posted on May, 11 2010 @ 12:52 PM
There are many adjuncts that have proven to be helpful.
First, it is important to realize that the presence of cancer is a failure of the immune system. We make new cells everyday to replace the old ones
we lose. Some of those copies are bad, and can grow abnormally. If those cells are not destroyed by the immune system, it can turn into cancer.
As for natural adjuncts, anything that supports the immune system will help to fight cancer, generally. However, liver cells are much different than
kidney cells, which are different from skin cells. Some cells types require specific types of nutrients. Especially if she is badly anemic, the
nutritional support is MANDATORY! Without proper protein intake, vitamins, minerals, etc., routine tissue functions are poor, much less tissues that
are fighting cancer.
One of the key attributes of plant types that have reported favorable improvements with cancer are two things: 1-high levels of anti-oxidants,
2-plants proteins with somewhat toxic tissue effects.
The anti-oxidants help to keep abnormal metabolic functions under control, largely by diminishing the effects of free-radicals. These are chemicals
that can alter the cells and tissues around them
The theory behind the toxic tissues is the same theory behind using chemo agents. Since cancer cells metabolize so rapidly as they grow, if you
supply toxic substances, and these cells take them in at an increased rate, the toxic materials will build up in the cancer cells faster than in
normal cells. When the toxins reach a high enough level, the cancer cells die, while the normal cells have not reached levels high enough to kill
them. This is why more rapidly growing tissues, like hair, intestinal linings, etc., respond more to chemo than slower growing tissues.
I don't know if I have helped, but I hope this has given you a basis for understanding what will be done, regardless of what treatment is
My prayers are with you and your mother, and your family!