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Who Created God? This is the Ultimate Question.

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posted on May, 18 2010 @ 02:13 PM
God says, "I am the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end." What this means is before all things were, he was. Having no beginning and no end. Being mortal, we have a very hard time understanding this concept, of infinity. Self existent, having no name, because something that is not born must not be named. Although, he is called by many names. My favorite, from the book of Daniel, Ancient of Days.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:47 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

How incredibly existential of you

OP, this question has puzzled me for quite a while too. I don't think we'll ever have an answer beyond opinion and speculation while were are part of this physical reality.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by TimeRaveler

Ah yes. People are usually able to visualize infinity but only when starting from point A and realizing there is no point B. The trouble and the "blow your mind" headache comes from trying to conceptualize that there is not Point A either.

Also, we always talk about the infinitely large, but we fail to take into account infinitely small.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 04:09 PM
I don't think that God just woke into existence. I think God always was/is.
My tiny brain can't fathom "nothing". Thus, I can't fathom a whole lot of somethings came from nothing (big bang theory). Something doesn't come from nothing. 0 + 0 = 0.
If I grasp onto the idea of there was always a something, never a nothing, then my head hurts less. 1 + 0 = 1 at least and is a basis to expand from.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 04:21 PM
reply to post by tsi1991awd


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 04:31 PM
MAN created God. God did not yell down from the clouds and visit people on mountain tops to have a conversation with them for the sake of writing a book for him. He did not show them visions, and no bogeyman Satan brought anyone to the dessert to be tempted. The religion brainwashing makes the best of folks to become silly like children!

There is NO real concrete distinctive evidence from God, and no evidence from any the other "Sons of God" either. Man created them to explain the unexplained and much of it has been copied from older myths, fables, and legends. Ever wonder why Religions say NOT TO QUESTION ANYTHING and to have FAITH?

I just visited a park on the planet Jupiter near a lake for lunch. Dont ask me any questions about it, dont try to investigate my claim, just HAVE FAITH! See? At least I didnt ask you for money and threaten you with HELL for not believing my silly story.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 05:13 PM
We can not comprehend that something has always existed or that something came from nothing, yet...we exist. A paradox that philosophers, wise men and common men have explored and pondered for many years. My honest opinion is that we shall not find those answers here and now.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by Night Star]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 05:16 PM
You'll never get it by thinking about it. It has nothing to do with the limited mind.

Stop looking and maybe the truth will be revealed.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

There is no "before God". God simply opened His eyes, metaphorically speaking.

If it was the first time he opened his eyes this would imply that this is a beginning of his sight. Are you implying that "no sight" does/did not exist ?

Is sight came after no sight then what you are saying is that got just appeared out of nothing. There was nothing then kazam there is god. Hm where have I heared this something from nothing business before.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 06:18 PM
reply to post by SunIsSon

God did not yell down from the clouds and visit people on mountain tops to have a conversation with them for the sake of writing a book for him.

The most powerful nation on earth is populated by people who are overwhelmingly xtian which requires them to believe this nonsense. Scary stuff eh ?

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 07:10 PM
There are some good points brought up here. I have always thought that the belief in God / Heaven / Hell was made for people to have SOMETHING to believe in to help them through this life. They can't fathom the concept that after death, there is nothing. Helps them to believe their life is worth something.

Religion is something created by man to keep people under control, I firmly believe that. However, God and Religion are two different things. There are many different variations of a Jesus figure in religions. A Jesus figure is born, dies, disappears, etc. etc. etc.

I am not looking to find an answer as to a Christian God necessarily, but more of the "higher power" figure. But as has been said, this has been much debated before, and there will never be a conclusive answer. It will all really only come down to whether you believe or not.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by tsi1991awd

It seem the problems we have with God, or cosmology or the state of perception we call reality it boils down to several questions we view as unanswerable. To me if something is unanswerable, were not asking the right questions. One is the idea of infinity. IMO we view forever as unknowable because we as concious beings are subject to the laws of our universe. Understanding it is like knowing you inside a ping bong ball. The only thing you know is everythings white.

To us from our frame of reference we we stay the same (as a concept). It's things around us that we think change, and more then anything we see time as sequential change that moves in a direction like a moving sidewalk. I don't view the process called God, as a person, ego, or identity. With no "me" as a point of reference there is no time because each moment is a new creation and reality. Philosipher's say there is no present because it exists for an unmeasurable period of time. Only past and future. To God it's a clock whose hands never move. The is no past or future, only NOW. We may view time as something imposed on us, external moments. To us eternity is a clock that never stops. Perhaps God is not troubled by eternity because its our illusion. But the information that creaated our reality experiences us through our reality, but percieves it as only one structure among others. Viewed with time as a factor, we view reality as "this is what happens", God as "this is what is' We take things apart to understand how the parts make the whole (works well in most areas). God views things as a mosaic or tapestry. Awareness can drift accross it taking all the parts in as one idea, or even a unique personality.

To me God was not created. The organized information called God became complex enough to direct it's own design. The "realities" created may be a by product, reflection, simulation, etc of its process. With out an ego, I view it more as operating with a super positional instinct. An individual universe most likely comes and goes. But the multiverse is eternal as we understand it, but the information does change, degrades and rebounds, perhaps because the goal is not perfection or a static goal, but change itself.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:36 PM
reply to post by tsi1991awd

It seem the problems we have with God, or cosmology or the state of perception we call reality it boils down to several questions we view as unanswerable. To me if something is unanswerable, were not asking the right questions. One is the idea of infinity. IMO we view forever as unknowable because we as concious beings are subject to the laws of our universe. Understanding it is like knowing you inside a ping bong ball. The only thing you know is everythings white.

To us from our frame of reference we we stay the same (as a concept). It's things around us that we think change, and more then anything we see time as sequential change that moves in a direction like a moving sidewalk. I don't view the process called God, as a person, ego, or identity. With no "me" as a point of reference there is no time because each moment is a new creation and reality. Philosipher's say there is no present because it exists for an unmeasurable period of time. Only past and future. To God it's a clock whose hands never move. The is no past or future, only NOW. We may view time as something imposed on us, external moments. To us eternity is a clock that never stops. Perhaps God is not troubled by eternity because its our illusion. But the information that creaated our reality experiences us through our reality, but percieves it as only one structure among others. Viewed with time as a factor, we view reality as "this is what happens", God as "this is what is' We take things apart to understand how the parts make the whole (works well in most areas). God views things as a mosaic or tapestry. Awareness can drift accross it taking all the parts in as one idea, or even a unique personality.

To me God was not created. The organized information called God became complex enough to direct it's own design. The "realities" created may be a by product, reflection, simulation, etc of its process. With out an ego, I view it more as operating with a super positional instinct. An individual universe most likely comes and goes. But the multiverse is eternal as we understand it, but the information does change, degrades and rebounds, perhaps because the goal is not perfection or a static goal, but change itself.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 08:58 PM
I know of two things that go to infinity. The universe and the stupidity of man. I'm not real sure about the universe.

Albert Einstien

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by tsi1991awd


Thinking like the guy in the video doesn't answer anything it only creates more questions...and in my case irritations.

For example:

If 'God' has always been there and for 'him' this always is 'now' other words: for 'God' there is no time and there never has been time.

Then how can there be history? Or 'is history only a human experience'?

Because if for 'God' there is no past or future, just 'now', how is it possible for him to predict the future, any future? He isn't aware of 'a future' because he always lives in 'the now'...and in this case the same goes for the past.

Please correct me if I'm wrong.

I started as a baby..then grew older and now I am what I am. What is 'God' if he has always been? A baby, a child, a adult or a senior-citizen?

If he always has been...were did he got his knowledge from? Or is he still learning...oh no...he can't be learning because he only lives in one moment...the now.

So let's say it is like the guy in the video states;

God isn't created, he has always been (to cut it short)

Then why worship 'this phenomenon'? It seems to me that this would have no influence or effect whatsoever. Actually the idea alone, that you have some form of influence on this, really seems disrespectfull (and of course totally insane).

He's always there, has always been there and will always be are people in this scheme?

These kind of questions, who created god?!, are mostly asked by people who do not have a religious background. Because if you do not 'believe' this is the most logical question to ask. For starters...

On the other hand when you 'do believe', anything is possible...also the reasoning from the guy in the mentioned video.

He probably would make a good salesman! So it's a shame he only sells crap.

I'm not a religious person...I can even say I dislike most people who are. They always seem to know everything better while I just dare to admit I don't know but would like to know.

Some things that come to mind when I think of 'religion' in general are:
pedophile networks, child abuse, the sickening pope, aids in Africa, endless war(s) and more missery.

I actually cannot even think of 1 positive aspect of religion.

That is probably why I like the Zeitgeist movie and especially the first part - 'The Greatest Story Ever Told'. Their explanation of religion seems the most plausible to me at this moment...:worried:

And yeah...I have seen the 'anti-Zeitgeist' reactions too. Religion, 'God', are subjects that somehow always interests me...not because I am searching for 'God', I just wonder why one person 'believes' and the other just laughs about this.

Because...if there is 'a God' why is it I do not believe this?
(and please no devil stories!)

[edit on 18-5-2010 by kcire]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 09:41 PM
Someone evolved at some point. It could be that our God was created by beings that were created by beings that were created by beings that evolved. Or it could be that we evolved. Who knows? Evolution answers the ultimate question.

[edit on 5/18/2010 by Nemesis0123]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:27 PM
I believe that "God" IS another universe. If we look at NDE's, they suggest that God is some sort of life, light and/or energy force, in another universe where time and space doesn't exist. People who expereince NDE's claim to percieve a world where they have a 360 degree vision, time and space doesn't exist and seeing colors that doesn't exist here in our realm. All things which are pretty impossible to imagine with our limited brain.

They also claim that god IS everything, they life force behind everything. So in a place where time and space don't exist, there doesn't need to be a creator of the creator. They claim to experience everything at once, past, present, future. They claim to be several places at once during OBE's. It is very hard to imagine, i agree. It doesn't sound like ar possibility. But if you read some of the many NDE account's at sites like, there begin to form a some what logical explaination for a creator. This site isn't biased, but it will come of as such for the biased skeptics and atheists who just take a quick look at it. Research it properly before making such a conclusion.

However the people reporting the accounts could very well be biased and in it for money. I'm not saying they are not. That's a faith thing. But i do believe that when researching all of these Nde account's, especially from former atheists, the solution to that question is simple.

Just because you can't imagine something doesn't mean it isn't there.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by JokerzReality]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:31 PM
Well, let me state that I'm not religious, however such questions have passed my mind. Hypothesis: God created the process of creation, therefore, the idea of things having to be created is a concept our mind recognizes easily. It's God's system and we only live within the created.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 10:49 PM
-in a stoner voice-

"b..but like..who created god..?!"


"but then, and then like... who created THAT guy!??"

"ah-! aaaoooohhh!!"


the real question is, what would that question even answer?

the universe is a gestalt organism, and that force we feel and attribute as god is it's urge to maintain homeostasis, in all it's utterly complex and boggling ways. be at peace with these gears of life and always do the right thing.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 11:24 PM

Originally posted by JokerzReality
I believe that "God" IS another universe. If we look at NDE's, they suggest that God is some sort of life, light and/or energy force, in another universe where time and space doesn't exist. People who expereince NDE's claim to percieve a world where they have a 360 degree vision, time and space doesn't exist and seeing colors that doesn't exist here in our realm. All things which are pretty impossible to imagine with our limited brain.

They also claim that god IS everything, they life force behind everything. So in a place where time and space don't exist, there doesn't need to be a creator of the creator. They claim to experience everything at once, past, present, future. They claim to be several places at once during OBE's. It is very hard to imagine, i agree. It doesn't sound like ar possibility. But if you read some of the many NDE account's at sites like, there begin to form a some what logical explaination for a creator. This site isn't biased, but it will come of as such for the biased skeptics and atheists who just take a quick look at it. Research it properly before making such a conclusion.

It has been proven that once you start to die and your brain knows you are about to go, your brain will flood itself with '___' to help you "ease" into death. You won't feel much pain and you will hallucinate. This is where most NDE's and OBE's come I am not sure that I believe they see these things or go off to another dimension and such. It's not something to completely discredit, but I remain skeptical.

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