posted on May, 31 2010 @ 08:03 AM
Originally posted by Loken68
reply to post by peggy m
What does this have to do with fake clean up of the beaches?
Has anyone thought to ask who provided the crews for the camera? It was not BP and what we saw behind the president were not part of the clean up
crew. The president's visit came with a troop of secret servicemen dressed as clean up personal and a number of assessors. How did the rumor start
that these people in white suits were clean up crews? Probably because the media misled the viewer by capturing these people in a frame and
mentioning clean up efforts. Regardless of how it started, it worked. The media showed bodies in the background looking like they were cleaning and
the average couch potato does not have to pull their oil soaked head out of the sand to start asking questions. BP does not have the answers for.
While our focus is on the shores, the real problem continues... the source of the oil and its about to get bigger.
If the residents along the coastlines want their beaches cleaned up, they will have to do it without the aid of the British petroleum company's
laborforce until the leak is stopped and liability is determined.
In a different thread, I had explained what was to come and the clean up efforts are not on the immediate schedule; however, for the benefit of the
public, bodies will be shown poking along the coastline for people to assume that these assessors are part of a clean up crew. There are clean up
crews in the areas, many are volunteers, some part of the US military and a few on the payroll of BP but it is not enough to be significant for the
In the meantime: The attempt to cut through the pipe will result in a bigger mess. You can expect many delays in getting a cap on. In the meantime,
the camera will continue showing bodies along the coastline poking through the mess. It was actually ingenius to allow the public to assume that
these people were "cleaning" anything. This ploy served as a sort of sedative for the millions of viewers that would have become outraged if they
saw no clean-up efforts at all.
Add the images of these "fake" clean up crews to the underestmates and cover ups about how bad the mess is and you have millions of people doubting
the local residents' claims and siding with BP. The smokescreen works and BP is allowed to continue its inept efforts to stop a leak they cannot
stop. Unfortunately, BP will not engage in the clean up because they are avoiding an admission of liability [long story posted in a different
thread]. Our own government officials believe a massive clean up effort now before the leak is stopped, serves little purpose. After-all, this
disaster can be a re-election platform for years to come! I disagree. Waiting will only make it worse but it always comes back to who is going to
pay the bill. I am growing tired of the excuses and delays.