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How will full disclosure be presented to U.S. citizens

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posted on May, 14 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by Diplomat
reply to post by Xcathdra

I think we all understand that a world government on a planet could be a good thing. The problem here on this planet though is that the people who are steering the main movement for a world government are not very nice people and they do not care much for you and I.

I am all for a world government on Earth, just not one ran by the psychopaths who are currently running the show.

A situation that can remedied by people taking an interest in Politics, and participating in the system, instead of being apathetic about what their elected leaders do, and turning a blind eye towards injustice just because its inside someone elses borders.

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 07:21 PM
reply to post by Xcathdra

And that is where we seem to have a serious problem, especially in the United States. I believe that we are actually past apathy and in the dependence stage as outlined in Tytler's Cycle of History:

posted on May, 14 2010 @ 08:04 PM
I would be so scared, I'd have to join a group of people in the streets and get me a new wide screen TV. Maybe even some free groceries....

What would you expect in larger cities? We don't need a reason as good as extraterrestrial aliens for civil unrest.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 07:42 AM

Originally posted by hinky
I would be so scared, I'd have to join a group of people in the streets and get me a new wide screen TV. Maybe even some free groceries....

What would you expect in larger cities? We don't need a reason as good as extraterrestrial aliens for civil unrest.

Lol.. Big screen TV aside you technically can "loot" basics like food and stuff (Think Katrina style problems where society pretty much breaks down as a whole with the Government not able to keep up with it) without getting into to much trouble...

Now, not getting shot while shopping is anohter story all together...

As far as the people insde the US being beyond apathetic, I completely agree... However, at the local level, at least in my region, there is more and more participation in local government. We have laready thrown out our city council and chucked the City Manager. The new city council we have now made a comment about our quarterly sales tax from the state being up 7% and started to talk about how to spend it. The swift response from the people answered the questions for them - They were told to pay off the debt, or put it in savings, and anything spent aside from that would be met with en mass voting in the next cycle to replace those who voted to spend it on anything else.

Its intresting to see how far it takes a society to become completely fed up with incompetant government. I am really curious to see what suprises await in November.. I have already seen some party primaries where the incumbent who was expected to win, did not get the endorsement of their party voters.

It appears that even for the Republicans, trying to change course to win this November will be problematic... for any incumbant, party affiliation aside.

Maybe this is what it is going to take to get disclosure.....

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 07:52 AM

Originally posted by Bob Down Under
It would be worldwide no doubt and not just in the self centered USA.

I know the America goverment thinks the whole world hangs off its apron strings and It would be a shock to its system if another country got in first? but we can not have that can we!

"Hang on our apron strings" That's funny.
But I do agree that it would have to be a world-wide event. No one single government/country should be allowed to announce such (if it is in fact true). If it ever happens, it would probably be through the United Nations or someone like that.

posted on May, 15 2010 @ 09:57 AM
Will never happen, not from the gvmt anyway..

Line 8992778473

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 06:59 AM

Originally posted by Miccey
Will never happen, not from the gvmt anyway..

Line 8992778473

We "are" the Government.. So I ask this:

Why not?

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:41 AM
I have been watching a lot of the Doomsday 2012 shows (kinda hard not to when everyone is on that bandwagon) and UFO shows (mostly entertainment, but they do have, in my opinion, some good information), and my opinion is simply this. 12/21/2012 or 21/12/2012 however you put your dates will be a very serious day for human kind. As Stephen Hawking has said, the odds that we are the only life in the galaxy is so tiny, you have a better chance of winning the lottery every week for the rest of your life. So, what is to say there is not some huge intergalactic war currently taking place with a multitude of species, and we are getting ready to be brought into the fold on one of the sides?

If my assumption is correct, we have been visited for many thousands of years and have been steadily guided along the path towards true intelligence, but the real UFO phenomena began after the detonation of a nuclear device. What's to say they have been monitoring us, and Nuclear Physics is a point where the good aliens, for a lack of a better term, decide to reveal themselves and bring us up to date. I know technology advances exponetially, but we have made leaps and bounds in a way, that if someone from 1910-1920 were brought to our time, they really wouldn't be able to handle it. My grandparents, who are 85 are so amazed at how fast technology has advanced, it just fuels my opinion, that we are "given" technology by other beings, but no manuals, pictures of anything and whatever we derive from it is ours, and once we reach a point, what I like the call the pinacle, they will ask that they be revealed to the masses.

Now yes, ETs could undermine religion, etc, and cause widespread panic, but in my opinion, if there are others here watching us and guiding us, chances are they themselves have done this before, or had it happen to them and know the deal when it comes to revelation. So, full disclosure? My guess would be, and this is just me dreaming would be a ceremony in which we learn of other species in this universe and become a part of there coalition, with a formal ceremony fully displaying them. Anything short of that, probably would cause a global meltdown, because inherently humans fear the unknown, but knowing there are others more powerful then us, watching over us, guiding us until we are ready would be very comforting, as long as we have assurances there intentions are good, and not evil.

So, disclosure for me would be as I said, some form of ceremony involving them, and lots of question and answer time, not simply "Hey people of Earth, there aliens!".

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:50 AM
Obviously, it would entirely depend upon what is being disclosed. The previous announcements of extra-terrestrial life appeared in peer reviewed journals and received little attention in the popular press. Should SETI turn something up, there is a series of protocols that will be followed. A full scale invasion would probably look a lot like "Mars Attacks!"

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 11:58 AM
Human beings are not capable of handling disclosure properly .. especially on a global scale .. too much politics .. lies .. self interests .. and dis-trust amongst nations and individuals ..
Leave it up to governments .. and it will never happen .. or if it does .. it will be a cluster-f*&%k ..

Disclosure can only happen one way .. globally by the ET's themselves .. they just show up in mass globally .. and then we'll all be forced to accept it and take it from there ...

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:05 PM
reply to post by FactFinder

Actually I do believe the disclosure will occur in the United States for primarily one reason, which is that the United Nations Headquarters is located in New York, and is considered an "international zone" belonging to all member countries.

Are you aware of any other location on earth, with its history of problem resolutions, and/or at the very least discussions, that can make this same claim?

As far as lawsuits go, the United States, as well as other foreign countries, will quickly pass laws, if it has not been done so already,
waviing all liability claims for past, current or future damages, or at the very least setting up a maximum dollar amount, (small) that may be compensated for claims. This has been done repeatedly in varying degrees, on various matters within the United States or by individual states, and there is no reason to think that process would stop.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by manta78]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:18 PM

Originally posted by tabris
Disclosure is not imminent and will never be presented to the citizens of the US.

You would be foolish to think otherwise.


Never say never my friend, for that is a very long time, and

nothing is impossible; anything can happen, and life demonstrates

that to us every day.

[edit on 16-5-2010 by manta78]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:23 PM
I just don't think the masses there could handle it quite yet..... with the rest of the chaos going on, the time just isn't right...

Too many people would just go nuts-oh, and things would get even scarrier....

It used to make me mad, but now, the more I know, the more I can see their wisdom in holding this info back....

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by mellisamouse
I just don't think the masses there could handle it quite yet..... with the rest of the chaos going on, the time just isn't right...

Too many people would just go nuts-oh, and things would get even scarrier....

It used to make me mad, but now, the more I know, the more I can see their wisdom in holding this info back....


There is no question in my mind, that it (disclosure) will effect earthlings, especially if some components of the Dulce Story are even remotely true.

After reading those stories for the first time, I actually commented to someone that no wonder it's been kept a secret for so many years, a statement that I thought I would not have ever even considered making at any time, as a person who is in favor of disclosure.

Of course then I wondered if that story is really just wildly exaggerated
to keep the masses in fear, and to avoid any potential loss of power or authority, even if that power loss is only a anticipated perception, vs. something that would happen in reality. I think however that
"ULTRA" near Dulce is what extent is unknown.

An so I continue to seek the answers as many others do.....................

[edit on 16-5-2010 by manta78]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 12:46 PM
reply to post by jymmyjaymes

"Many of you have asked the question; "Are there aliens out there visiting us here on earth?" "Well I'm here to tell you today, that yes, we have been visited by extraterrestrials and are currently under going visitation by life from other star systems."

Well done! I could hear the President saying exactly that. Well crafted.

I hope that's the way it would play out. I think it would certainly open up a whole raft of FOIA documents, hard questions, not to mention a certain amount of favorable view to Obama -- and a certain, perhaps smaller, amount of dislike for him. It's no secret that I'm not a fan of President Obama. Full disclosure, and I mean FULL could possibly mean a total and complete change in the way we humans interact and thrive, and thus minimalize the issues of the day, causing us to focus (rightfully so) on more important issues.

Regrettably, I think that full disclosure to citizens of the United States will come from another country's head of state. Now who would the world trust, and should we be giving that person support to do so? I think so.

But who?

ETA quote

[edit on 16/5/10 by argentus]

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by jymmyjaymes
reply to post by spacevisitor

Thank you for that video, I enjoyed listening to Timothy Good. he knows it would be disastrous, but did you hear Mr. Hall's question at 50:28? Timothy proclaims that disclosure HAS begun, and is being accelerated anyway.

Your welcome and I did hear that question.
You are right, it is on the move so to say, but it will happen as Timothy Good said, due a gradual disclosure, which is also in my opinion the only properly way.

I also think that disclosure do not depends on us Humans, it depends on their [the ETs] decision, so that they and they alone will decide if and when it is the time to let us Humans know what is really going on.

Just my two Euro-cents.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:12 PM
reply to post by manta78

Decent and a plausible scenario.

But you lost me at:

"In the interest of transparency and open government, and my desire to see our government as being. of the people and for the people........."

If I hear that same ole line of bulls**t one more time from a politician, Ima gonna puke all over the place!!!

Especially if BO makes it. If he says one thing, I have learned that the opposite is most likely closer to the truth. Same for the Bush boys and the duo from Arkansas. There is only one politician I might believe, but I can't bring myself to visualize ET Disclosure being made by President Ron Paul.

It would take someone the likes of Stephen Hawking, making the full, complete disclosure before I took it to heart. Neil Armstrong is another credible individual I'd believe. There must be a reason he's been so quiet since returning from the Moon.

These politicians are going to disclose the "truth" to us, and we're suppose to believe them?

Not me, unless ET's are standing on both side of the podium as the disclosure is being made.

"Who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?" Marx. (Groucho)

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Oldnslo


Not liking that transparency thing eh--lol.

Of course it was just an example of how it could go down, and I believe, with a few exceptions or changes, this is how he would do it, or may have to do it in the near future.....time will tell.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 02:05 PM
reply to post by manta78

Geez, I do hate that "transparency" thing. Good OP and I do believe yours is a very likely scenario when it does play out.

I just have absolutely no trust in anything a politician might say.

posted on May, 16 2010 @ 02:11 PM

Originally posted by slank
Disclosure by whores & prostitutes just puts them out of business, it won't happen.

If you have disclosed it to yourself via overwhelming factual evidence,

who cares what the treasonous DC loons & their airhead TV 'newsanchor' parrots say?

Deliver discredit where it is so richly due.

& acknowledge your own credibility to yourself.

well put !

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