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Bob Lazar Has His Own Particle Accelerator

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posted on May, 21 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by MolecularPhD
Wouldn't it make better business sense to just finish your patent process and then license your design to one of the larger car manufacturers ? I mean instead of trying to get into the engine component kit manufacturing business. You could negotiate royalties, a percentage from every vehicle sold that used your patented design. Your investors would love it $$$$$$

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 01:24 PM

Originally posted by buddhasystem just keep dodging questions.

You flat out admitted:

My question was rhetorical

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
Why aren't they selling those vehicles here in the U.S.
And may I ask what vehicle you are talking about?

BMW 320ed
there are cars that do better mpg as well

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 01:53 PM
Double post

[edit on 21/5/2010 by LightFantastic]

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 02:00 PM

Originally posted by dzonatas

Originally posted by buddhasystem just keep dodging questions.

You flat out admitted:

My question was rhetorical

...of course, because I expected this kind of behavior. You don't have answers. You keep posting nonsense about deuterium, hydrogen and how it all relates to gravity and vacuum.

posted on May, 21 2010 @ 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
reply to post by MolecularPhD
Wouldn't it make better business sense to just finish your patent process and then license your design to one of the larger car manufacturers ?

If his device is more efficient then a PEM then there should be no reason his device couldn't feed the PEM.

Don't you think car manufacturers would want the most minimal change to their engine with the best performance and emissions every new model? Consider how much it costs to redesign a manufacturer and production plant every new model.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 11:58 AM
I love you guys enthusiasm but, let me help you all understand what is going on politically, financially, and publicly with this and all hydrogen technology.

.1 The US Government uses companies like the one I am head of research for to buffalo the public into believing they are trying to solve the pollution problem.

Fact: The US Government has placed huge roadblocks in the way of any company trying to deliver a real solution to this problem.

Political Agenda:

.a EPA and CARB peer review process that is designed to stop any company from delivering this technology to the general public.

.b EPA and CARB protocols that are designed to create more questions then answers; and every time they ask you a question they get 30 days to review your answer to their questions; then ask you another series of questions and they take another 30 days to do so; this has gone on for the past five years now.

.c EPA and CARB employees in charge of this review process who are lacking in scientific knowledge if they have any scientific background at all

.d EPA and CARB directors who completely fail in their responsibilities to correct these problems; or simply will not allow you to help educate those that are directly involved in these reviews.

E-mail example of the statements above; which were sent after we had already sent Miss Went a complete scientific analysis of all of the questions she posed in the following e-mail.

Dear Sir,

EPA concerned with hydrogen generation systems because of the highly
flammable and/or explosive nature of hydrogen and oxygen gas mixture.
Before we proceed with verification, we will need a complete detailed
technical description and review of the safety of this system by an
independent third party. Additionally, based on EPA’s experience with
testing hydrogen vehicles, there are numerous safety precautions that
are necessary, and the oxygen and hydrogen gas will likely pose
significant additional safety risks in a test cell.

Therefore, prior to proceeding further in the verification process, we
need you to provide an independent safety analysis from a qualified
expert. The laboratory should be a Nationally Recognized Testing
Facility (NRTL) and be certified and follow appropriate standards set by
Federal Regulatory Agencies such as OSHA, NIOSH, NFPA, or the like. The
report should include, but is not limited to:

analysis for potential for ignition and/or combustion,
the dissipation rate of the hydrogen oxygen mixture,
analysis of any leakage potential including any seepage of
hydrogen through any materials used to construction the system
(i.e. tubing)
the maximum volume of hydrogen and oxygen that may be present
throughout the system
the maximum pressure of gases at any given time included the
possibility of gas build-up due to system failure
evaluation of potential safety hazards

Additionally, we would like to have an interpretation from NHTSA that
the design of this system is not in violation of safety requirements for
motor vehicles and details on any applicable DOT regulations.

Thank you

Jennifer Went

my company has received this same response from her now for the past 8 months; even after third party review by California Environmental Engineering (CARB certified laboratory) which answered all of the questions she posed above and wrote a glowing report about the technology that I have developed. Bryan Case lead consultant for CARB for this type of technology that can be reached at Case Consulting [email protected] has even stated "The technology you have developed is light years ahead of the rest"

I would also like to point out several mistakes in reference to the production, process, and delivery system involved in the production and use of hydrogen technology in her e-mail above (showing lack of knowledge yet she is in charge of this process).


EPA and CARB imposed costs to undergo Fuels Division Testing.

.a $1,005,000.00 in 3 stages, each time you undergo this review process this same cost is associated.

.b Peer Review cost $56,800.00 Lab Testing each time your technology is reviewed.

.c Lack of approved scientific grants to help pay for the above costs; as well as the continued denial by the powers that be to approve your technology.

.d The complete lack of the US Patent Office approval of design, concept, or chemical filing of any patents that pertain directly to this form of technology. (this makes getting Angel, Venture, or Grant Funding) impossible.

The EPA and CARB "Gestapo" thugs that continually visit your home, lab, and employ tactics of out right stealing your prototype vehicles, technology, threaten your staff, family, friends, and use tactics of "Fear" to deter you from continuing the process above.


The US Government also employs the Film Industry and Media to instill "Fear" of this technology into the hearts and minds of the people; by constantly associating this technology through news broadcasters that relate it to the Hindenburg, the H-Bomb, and through Feature Length films like "Chain Reaction". or simply showing News Reports on crackpot scientists working out of their backyards on this technology. False education of the public's perception of what the overall potential is for Hydrogen Technology.

"Here is hoping that a Clean; Renewable, Environmentally Safe Future is Ahead!" for all our sakes.



posted on May, 22 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

During the "Good Guys" 2008 event in N. California the head of RR Engineering offered me $250,000.00 a year and a $60,000.00 signing bonus to bring my technology to RR after four of his Engineers thoroughly reviewed the vehicle for six plus hours during the event; he later made a statement to me that if I failed to turn this technology over to a major Corp. "It would never see the light of Day!" my wife was present during this conversation.

Selling this technology to a major manufacturer would only assure that it would be shelved so that the public never was allowed to benefit from this technology.



posted on May, 22 2010 @ 12:34 PM
To be honest I do not know what to make of Bob L. I have difficulty with all his claims and now, after watching these 'bottles' in his car I am still not convinced.

I can also invite a reporter, preferably with no tech background whatsoever and show him the neat little black box I have with the two AAA batteries attached to a circuit-board in it and tell him it can provide all the power I need for lightimg my house. If he doesn't belief me I could easily give him a demonstration by clapping my hands. And I prepared myself ofcourse....I make myself a setup that looks like a stargate, shuff it in the corner and hope he will ask me what it is. Do some genuine tech babble for the viewers and listeners and make myself interesting.....maybe write a book about it.

I dunno....

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 10:43 PM
Damn, starred and flagged brother. This video goes a long way to prove Lazar's technical and scientific prowess and, therefore, his legitimacy as a scientist and whistleblower. Crazy cool. Lazar strikes me as an uber-dork...lacking in social skills etc. so unless he is the most talented and dedicated charlatan ever then there may be something to this man.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 11:23 PM

Originally posted by Threadfall
Damn, starred and flagged brother. This video goes a long way to prove Lazar's technical and scientific prowess and, therefore, his legitimacy as a scientist and whistleblower. Crazy cool. Lazar strikes me as an uber-dork...lacking in social skills etc. so unless he is the most talented and dedicated charlatan ever then there may be something to this man.

There have been some worthy posts in this thread, but Lazar in the video looks just like a jerk and a charlatan that he is. Just read up the thread again. LiH, then LiD, then the bogus accelerator -- to achieve what exactly?

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by buddhasystem
There have been some worthy posts in this thread, but Lazar in the video looks just like a jerk and a charlatan that he is. Just read up the thread again. LiH, then LiD, then the bogus accelerator -- to achieve what exactly?

He is trying to give the impression he is some sort of super mad scientist which seems to be fairly successful. The partical accelerator is a prop to aid in making him seem more scientific as this will draw immediate comparisons with CERN and the Tevatron.

As I know you are aware, such comparisons would be akin to comparing a firework rocket to the space shuttle.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by buddhasystem

Well I'll peruse the thread when I can, but I was initially impressed nonetheless.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 02:14 AM

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
Fact: The US Government has placed huge roadblocks in the way of any company trying to deliver a real solution to this problem.

There are huge roadblocks getting any technology implemented into vehicles.

.a EPA and CARB peer review process that is designed to stop any company from delivering this technology to the general public.

Whilst I know little of the EPA and CARB, it is typical of anything connected to the motor industry to have mountains of expensive red tape. The industry is highly regulated

.b EPA and CARB protocols that are designed to create more questions then answers; and every time they ask you a question they get 30 days to review your answer to their questions; then ask you another series of questions and they take another 30 days to do so; this has gone on for the past five years now.
.c EPA and CARB employees in charge of this review process who are lacking in scientific knowledge if they have any scientific background at all
.d EPA and CARB directors who completely fail in their responsibilities to correct these problems; or simply will not allow you to help educate those that are directly involved in these reviews.

Again this is typical of governmental processes.

EPA and CARB imposed costs to undergo Fuels Division Testing.
.a $1,005,000.00 in 3 stages, each time you undergo this review process this same cost is associated.
.b Peer Review cost $56,800.00 Lab Testing each time your technology is reviewed.
.c Lack of approved scientific grants to help pay for the above costs; as well as the continued denial by the powers that be to approve your technology.

The motor industry is 'real big' business. Everything costs lots of money. Companies I know charge millions of dollars just to give them a quote. I could do the job for less than the cost of the quote. It is just they way they work.

.d The complete lack of the US Patent Office approval of design, concept, or chemical filing of any patents that pertain directly to this form of technology. (this makes getting Angel, Venture, or Grant Funding) impossible.

It is easy with systems such as this to get branded with the 'free-energy' crowd. There are ways of filing patents to get around this. Of course any system you subsequently patent will have to be completely different to the one you have made public so far.

The EPA and CARB "Gestapo" thugs that continually visit your home, lab, and employ tactics of out right stealing your prototype vehicles, technology, threaten your staff, family, friends, and use tactics of "Fear" to deter you from continuing the process above.

Now this is surprising and to be honest is typical of what you hear from free-energy charlatans.

The US Government also employs the Film Industry and Media to instill "Fear" of this technology into the hearts and minds of the people; by constantly associating this technology through news broadcasters that relate it to the Hindenburg, the H-Bomb, and through Feature Length films like "Chain Reaction". or simply showing News Reports on crackpot scientists working out of their backyards on this technology. False education of the public's perception of what the overall potential is for Hydrogen Technology.

I'm not sure this is driven by the government and I don't get this feeling about Hydrogen in Europe. The media and its complement of 'I know nothing except for how to write copy' brain-dead journalists may do this however, not to thwart progress but for sensationalism.

However, a step change in the efficiency of vehicles would make a major dent in tax revenue, meaning raising taxes on fuel or elsewhere which may be political suicide in the US. It would be easy to allow a device that doubles the efficency of vehicles and just double the tax on the fuel so the cost per mile remains as it is now. No one pays less except the environment.

On the other hand I do wonder why cars in the US are so in-efficient compared to Europe. As I posted earlier I can go out and buy a BMW mid side car BMW 320ED that will achieve nearly 70MPG whilst retaining acceptable performance. If I were willing to accept slightly less performance I can get a more efficient car. And all without Hybrid badge or huge battery packs.

I think the problems your company faces are typical of many a disruptive startup - lacking in knowledge of their target market, PR, marketing and general business skills. I have been in this position myself.

[edit on 23/5/2010 by LightFantastic]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 02:00 PM
Attn: LightFantastic

“There are huge roadblocks getting any technology implemented into vehicles.”

I would agree with you, there are reasonable roadblocks that can be overcome with the proper funding to undergo these roadblocks but, when you have proven your technology time and time again in road trials, DYNO testing, SMOG Examinations, Technical Reports from Roush, and peer reviews of your technology by top NASA Scientists, Skunk Works Engineers, and many respected Automotive Engineers in their field; and still are denied approvals and grant funding; it no longer is a reasonable roadblock it is very unreasonable indeed.

“Now this is surprising and to be honest is typical of what you hear from free-energy charlatans.”

Well I do not know their experiences in this realm but, I can certainly share mine.

.1 The burning down of my laboratory in Las Vegas, NV destroying millions in equipment and research data; it was deemed to be an apparent electrical fire by the fire investigator; I had independent certified electricians review the site and all of the three said “It is highly suspicious”.

.2 My home was broken into and the computer in my home office was the only object stolen in the theft.

.3 While performing a SMOG Exam at a Certified SMOG facility; three state vehicles two white G Vans, and a SUV with state plates marked Exempt; surrounded the facility we were at; they proceeded to confiscate the SMOG report data and confiscated the SMOG testing Equipment; they pulled out a portable X-ray machine, shot die over all of the welds in the exhaust system and performed a series of in the field tests of the engine and exhaust system; when they found the H2 Generator in the bed of the 2003 Avalanche they started an interrogation of everyone that was at the site including all of the employees of the facility and my staff members; they then called in a tow vehicle and confiscated our testing vehicle (under great protest) stating “We are impounding this vehicle for further examination” it took the owner of the vehicle several weeks to get his vehicle back from the state of California; and when the vehicle was returned to him the H2 System had been removed from the vehicle and all of its component parts attached to the engine.

.4 My wife and I moved away from Las Vegas, NV to N. California; while we were waiting for our new home to be built we were staying in a pull behind travel trailer that was located on the property of my lead electrical engineers farm; at around 1:30am we awoke to the sounds of someone unloading a fully loaded weapon directly behind our trailer; both of us were very scared and laying on the floor of the trailer until it ended; we called the authorities in and they investigated the area finding nothing; no footprints, shell casings, or any evidence at all to show that someone was there; if it had not been for my staffer verifying what we heard, I do not believe the authorities would have believed what happened.

.5 After we opened our new lab location; my material engineers wife was home alone with their kids, four individuals entered his property one of them knocked on the door and showed her what appeared to be a “Government Badge” stating “We are looking for a suspicious individual that was spotted in the area” they then proceeded to search their property without a warrant scaring the hell out of my engineers wife and kids.

.6 While a friend and I were on a fishing outing not far from where I live; we were at the bottom of a dam fly fishing for trout; we were there maybe an hour or so when several gunshots rang out and we heard the impact of the rounds on the dam structure we were standing next to; we ran with our gear to the top of the dam spotting a black SUV with smoked out windows; there were two individuals sitting in the front of the vehicle when they drove by us I screamed out “What the hell are you shooting at” the guy hanging half way out the passenger side window (both dressed in dark suits) yelled “DUCKS” and then drove off in a hurry; my staffer noted the vehicle did not have any plates.

All of the above is just a few of many, many incidents experienced by everyone that has been involved in this project. I realize you may dismiss all of these events as mere coincidences but, unfortunately I do not have that luxury.



P.S. The problems that you are suggesting we have is not the case as, we have some of the top performers in the Automotive Industry IE Marketing, Business Administration etc... Engineers, Designers, Material Engineers, and Manufacturing with ties to two of the biggest OEM Manufactures in the US; we have also acquired Jim Harris as our CEO rated in the top 500 CEO's in the US Auto Market but, thanks for your concern.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:01 AM

Originally posted by MolecularPhD
All of the above is just a few of many, many incidents experienced by everyone that has been involved in this project. I realize you may dismiss all of these events as mere coincidences but, unfortunately I do not have that luxury.

Thanks for a expanding a little. I have no reason to doubt what you say and am glad you have all the right people to give the best chance of success for your project.

I still wouldn't think your government would employ these tactics but then there are others that would lose revenue if you succeed.

Can you expand a little on the spec of your system? From what you have said your system consumes about 35A and draws about 2250W from the engine. Are you switching with a low duty cycle or do you have a higher voltage alternator added on? Are you using AC, DC or offset AC?

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 08:34 AM

Originally posted by LightFantastic

Originally posted by buddhasystem
There have been some worthy posts in this thread, but Lazar in the video looks just like a jerk and a charlatan that he is. Just read up the thread again. LiH, then LiD, then the bogus accelerator -- to achieve what exactly?

He is trying to give the impression he is some sort of super mad scientist which seems to be fairly successful. The partical accelerator is a prop to aid in making him seem more scientific as this will draw immediate comparisons with CERN and the Tevatron.

As I know you are aware, such comparisons would be akin to comparing a firework rocket to the space shuttle.

I am indeed aware of that, having worked at CERN for a number of years and recently visited the Tevatron. Lazar preys on people's inability to understand science (and I don't always blame people for that, because it's hard indeed). I resent Lazar for that reason. Just listen to that babble about thermonuclear weapons and how he manufactures deuterium in his backyard.

posted on May, 26 2010 @ 05:40 PM
I have been away from the computer for several days, and have been catching up on my reading. We all seem to know or have heard that progress is being thwarted and shelved in terms of energy alternatives.

For those who have first hand experience and information about this, it seems to me there should be an obligation to orchestrate an expose`
of the attempts to conceal these efforts.

Perhaps this is easier said than done, but at the same time, an interested news reporter might be the key.

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 08:41 PM
i think some of you are so open your brains have fallen out hes a liar clearly just because he said where he worked doesnt mean the govt is out to get him hes a fake a retard who sells radioactive # online, he has no qualifications, if i ran a buncha boxes ar ound my place with a hydrogen cell hooked up would you think i was running an accelerator? also dr michop kaku made one when he was like 12? it doesnt mean #, you people should be hating this man hes using your imagination and beliefs against you and making money i hope he goes bankrupt again

posted on May, 27 2010 @ 09:34 PM
reply to post by MolecularPhD

Do you think maybe it is time to move the company to another country that is friendlier to technical advancement and not so much in bed with big oil?
Maybe Singapore...Japan? Hong Kong? I bet they would love to be the first to say that they have kicked the oil habit.

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