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Originally posted by Loken68
reply to post by Shark_Feeder
Here's you thought. Oil in the gulf, not even a quarter of what the Exxon Valdez spilled. Environmental impact not even a drop in the bucket compared to the Valdez. But President Bush jumped on it like a chicken on a june bug and the problem was solved. WTF is Obama doing? Oh he formed a blue ribbon panel to study the spill.....HOLY COW!
Originally posted by AndersonLee
Exxon Valdez spilled 10.8 million US gallons.
Lets see if the oil can be stopped before we start to compare what oil spill is worse.
Originally posted by notsoperfect
reply to post by Shark VA84
Let's find out who owns BP. The owner(s) of BP should be responsible for this disaster. Isn't it the British Monarch? It can't be a little guy that the media can chew it over and over until it becomes a carcass.
Originally posted by nh_ee
Rioting and Going after convenience store owners will not help the situation at all. It will only use resources who could possibly be used to aid in the cleanup. point is that our OIL soaked leadership by the previous administration allowed for deregulation of Industry after Industry is what leads and contributes to catastrophes such as this.
First the Banking industry and now the OIL industry.
We have offshore drilling worldwide but the difference IS that they have to adhere to and follow strict safety measures.
Its a known fact that this problem began with BP trying to cut costs and save time and circumventing precautionary measures on their US Oil platforms that are not permitted/allowed for offshore drilling sites in other countries.
So before we go out and begin using violence against people that had nothing to do with this we need to consider seeking out the root cause of who was paid off in Government AND Industry to allow it to occur in the first place.
And prevent this from every ocuring again.
Plain and simple.
'Nuff said.
Originally posted by Shark VA84
Thanks for the post. You don't happen to know the altitude of the plane do you?
The brownish-blackish mix of oil and water just looks toxic and nasty. It's a damn shame my friends...
Originally posted by abjure_denseness
This is terrible. I wonder what would happen if a hurricane came through that area the way it is now? What would that do the spill??? Just a thought. It is entirely possible for something like that to happen. It's devastating enough the way it is.
Originally posted by dzonatas
So how many people in this thread complained about the oil spill then got up today and went down to the local Arco station to fill-up their car?
Seriously, I wonder why it wasn't possible to leave the oil to burn if they know it is going to continue to spill into the ocean. It may have created a bigger smoke plume but it may have saved lots of marine life to minimize the spill.