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A Message To All Oil Spill Gloomers---RELAX!

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posted on May, 23 2010 @ 07:06 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

You want proof?

Suffering Wildlife Video

Get real.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 07:08 PM

Originally posted by ofhumandescent
reply to post by Just Wondering

Why don't you volunteer to go down there and help then? Have you ever held a dying bird in your hands?
I am, as we speak on a boat helping. I have first hand knowledge not hype peddled by fear mongers.
Have not seen a dead bird yet, did rescue a baby sea turtle the other day, she was fine, swam off like nobodys business.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 07:26 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

I gave you a star for this post. Then you are there and helping. That is amazing and commendable.

Please keep us informed of your encounters as the press is silent on this aspect.

Why is the press underplaying the BP oil spill / sealife? The press, like our government is owned by Corporate America.

All the big corporations, globally are the NWO.

You may not see the affects but statistics will prove me right in the years ahead.

You cannot pour millions of barrels of oil into the gulf and not have it affect the sea life, the weather, air and coastal land area.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 07:46 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering I am, as we speak on a boat helping.

Sure you are.

Pics, or you're in your mom's basement.

[edit on 23-5-2010 by vox2442]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 07:57 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
I am, as we speak on a boat helping. I have first hand knowledge not hype peddled by fear mongers.

Not because I distrust you or anything, but do you have any GPS coordinates handy?

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 07:58 PM
First it was a gripe about whether or not the tar balls were attributed to this "gusher". Now its about, just what did kill that Dolphin. I defy you to tell me that what is happening in Plaquemines Parish Louisiana is not a direct affect of this incident, Why don't you go down there and swim around in it and we will see how you feel afterwards, then if you survive you can tell us all just how wrong we were.

Damn EPA and OSHA wont let us near this stuff without a tyvex suit, chemical boots and chemical gloves. I'm glad wherever you are cashing in on this everything is fine but for those of us on the frontlines of this thing, we are seeing things a little bit differently.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 08:12 PM
reply to post by vox2442



posted on May, 23 2010 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious


posted on May, 23 2010 @ 08:52 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
reply to post by vox2442



A couple of blurry, heavily cropped images that have had the exif data stripped.

I remain skeptical, to say the least.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 09:08 PM
YEA SURE OP! Those pics look VERY familar of photos I have seen somewhere online that I visited. I will try to get a link. Nice try.

And since you are financially involved in the company as you admit, the very least you could do is CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR MASTERS MESS. But I am certain if you EVER WERE to be helping out with the effort, it would certainty NOT be for any reason other than your financial involvement in the company, and not for the compassion of the suffering and dead wildlife there.

AND TRY POSTING SOME REAL PICS not some website photos that you found while BROWSING YOUR FALLING STOCK PRICES.

And finally, youve been on here all day, how the heck are you involved in the efforts over there. EPIC FAIL.


posted on May, 23 2010 @ 09:09 PM
reply to post by vox2442

You will always remain skeptical until you are side by side with me cleaning baby turtles.
These are screen caps from a video we shot.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 09:11 PM
reply to post by Shine71
I will give you $10,000 if you can find that video online

it is still in my camera fool.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 09:17 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

I said in my post the PICTURES, not a video. I SAW THOSE PICS SOMEWHERE ALREADY. And if your claim is correct, PROVE IT like youve been telling folks to do about suffering and dead wildlife there. PROVE IT.

Those pics are not yours.


And you've been on here all day with your smug attitude. What cleaning have you done beside your dinner plate.


[edit on 23-5-2010 by Shine71]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by Shine71

This is the last picture I am posting, it is a waste of time with you people.
Armchair gloomers.
"Oh its so bad, oh the calamity of it all" you know what?

I paid alot of money to make sure I got "hired" on this boat with this crew so that I could be on the front line skimming the oil as it comes out of the ocean BEFORE it makes its way inland. I put my money and time where it counts and I am doing something to help.
So take your skepticism and go play some more video games.

You think you're in the "front line" you have no idea.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by Just Wondering]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 01:24 AM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
reply to post by Shine71
I do sleep well at night, very well actually, you should see my bed

And could you show me the 'sufering and death" that you speak of? show me suffering and death, show me, wanna see pics of suffering and death please.

"11 Dead in Oil Rig Explosion"

Really want pictures? Would that make those deaths more fun for you? Would pics make your bed more comfy? Would pics help you sleep at night? Would pics help you cash you BP paychecks?

Not sure how you missed it but this whole thing began with death and destruction. People dying in an explosion usually falls into that category.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 01:38 AM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
reply to post by vox2442



Which one of these pictures is proof you are on any boat helping out?

I have to ask because unless the nature of proof has completely changed, I do not understand how there pictures proof what you claimed. Care to help? I am really just curious.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 06:42 AM
reply to post by Just Wondering

Exactly why do you expect that any evidence YOU provide be taken as valid when you have consistently berated, derided and discounted ANY information provided by others?

It is ludicrous to think that somehow others who have been members on ATS much longer than yourself and established their credibility beyond reproach have suddenly become liars. And that you as Mr. Johnny come lately magically show up and are to be taken seriously with your trumped up opinion and "proof."

I can only hope that others, as I have done, deny you further warped satisfaction by ignoring your other posts/threads. If you don't think the overwhelming majority of rational members on this site don't have a memory and penchant for exposing trolls, you are sadly mistaken. :shk:

[edit on 24-5-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by kinda kurious
I knew it was a waste of time. I know you people all too well.

posted on May, 24 2010 @ 11:38 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
I have alot of money invested in BP and other energy related companies

Perhaps this thread some type of attempt to protect your monetary investments?

Some friendly advice: You should sell your stake in BP before it is completely worthless.

posted on May, 25 2010 @ 12:56 AM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
The conditions couldn't be better for this type of disaster. the deep depth and natural currents are helping a great deal....
(the depth and currents are exactly what the problem is)

...not one square inch of beach has been touched by the oil...
(this was complete bull when you wrote it)

A little something about the fishermen that have been "impacted" fishing/shrimping has not been good in the southern states for years due to overfishing and imported seafood...This oil leak is just what the fishermen have been waiting for to make some money by suing someone else. The MSM and you gloomers are helping them out....most of them sell most their fish for cash and skip paying taxes...
(most fishermen make an honest and hard earned living, you think they sit around waiting for oil spills and tax cheats?)

...this is much ado about nothing.
(Oh jesus, really?)

The USCG, Navy and BP have the leaked oil contained...
(that one really cracked me up, you're completely full of it.)

Been worse leaks and spills and spews in the Gulf...
(Yeah, worse than 5000 Barrels a day that is.)

UNLIKE the gloomers who use only feelings to back up their clams.
('Clams' from BP being far more reliable I take it?)

Drilling the relief well will stop it.
(Actually nobody knows for sure if the relief wells will stop it, but hey let's poke more holes in it at unprecedented depths)

When you say "we have removed" you actually mean hurricanes and natural erosion and wave action right hun? you don't really think humans are responsible for natural occuring erosion? you???
(Uh no, I think he was talking about erosion from removing stuff.)

zombies are running up and down the streets!!!! run!!! run!!!

I'm still right and you're still a....gloomer.
(Gloomer, Birthers, Truthers, isn't this getting a little silly?)

Our situation is better becasue of the depth...

Some of you can't deal with facts and reason so you resort to attacking the messenger....
(You have some facts to present?)

...none of the carcasses has obvious signs of oil.
(what obvious signs of oil does suffocation from depleted oxygen leave? What's that brown guck on the birds then, river snot?)

Now go away the adults have business to attend to.

Tar balls are naturally occuring.
(Yeah, so is Uranium, by that logic, nuclear weapons are just a by product of a natural process)

Tar is a naturally occurring substance it ALWAYS washes up to the beaches.
(Yeah, it also occurs when your piss poor drilling practices fail and you poke a big hole in the world's third largest resevoir of the stuff)

As far as you "fishing business" you and I both know it has gone downhill since the Chinese started dumping their products unchecked into our markets. So lets not pretend you were in a thriving industry prior to this incident....
(I dare you to say that to one of those shrimpers down there right now)

...the tar balls are not related to the leak...
(Oh so they did find out where they were comming from?)

...have seen computer models that have estimated the oil could reach the East coast and possibly the UK... It will miss FLA though.
I don't know why I find that kind of funny.
(Yeah, funny stuff. Disasters are always the best laughs)

I have alot of money invested in BP and other energy related companies so I know more than most about the oil industry and service companies that work in the oil field.
(You have alot of money invested in BP, hence you are an oil expert?)

At our current rate of leakage we would need to leak for 90 days to EQUAL the size of those incidents.
(Oh yeah, based soley on that 5000 barrels a day mythology again)

I should be ashamed because I made alot of money by investing in BP?
(No, but you should be ashamed of bragging about having alot of money)

I do sleep well at night, very well actually, you should see my bed
(No thanks)

And could you show me the 'sufering and death" that you speak of? show me suffering and death, show me, wanna see pics of suffering and death please.

Keep searching, there has to be some suffering and death going on due to the enormity of this leak right? try google, look up, "suffering death oil leak" go ahead, I'll come back and check on your progress in a little while.
(You're kind of creepy)

Have not seen a dead bird yet...
(Watch the news)

I paid alot of money to make sure I got "hired" on this boat with this crew
(good for you, why are you paying them anything to get "hired"?)

I was reluctant to reply to this thread, but after wading through your posts I just couldn't resist. I will only post once however, you're ego is sufficiently stroked by the ATS members that have chosen to sit here and argue with you. Enjoy the spotlight this thread provides you though as you have utterly destroyed your credibility.
Compassion and humility are neither required nor expected of another in calamitous or catastrophic events, but these traits are essential qualities when dealing with others in their moments of anger, grief, and doubt. Nobody here gives a cold rat's turd that you made alot of money investing in BP or that you sleep in a really nice bed, I can just about promise you that. What we do care about, however, is Spooks and Mooks, Shills and Naysayers abound on this site when corporate interests are at stake. This is not a good site for you to be trolling with this kind of rubbish, some of the members here aren't so easily fooled and consider this fair warning, you're going to be intellectually eaten alive.
Let's take just one of your 'talking points'...
"The USCG, Navy and BP have the leaked oil contained..."
So the leaked oil is contained is it? Do you have a source for this information? Do you see the problem here, you sit there and try to tell one of the most informed and investigative forums on the internet that the leaked oil has been contained even while it rolls into the marshes and beaches. You can see the damned leaked oil spreading from orbit, you can see the crap flopping over and around the half-assed boom jobs, beaches are closing and critters are dying in droves while BP runs around telling people they can't photograph public areas or take their own preventative measures, and you're trying to tell us the oil was contained?

I'd be willing to bet you know better, so it begs the question, why would you say that? You're obviously not an ignorant person, and you have the same access to information that we do (more so if you're claiming to have seen computer models projecting the spill's spread pattern), so my assumption is that you are promoting someone's agenda. If that's the case you should tell BP, or whoever is signing your checks to send somebody else here, because you're not at all convincing and doing a really poor job of it. The leak is contained... jesus.
Ah well, thanks for spraying off the baby turtle at least. You're doing more harm than good here though, that's for damned sure.

[edit on 25-5-2010 by twitchy]

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