posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 10:16 PM
Originally posted by Legion2112
So it may be British Petroleum, but it's still America's fault because we drive cars? I've seen some closet America-bashing threads before, but
After looking it up, it seems to me BP is now half American owned.
However ownership of BP is beside the point. I'm a proud Australian, but but we have companies no better than BP.
Fact is, the greedy SOBs running these companies are the same the world over, ignorant and uncaring of anything but profits, and getting strangleholds
around the necks of any politicians and authorities who should be standing up to them.
This has nothing to do with you or me driving cars. (Actually I only ride a bicycle, but many do need cars for transport.) Car drivers are restricted
by the technology presented to them. If the oil companies had not smothered designs for alternatively powered cars, we might be able to drive cars
without using petrol.
Sure there are LP gas cars, but I don't know if that's much better.
Do you?