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Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by SFKNOLEG74
But why? These ideas have immense subjective value with or without God. You seem to suggest that without God life becomes meaningless when in truth if life came about without a creator we are the most important thing to ever come out of the Universe. Being made from dirt by a big guy in the sky is lame compared to slowly evolving into our current sentient state, if you ask me but that's just my opinion on the subject.
Have you looked into the scientific evidence for evolution. Its overwhelming.
Without God there would be nothing.
then where does our morality and reason derive from? Answer: evolution.
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by ChickenPie
Without God there would be nothing.
You're assuming that the default for the Universe is nothing. But as far back as science can extrapolate there has always been something. So why the assumption?
Do a bit of research on the evolution of altruism and morality and you will see the evolutionary precedents for moral behavior. Human beings are communal organisms, we form societies, these started out small as family units or tribes. Evolution, over time, has built our brains to reward us for beneficial behaviors and punish us for unhelpful ones. Something which isn't good for the group generally isn't good for the individuals. The issue is that religious believers contend that morality is objective and comes from God...
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by ChickenPie
It could be but we're not sure yet. Its one of those unanswered questions. I'm just wondering why nothing is the default if as far as we're concerned there's always been something. Science has only gotten back to the split second the Big Bang took place, at that time everything in the Universe existed as part of a super dense singularity. Before that we just don't know...
Why should we respect morals? Because immoral behaviors are generally bad for us.
to arrive to the conclusion that certain kinds of behavior should be considered wrong.
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by ChickenPie
It is societies consensus that tells us murder is wrong as well as the morality we are taught in our youth. There is also an evolutionary precedent that we, as a social species, shouldn't go around killing each other. Yet it seems nature, the evolutionary precedent, can be overridden by NURTURE.
Just because there's no God doesn't mean murder is suddenly a good idea, its still detrimental to society
If God is the source of morality than anything God says goes right? So then God could command something immoral, like murder (which he does in the Bible repeatedly)
because God commands it that makes it okay according to the God derived morals argument. But then if anything God defines as moral or good is moral and good than morals are subjectively dependent on God's Will and are no longer objective.
Like I said the Biblical God changes the rules up numerous times making the morality subjective and not objective.
Are they in a sacred text? Are they coded into our brains (and if they are what's to differentiate them from evolutionary precedent?)? Like I said to me at least adding God just complicates things to the morality question
You say murder is detrimental to society... So? Is that a bad thing? Evidently, you think it is, but you only think it is because of what you've been taught and more importantly, because you're a product of evolution. "bad."
Again, I'm not here to defend the Bible... and I've never even brought the Bible up once during our conversation. I'm not Christian, nor am I Jewish.
And how could you say his morality is subjective just because He changed His mind?
What's keeping you from rebelling against your feelings and rationality?
For instance, your urge to survive is merely an evolutionary trait that you believe comes from a source that has no intelligence behind it.
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by ChickenPie
Do I trust human morality even though its from an insentient force? Well its not, most of it is from us its just our societal morality stems from a baseline evolutionary precedent - we create the morality though, whatever we deem helpful to society is more likely to be considered moral.
Morality generally is "if its bad for the group don't do it". Murder is detrimental and therefore is deemed bad
The argument still stands though, if morals did come from God there would be a problem of "Well where does God get his morals?".
Objective reality would be constant, it wouldn't change. Being objective means its based on facts and NOT the whim of any being with free will.
What's keeping from rebelling against society? A good question. I guess because I'd prefer to live within it rather than become an outcast pariah or end up in prison
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by ChickenPie
Why does there need to be intelligence behind the desire to survive in order for it to be valid?
I think its fairly obvious why organisms want to survive, to pass on their genes.
You could have just as easily been programmed to think that raping babies is a "good" thing.
I'm just wondering why you have so much faith in the values evolution has imprinted onto you if you know these values have no intelligence behind them.
What is your reason for not rebelling against it?
According to?
Where did evolution get its so-called ideas that survival is a good thing?
This being can indeed change the facts on a whim.
So, of course His will would be objective.
Why though? I'm sorry if I'm being annoying, but I'm trying to drive the point home that your values and rationality are the product of evolution
You're a being that was born from and within a system with the illusion that you think outside of it.
rather than a system that popped into existence billions of years ago and just is.
Yeah, but why does that matter? Why should we care about such things?
Originally posted by steve_oZ
Anyone who doesn't believe in God / Creator or a higher power of any sort needs to try '___' or mushrooms.
Should help dissolve that ego and self righteous arrogance many 'proud' atheists seem to have, and hopefully help you release that maybe you don't know everything. That there is much more to reality than you can perceive with your five simple senses.
Just a suggestion.
Originally posted by steve_oZ
Anyone who doesn't believe in God / Creator or a higher power of any sort needs to try '___' or mushrooms.
Should help dissolve that ego and self righteous arrogance many 'proud' atheists seem to have, and hopefully help you release that maybe you don't know everything. That there is much more to reality than you can perceive with your five simple senses.
Just a suggestion.
Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by ChickenPie
rather than a system that popped into existence billions of years ago and just is.
Well we've just hit a stalemate, this is the first thing you've said that makes me want to bang my head into a wall. Alas, it seemed to be going so well.
If you read up on abiogenesis you'll find that life didn't just "pop into existence billions of years ago". It likely took millions of years for self-replicating molecules to gradually increase in complexity forming the first proto-cells and eventually the first actual lifeforms. After than natural selection takes over, you know, only those fit for survival make it far enough to pass on their genes.
The only real rule is just that - pass on your genes. Why it seems unlikely to you that such a rule would exist for the first organisms, who's only function was self-replication, is beyond me.