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Bob Lazar Has His Own Particle Accelerator

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posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:50 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

I meant in general.

I remember I did wonder about that statement but I was too lazy to dig into it much.

So it's unobtainium unless you buy the kit from Bob. Does that count as working for a living?

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by Phage

Believe it or not the op temp goes down in a hydrogen induction engine; staying around the 120F level; unlike the normal 175F to 190F; as well the toxic emissions are cut down by a surprising 85% and above. Currently we are developing newly formed core materials to withstand the highly corrosive environment created in the process of electrolysis. As for overall environmental benefits and cost efficiency of this newly formed fuel source it is much less then that of purely fossil based fuel sources; and uses only 3 horses of the total horse power of the engine to produce the amps needed for production of the hybrid fuel source.



posted on May, 19 2010 @ 01:56 AM

Originally posted by Phage
So it's unobtainium unless you buy the kit from Bob. Does that count as working for a living?

Selling hydride kits to help people power their cars with hydrogen is working for a living.

But misrepresenting those kits as "unobtanium" to sell them seems like fraud to me.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:07 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

But misrepresenting those kits as "unobtanium" to sell them seems like fraud to me.

How come he hasn't been charged for fraud then?


Are you just trying to get your digs in?

[edit on 19-5-2010 by Exuberant1]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 02:45 AM

Originally posted by Exuberant1
How come he hasn't been charged for fraud then?

Where in this statement did I say Lazar was committing fraud:

Originally posted by Arbitrageur
Selling hydride kits to help people power their cars with hydrogen is working for a living.

But misrepresenting those kits as "unobtanium" to sell them seems like fraud to me.

I didn't even mention Lazar's name. Phage mentioned something about selling hydride kits and I haven't even looked at the marketing materials Lazar provides with those kits, if he sells them.

However I have watched the video and if he was using the video in the OP to sell hydride kits claiming hydride isn't available elsewhere, then yes I think that might be fraud.

I see countless cases of fraud going on every day, way too many to prosecute. Sometimes they get around to it eventually if it's a high enough priority to whoever decides which cases they decide to pursue. I don't think they have enough resources to pursue them all.

Here's a fraud I find particularly annoying and I don't see anyone prosecuting it:

Kinoki detox foot pads - a scambuster report

However if I was the DA in charge of deciding which cases to prosecute and I had limited resources, that case might not float to the top of the priority list even if I'm in charge, because essentially it does no harm physically (maybe a small amount of harm to the wallet but they aren't that expensive) so I'd be focused on prioritizing the cases that DO cause physical harm first.

I think a person would have to have a naive world view to think that every person that ever commits fraud is immediately prosecuted for it, and the lack of fraud charges having been filed is somehow "proof" that a person isn't committing fraud.

And Lazar is no stranger to having charges filed against him.

three years passed before Lazar and White heard from the authorities again. This spring, the couple was charged with violating the Federal Hazardous Substances Act and shipping restricted chemicals across state lines. If convicted, Lazar and White each face a maximum penalty of 270 days in prison and a $15,000 fine.

So it took them three years to file charges against Lazar for violating the Federal Hazardous Substances Act, and it seems like that would get a higher priority than worrying about his inflated marketing claims if he has any.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 03:37 AM
I am not sure about Bob Lazar having a particle accelerator in his back yard, but "If" he does, someone should look into who really owns it. If the .gov can come into his house to remove computers owned by "United Nuclear", it isn't to connect the dots to other technologies. I don't know all the legal facts in this case, but Lazar was the one on the youtube video making claims. Not trying to take anything from the geeks, but that article it reminds me of a South Park episode when big Pharma told the South Park kid to create a Math lab at school, which lost in translation to "Meth" lab... which created a bit of chaos. In the event that angle doesn't work, they have a secondary sideline story that chemicals x,y and z are used to make firecrackers and cherry bombs. Free energy isn't free is it Bob? It's hard to read between the lines to tell if this is a staged hoax, fraud, or just science.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:34 AM

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
reply to post by Phage

Believe it or not the op temp goes down in a hydrogen induction engine; staying around the 120F level; unlike the normal 175F to 190F; as well the toxic emissions are cut down by a surprising 85% and above. Currently we are developing newly formed core materials to withstand the highly corrosive environment created in the process of electrolysis. As for overall environmental benefits and cost efficiency of this newly formed fuel source it is much less then that of purely fossil based fuel sources; and uses only 3 horses of the total horse power of the engine to produce the amps needed for production of the hybrid fuel source.



Just wondering, what exactly are these toxic emissions? And the last sentence I don't understand.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 04:38 AM

Originally posted by Tholidor
reply to post by -PLB-

The primary advantage of H over a pure electric car is the fact that most of us already own cars with combustion engines which can be converted to H. It is much more cost effective to convert an existing engine than to "feed the beast" of the international banking cartel by going into debt for the purchase of an electric car.

Thats indeed an advantage, but only temporary. Patrol can be phased out in for example 20 years, by then most cars will be replaced.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by -PLB-]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:09 AM

Originally posted by -PLB-
reply to post by spikey

This would be true if we had a natural source of hydrogen, but we don't. In practice we need electricity to convert water to hydrogen. And most electricity is generated from fossil fuel using turbines, which again is a very inefficient process. On top of that you have loses in the distribution. I am not sure about the efficiency of electrolysis, but I suspect there are losses there too. So if you add all the conversion steps, the efficiency will likely be way lower than patrol. Much more efficient is to use electric motors.

I agree, burning hydrogen generated via electrolysis from our grid is less efficient than using gasoline. The best bet would be to use a fuel cell and drive electric motors directly

Most of our current renewable sources don't provide as much energy over their working lifetime as the amount used in their construction, installation and maintenance when everthing is factored in.

Hydrogen can be produced using less energy however, such as using catalysts and microbes to do the work.

The constuction of anything that makes a profit, including wind turbines, has a multiplier effect so the energy usage of the planet as a whole will go up more by making them. As an example, the steel plant that makes the steel will make a profit. They pay their workers who take that cash and buy items that are unnecessary for survival, that in turn were produced in factories that employ workers and so on. Each finished product has a whole tree of energy consumers under it.

Our current economic system is based on our primary energy source - oil. Until oil is somehow wrenched from its position at the top of the economic pyramid nothing will change. Money is simply a convenient exchange unit for energy. The cost of a product is roughly propertional to the amount of energy expended in its production.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 06:17 AM
reply to post by Just Wondering

Sigh.... it'd be great if they can at least give an estimated ballpark figure =/ But thanks for emailing them in anyway JW! Props to you.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 07:02 AM

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
As for overall environmental benefits and cost efficiency of this newly formed fuel source it is much less then that of purely fossil based fuel sources; and uses only 3 horses of the total horse power of the engine to produce the amps needed for production of the hybrid fuel source.

Are you saying your companies device will make Hydrogen onboard the vehicle and increase the vehicles overall efficiency?

[edit on 19/5/2010 by LightFantastic]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 07:12 AM
reply to post by LightFantastic
Yes, he said that his system will make it "on demand " as needed by the engine. It is like the holy grail of all these hydrogen fuel guys.
Sounds pretty promising from what he has said thus far. I'm ready to invest a couple hundred k$ BEFORE they get the clearance from Kalifornia.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 07:58 AM

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
There is an abundant source of H3 on the moon actually; enough in fact to supply the earth with all of its energy needs for thousands if not hundreds of thousands of years into the future.

Thank you for the simple acknowledgment about Helium-3. It is exactly what is needed to react with what's at the bottom of our oceans which cascades as a source of hydrogen.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
Yes, he said that his system will make it "on demand " as needed by the engine. It is like the holy grail of all these hydrogen fuel guys.
Sounds pretty promising from what he has said thus far. I'm ready to invest a couple hundred k$ BEFORE they get the clearance from Kalifornia.

I will wait to see what Mphd has to say but if the system doesn't reduce the overall efficiency of the engine it will have one of the following properties:

1. Increases the efficiency of the normal fuel burn by a large percentage to cover the hydrogen production system losses, alternator losses and thermal losses. Possibly?

2. Reduces overall emissions but reduces efficiency. Maybe?

3. The electrolysis cell runs over-unity by enough to overcome all the other losses such as extra fuel, alernator losses etc. Unlikely

4. The electrolysis cell runs over-unity with respect to electrical input but uses some other element whose production energy cost has not been accounted for. Possibly?

Which would you pick?

[edit on 19/5/2010 by LightFantastic]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 11:33 AM
reply to post by LightFantastic
all those options seem unlikely.

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:01 PM

Originally posted by rickyrrr
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

It is funny that there are no posts from skeptics addressing how their arguments to discredit Bob Lazar's education (and credibility) don't appear to be consistent with the evidence presented on this video.

What evidence? Are you kidding me? Lazar obviously dodged the question on whether he does have a functioning accelerator. He quickly says "yes" and then re-iterates that "all you need is a particle accelerator".

There are tons of inconsistencies in his presentation. He calls the substance "hydride", then he refers to deuteride. That's just a load of bull. You can easily look up lithium hydride on the web (e.g. Wikipedia), and (a) it has nothing to do with weaponry (b) heating deuteride would release deuterium, and how's that supposed to be better than hydrogen if one just wants to burn it? (c) manufacturing a few pounds of deuterium using a particle accelerator is quite prohibitively expensive due to inefficiency.

If one takes a red flashing bicycle taillight, and paints "radioactivity" in large letters next to it, this has a truly comic effect indeed.

I'm tired of Lazar and his falsehoods. Yes, he can demo electrolysis for you, it's middle school lab level.


You don't need an accelerator to make LiH, in case it wasn't obvious.

[edit on 19-5-2010 by buddhasystem]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:07 PM

Originally posted by dzonatas

Originally posted by Phage
I understand fusion. I know what helium-3 is. Can you tell me what it has to do with hydrogen fueled engines, particle accelerators, or fuel cells?

My question is where is there a natural resource of Helium-3? I don't know why you avoid this question. If you understood fusion of Helium-3, you would know where there is the most abundant natural resource of it and the reason why. The rest should make sense to you of how it relates to hydrogen as a source to power such a car.

Dzonatas, you just squarely dodged the question from Mr.Phage, that's not nice. What the heck does He3 have to do with Lazar's fraud?

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:24 PM
Interesting. Here's the location (as close as I can get) of United Nuclear Scientific. S

[edit on 5/19/2010 by Phage]

posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:29 PM


posted on May, 19 2010 @ 12:47 PM
WHoever that guy was, he was able to spam the whole front page in two minutes before he was banned.

Now the entire post is gone. You'd never know he was here.

We have such good mods.

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