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We are free!! They are leaving us!

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posted on May, 27 2010 @ 06:41 PM
I really don't understand all the emotion over this thread. If one reads the first post and does not approve of the content, why keep reading and why post? Why does one's reality have to be another's?

I see some rant about the position of this topic, yet they post to this topic thereby raising it in the reader's eye. They have done the very thing they rant about.

Read only what interests you, comment only when you have something relevant to add, and ignore what angers you. Seriously simple.

Time's too short to rain on anyone's parade.....

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 06:59 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Well said LV, we are but watchers waiting for the right time to help when you see someone in need. Truth is universal and unique to the observer. I know where your coming from. The path to true awakening is a lonely road and it's nice to see a fellow traveller on the way. Most of the posters here remind me of Icarus soaring through the sky on wax feathers. Houses built on shaky foundation. They will fall and your job will be to pick them up when they do dust them off and send them on their way. That old cliche with great knowledge comes great responsibility hold true.

I'm here to tell you your doing great. And I one day hope to have the knowledge you earned. Thank you for standing up for your beliefs and being stead fast in an ocean of dissent. There is indeed much work to do.

May your journey be filled with the things you need to maintain the path. Ballance is paramount and we sometimes lose focus thank you for bringing mine back.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:23 PM
Great post, I completely agree with what you said. It was a bit long but a great read. I'm here to join you.
Like a lot of other people on this forum

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by Visitor2012

Congrats on your spiritual awakening. Higher levels of consciousness demand peace and tranquility.

I have had 3 awakenings during the course of my lifetime of the sort that I think you are describing here. And I believe that some of the people who responded to this thread have had similar awakenings. I say this because I don't understand what you guys are talking about. During my awakenings, I would write down my thouhts and feelings.(....thoughts and feelings are so intertwined, that they are basically one in the time and space...), only to read them years later and not understand a word that I wrote.

The problem with spiritual awakening is that you won't be able to maintain it for long. The material world always will have a way of pulling you back down.

Enjoy it while you can however, because these things are very fleeting.

Hope you discover the secrets of the universe brother.

[edit on 27-5-2010 by MY2Commoncentsworth]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:36 PM
I had only time to read half of this entire thread, but I congratulate the OP. This is the sort of awakening we need each differently but with a similar force behind us. It touched me deeply. True awakenngs on this Earth are always somewhat painful. But they have a ring of truth to them that is unmistakable.. As I am an astrologer, I can see that the experience of the Pluto in Virgo generation is that they have been serving a wrong power (as slaves or other) in a former life and they are now. This is blowing up now as there is a grand opposition in the skies - sidereal Saturn in Virgo (passing over the natal Pluto of many people here) is opposed by sidereal Uranus and Jupiter. And many people in this generation were born with a Neptune in Scorpio so they could have been at a culture or destruction by sea as in Atlantis.
Carry on! S+F

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:23 PM

Originally posted by Visitor2012
2012 is happening right now. Close the books, stop working, throw your eyes skyward and realize that you have infinite energy at your disposal NOW. You have unlimited resources NOW, you have freedom NOW, you are in the final steps of this incarnation of the entire Earth.

Do not be scared of the earth quakes, volcanoes and the bleeding of mother earth in the Gulf;. She is well aware of this event and is actually becoming aware that it does not have to be slave to the negative energies that reside on it's surface. She is waking up..and so should you all.

Thanks for the chance to rant. And thanks for accepting me through my episodes of flesh and stupidity.

OK. The OP is telling people to "stop working" and "do not be scared of earthquakes". I think we all know what will happen if you follow that sort of advice. You will lose your job. Or you will be a victim of natural disaster. Perhaps both.

However, if you are implying that this is the beginning of the end to power elite's grip over the masses, you may be right. I also feel that they are losing control of people because we are all starting to realize how corrupt our politicians really are.

Take a look at these two threads and you will understand what I mean. The corrupt government is fearing a coup d'etat of sorts:

[edit on 27/5/10 by wolfwood290]

[edit on 27/5/10 by wolfwood290]

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:33 PM
reply to post by Visitor2012

I read your post and I am intrigued by what you have to say, although I'm not sure what "We are free!! They are leaving us!" have to do with anything.... Who is they? and why/how are they leaving us? care to elaborate?

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by KILL_DOGG
reply to post by Visitor2012

I'm just going to repost something I said 5 seconds ago in another thread:

Wow, So if I stop using my brain I don't have to work anymore. Will this new connection feed my kids? Keep me from dying from exposure when the bank kicks me out of my house? No, it won't. As a matter of fact, this new connection or state of mind will accomplish only one thing: NOTHING. You are asking people to waste their lives in persuit of something that does not exist.

I'm happy that you are happy and that's all that really matters, but this is pure rubbish. I work because my work is valuable, I have a family because I love them, and I own things that enhance my life. These things are not products of my awareness or my comfort zone, they are the things that I want because my attachment to these things and people enhance my life.

You sit there and chant all you want and I will continue to do what truly makes me happy and die knowing that I lead a full life....not wasted it trying to ascend or cross over or whatever the hell it is you're talking about.

Well this is rubbish thinking. But its your life and your material confort zone. Haha...
all this empty people//

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 11:06 PM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by Visitor2012

As rants go this is one of the best ever. I hope I can remember it the next time I feel myself heart broken and severely depressed, which only happens when I think about things and heaven knows I try to keep THAT to a minimum.
Thanks for the updraft.

Maybe more of you should read Mary Croft's site:

Read all her writtings, they will blow your mind, she is one of the most enlightened people I have ever talked with, she is great.

And NO i do not get anything for posting her info, I post it because it is informative and great writing. READ IT ALL.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 11:08 PM
A very interesting post; I share many of the same sentiments. My gift is the written word and I will share it this day amongst my brethen.

i make a light so blindingly bright it decimates the night
my sight was removed until i could prove that i soothe the sayer
tell me a prayer in the midst of the mere and caress my chest
invest your time in me my kinder my child hold me closely
make me shape me
rape me shake me
slake my thirst when i drink deeply
heat me up
i see the sun
immolate my hatred
this decadent banquet is vanquished when these bourgeois scoundrels flounder
pander to their whims when their scandal sings like hymns
he is wicked he is real
he is livid he is steel
but i am stronger than any
the many are few when i skew the lucid
my fuselage shook apart and so did my heart
inside was crying my brethren were dying
this life is simply one journey but this one is burning and bright
i cant keep fighting the blighted apple orchard
i might keep trying to jump from the fo'c'sle
drown this version of the truth and i keep lying
i am a sleeping dog gone hog wild and vile
please teach me the meaning quetzalcoatl
my incendiary incentives invented vehement methods
i needed phoenix so my ashes were passion
at long last my last bastion went past fasting
smashing adams when my eves were deceitful
retreat fully into your cave i will not
i will not
i will not
be your slave
i stay faithful
this is a ruthless crucible beautiful

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:11 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
reply to post by LeoVirgo


I've got something for you to ponder on Mr. PhyscotheRAPIST:

Why is it that people who enjoy this type of a similar (Buddhist or "New Age") mind frame as the OP is describing, do not feel obliged to find threads they disagree with, click on them, and then waste time picking them apart?

And now,

Why do you feel the need to try and "help" someone who is describing a blissful mind state, especially when they do not seek your "help"?

Also, since most of the people who identify somewhat with the "new agers" and all of the people who identify with the Buddhists, believe in reincarnation, that totally disregards your little fear of them committing suicide, as that would only make them reincarnate into something less then human in their next physical life. If your serious about psychotherapy I suggest you study a little (a lot) about Buddhism, or for that matter, everything! Cuz if your going to judge (I know it's just your opinion,) others than you should at least be able to understand where there coming from.

now can your ignorant egotistical ##,
no, no, ommmmm, ah yes, you beautiful lost creature, please go find something that makes you happy and less judgmental and leave us to do the same.

Good night.


[edit on 28-5-2010 by LifeIsEnergy]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:18 AM

Originally posted by TiM3LoRd
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Well said LV, we are but watchers waiting for the right time to help when you see someone in need. Truth is universal and unique to the observer. I know where your coming from. The path to true awakening is a lonely road and it's nice to see a fellow traveller on the way. Most of the posters here remind me of Icarus soaring through the sky on wax feathers. Houses built on shaky foundation. They will fall and your job will be to pick them up when they do dust them off and send them on their way. That old cliche with great knowledge comes great responsibility hold true.

I'm here to tell you your doing great. And I one day hope to have the knowledge you earned. Thank you for standing up for your beliefs and being stead fast in an ocean of dissent. There is indeed much work to do.

May your journey be filled with the things you need to maintain the path. Ballance is paramount and we sometimes lose focus thank you for bringing mine back.

My journey today brought me you...which was the rock I needed to stand on. You brought me the balance I was in need of in being reminded...all paths are valid...and all will learn what they are in need of.

I had a great experience one day with 'watchers'. There were 7-9 of them that surrounded me, in like a half moon shape. This was at a point I was seeking the higher self. I said to them ' I didnt know there were many of you'...and they seemed to blush. I then said...'are you me...and am I you'...then they smiled. It wasnt words we communicated...but a deep communication of was one of the most beautiful experiences I have ever had and will never forget it. It was the prime moment that I path was not about self was about finding the divine light within all of my other selves.

Those kind of experiences are hard to relay to another...I wish I could share the grandness of it...but words cant give it justice. It was then...I knew...I had to take the path of serving others. I could of still chose the path of self...and I also knew this would of been OK....but by choosing the path of serving others this life...I wont have to learn the harder way later of having to abandon..the path of self.

Many things that people say here hold some water...but also many things here can mislead a true seeker that is here for the ALL and not a ONE. If you understand the ONE is the ALL...then that is different...but those that seek self salvation and ascension for the self...still have mirrors they are refusing to look in while here. We are apart of eachother. That is something that no matter how hard we try...we can not detach from. Its not about how will I benefit from my path...but does my path benefit the ALL. Its not about me, I, myself. Its about all my other selves.

The watcher's I experienced came to me when Saturn was conjuncting the heart of the Lion Regulus...this was the time in my life when I learned the importance of observing the true positions of the cosmos. The experiences that all followed this discovery of how everything is connected and how the energies of the cosmos and nature are connected to us...were truly other worldly and changed me forever.

The forgiving I went through was extreme...forgiveness of every self for the things they knew not. Forgiveness of myself...for the times I had things to learn. Excepting that I cant regret anything that I ever did or thought...for it was all what molded me and shaped me to learn and be who I am today.

I know others here talk about going without food and water...this is ok for a show the Universe your build a trust with the energies that you are true at heart and making a temple within your vessel for the Divine Spirit.

Before I had this 'awakening' start...many other things had already happened that I ignored. Like my son meeting his light body at age 5 and it offering him 'life'. After my mothers NDE...many in my home was seeing another a light body of me. I believe my son and I both have had a convergence with a higher vibration of ourselves...and I believe we both ill be here for a long long time. Before I had this inner tug to seek the mother and I had offered ourselves to the will of the be used in what ever way was fit for the ALL. We had already somewhat made the selfless choice of letting go of this Earthly body of being a individual...and offered it back to where it came.

Great things can happen...and I believe some are blocked with their ego of seeking for the 'self' and not taking worry for their other selves.

They may find rest...but temporary it will be. Sorry...Im tired and ramble when sleepy.

Ive enjoyed the fresh winds you provided today friend and I thank you for being you.

A reminder to others thinking they have this all can only learn what you are ready to see. You can only gain wisdoms of what you are ready to understand.

It is great to know you are loved and you have nothing to fear...but there is much more after this...when you are ready. There is purpose for you being this purpose is not to just find the exit sign. If you seek ascension or self salvation...this says volumes about where you are on your path. It is valid...but who is it valid to? Is it valid to you...or valid to the unit of what you truly are...which is the All?

If you think that your reason for being here is just to enjoy and to not try to make a difference in the world around you...what kind of purpose is that really> Is that an excuse to get out before things get shady...when people, your other selves...will need you the most? I just hope people dont stop their seeking with the knowledge of we have nothing to fear....for there is more...much more.

Service to self...or service to others...its a choice. One path is easier then the other.

My best to you and yours

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:33 AM

Originally posted by Visitor2012
How the hell am I supposed to answer that?

Originally posted by SonicInfinity
What will you do then? This is the hardest question believers have answering, since most believers I come across are so blinded by their belief that they refuse to answer it.

Case in point. When a believer says he's awake yet is unable to view a perspective other than his own, he's become a close-minded believer blinded by his awakening. I view you as a toddler who has just left his crib and is now playing on the playground. The slides, the monkey bars, the information to be learned, the adventures to be had! Surely there is nothing more to see in the world, other playgrounds to visit, and other places to see! After all, you're on the playground right now, and now that you've awaken from your crib and left, there's no other place to be, right?

You can view me as that toddler who travels with his parents a lot from school to school and has visited many playgrounds and buildings. I don't know if your playground is the best, but there's less than 3 years to go, so at least nobody has to wait for much longer.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:41 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

Nevermind...a poster just posted a comment that says it all much better then I could have.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:52 AM
oh yes and I forgot to say to you Mr. Tim the Lord:

I cannot speak for others, only for myself, but you cannot label me as: Shaky, Unstable, Drug Hippie, Weak Minded, or any other label you are so inclined to throw at people like me.

I have nothing to fear, I came from a wealthy and good family and by my own will decided to befriend and live amongst the most poorest, violent, and confused individuals in this nation on the southside of chicago, so I could better understand life. I have scars on my body that would make you cringe for fear of having the same, so I do not fear physical pain. I have made money in the streets and I have owned my own business (Retail Clothing store) and walked away from it all, so I do not fear money, society or laws. I have fell in love and lost loves, so I do not fear relationships or death. I have worked probono (still do) in local community centers, helping kids and others in need, so I do not fear giving.

I say all that to let you know, you cannot catagorize someone just because your teachers have taught you that you can. I do not fear, period. That is what has led me to this place of peace I am in now, where I do not need ANYTHING, but food, water and shelter. I am thankful I have enough money to access books and the internet to learn, but even those are just un-needed desires, and without them, I would still be in a fine mental state. I don't use drugs, drink alcohol or any other "hippie" thing you would like to pin on someone like me. And yet I meditate and feel connected to everyone, so how do you label me?

Again, Good night...


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:55 AM

Originally posted by MrWicked
reply to post by Visitor2012

I read your post and I am intrigued by what you have to say, although I'm not sure what "We are free!! They are leaving us!" have to do with anything.... Who is they? and why/how are they leaving us? care to elaborate?

I assume the OP is referring to the ones that still seek power, control, ect....but what the OP doesnt see is that even these 'evil masters' are a part of him...they are other selves of him.

I could be wrong...and OP please correct me if I misunderstood.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:56 AM
I personally believe that we will be free in 2012 as well, there are too much things happening and resources to prove it. I think the war and all the other things to drain our money is a tactic to distract us and for them to initialize martial law with out us panicking, when the real reason is to have martial law for the coming of 2012, its kinda makes sense and is a sneaky way to keep us from realizing whats happening, but it must be this way because if everyone believed in 2012 it would cause havoc,panic and more fear in this world, people would quite there jobs and go on vacation, then how to we get power,water,gas,food when no ones working. Its always good to prepare, but don't over prepare and be sleepless because of it, if we die, what can we do about it, we must live happy till the day we die, no need to waste our last years on panic, fear. We must trust in god, when we don't we create more fear in our life's, i have witnesses many miracles, gained good knowledge from god, and im sure you have too. God bless everyone and may you all experience joy, happiness and love as i do.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:58 AM
Also I do not judge anyone, that only takes me away from my bliss, so do not sit there and act like just because some one has found happiness and professes it to others like him/her, that they are judging you. If you have anger or feel judged than maybe you should try and learn from these people instead of shooting them down with your own judgements. Again you cannot say I do not give, I give to anyone that is ready to accept it, even sometimes those who I feel are to prideful to ask. My whole life is dedicated to given and not taking what I do not need, and I am sure that speaks for others on here as well, so as Ice Cube would say "Check yourself, Before you wreck yourself"

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:03 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

I think you just placed a bunch of things in someones mouth they did not say. If you are living your life for others...then what he said does not apply to you.

Many people siding with the OP have called the others why are you only on offense with Timelord? Many others agreeing with the OP have generalized all the others here that have some different perspective as being attached to is not different. So why are you not taking offense for your other selves they also spoke of?

It has only been pointed out that the path of self is built on shaky foundations...all the other things you mentioned were not said. If I am wrong...please show me where you were called hippie, druggie...full of fear...ect.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:05 AM
reply to post by LifeIsEnergy

WOW...again...I would like to see where timelord said those things. Can you point them out to me?

Like where did he say others are judging him> I must of missed something?

[edit on 28-5-2010 by LeoVirgo]

[edit on 28-5-2010 by LeoVirgo]

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