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Obama tells military: prepare for North Korea aggression

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posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by tetrahedron
There will not be war between the US and China. The Chimerica relationship is too valuable to both sides. China's FX reserves are only valuable if America is still extant. You might, however see some combination of NK vs SK/USA in limited capacity. Still unlikely.

I agree with this statement.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:15 AM
reply to post by IanC99000310

The Americans kicked the British out just to be controlled by the bloodthirsty, no good Zionists who have never ran a nation on their own and are amateur at peace. Would you let your child drive your car?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:16 AM
The more wars the US can facilitate, the more money, influence and power it gains.

As it borrows money from the Fed, which prints money with little restriciton and profits with every loan.

As for devaluing the dollar, it will drop the dollar in the near future for the 'amero' leaving China with crisp dollars to wipe its backside with.

The only limitation for the US 'war machine' is actually man power.

Will it leave itself open to attack? Not really, it has thousands of ICBM's and it's potential adverseries are all too aware of this.

Obama's change of the US's policy on the use of weapons of mass destruction said one thing to me; Obama or his 'handlers' have either negotiated with the 'big players' that it will not be aggressed if it uses WMDs on either Iran or North Korea or 'calcualtes' the risk of doing so as being a 'safe bet' based upon the two countries' defiant public image that has been encouraged and spun much further.

If anyone here is still too nieave to think that WMDs are only a deterant I would remind you that the US is the only country to have used the atom bomb, and it did twice in succession. You may also look into the US's preemptive strategy of eliminating an adversary's communications with 'Persian' missiles, followed by the systematic targeting and elmination of their missile silos. Leaving only the mobile launchers as a threat, more of a problem with Russia than China.

The other blatant factor that is disregarded is the lack of interest that many of the US's adversaries have in risking conflict on that scale. Wars are in a sense more of an arranged encounter in the last century with alot of back channel back scratching i.e. "I'll make it worth your while to keep your nose out of this... O'rly? well we want this contract, a cut of this and we want you to cease control of such an such South American country."

It is the game of negotiating and redistributing power globally, with the US always inching out ahead with its stake in being the dominant power in the inevitable one world government.

Think of it like a game of monoply where your properties or assets are your country's power and influence.

The US simpy has more property at this time.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by Skellon]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:24 AM

Originally posted by OrphenFire

Originally posted by The Theorist
I fear we're witnessing the beginning stages of WW-III to be honest. The last time we got involved in the Korea war, we ended up toe-to-toe with the Chinese. That was during a time when China was considered by many to be an inferior country militarily. This time around, they may have the home field advantage against us. Sheer numbers alone over-powered us last time. If it happens again, this time, they hold the good hand.

We owe China so much money, their military seriously dwarfs ours, and now they're damn near just as technologically advanced. Yeah, this will spiral out of control VERY quickly. This worries me.

That being said, South Korea has the right to defend itself. And they're allies to us. I really don't like where this is headed.

While the Chinese military is technologically advanced, I somehow highly doubt they even come close to the United States. First reason is yes, they do have a huge army, but even if they have advanced gear, I guarantee there isn't enough to go around. Second, nobody's Navy comes close to ours, period. That alone gives us a huge advantage. Third, a single SpecOps division of ours can win a small war; you can bet they would be implemented in missions to cripple entire platoons of Chinese soldiers before they would even reach our assault forces. We have many ways of winning a real war.

I'm not saying I want us to go to war with N Korea and subsequently China, because I don't. But if S Korea has to defend itself, I am glad we are there to support them.

for years the US propaganda machine has fooled its citizens into thinking that the US military is the best in the world, unbeatable and highly advanced. So they boast about it day and night until the american masses start to actually believe it, so then the american people start to spread that bullcrap everywhere.

America lost like 5 wars not counting the ongoing iraq and afghan wars. you're advanced equipment and highly trained soldiers are not unstoppable. great historians and military generals have warned a thousand times to never underestimate you're enemy, yet you underestimate the chinese military and claim that a hand full of special ops can take on a platoon. you do know they have inelegance too right? you do know that in a war the chinese will make their own moves too, they're not going to wait there until you destroy them! they will have their own special ops somewhere too.

usually north korea does not deny their attacks, but this time they did and they still do to this minute. was it a false flag? i think so. its like 9/11, nobody found it was a fake attack until after the war which was a few years later!

from you're comment it seems that you believe that everything will be well at home when war breaks out, but what would happen to the US economy? i think there will be riots and chaos in the streets of the USA, and people will form gangs, rape and kill each other, then few of you will starve to death because McDonalds will be closed. AND then FEMA will come in to take you all out of you're misery.

oh and more than 40 percent of US military equipment in iraq gets damaged or destroyed each year and its shipped back home. thats almost 17billion worth of equipment.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by ZombieSlayer

I don't think a possible war is in the "interesting contexts"unless you like people being killed

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:35 AM

oh and more than 40 percent of US military equipment in iraq gets damaged or destroyed each year and its shipped back home. thats almost 17billion worth of equipment.

That's because it's "made in China"

Well I bet at least the batteries are

[edit on 24/5/2010 by SassyCat]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:36 AM
I'm thinking no, they won't go to war. How long have we been predicting a war with Iran? And now North Korea? No, I'll be a doubter on this one and say nothing to see here, move along. There will be no war with N. Korea. Look at the events so far: NK torpedos SK ship, says they didn't do it, investigation proves they did, and now Obama preps his soldiers? Shouldn't they have already taken care of this issue by now? What are they waiting for, another torpedo? Besides I don't even care, North Korea, oh wow like they can barely launch a rocket into South Korea let alone anywhere near the U.S. I'm more worried about the war on the Mexican border.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:39 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
Shouldn't they have already taken care of this issue by now? What are they waiting for, another torpedo?

What obama is waiting for to do something with the oil spill ?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:43 AM
reply to post by Angus65

It could be that the president knew about the South Korean president's speech before hand and prepared a statement that was to be immediately released.

It could be that Obama and Gibbs are night owls as well. I bet that the president doesn't get much sleep anyway.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:46 AM
“America lost like 5 wars not counting the ongoing iraq and afghan wars. you're advanced equipment and highly trained soldiers are not unstoppable. great historians and military generals have warned a thousand times to never underestimate you're enemy, yet you underestimate the chinese military and claim that a hand full of special ops can take on a platoon. you do know they have inelegance too right? you do know that in a war the chinese will make their own moves too, they're not going to wait there until you destroy them! they will have their own special ops somewhere too.”

Pray tell which 5 wars these are?

US Rev
War of 1812
Indian Wars


By my count that’s 10-1-1, with Afghanistan still in progress. although Korea resulted in the formation of South Korea so that can be considered a W. Iraq II ended in 2007 (hint: we’re still there).

Not for nothing Saddam had the 4th largest military in the world in 1991. The US (primarily) destroyed that military-industrial complex within a week. Subsequent operations in GWII and Afghanistan entail counter-insurgency; not military to military warfare.

China built their first domestically produced helicopter this year (2010). They have no ability to project force. They are not battle tested. China would be decimated just like in the Korean War when they lost a million men to US air/sea power.

Although, again, there will not be war between the US and China for a multitude of reasons.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by silent thunder

SO true! And "both" parties say a Constitutional Convention is "dangerous". What will be going on in DC while crisis upon crisis is piled up for our distraction? This is the craziest damned thing I've ever heard.
There is ONE place for our military people in 2010. That is right here- defending our borders and our country.

This president is making George W. Bush look like an amateur. :hurl:

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:48 AM
reply to post by RizeorDie

I would agree with you, NK has a history of proudly accepting responsibility for it's actions. It is Kim's way of 'feeling important' on the geopolotical stage.

Is Kim wanting all out war as a result of this? In my opinion no. But he may well get it this time.

Think of him as a coward with ADD. Loves to talk the talk, loves seeking attention to maintain significance in the eyes of the US but at the end of the day he simply doesn't have the balls to follow through.

If this escalates into something major, he will be watching from China as his enslaved and delluded population die for their god.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by Skellon]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by The Theorist

Originally posted by astrafax
...the US is admitting the torpedo debris from the sinking comes from a GERMAN torpedo...

Can you provide a source for the above comment...? That's fresh news to me and I'd really like to read about that.


posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:05 AM
The President will not risk damaging Sino-American relations over something like 40+ non-American sailors... not on your life.

What we're going to see is a bulkier US prescence in in S. Korea and very very little in the way of actual war. It's luicky in a way, the Administration can use the spectre of a new war to defer attention from the Gulf Coast.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by Skellon

Isn’t Kim, dying or sick or something? Maybe he wants to give it his all before he passes away? This is just speculation though.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:18 AM

Originally posted by filosophia
NK torpedos SK ship, says they didn't do it, investigation proves they did,

that would be the independant investigation that PROVES they did !

yeh right

this is war mongering by the US empire !

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:22 AM

Originally posted by RizeorDie

for years the US propaganda machine has fooled its citizens into thinking that the US military is the best in the world, unbeatable and highly advanced. So they boast about it day and night until the american masses start to actually believe it, so then the american people start to spread that bullcrap everywhere.

America lost like 5 wars not counting the ongoing iraq and afghan wars. you're advanced equipment and highly trained soldiers are not unstoppable. great historians and military generals have warned a thousand times to never underestimate you're enemy, yet you underestimate the chinese military and claim that a hand full of special ops can take on a platoon. you do know they have inelegance too right? you do know that in a war the chinese will make their own moves too, they're not going to wait there until you destroy them! they will have their own special ops somewhere too.

usually north korea does not deny their attacks, but this time they did and they still do to this minute. was it a false flag? i think so. its like 9/11, nobody found it was a fake attack until after the war which was a few years later!

from you're comment it seems that you believe that everything will be well at home when war breaks out, but what would happen to the US economy? i think there will be riots and chaos in the streets of the USA, and people will form gangs, rape and kill each other, then few of you will starve to death because McDonalds will be closed. AND then FEMA will come in to take you all out of you're misery.

oh and more than 40 percent of US military equipment in iraq gets damaged or destroyed each year and its shipped back home. thats almost 17billion worth of equipment.

You have to realize that they Coalition forces are some of few in the world that have seen real combat recently. The US military runs exercises; however, a large majority of it's force has already seen combat, this is extremely valuable on the battlefield.

You must also realize that Iraq and Afghanistan are not conventional wars. You claim that we lost in Iraq, but the only reason people think that is because the military did their primary job so fast that everyone has forgotten.

Sure some of the equipment in Iraq has been used but the US is not going to use that in a war. The equipment used in Iraq today is for the most part not the equipment used at the start of the war. We have upgraded as needed to fight the enemy, so new gear is constantly being pumped in. If a new war started (pray that it doesn't), new equipment would be made for that war.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:23 AM

Originally posted by Maddogkull
reply to post by Skellon

Isn’t Kim, dying or sick or something? Maybe he wants to give it his all before he passes away? This is just speculation though.

You may well be right with that, is Kim still in China?

I believe he always wanted to fight the US in his head. If he is actually on his way out and located in China, he gets to see is desire come play out without actually being there.

Added to this, his people see him as a god and therefore he would not be risking this image by fighting from the safety of a parent country.

It is a sad state of affairs for the people, they are delluded, they are malnourished, poorly treated but most of them love Kim enough to fight and die for him even in his absence.

All this for a leader that plays up to his hollywood 'villain' status and is known to be a big James Bond fan, he watches them repeatedly.

It's like entrusting your attention seeking 8 year old with the lives of millions.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:39 AM
it is all smoke and mirrors.

were anyone really wanting to fix the issue, they wouldn't be mouthing in the press. instead, they would quietly fly over the palace of Kim Jung Il and drop a few bombs on it.

Quick, surgical, clean...and the war is over.

The pomp and circumstance is a dog and pony show for the masses.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:42 AM
reply to post by bigfatfurrytexan

You took the words right out of my mouth. This is posturing, plain and simple.

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