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A Message To All Oil Spill Gloomers---RELAX!

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posted on May, 23 2010 @ 05:30 PM
No. But it is my FIRM opinion that your FINANCIAL INTEREST in said company has inspired the creation of your PATHETIC thread. ONLY MONEY CAN MAKE FOLKS DOWNPLAY SUFFERING AND DEATH.

Do you sleep well at night?!

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 05:36 PM
reply to post by Shine71
I do sleep well at night, very well actually, you should see my bed

And could you show me the 'sufering and death" that you speak of? show me suffering and death, show me, wanna see pics of suffering and death please.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

Thats a ridiculous question. Do you think there is no deaths or suffering that will or HAS resulted from this TRAGEDY? Even a preschooler knows the correct answer. If you need proof of such you are lacking in adult intelligence.

No wonder the mess the world is in today. We have folks inspired only by PROFITS AND WEALTH, and NOTHING will STAND in their way from HAVING IT.

I really HOPE that there is A HELL for such folks.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by Shine71
Keep searching, there has to be some suffering and death going on due to the enormity of this leak right? try google, look up, "suffering death oil leak" go ahead, I'll come back and check on your progress in a little while.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:00 PM

Originally posted by getreadyalready
reply to post by Just Wondering

yes, yes, disinfo backed up by facts and links UNLIKE the gloomers who use only feelings to back up their clams.

I"m leaving now and going back to Loam and ActivePatriot's threads. ActivePatriot was a skeptic like you for a day or so, and then he actually did some research.

I was banned for my Username, Now I'm AP-Chris.

I was a I will straight out tell you they are lying because I have researched it.

Not only that, but I posted an article (which got me banned) calling for the immediate resignation of Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen.

Meanwhile, the Coast Guard announced the creation of a federal Flow Rate Technical Group to assess the actual flow rate from the well. Coast Guard Capt. Ron LaBrec said that Adm. Thad Allen would oversee the team, which will include members from the Coast Guard, the Minerals Management Service, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, the Department of Energy, the U.S. Geological Society and others from the science community and academia.

The person presiding over BP's concealing of information will now head the "federal Flow Rate Technical Group"

A question for disinfo agents: Are you getting paid to sell out your Country are are you doing it for free?

[edit on 23-5-2010 by AP-Chris]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:06 PM

I was banned for my Username, Now I'm AP-Chris.


Not only that, but I posted an article (which got me banned)
So which is it that got you banned??

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

I actually CANNOT BELEIVE I AM CATERING TO YOUR FOOLISHNESS, but i did just search Google, and within 2 seconds I found out that AS OF 5 DAYS AGO almost 200 sea turtles, birds and other animals were found DEAD in the area. THAT WAS 5 DAYS AGO, MSM SEEMS TO BE HUSH HUSH SINCE THEN.

I cannot tolerate folks similar to yourself. I need a break seriously or I KNOW for a fact i am going to BUST BLOOD VESSELS. Dealing with SENSELESS, SELFISH SUB-HUMANS seems to cause that problem.

[edit on 23-5-2010 by Shine71]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:11 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering
And could you show me the 'sufering and death" that you speak of? show me suffering and death, show me, wanna see pics of suffering and death please.

I really regret responding to a troll but:

Dead Dolphin from Gulf Oil Spill

I am sorry to stoop to curb level. The only solace is knowing karma is a boomerang.

[edit on 23-5-2010 by kinda kurious]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:16 PM

Originally posted by Just Wondering

I was banned for my Username, Now I'm AP-Chris.


Not only that, but I posted an article (which got me banned)
So which is it that got you banned??

The combination of both.

My user name used the Website name I am associated with. My post sourced what I wrote on our site to outline why Adm Allen needs to resign.

People here have seen my site, they can find it if they want.

It is a fact BP has concealed pressure and flow from us. The pressure is now stated at 8,000 to 9,000 psi. I came up with that number on my own long before it was official.

You said 30 psi, remember? I do.
Even at 30 PSI it would take a 4.5 inch pipe to put out 100,000 barrels a day. Tell me why I should believe anything that comes from people like you?

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:19 PM
You just wait and see. In 10 years time look back and you will be horrified at all that was destroyed and you will be depressed because recovery is not even in sight. I can understand why you would want to put your head in the sand. Ignorance is Bliss..

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by Shine71
Link? pictures?

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by kinda kurious

a Facebook picture of a dead porpoise? they wash up every year at this time. it is a natural occurence, look it up if you think I'm lying.
sooo...unless you have an autopsy report along with your Fcaebook picture

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:27 PM

Originally posted by Lebowski achiever
You just wait and see. In 10 years time look back and you will be horrified at all that was destroyed and you will be depressed because recovery is not even in sight. I can understand why you would want to put your head in the sand. Ignorance is Bliss..
Ok, gimme a jingle in ten years time and we'll have a beer and the one that guessed right pays.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:32 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

I just closed the page and REFUSE TO CATER ANOTHER SECOND to your foolishness as you are beyond pathetic or either you are a total troll. As far as a pic for you, why dont you just imagine a pic I took of my middle finger right now. Thats my pic for you.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:34 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

Another bullying tactic to quiet people down, who do not share your opinion.

The BP Oil Spill is bad, really bad and I've had a really horrible feeling ever since it happened.

A friend of ours use to work for the EPA and as we had dinner one night this topic came up.

M says that if they can't stop this leak soon we are all in deep doo doo. Our oceans regulate our weather and the sea creatures are going to die by the millions. If the oil spill reaches the coral reef, the coral will die. The plankton is alreadying dying and whales and other sea creatures eat plankton. It's all inter related.

Few observable effects of oil spills on the small, passively drifting plants and animals composing the plankton have been uncovered in post-spill investigations. Some kills were observed during the Torrey Canyon spill among phytoplankton (plant plankton), but none among the zooplankton (animal plankton) (). In any case, the heavy use of chemical dispersants complicates the issue. Studies following the Santa Barbara blowout could detect no harmful effects on phytoplanktonic productivity () or zooplankton populations (). However, because plankton is passively carried about by water currents, it would be very difficult to discern effects in the field, especially in open waters like the English or Santa Barbara Channels.

Laboratory experiments have generally produced more tangible results, although the degree to which these results may be extrapolated to natural conditions is open to question. As early as 1935, Galtsoff et al () found that growth in cultures of diatoms, which are important components of the phytoplankton, was inhibited by high concentrations of oil. Russian workers have also found that various diatom species are sensitive to kerosene and fuel oils (). Recently, researchers have found that water extracts of various crude and fuel oils and dispersants may inhibit growth of phytoplankters (), or affect the rate of photosynthesis (). However, it is difficult to relate the results of most of these studies to what might actually be experienced in the marine environment, because either the actual concentrations of hydrocarbons in the experimental water was unreported or the concentrations used in the experiments are unrealistically high. Gordon and Prouse () did use experimental concentrations that realistically might be found in polluted coastal areas or near spills. They found that, at concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in solution below 10 to 30 parts per billion (ppb), photosynthesis was stimulated. Concentrations of the crude and refined oils tested of from 60 to 200 ppb suppressed photosynthesis to varying degrees. Number 2 fuel oil had the greatest effect and depressed photosynthesis by 60 percent at concentrations between 100 and 200 ppb. These results indicate that there is a possibility of both stimulation and inhibition of photosynthesis in areas subject to chronic oil pollution or in the vicinity of a heavy oil spill.

The larvae or young of many benthic and fish species spend time as members of the zooplankton. They are often much more susceptible to toxicants than adults. Larvae of the intertidal barnacle (Elminius modestus) were shown to be killed by 100 parts per million (ppm) of fresh crude oil (). Crude oils have also been shown to be toxic to the planktonic eggs and larvae of some fishes, including cod and herring ().

In addition to potentially acute effects of oil spills on planktonic organisms, there has been concern about the long-term effects of floating oil and tar lumps, which have become alarmingly common on the high seas. If the concentrations of petroleum hydrocarbons in ocean surface waters are being increased by shipping discharges or atmospheric input, there would certainly be concern for the near-surface plankton so important to oceanic productivity. Data on hydrocarbon concentrations in seawater are remarkably scant and historical data are nonexistent, thus making it impossible to predict future trends and effects of oil on the oceanic ecosystem.

A unique, but poorly studied, assemblage of organisms lives right at or just below the surface of the sea, the neuston. Because of their intimate contact with floating oil, it is difficult to imagine that neustonic organisms would not suffer toxic or mechanical effects of contact with fresh oil slicks. Concern has been expressed for the community of highly adapted organisms associated with Sargassum, which floats over much of the North Atlantic. It is significant to note that petroleum hydrocarbon contamination of Sargassum plants and animals has been reported (). Some research is now in progress in Bermuda on the effects of floating oil on the Sargassum community. Unfortunately, the ecology of neustonic organisms is very poorly known, and the effects on it of floating oil can only be surmised.

Start researching, I've both researched on this and spoke with someone who has studied this stuff for nearly 30 years.

Tell you what, print out and put away your previous post and in ten years bring it back out and let's see, if you or the "gloomers" were right. Ten short years and look around you.

I remember skies much bluer, the gulf much cleaner and oak trees 150 high just 30 years ago. I also remember when someone that had breathing problems was rare, now it's common. We're losing the oxygen in our atmosphere.

The human species is destroying this beautiful planet. An oil spill here, cutting our forests down there, a island of plastic bigger than the size of Texas in the Pacific, our air is getting more polluted by the year and in some countries (India & China), the people continue to multiply like bugs

The lists of man's atrosities against this planet continue to escalate.

While you are right this isn't the worse oil spill yet, combining everything together adds up.

If I want to be upset that is my right and if you want to ignore or discount the seriousness of this issue that is your right but please do not tell the individuals that are upset to get over it.

IMO You do not realize the gravity of the situation.

We can't keep doing the things to this planet that we are doing without grave consequences.

This incident did not have to happen, that is what upsets me. The BP Oil Spill could have been prevented but the company chose profit over safety.

What also upsets me are people who say, oh it's not that bad.

To do that means you are ignoring the responsibility we have, as guardians and keepers of this beautiful planet we were so priviledged to be born upon and condone the corporate greed that must stop.

You would not dismiss this if one of your brothers, sisters or husband had been one of the 11 souls that perished or you were a dolphin or crab that called the Gulf your home.

Look at the big picture, a planet can only take so much abuse.

The people who run BP should be held accountable.

The majority of our problems on this planet, at this time stem from greed and people that are STS.

The Service to Self must stop and those that do not comply must be held accountable.

[edit on 24-5-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

Tony Hayward? Is that you?

To minimize the effects of this man made CATASTROPHE and it's current and future effects on the gulf coast, the sea and other wildlife who live there, the habitat and the economic calamity this will have on the region is ignorant and irresponsible.

I could care less about politics or media or corporate PR, this is a freakin disaster from top to bottom, with no realistic end in sight.

Millions of barrels of toxic crude oil are poisining our gulf and destroying one of the most naturally beautiful and delicate eco systems in the world. Im not a whale hugger or a tree hippie by any means, but anyone with a brain and a conscience can see what a horrible thing has been done.

Is it ok for corporations to destroy entire segments of the Earth for financial gain? They are devestating the rain forrests, polluting the air we breathe, polluting rivers and now they are literally butchering an entire habitat that could possibly be tainted and ruined for decades or more.

What makes me sick is that there were absolutely no fail safes, no protective measures in place for instances of this type. And instead of coming together with the federal agencies and other world officials to try and invent a strategy or a means to deal with this horrible mess that they have made, BP and the executives only show concern for the amount of money they will be fined and the cost of the cleanup efforts.

All they have done is stalled efforts to fix the massive leak, all while passing the buck to anyone and everyone they can blame besides themselves.

This whole disaster could have been averted with proper oversight and proper fail safes being utilized, and it should never ever be allowed to happen again. And to belittle the level of devestation that this disaster will have on the gulf coast region, it's wildlife and it's people is deplorable.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:47 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

Tell you what, I hope you're right. I really do. I will buy you two beers if I'm wrong. How's that sound?

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 06:54 PM

Originally posted by bluemooone2
Estimates put the size of this spill at about 1/2 the size of the Exxon Valdez oil spill and its getting bigger by the day. After 25 years if you dig a little ways down in to the beach in some areas there , you will still find globs of oil.

I see your point, but your facts are wrong.

The Valdez spill was 10.8 million gallons of oil, we have eclipsed that within the first 2 days.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Just Wondering

Why don't you volunteer to go down there and help then? You will, I'm sure see plenty of sea creatures washed up upon the shore. Notice how quiet the death part of this is all being kept from the public?

I use to live on Pensacola Beach for three months out of every year - I would swim way far out every day and the number of sea creatures, fish, sting rays, sharks, turtles, dolphins, etc that call the Gulf home is amazing. They do not deserve this death sentence - all because of human greed in the name of profit.

You are not Ripley, she would never have made the comments you have.

Have you ever held a dying bird in your hands?

With a avatar as wonderful as yours, you would think you would be a "protector" - Ripley's charector was not a hide your head in the sand, it's all about me type of person. She portrayed a woman of enormous moral strength and didn't sell out. That is not a personal attack, but an observation of your avatar.

One of my favorite movies, Alien is when Ripley gets in the elevator to take her down to rescue Newt and she leans against the wall for a second, she is scared because she knows what she has to do and she faces up to her responsibilty head on. Love that scene, one of my all time favorites because it expresses putting aside her own personal gain to do what is right. She showed morals.

[edit on 23-5-2010 by ofhumandescent]

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 07:01 PM
OP, you're about to feel really stupid, but you deserve it on this one.

There marsh life in LA is being killed, this is a disaster that will haunt us for perhaps the rest of our lives.

Will it effect my life every day? No...but it might someone who lives in works in the coast.

It hurts the fishing for sure, I don't want to eat gulf fish and shrimp now.

This is being downplayed by the media.

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