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Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care

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posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:13 PM

Originally posted by semperfortis
Can anyone tell me this is NOT Socialism?

This is NOT socialism.

It is pure insanity.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by semperfortis

Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care

This is not what she said...and you know that.

She said you don't have to be "job locked"...meaning you will be able to get health insurance at a reasonable rate OUTSIDE OF A JOB.

A lot of people only hold their job because of the insurance...because it is too expensive for individual plans. She is saying with this bill they can quit their job and still get affordable health care insurance.

She never said the words "taxpayers will cover your healthcare". Do you care to dispute that fact???

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Thanks. I feel dumb because I glanced at the source link and saw CBS, not CNS. I also notice the video cleverly edits her remarks.

I stand by my statement about Pelosi being an idiot though.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by InvisibleAlbatross

I agree...Pelosi is an idiot and just generally unlikeable.

But that is no excuse for the OP to put forth misquotes of her.

ETA: And look at the Stars and Flags the OP gets...too funny.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by OutKast Searcher]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:01 PM
Straight out of Haight-Ashberry in San Francisco and the summer of love. Gotta love old hippy chicks.

I dont know if its the pot or the syphilis at this point that makes that woman so stupid.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by Thirty_Foot_Smurf]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by OutKast Searcher
reply to post by semperfortis

Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care

This is not what she said...and you know that.

She said you don't have to be "job locked"...meaning you will be able to get health insurance at a reasonable rate OUTSIDE OF A JOB.

I see you mean medicaid right? a tax payer sponsored entittlement program I guess what else can you get without having a secure income that can be trace by the IRS private insurance madate enforcerment.

We know exactly what Madam Pelosi was telling

Yeah we should all become aspiring mucsicians, claim under poverty income and live on Medicaid thanks to HCR, while following our aspiring dreams at the expenses of tax payer in the nation

Obama's Revised Health Insurance Plan Expands Medicaid Eligibility

"Starting on January 1, 2014, all low-income, non-elderly and non-disabled individuals will be eligible for Medicaid," the plan says. "This includes unemployed adults and working famlies – all people with income below $29,000 for a family of four (133% of poverty).

"The Federal Government will support States by providing 100% of the cost of newly eligible people between 2014 and 2017, 95% of the costs between 2018 and 2019, and 90 percent matching for subsequent years

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:27 PM
for me its not just about musicians, its about anyone that wants to live out their dream and put 100% into it without having to hold some slave robot job to pay for your health care, for me this is about going after your dreams, whether it be music, art, sports, philosophy, writing, opening your own business. one of the ways society progresses is by being able to have people do other things than hunt and gather. if it was not for domesticated animals and farming techniques that allowed for people to do other things besides hunt and gather, we would never have had time for the sciences, arts, math, philosophy, music etc etc. this show really opened my eyes as to how civilization developed...

guns, germs and steel

width="480" height="385"> "" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:35 PM
reply to post by conspiracy nut

You can no longer live the American dream in America without been indebted to the banskters one way or the other, or you are just a dreamer.

still living the "America dream" doesn't mean living at the expenses of tax payer in the nation like Pelosi is "hinting" for your medical needs.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:38 PM
reply to post by mooseinhisglory

Well said Moose. While I don;t agree with Pelosi on this (or anything) there are many talented artists and musicians who cannot get a break due to having to work constantly to pay the bills, particularly if they are married and have kids.
My dream was to be an artist and a musician but I loathe being alone and ended up married with kids. So I had to modify my dream and became a craftsperson (engraver) instead of pursuing fine art.
As for music I've toured with a couple of bands and seemingly lost money in the process (sure of it actually).
My word to aspiring artists and musicians is this; you better work twice as hard as everyone else or you will get nowhere. It sucks but that's how it is unless you have rich parents who can support you for many of your adult years. Whining about it will change nothing and don't expect the world to come to your aid. Sadly, we have an uneducated public when it comes to the arts here in America and regardless of the merit or talent of your work there is no guarantee of success.
If you do Art or music, do it because you LOVE it - not because of all the perks you think it will get you. This reality does act as a sort of filter to get those who don't have the dedication to their craft out of the game.
Just look at the life of Van Gogh - he sold ONE painting in his entire career and his brother was an art dealer in Paris! His life was frustration and torment. Expect the same if you dreams of art or music and you will never be disappointed.
As for Pelosi; what level of Hell did they drag this harridan up from? Van Gogh seems quite sane compared to her.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by Asktheanimals

Is nothing wrong with doing what you want to do, my son in law is a mechanical engineer from GA tech, still he works full time makes a ton of money own his home and have time to follow his dreams, he have a band that already has a demo record and perform in different states during the weekends.

So is not need for him to give away his job to just do his music inclined dream he does both.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by marg6043

We know exactly what Madam Pelosi was telling

Of course you do...because you don't let little things like facts get in your way.

It's right there in the video...she never said what the OP quoted her as saying...that is dishonest at best....and knowingly pushing misinformation at worst.

I'm glad to know you are a mind reader and don't care what people ACTUALLY will just ASSUME you know what they mean. Your credibility has dropped to nothing these past few days.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 02:51 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Sorry my friend but I do no take bait easily and for the looks of you, you can not afford to bait others much more.

So have a nice day.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:26 PM

Originally posted by prionace glauca
Not only will these aspiring Musicians will get a free rain of health benefits but also the many illegals that she herself is pushing amnesty for. We need to stop this tyranny, get out this NOVEMBER and vote these treasonous tards out.

Why on earth would anyone have a problem with amnesty. It forces the illegals to become citizens and pay taxes as well as no longer receive free handouts.. Seriously?? Maybe you haven't fully thought this subject out. Amnesty might be the only actual way for a solution since we certainly can't round everyone up and send them out. They should offer every illegal citizen an opportunity to become a citizen through amnesty. Then anyone who is found as an illegal should be immediatly deported. Then we won't have the drain on the welfare and health care systems.

You say amnesty is bad? Shame on you..

[edit on 16-5-2010 by libertytoall]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:34 PM
tight! I havent had a job in years, and I'm an artist.
Why not use the govt to our advantage? not like I care about them any more than they care about me.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:35 PM
She might as well sit down with these aspiring musicians, break out the bong and pot and smoke them down with the California weed while she is at it. This is as ridiculous as this new administration all day every day!

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:47 PM
You speak as you don't want the government controlling everything..but I'm curious, doesn't the government control:
The highways
Voting Laws
Alcohol Laws
Smoking Laws
Drug Laws
Driving Safety Laws

And beyond?

Also, isn't it odd that many conservatives want the government out of their health care but yet they want the government to outlaw abortion? A health care issue...

Some people just don't get it.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:48 PM
so much scorn from a community of people who probably aren't very creative themselves

considering the artists themselves would also be paying for their own health insurance, because that is mandated, how are they possibly wasting taxpayer money?

most of you are fairly conservative, if not in political views, it's most certainly in personality. You don't understand how important design is in the world. Everything from font type to the user interface you use with your OS, even this website (as boring as the layout is) is all design. Someone designed the label to EVERY product you use. Ever considered commercial artists and their own living? Ever think that an artist is someone other than "people draw n' paint"?

so yeah, free ride my ass, the world runs on art and design and NEEDS artists of all types.

edit: for the record, the OP's thread title doesn't match the article. Great spinning, love the BS, keep it up

[edit on 16-5-2010 by piddles]

[edit on 16-5-2010 by piddles]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:49 PM
Prez Barry Soetoro can be proud of 'ol Nancy. I think her multiple Botox injections are lodging in her brain (such as it is) causing severe malfuctions of reasoning.


posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:49 PM

Originally posted by minigunner
She might as well sit down with these aspiring musicians, break out the bong and pot and smoke them down with the California weed while she is at it. This is as ridiculous as this new administration all day every day!

What's wrong with that?! Bring out the grass!!!!!


posted on May, 16 2010 @ 07:50 PM

“We see it as an entrepreneurial bill,” Pelosi said, “a bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care.”

Where's the misquote?
She said this days ago, I'm surprised it took this long to come up here.

How many of you have a favorite writer or musician that contributed to your way of thinking today?

I don't do drugs & don't beat up women, so the answer is "Not me for one"

Even if one did affect me, he/she got paid a royalty or part of the cover or a free beer, don't expect/demand more.

Do what the hell you want, just don't expect me to pay for it.

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