320.9) 518.4

Edited format.

Detroit's Crime Index is 901.1

Just because you got robbed in Brownsville doesn't meant it's some sort of hotbed for illegal immigration crime. Get off it, already. We've all had bad things happen to us. I was raped in Phoenix and I'm not challenging all the women to go there and daring them to be raped. That's just silly.

Try to do it without speaking spanish- try getting thru it on english only. Talk to the border patrol people.

My town is 52% Hispanic and I get along just fine. Of course, I don't hate them.

And then.... see if YOU can control the homicidal urges that you will more than likely end up with. It wont be YOU changed your opinion, It'll be changed for you.

Just because this is YOUR response to people who are different than you does't mean everyone is going to respond that way (thankfully). Take responsibility for your own feelings! This attitude of "they made me hate them" is way over the top! That's how people justify racism, prejudice ad bigotry. "It's not my fault I hate them". Bah!I'm sorry, I don't buy it!

[edit on 6/7/2010 by Benevolent Heretic]

posted on Jun, 7 2010 @ 10:06 AM
reply to post by JohnPhoenix

I am very much against illegal immigration, but I cannot agree with you. For the most part the people coming over are desperate and ignorant with very little education .. and most know the dangers but believe it will be worth it..

The Samaritans are not encouraging people to come over, nor are they giving them jobs, boarding or anything like that.. they are just trying to help people survive. I'd rather an illegal make it over and be deported (or not) than to see these people dieing a cruel and brutal death in the desert. Illegally crossing the border is NOT a crime worthy of a death sentence.. not even close.

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