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Who Created God? This is the Ultimate Question.

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posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:32 AM
I would like to start off by saying I am not religious at all. I did not grow up in a Christian family. In fact, my parents are Buddhist. I have never understood their religion, or any for that matter. I would not go so far as to say I am an athiest, but I have never believed there was a "God" and honestly, half of the things I have personally read in The Bible seem like nonsense to me.

But lately I have really been questioning a lot of things. I am always intrigued by the planets being found, new galaxies being found, different things we have never seen before (like the supposed collision between two meteors that made its round on here not too long ago) It seems so vast, so infinite....but I do know that nothing can truly be infinite. Or can it?

I have been researching different things on the internet and recently read over the thread on here about the fingerprint of God (associated with the Fibonacci Numbers) and thought it made a lot of sense. Not the aspect of the spiral being the actual fingerprint of God, but the idea in general that everything is tied together and can be linked to this spiral.

During my search I ended up across a video of a guy trying to answer the question "Who Created God?" Now, this is from his point of view, being a Christian and firm believer in God. BUT, what he says makes complete sense. Now, with that said, it has not changed my mind. I still do not know if there is such thing as a God, but what I heard him say has brought up a lot more questions.

I will link you to the video...I'd like to hear your input on the subject. Whether you already believe in God, whether you don't believe in God, whether this video makes you THINK, etc. Thanks for your time.

GOD Ultimate Proof - Truth Reveal - God's Fingerprints - Part 2

[edit on 18-5-2010 by tsi1991awd]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:38 AM
reply to post by tsi1991awd

That website is reported as unsafe.

However, here is the answer to your question.

Before you were conceived/born, nothing existed in your perception.

Then one day, you sensed things.

There is no "before God". God simply opened His eyes, metaphorically speaking.

But realize the difference between man and God. See, before us, all things were.


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:46 AM
That's strange, because I am actually at work right now and found that link a couple days ago right here at work. There are a lot of sites blocked, YouTube being one of them and this site isn't blocked or anything. This is at the Verizon Wireless corporate office, and security is beefed on this network....don't see why it wouldn't block that site if it was unsafe.

Aside from that, that's kind of what the video was talking about. Saying that time, space and matter cannot be infinite because you cannot have an infinite amount of anything. Space is the distance between two objects. There is only so much distance between two galaxies, etc. etc. There are only so many cannot go on forever.

It also goes on to say God was not created, he just was. This is because he isn't made up of anything at all. He isn't made up of matter. You can't see, touch or smell him. He just is.

This is where it gets me though. I don't understand HOW he could just "be" he just "is", and how he just created everything when he isn't something made of matter. It is similar to saying he is imaginitive (well not technically imaginitive, but you know what I am saying)

For a good portion of my life, whenever this subject was brought up, I had always related life, people, earth, solar system, galaxy, universe, etc. to someones dream or someones thoughts. Like everyone is just hovering around being manipulated in someones head. A big "dream" if you want to call it that. We are all inside someones head...everything that we know, everything we see is inside someones head. Thats all I have ever really been able to relate God and life to.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:52 AM
reply to post by tsi1991awd

And friend, that's exactly as close as I've gotten to understanding His existence.

I believe every human imagines something to that effect if not the same exact thing when attempting to visualize the reality of God and life... but most people write it off.

God is, for a lack of a better way to express, imagination.

But remember what is true for us even in this reality...

An action starts as a thought.

As well, that website is dangerous, firstly, and the link is either not working or was banned due to T&C violations. Check your own link.

Edit to change my wording. I should not claim that "we" cannot imagine Him anymore than I myself can. It is I who has not been able to transcend past that particular point of understanding. I am sure someone else must understand or perceive more than I do.

[edit on 5/18/2010 by TarzanBeta]

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:54 AM
I went to a catholic school my whole life and every time I asked that question I was sent to see the priest. Then he would just tell me that God always existed. That answer didn't satisfy me so I kept asking how was it possible. He said it was a matter of faith.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 12:58 AM
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I think you're deluding yourself when you say god exists.

There is no need for god; the only purpose the concept of god use to serve was to "explain" the unexplainable. Now adays, it's used a bit more to make people believe that deceased loved ones are actually just away on vacation. Equally preposterous and illogical, but if that's what it takes to get through the day, then so be it. Just don't bring your superstitions into reality-based discussions, and keep the proselytizing to yourself.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:01 AM

Originally posted by Kaytagg
reply to post by TarzanBeta

I think you're deluding yourself when you say god exists.

There is no need for god; the only purpose the concept of god use to serve was to "explain" the unexplainable. Now adays, it's used a bit more to make people believe that deceased loved ones are actually just away on vacation. Equally preposterous and illogical, but if that's what it takes to get through the day, then so be it. Just don't bring your superstitions into reality-based discussions, and keep the proselytizing to yourself.

The thread topic is "Who Created God".

The thread topic automatically assumes, even if the OP does not agree, that God must exist. Therefore, in order to respond correctly, you must assume God exists in some way, shape, or form, and provide at the very least your opinion as to how this entity to which you might be referring was created.


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:01 AM
Tarzan, you have to copy/paste the ":0cFD6NHbMH8.html" to the end when you click the link. For some reason when I paste the link, ATS doesn't include the whole thing. Maybe I'll try a different way.

GOD Ultimate Proof - Truth Reveal - God's Fingerprints - Part 2

Casandra, I know what you mean. I have heard that from many people too..."he's always existed". How can that be? Because if he created EVERYTHING, that means there was absolutely NOTHING to begin with. There was no space, there wasn't even the black in space that contains the stars and planets. Therefore NOTHING could've been EMPTY because there was nothing in the first place. If there was nothing and God isn't created nor made up of anything, then how is it possible that God just existed? It's a paradox of sorts.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by tsi1991awd

You mean you didn't Wiki this first? Do your homework before you post!

No, seriously - Jesus has always existed.


posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:05 AM
Jesus and God are two different subjects. I am referring to God, an entity that was not created. God which HIMSELF, created all things. Jesus is the supposed son of God. They are two different entities. While I do not believe, necessarily, that Jesus was a prophet or the actual son of God...I do believe there was a man named Jesus that spread the WORD of God. Like many people do today.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:09 AM
reply to post by tsi1991awd

"We recommend you do not continue to this website."

"This website has been reported to Microsoft for containing threats to your computer that might reveal personal or financial information."

More information :

"This website has been reported to contain the following threats:
-Malicious software threat: This site contains links to viruses or other software programs that can reveal personal information stored or typed on your computer to malicious persons."

Disregard and continue is not recommended.

There you have it... Microsoft doesn't like that site.

The link is real for all who want to watch the video, it's a working link with the video. It's probably not all too bad, but I've never received that message for a website on this computer before.

I will respond more accurately to your paradoxical dilemma in a moment.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:09 AM
Someone or something had to create God, things don't just "happen to exist". The Bible says that there was nothingness at the beginning, but God existed, so how is that possible? Maybe God is just the only survivor of another universe so nothing existed but him.

Wait...what? Well, it made sense when I started writing.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:12 AM

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:14 AM
Well then you get into the problem of "who created the creator," which regresses infinitely...

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:18 AM
If Jesus is God then why didn't he just say so? He kept saying "my Father".
And the Bible says God sent his only son to die for our sins.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:19 AM
Tarzan, I don't get that message here at work. That is strange. If I could view YouTube on here, I might be able to find that video on there...I will try and look for it when I get home or tomorrow.

Casandra, who created God's creators then? Also, your comment on "another universe" could be the start of something. Such talk of parallel universes and such could bring the fact that maybe God somehow ended up creating this universe from nothing...but he existed elsewhere beforehand. That still doesn't answer who created THAT universe and who created God then. We only know THIS saying God created THIS universe could be true. BUT, he could be the "product" of ANOTHER universe.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:22 AM

Originally posted by Casandra
If Jesus is God then why didn't he just say so? He kept saying "my Father".
And the Bible says God sent his only son to die for our sins.

Jesus was not there to glorify Himself but to make Himself equal with humans to show humans the way.

Back on topic - I've been dwelling in my thoughts and I've come to the conclusion that you must dwell in your thoughts and literally attempt to imagine nothing then imagine opening your eyes (without opening your eyes) only to see more blackness. Then forget what you feel and feel openly.

Imagine that you are God opening His eyes metaphorically speaking.

I just did this exercise and I think it helped me to understand what I cannot convey in words.

It's the best I can do as weak as an answer as this is at this moment. My apologies.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:29 AM
reply to post by Kaytagg

I'm sorry but how are you able to state this? Can you cite experiments that prove without a shadow of a doubt there is no god? Is the statement " god is a delusion" a scientifically testable statement? If so then what scientific experiments have shown that there is no god? I am sure you will ask " well define what god is since so many people have different ideas on what he is" so we will define god as an omnipresent being that has either created or interfered with what we call the natural world/universe, the driving force that allows all to exist and work. Also how have you determined that there is no need for a god? Is it because things appear to react in a natural way in accordance with our scientific observations and axioms? If we are to define god the creator and driving force behind our universe then would not his actions appear to be natural to us?

If you wish to know where i personally stand i can best be characterized as an agnostic-theist. I believe but i am not sure if this belief is factual i.e. that it is a belief substantiated by truth. If you ask " well then why believe if you have no factual basis" i will tell you that it is through my personal experiences that i believe in a god, but i can not proclaim this as truth since i have not been able to 100% rule out "natural" explanations.

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:29 AM

Originally posted by TarzanBeta
Back on topic - I've been dwelling in my thoughts and I've come to the conclusion that you must dwell in your thoughts and literally attempt to imagine nothing then imagine opening your eyes (without opening your eyes) only to see more blackness. Then forget what you feel and feel openly.

Imagine that you are God opening His eyes metaphorically speaking.

I just did this exercise and I think it helped me to understand what I cannot convey in words.

It's the best I can do as weak as an answer as this is at this moment. My apologies.

So are you saying imagine there being nothing but blackness, then open your eyes and you see things around you....and this is what God did. So it relates back to me saying it is like someone's dream or thoughts....we just WERE because we were THOUGHT UP. Everything just IS because it is THOUGHT UP. We are all pawns in someones big game, inside God's head....we are a thought, so we are. But HE IS because...?

posted on May, 18 2010 @ 01:31 AM
I'm not trying to be rude or anything about Jesus. I'm just trying to understand.

My english is not that good, I'm not sure I can explain myself. But...
Maybe because we just can't understand how God always existed means there are things that are far greater than us. Didn't humans believe once upon a time that the Earth was flat? God isn't human, so he doesn't have to follow our science or rules. Maybe he always existed.

And that takes me back to square one, I guess.

[edit on 18-5-2010 by Casandra]

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