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What in the World are They Spraying [Official Trailer]

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posted on May, 28 2010 @ 05:02 AM

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 10:17 AM
reply to post by sandwiches

Hmmmm.....maybe I was wrong about your beliefs, sandwich....

You seemed to be a 'believer' of so-called "chemtrails", but you chose to post a video showing a collection of what are very obviously (as I, and others keep pointing out) normal contrails.

Good job!!!

Especially the first 40 seconds, the view out the forward cockpit windows...something I've seen for my entire professional career. Not able to share it personally with non-flight crewmembers anymore....

It was good to find that video, so people could see what pilots see everyday...and what pilots recognize as CONTRAILS, and nothing more.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 10:48 AM
I don't know if this video has been posted, but more evidence of "contrail" spraying?

Um hmmm.

Maybe someday, we can get beyond the denial, and on to action to stop this insanity.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:33 AM

Originally posted by nevets
So then why is it ALL the chemtrails I see here are during warm days when there are NO CLOUDS.

Are you sure there are no natural clouds? Or maybe they're just too thin to see?

This may interest you:

Cirrus, contrails, and ice supersaturated regions in high pressure systems at northern mid latitudes Immler etal 2007


During the European heat wave summer 2003 with predominant high pressure conditions we performed a detailed study of upper tropospheric humidity and ice particles which yielded striking results concerning the occurrence of ice supersaturated regions (ISSR), cirrus, and contrails. Our study is based on lidar observations and meteorological data obtained at Lindenberg/Germany (52.2 N, 14.1 E) as well as the analysis of the European centre for medium range weather forecast (ECMWF). Cirrus clouds were detected in 55% of the lidar profiles and a large fraction of them were subvisible (optical depth

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 12:41 PM
Back in 2005, on a flight back from Florida with my then five-year old, watching the sky with me, remarked how strange the clouds looked. We were passing over a pattern zone where the plumes were long and tubular, expanding and billowing out in row after row just below upper atmosphere as we climbed. Just before we broke through to reach cruising altitude, we watched with astonishment as another jet flew so close over our plane, it caused a "duck" reflex in me, at least. The passing plane had no windows and no markings and was expending its payload in a perpendicular direction as it went. My child looked back at me: "Did you see that!" I heard one or two comments from other passengers as well. I told her that shouldn't have happened, that it was a near-miss, that planes should be miles apart in the sky, and that plane was what made those strange clouds. 'See that exhaust? It looks just like those long clouds below us.'

From what I could gather from that incident, they were "stacking" the atmosphere, laying a lower blanket, then crisscrossing another layer on top of it, building a mantle of cover that from observations on the ground, it seems, when these manipulations occur, can last for weeks, blocking any sun, and eventually build up until either the energy is expended, or the winds finally shift and blow it up into cumulous clouds of the likes of which I've never seen. (My observations and educated guesses.)

Recall, if you will, the floods (10-16-inch rains within mere hours), softball size and larger hail, cluster lightening, cluster (5 or more) tornadoes, ice storms covering entire regions, snow so deep, tunneling through out your front door or climbing out of the 2nd floor window of your house to get outside. I once saw a picture of a supra-massive cumulous cloud 75 miles high right here on one website. Not to mention all the other strange shapes and weird affairs to make you go hmmmm...

It's still hard to convince many people though. But in my line of work, I've been lucky enough to be able to speak with some who've told me that this is correct, this is true, and there are things 'You really don't want to know...' Fair enough.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by IGottaBeMe

I guess you aren't aware of how airplanes are actually separated, in flight?

Because, what you describe is quite normal.

...we watched with astonishment as another jet flew so close over our plane, it caused a "duck" reflex in me, at least.

It was above you. The minimum separation requirement vertically is 1,000 feet. It DOES look darned close, considering the relative size of the airplane.

The is a slight optical illusion, too, when you look at an airplane a thousand feet above you, on a converging course. It looks closer to your altitude, when it's a bit fartehr out, and as it nears the height differnce is more evident.

I guarantee that the pilots of BOTH airplanes had each other in sight. ATC would have given a traffic information to both of them, and nowadays all passenger (and cargo) jets have TCAS onboard. (You can Google 'TCAS', if you wish).

Now, I seriously doubt this, about the windows and 'markings':

The passing plane had no windows and no markings...

Your memory seems to be foggy...though it could possibly have been a cargo carrier. Are you completely familiar with EVERY airline paint scheme that's out there?

If you'd like to research a whole bunch of them, try it at That's one source, loads of photos there to peruse....

...and was expending its payload in a perpendicular direction as it went.

The "payload" as you call it was its contrail. Most likely, YOUR airplane was also making a contrail. Of course, you aren't in a position to be able to see it, frominside the airplane as you were. BUT the passengers and crew on the other airplane certainly could.

I told her that shouldn't have happened, that it was a near-miss, that planes should be miles apart in the sky...

Sorry, what you told her is incorrect.

When AT THE SAME ALTITUDE, or transitioning thru same altitude, then the horizontal separation standards are measured in miles (Depends on what type of airspace you are in at the time...could be anywhere from ten, all the way down to three).

...and that plane was what made those strange clouds. 'See that exhaust? It looks just like those long clouds below us.'

Yesh...the contrails. Contrails are clouds, essentially. They are formed, of course, artificially BECAUSE of the jet's passing thru the air. That's why they have that shape.

[edit on 28 May 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:33 PM
reply to post by Stewie

Yes, Stewie...that particular video has been posted many times, and discussed many times. Try the ATS 'search''s out there somewhere.

The video (in German) talks about CHAFF...military training with chaff deployment.

Some wonk (intentionally) mis-translated it, when they wrote the subtitles.

Old news, that one.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:11 PM
It was above you. The minimum separation requirement vertically is 1,000 feet. It DOES look darned close, considering the relative size of the airplane.

Now, I seriously doubt this, about the windows and 'markings':

Your memory seems to be foggy...though it could possibly have been a cargo carrier. Are you completely familiar with EVERY airline paint scheme that's out there?

Yesh...the contrails. Contrails are clouds, essentially. They are formed, of course, artificially BECAUSE of the jet's passing thru the air. That's why they have that shape.

It's funny, I checked the FAA requirements on airspace and the Reduced Vertical Separation Minimum (RVSM) was implemented in 2005, the year we took that flight.

As far as what I saw, I know what I saw. The sky was definitely foggy, but my memory is not. You're right, though. I believe it was a cargo carrier. Carrying what and for whom is anybody's guess. What it was doing is the question that many people have, myself included.
I am suspicious of the patterns of these con/chem trails, whatever name you like to give them. They are causing some obvious (I believe harmful) changes in our atmosphere whether they are intentional or not. What I do know is this, and many others have said it; some airliners are not thrusting thick plumes of exhaust into the air and their trails dissipate quickly, while others are leaving behind plumes so thick it's hard to deny something's up.

There is quite a lot of evidence out there on this subject, it isn't really anything new, there have even been articles in the mainstream about it; weather modification is something that's been around since shortly after airplanes were invented, developed mainly after WWII. Prior to the 2008 Olympics in Bejing, the Chinese were discussing weather manipulation to keep the climate pleasant for the visitors and tourists. Operation Popeye in Vietnam, anyone? Plus, don't expect anything the govmnt' or military does to open up to you or anyone else about this, if what I believe to be is true. Why should they?

If you don't agree, that's fine. Like I said, many will not buy into the notion that this is real. As for me, there's too much evidence to the contrary.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by IGottaBeMe]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 06:24 PM
reply to post by IGottaBeMe

There isn't any evidence. There is speculation, ignorance of meteorology, and fear and suspicion aroused by internet rumor.

Weather modification (cloud seeding) has been going on for a long time. It does not have anything to do with contrails or "chemtrails". It involves dispersing materials into existing cumulus clouds, it does not create clouds. It is not done at the altitudes at which contrails occur. You can read more about it from one of the companies that does it.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:10 PM
I love these arguments. Of course most of the chemtrail advocates are silly but the debunkers are being masturbatory. The millitaries of the world have a long history of doing nasty things...if they can they will. It is utter nonsense to deny the possibility that the atmosphere is being frigged around with chemically, secretly and for nefarious/other purposes.

As per usual one side is as useless as the other in this argument. Both prove absolutely nothing. At least the advocates are not silly enough to think that the govt wouldn't do this sort of thing.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by Phage

Okay, we've all read your grand expressions that this is all a bunch of baloney. We get it. I'm not basing any of this on conjecture or rumor. These ----trails are having an effect on the weather- and who knows what else. There aren't any blind spots here, sir, or ma'am. It is what it is.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by IGottaBeMe


There is no doubt that contrails affect weather. They can last a long time and they do spread out. There is also quite a bit of research into whether (no pun intended) or not they have any significant effect on climate. But they are contrails. That's it.

[edit on 5/28/2010 by Phage]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 08:07 PM
reply to post by weedwhacker
If that's normal exhaust, they better get their planes checked

I suppose the breaks in the trail at 2:15 are because either the engine shut off temporarily or there are vastly dissimilar pockets of air, is that right (Since you know everything)


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by sandwiches
reply to post by weedwhacker
If that's normal exhaust, they better get their planes checked

I suppose the breaks in the trail at 2:15 are because either the engine shut off temporarily or there are vastly dissimilar pockets of air, is that right (Since you know everything)



Yes.....that's right.

However you won't see this reply, because you put me on ignore some time ago because you can't cope with rational discussion.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by IGottaBeMe

That is the typical response here by the "usual suspects"...the ones that show up on every chemtrail thread.

(Eventually "chemtrail" won't get the squiggly red line under it that informs you that you have misspelled a word)

Anyway, this is the message from the "usual suspects"...

1. You didn't see what you "thought" you saw.
2. You don't know what you "think" you saw.
3. You don't have the capacity to evaluate what you "think" you saw.
4. You are a fool for thinking it was anything other than what I say you saw.


Welcome to "deny ignorance"

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:42 PM
reply to post by Maybe...maybe not

i am only going to respond to you once, because I suspect you are actually close minded, and I really don't like to interact in this way.
I prefer a higher level of interaction.
You do not respect the experience of others. You think you do. You think if others that differ from you have come to a different result from you, that they are lesser than you.

You pretend to bring science, but you cannot explain what is happening. But, you PRETEND to. Just like Phage and Weedwhacker, you have an unnatural desire to belittle anyone who questions the phenomena that is chemtrails. You discount EVERYONE, even those that could actually enlighten you.

It is true that if you say something often enough, people will believe that it is the truth.
Not ALL people.

Think of "ignore" as an UNINVITE, like you might uninvite someone that can't control their alcohol intake to your party.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:58 PM
reply to post by Stewie


I must say I do enjoy your expressive style of writing.....I mean that

But, back to chemtrails.....

I would like to say 2 things in my "defense":


I have read extensively & in detail about "chemtrails" for more than 10 years. You see, I also became a little concerned about them....even enough to discuss the issue with my wife & do some of my own watching of the sky. I even thought I saw one of those oft-mentioned unmarked white planes flying around under a "chemtrail".

But I kept reading (I read voraciously!) & I kept discussing things.....hours upon hours upon hours of it, week after week, month after month.

And, you know what?

I found out there is no such thing as a "chemtrail".


I have posted explanation after explanation, link after link, etc... in thread after thread, in order to try to help people to stop worrying unnecessarily like I did for a while.

So mate, it's not quite fair to say all that to me.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 01:32 AM
now im no scientist and cant quite work out why if at all the authorities would want to spray stuff into the atmospere. i do know that the russians use aluminium to control the weather for red day parade by dumping it on cloud formations FACT. what i am also aware of is the behaviour of bees lately, 80% of bees i have seen in my garden are staggering around unable to fly as if they were drugged or drunk.
if chemtrails do exhist could there be a link to bee behaviour . could it be a conspiracy to control food production . no pollenation no germanation.

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 05:18 AM

Originally posted by da pickles
i do know that the russians use aluminium to control the weather for red day parade by dumping it on cloud formations FACT.

Not sure about aluminium. Silver iodide is the usual agent sprayed into clouds in the USA and elsewhere to act as as condensation nuclei around which raindrops can form. However I know the Russians have used cement for this purpose.

Natural cloud condensation nuclei include pollen, dust, soot and volcanic ash - plus all manner of emissions from factories, cars etc

Not sure how, on a global scale, anthropogenic emissions compare with natural sources - I suppose we could inadvertently be making it rain a bit more?

posted on May, 29 2010 @ 01:17 PM
reply to post by IGottaBeMe

You're right, and good
for doing the research on RVSM...even without my having to mention it.

True, RVSM standards were implemented in US Domestic airspace in 2005

Implemented: FL 290-410 January 20, 2005

...but, you can see the date up there...January 2005.

In fact, we were using RVSM before that, in selected applications, even in oceanic airspace. BECAUSE RVSM was implemented in Europe back in 2002....

What the January, 2005 date signifies is the REQUIREMENT for all operators in US Domestic airspace to be qualified & trained (crews) and equipment (airplanes) certified in order to operate between FL 290-410.

It's regulatory, by 2005...but was being used before, in some cases.

Just clearing up...because this "chemtrails" topic is FULL of 'junk' science, pseudoscience, and rampant dis-and misinformation. So much it is astonishing.

I was recently reminded of something SIMILAR to this phenomonom, that occured over twenty years ago...BEFORE the advent of the "interwebs"...

It was the big 'scare' over electric powerlines, and power generation sations and the supposed connection to cancer! (Look up 'EMF', and the history of all that bunk...)

It was also chock-full of baloney, nonsense, and hysterical hand waving, fueld and spurred on by much of the mainstream media sources --- because it had entertainment (not 'news') value.

The baloney and nonsense was fueled by very, very similar claims that were nothing but "pathological" science, "junk" science and pseudoscience. This is exactly what's happeneing today with "chemtrails", withthe difference of the internet power to spread the stupidity even faster than Dan Rather could on the CBS Evening News....

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