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I Have Become a Racist

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:09 PM
reply to post by QuetzalcoatlAlien

I agree with you.

I politely hint to the emergence of the 3rd Reich in Germany. Without the Xenophobia, mostly triggered by an economic crisis (hint, hint!) Hitler would not have succeeded. People who live in fear can be controlled so much easier.

The term 'xenophobia' is typically used to denote a phobic attitude towards foreigners or strangers, or even of the unknown. Racism in general is described as a form of xenophobia.

TPTB in this country have simulated this "game" since the '60s and already know the outcome.

Project Camelot was a social science research project of the United States Army in 1964


The Special Operations Research Office (SORO) later renamed to Center for Research in Social Systems (CRESS) has "mapped" societies nearly to perfection. I say no more, but do your own research. Social unrest and civil war do not emerge randomly ...

America's move towards a fascist state is in the works. Threads like this only confirm my suspicion. There is more to come than the Patriot Act, which has already taken away civil liberties under the disguise of terrorism. The OP and his supporters are (un)willingly playing their game.

Pawns on a chess board ...

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:10 PM
reply to post by chefc14

I can empathize with you. I think my anger would be even greater if I personally experienced having family or myself having had to do things the right way, and make it on my own only to have a group of others come and give us a bad reputation.

I spent a few years in Japan. When I was there, I didn't try to separate myself from their culture or language. I learned and participated in both as best I could. I considered myself lucky to be participating in it. I think for those that come to the US (especially illegally) and not try to blend in to local culture, are not only lazy, but willfully trying to corrupt the nation.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321

Originally posted by QuetzalcoatlAlien
The United States has always been made up of minorities, no matter what you think or what you are against, all races will be living peacefully without your ignorant bigotry.

So you prefer divisional terms like: Hispanic-American, African-American, Chinese-American. Why should it not just be AMERICAN?!!

Too many people complain about race being an issue, and those same people want to use race when it can give them an advantage over another. Shame on them, and those who agree with that!

Race should only be a factor of any importance for a doctor when determining genetic predispositions, not government for benefits or individuals for special treatment.

You act like a patriot of the United States but you are simply keeping the United States from progressing.

Progressing to what in your opinion? Mexico 2? The Socialist States of America? What exactly is my idea of a unified culture, indifferent to race prohibiting???

Because THAT IS THEIR CULTURE! Deal with it.

Mexico 2? You do realize there are Hungarians, Ukrainians, Swedes, and others in the United States right? The Socialist States of America? That has nothing to do with anything. The US is nothing near Socialism.

There are many diverse races in the world and especially in the United States but we do all call ourselves Americans. You don't have to be white to be proud.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:15 PM
50+ stars this makes me want to puke. it also makes me angry, you guys are breeding hate and anger. you guys admit to being racist and are proud of it? you breed hate you get hate back, and pretty soon you will be outnumbered big time, so watch your back.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by QuetzalcoatlAlien
Mexico 2? You do realize there are Hungarians, Ukrainians, Swedes, and others in the United States right? The Socialist States of America? That has nothing to do with anything. The US is nothing near Socialism.

Not nearly as many illegal (fill-in-the-blanks) as their are hispanic, specifically Mexican. They come here to abuse the system. Hence, a government that provides instead of allowing the individuals to provide for themselves. They will perpetuate this ideal within their families, many with US citizen anchor babies. They will grow up to vote in and support these bigger government welfare ideals. That's socialist enough for me.

There are many diverse races in the world and especially in the United States but we do all call ourselves Americans. You don't have to be white to be proud.

There are not too many minorities I know who don't call themeselve ______-Americans. Have you ever heard a white person call themselves European-American?

No one should be PROUD of a RACE!

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:22 PM
reply to post by Wolf321

blah blah blah. same rethoric as in the other 1000 threads about illegals. seriously, can we discuss something that hasnt been discussed a million times already. go cry to ur guberment cry baby. they ARE the ones responsible for this. trust me if they didnt want them here it wouldnt be so easy to get a cash job. man, i cant talk to u ppl

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by tauempire
I dont want to agree....but i do.

Same here...

I wouldn't call it "racism" though.. because it's not really "race" .. Technically speaking, Indigenous Mexicans (Mexican Native Americans, which is by far the largest group that crosses the border) are the same race as .. say.. Cherokee. Or Huron, or any other Native American tribe. There is something about "Latinos" though.. which references any Latin language based people (all of south America basically) that just borders on indifference, ignorance, disrespect and self absorption ... as if all the laws in the world mean nothing to them, because they have some god given right to treat others like crap and trample any law they see.

It of course is a broad general statement.. and surely not everyone fits that catagory... but the most vocal in the community, and the millions that illegally march in our streets, steal our jobs and so forth ... sorry.. I have nothing but disdain for you.

And it's not "jobs Americans won't do" .. I've known masons, carpenters, roofers and so on that have lost jobs to cheaper labor. Who wants to pay an American roofer to put a nice decent roof on when you can hire 10 mexicans in a truck to slap a half ass one on for half the price? My own personal career choice in landscaping/designing ... flooded with illegals..

But if it pleases the Mexicans and the Progressives... guess I must be wrong.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by projectvxn
reply to post by AllIsOne

An American is someone who believes in Natural Law.

Sir, I'm trying to have a real discussion with you. I do apologize if I came across rather harsh addressing your post. But, ...

What does Natural Law even mean? Does is it have the same meaning to Native Americans than to you? If not, than there is nothing "natural" about it. Do you refer to the survival of the fittest?

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:29 PM
reply to post by AllIsOne

If you don't know what Natural Law means then we cannot continue this discussiong without you doing your homework.

You have a few thousand years of philosophical history to wade through.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:35 PM
I can definately see where you are coming from. I'm from the UK and I firmly believe that one of the reasons why the government is flooding in immigrants here is to divide up society, that age old saying of divide and rule. The more they bring in, the more racial tension there is. There are signs that say "no whites" in some places and you can really see how it's dividing britain up. I'm not racist, I just don't want immigrants flooding in, taking our jobs, taking our houses, claiming our benefits and enforcing their culture whilst ignoring ours. But then the government and media enforce this political correctness and warp and distort the definition of what racism is so that anyone criticising their immigration policies is deemed a racist and ridiculed. People can call me a racist all they want, all that tells me is that they are a victim of this mind manipulation. I have black friends, chinese friends, jewish friends, pakistani friends and Greek friends so screw you, you dumb sheep.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:38 PM
OP, I don't think you are a racist. I think you are frustrated, fed up. Me too.
The one's who are suppose to be doing their job aren't or their hands are tied by the others who are suppose to be doing their job but aren't.
I try to keep an open mind and I see I have a lot to learn and understand but I am so glad people are voicing their opinions and shaking things up.
Be it emotionally driven or not, many Americans have suffered. I do not wish negative on the illegals, I wish them well.
It is us who allowed this to happen. Now one way or another we have to do something about it........ legally.
Your voice has been heard, some will see through your eyes what you have seen and some won't. Regardless, this is in our face.
I hope we take the time to educate ourselves more and to understand which steps to take that is in our best interest first as Americans (and parents), then build from there what is in the best interest overall. We have to start somewhere.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321
Again, I know that the government holds the keys and as such has the lion’s share of responsibility. There are however, individuals who are part of the problem. While I don’t hold back from my disdain for the actions and inactions of the US government in such matters, the fact that individuals who have the choice are part of it and I can direct my anger at that.

emphasis mine

You know your reply has solidified my suspicion about your true motives to post. You know that the gov is at fault, still you choose to pick on the Mexican immigrants. That is pathetic and a sure sign of Xenophobia aka racism. You are a self-admitted hypocrite

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:40 PM

Originally posted by Rockpuck
There is something about "Latinos" though.. which references any Latin language based people (all of south America basically) that just borders on indifference, ignorance, disrespect and self absorption ... as if all the laws in the world mean nothing to them, because they have some god given right to treat others like crap and trample any law they see.

Ohhh thats pure crap, i am a "latino", i hate to be called latino btw, i prefer hispanic or even Southamerican, most of my people is very law-abiding, most of my people doesnt treat others like crap, most of my people doesnt try to broke the laws, we are very normal people, of course, there is a minority who wants to do it, but that happen in every country, maybe here that is more noticeable because goverment are weaker trying to enforce law, but hey, that doesnt mean most of us are what you say, there are others countries and people who do think they have some god given right, start with those who think they must be the police of the world.

I support all the US policies against illegal inmmigration, even the one in Arizona, but there are some comments that are so fu..... pathetic.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by MonteroReal]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:43 PM
so what makes you better than them? I am from Argentina, and here, in my country people tends to hate everyone else who has different skin tone.. like perubians and bolivians.. we are all humans, no matter whats your skin tone, or your ethnics... perhaps you r judging the wrong way.. I bet there's a lot of people in your country, who is "WHITE" and are the same thing you are saying.. dude, dont be racist, just judge people for what they are, PEOPLE..

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by projectvxn

Oh, I see you're not up to it. Your arrogance speaks volumes. But I'm not surprised that you would be hiding behind lex naturalis, a philosophical construct, that was/is used time after time to justify oppression.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by AllIsOne
You know your reply has solidified my suspicion about your true motives to post. You know that the gov is at fault, still you choose to pick on the Mexican immigrants.

I guess you didn't notice that I posted this on the Psychology, Philosophy and Metaphysics board.

The purpose was to talk about the impact of the overall aspects in conditioning an emotional response.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:50 PM
My observation on what has happened to the USA and its barely enforced border with Mexico is that the same Elites are trying to do to the USA what they did to Germany. In Germany, they made an entire people an evil enemy of the majority. Now what was done with the Jews is now being done with people of Mexican background now living in the States.

I saw how this was done in Germany, and at the time I could not get my mind around what was happening and how the Nazi machine poisoned the minds of the German people, especially the Protestant Germans. But I have had many years to reflect on it, and I see an Elite in the shadows that has worked tirelessly through the Bushes and Clintons to create the same conditions as in Germany only this time the evil alien enemy people are Mexican in origin (or perhaps some other Central American Hispanic).

It is no credit to the Mexicans in the USA that they are playing into the Elites plan creating more ill will with marches, speeches, and it must be said Mexican violence against the other races. Mexican violence against Armenian-American students in California is just one of many examples of these incidents that pour petrol on the fires of hate.

Look at the way the Nazi collaborators' grandchildren like George W. Bush (and I might add an incendiary remark here regarding Rick Perry... but I'll save that for later), yes, W. himself as Governor of Texas did nothing about the onslaught of illegal immigration resulting in an overwhelming tide of undocumented workers who had no interest in becoming English-speaking USAmericans but simply wanted to work in a better place than their home country. Why did George W. Bush do nothing about the border problem when he was Governor of Texas? Why has Rick Perry done even less after his visit to the Bilderbergers? What is the real game at play here?

The United Mexican States otherwise called 'Mexico' is one of the most unjust societies one could encounter in the capitalist West. Wealthy anti-Catholic Freemasons continue to amass their fortunes while the poor get poorer and more desperate. And the Catholic middle classes and the Catholic poor look north and see opportunity and hope, something in very short supply in Mexico especially in the south in Chiapas, Morelia, and Michoacan. Such abundance in material resources and cultural riches, Mexico should be drawing people to her shores!

Please be careful with frustrations in search of a scapegoat. And if you are looking for a scapegoat look to the puppet-masters of the Skull & Bones Tomb and the Rothschilds wherever they may be...

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:53 PM
Im a racist too. I also don't like Obama because he's black. Im against illegal immigration because their brown people.... Not really but thats what Im always accused of so I figure I should just go with it. Because after all, Obama is perfect, The only reason not to support him is due to him being black. Illegal Immigration is good for our country, there are no con's to it, So you must be racist for not liking our country turning into a 3rd world country.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:56 PM
reply to post by Rockpuck

There is something about "Anglo-Saxons" though.. which references any English language based people that just borders on indifference, ignorance, disrespect and self absorption ... as if all the laws in the world mean nothing to them, because they have some god given right to treat others like crap and trample any law they see.

Do you feel better now? Your statement is just moronic. Well, another racist shows his face.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

I agree with you. Please look at my post on top of page 9.

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