Ok since you asked. Here is my version posted on another thread. S& F to OP for this question.
Ok, so here's the scenario. Please keep in mind that it is an example ONLY.
The situation has gotten to the point that phone calls, telegrams, letters
are being received at the White House and in various Congressional Offices, after 3 more previously unknown persons, but who have strong
come forward with similiar information as McElroy. One is a retired general with a mass of information re ET's and UFO 's over the last several
years, including copies of documents that he should not have retained in his possession, but did; second is a well known politician who is actually
respected by both major parties, and the third is a corporate mogul who has had first hand knowledge of UFO's and ties to national defense
All have decided to come forward for various reasons, and the pressure
is increasingly daily for disclosure. The CIA has determined that a South
American ruler has unbelievably come into possession of some very credible documents, and thru wiretapped calls, they have learned that this ruler is
going to disclose same in an attempt to embarass the adminstration.
CNN, Fox News and numerous media outlets have gotten to the point of obsession so that the President has decided disclosure must be made.
You are the President's speech writer and have been given ths assignment
to prepare a brief but credible explanation that maintains the power structure as is, does not cause undue panic, and yet satisfys the curious, and
explains why disclosure has not previously occured.
Here's the speech I would write. This meeting will be held at the White House, televised obviously, with representatives from several different
countries present, as well as international scientist, astronauts, military leaders etc. all of whom have agreed in advance to discuss this on
"Ladies and Gentlemen: I would like to thank you for being here today.
As you know, the topic of my presentation today will be the possibility of
ET or Extra Terrestrial Life here on Earth, and on the topic of UFO's
which are commonly known as Unidentified Flying Objects."
"After I conclude my presentation, there will be additional presentations by various countries who are present here today. Questions may be asked
only after all presentations have been made"
"As you know, these topics have been the subject of much discussion and speculation for the last 60 years or more."
"I have only been in office since 2008, but have recently been debriefed in great detail on this entire situation as it exists on earth today, from
the perspectives or knowledge of our military organizations, and intelligence agencies."
"In the interest of transparency and open government, and my desire to see our government as being. of the people and for the people, I am here today
to announce that the United States of America, in cooperation with many countries throughout the world, has had a working relationship with Extra
Terrestrials who have visited this planet for many years."
" I am aware that this announcement will come as a shock to many people, and to tell you the truth I was kind of surprised myself to learn of the
full extent of that relationship, which has also been known by Presidents previous to me."
"First, I want to emphasize that the relationship between America, the ET's and all of the countries here today, has been a good one."
"Alien technology has been shared with us over the years which has been used to benefit mankind, despite rumors to the contrary."
"The Aliens are not here to harm you, and they do not pose a threat to the United States, or any other country on Earth."
"They wish to work with us for many years in the future, to our mutual benefit. including the sharing of new technologies for improving crop yields,
eliminating certain types of diseases, accelerated cleanup of our waterways and polluted riverss, and conversion of former desert areas into
grasslands, to name a few of those technologies."
"I know that many persons in the world have criticized our government, and other governments worldwide about non-disclosure."
"I am here to tell you today, that this was a necessary step, more so in the early years of our knowledge and relationship with the ET's than today.
In order for us to learn how ET's operate, and to determine their true intentions.
"This study or analysis has been undertaken for more than 60 years of active involvement with ET's"
"We have now determined, thru our own analysis, and that of leaders in other countries, and by a gradual acclimation of media exposure via television
programs, movies, and the print media, that the world is now ready to accept that Extra Terrestial Life is real."
"I will now ask (name of a country leader) to speak of his country's experiences in this matter, to be followed by .........."
"Thank you ladies and gentlemen, and may God Bless America, and the countries represented here today"
Any thoughts or comments? Remember this is an example only. But when disclosure occurs, it always good to have something prepared in advance.