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I Have Become a Racist

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+119 more 
posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:07 AM
I remember as a child finding Mexican culture quite fun. The music was festive, the food was unique, and the arts were colorful. I remember vacationing at EPCOT in Orlando, and finding the Mexican exhibit so amazing and wonderful I couldn’t wait to visit the real place. When I was a teenager, learning about the Mayan and other ancient civilizations made me more appreciative. Then I got out into the real world.

I began to take note of illegal aliens who were getting work in my area. I knew people who could not get work in some labor or custodial positions because some illegal would do it for less, without having to deal with I work in the medical field, and I would see more and more illegals going into ER’s and getting free medical care. I saw the grocery stores slowly increase their Mexican foods items from a small section to whole isles. I watched as Wal-Mart went from having 12 racks of Country, Rock or R&B, to 3 Rock, 3 R&B, 2 Country, and 4 or Regional Mexicano. I would encounter illegals who could not speak functional English.

I watched as, on at least a weekly basis, Mexican busses would stop off at a local buffet, and while the dozens stepped out, a handful would climb out of the baggage undercarriage.

The area I am from is predominately of French heritage. As such, French was the only secondary language taught in schools, as it should be to preserve local heritage. Schools eventually started offering Spanish. Now, they have done away with French altogether.

On tv, I would see gangs of protestors waving Mexican flags, half of the group walking around with bandanas and looking like cholos. I see countless incidents of people being told to respect Mexicans in their display of foreign nation pride. You can read about the drugs and crime pouring over the boarder. Not to mention La Raza.

I have never been one to discriminate or prejudge a person, especially on an individual level, but after all of the above, and seeing my country diluting its unity, losing its sovereignty, and the financial toll of the support for the illegals almost certainly bankrupting many states and possible the nation, things have changed.

I have become conditioned by everything I have seen, heard and experienced, such that seeing a Hispanic person invokes an emotional response of anger, distrust and sheer disgust. The same for anything Mexican/Guatamalan etc: food, flags, music, clothing, and the like. Mentally, and in action, I would treat them individually with the same respect and courtesy I would anyone else, but they are the only people who, because of race, invoke a negative emotional response. It borders on sheer hate. I feel stronger about the average illegal on the street, than any professed Islamic jihadist. At least with the jihadist they tell you they want to kill you, destroy your home or take over your land.

I imagine I am not the only person who this has happened to. Worse, I can imagine that others who have been conditioned this way might not be able to separate the emotion of it all from their actions.

I am sick of what the latino separatist, Mexican/Hispanic pride, people and groups have done to my country.

+64 more 
posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:16 AM
I dont want to agree....but i do.

+11 more 
posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:24 AM
Maybe you should focus on how it is possible that you became like you say.

Would those aliens act like that if they were properly guided from the start ?
In my eyes there is only one big screwup and that is the government.

Just my two cents.

Your honesty is sad but appreciated. It takes courage to see your own flaws and even more to share them.


Not that I approve racism, but I understand.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:31 AM
You need to buy the biggest sombrero you can find, tucked very low on your head, and next Cinco de Mayo, walk into a latino bar. Hurl a stack of pesos at the bartender, and yelling something like "Geronamo was my great grandfather"! go at the patrons like they're pinatas, until you're knocked out!

Just kidding. I can't see how you hate Mexicans; the one's up here are some of the best people I've met. Among my best friends was a Mexican until he returned home a few years back. He was a local hit with just about everyone, and smart, shoot, he learned english in four or five months. Salsa dancing was fun to check out with that crowd too.
This is just to remind you that there are all sorts of stripes, so I hope you won't keep a lasting grudge up against the entire race. (...and no, I'm not Mexican).

[edit on 8-5-2010 by Northwarden]

+7 more 
posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

You are quite right. There are two aspects that went into this equation: the government, and the illegals/immigrants.

The government has the primary responsibility in the matter, and as a result of their actions, inaction's and other dubious government practices, my anger and disgust with them is just as great, but with more disappointment.

As for the illegal and legal immirgrants; If they made the effort to speak the language, follow the rules, stop celebrating their race, and instead of trying to recreate little patches of Mexico in America, flaunting their foreign nation pride, would take in and exhibit some pride in the ideas and opportunities this country does provide, I don't think I would feel as ill towards them.

+28 more 
posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by Wolf321

I have never been one to discriminate or prejudge a person, especially on an individual level, but after all of the above, and seeing my country diluting its unity, losing its sovereignty, and the financial toll of the support for the illegals almost certainly bankrupting many states and possible the nation, things have changed.

I have become conditioned by everything I have seen, heard and experienced, such that seeing a Hispanic person invokes an emotional response of anger, distrust and sheer disgust.

I have yet to meet a Mexican immigrant that didn't work hard and try to support his extended family. They work for pennies on the dollar and are glad to do it. It is sad that they draw your disgust. Maybe you should move to Mexico and steal their jobs.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:32 AM
This is sad to read you appear to be being painfully honest and you should be condoned for being so.
I have held similar feelings against my higher selfs view when I saw Lebanese thugs bash up local Aussies in Sydney , when I saw Indians on student visa throwing rocks at police in melbourne.
When I saw whole swathes of Sydney having majority Chinese populations.
But if you allow injustice to burn you so much that you become a racist then only you in the end will suffer.
Your hate will consume you.
Just treat each person as an individual human Being like you have said.
All races have nationalism , we have been brainwashed only Nazis and skinheads are nationalistic.
We in the west have to adapt to survive our leaders have decided to allow traditional western culture to be just one of many in th emulti cultural melting pot.
Just live and let live , love your family, know its out of your hands.
We were sold out after ww2, all of us, in order for the rich to be richer.
But dont take it out on others who come into your land the majority are decent and they can be your friend.
They are battlers who have courage and you would go to Mexico if you were as downtrodden as they are in their own land.
It will balance out and they share the same saviour as us which is at least a start.
Be Happy.
Embrace them and watch your hatred stop consuming you.

+11 more 
posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Is it the U.S. Government you think is at fault or the Mexican Government?

Illegals pour in by the hundreds of thousands bringing their crude ways, because they refuse to change their own country. It would be nice if they took responsibility for their own actions, but sadly from all my years it seems like they refuse to learn. They bring this hatred upon themselves.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:37 AM
One way, is to look for a new system that would allow everyone to live anywhere. No monetary system, everything is free, no ID database, just recorded amount of population and production of necessary amount of food in that area. Something like that.

One world government? No government, more of a system that's moral, and allows for change in all aspects to enter. I guess the popular term is, "holographic social structure".

[edit on 8-5-2010 by gandhi]

+12 more 
posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Ace High
I have yet to meet a Mexican immigrant that didn't work hard and try to support his extended family.

That is another aspect that only infuriates me. Most of their money is going out of the US, and into the economy of Mexico or elsewhere. The nobility of supporting their families takes a back seat to the effects on the social end economic climates in the US.

reply to post by Dr Conspire

I hear ya.

I do want to be clear for any other readers, that when I use the term racist, its not the technical definition of having pride in ones races or feeling your race is superior to another, but as the main stream media defines it, as disliking a group/individual because of race.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by Wolf321

I'm glad you are angry, and it is easy to be mad at the instrument, but look at the real people playing them. The illegals may take the shiny opportunity and do so zealously, but they are not the operators. The states make way for them as planned for who knows what purposes (civil war?) and those in power WANT things to be this way.

THIS is not natural change and anyone who believes it is all chance and the way the world turns is naive concerning the host of people who run this planet, make the national agendas and implement them.

It is so easy to be dehumanized today, but do not let them take that core human aspect and bond. I am not saying to love illegal aliens or tolerate what is going on, but check you're heart from time to time to make sure you would save a burning mexican child at least.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Wolf321

So all Mexican people past & present and the Mexican culture deserves to be defined by the actions of illegal immigrants? They may be from Mexico but they are not indicative of the wider Mexican people and culture. They are more indicative of human beings who take what they can get, and have learned they do not need to respect the land they are in. It really has little to do with being Mexican, there are plenty of peoples all over the world who act the same way. I know this for a fact.

You are angry and rightly so, but left uncontrolled with no outlet it is corrupting your mind. Illegals take what is offered by your treasonous American corporations and government. If anyone deserves your anger and confrontation they do.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:44 AM
Melting pot? Should have called it a seething cauldron of poisonous people. It was a good idea, had a good run but it looks (and sounds) like the party is over. Shame too. It could have worked. I was looking forward to a homogenized world of mocha people.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:44 AM

Originally posted by Wulfiroth
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Is it the U.S. Government you think is at fault or the Mexican Government?

Illegals pour in by the hundreds of thousands bringing their crude ways, because they refuse to change their own country. It would be nice if they took responsibility for their own actions, but sadly from all my years it seems like they refuse to learn. They bring this hatred upon themselves.

LOL. Crude ways really? Compared to what? What change to we cause in the US really? TPTB pick the President every single time. What do they refuse to learn? I am in the Construction industry and have not found a harder worker, more dedicated to family and peace than Mexican immigrants. They are not nearly as lazy as the Americans we see working for us.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by Wulfiroth

While the Mexican government is at fault for creating the reasons for the illegals to come, its the US governments lack of protective measures, and support via benefits to the illegals that puts the responsibility on them.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:46 AM
It's quite funny the business and politicians have let this happen so long. Makes myself believe that America is nothing more then a cooperation. Now Mexicans who are more of Native American heritage want to come off as Hispanic or Latino heritage. And still bash Whites of European heritage.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:46 AM
I can never understand how people can say that illegals are taking their jobs. Most illegals work low paying, back breaking jobs with little to no benefits. If these are the kinds of jobs that you are aiming for, then you need to take a second look at your life.

And I think you are seriously exaggerating on everything you wrote. You make it sound like they are appearing by the millions when in reality they are crossing over at a steady rate. Sure there has been an increase in hispanic culture on America, but it isn't nearly as extreme as you describe it.

Just some words of advice; before you hate on a whole group of people, maybe take the time out to actually get to know these people. You will find that most of these people are simply here to get new opportunities to help out their families back home. Who are we to deprive them of that right?

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:47 AM
reply to post by Wolf321

Many Americans don't know how bad off is Mexico. Just because the tourist areas look really beautiful doesn't mean all of Mexico is happy off. That's why the gang problem is out of control.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:49 AM

Originally posted by Wolf321

Originally posted by Ace High
I have yet to meet a Mexican immigrant that didn't work hard and try to support his extended family.

That is another aspect that only infuriates me. Most of their money is going out of the US, and into the economy of Mexico or elsewhere. The nobility of supporting their families takes a back seat to the effects on the social end economic climates in the US.

As much as you might not want to admit it we live in a global economy now. The success of a neighboring county can't hurt. What we really need to address is the welfare state that many Americans live under today. If that didn't exist we would have more than enough labor to fill the positions being taken by Mexican workers.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 12:52 AM

Originally posted by SteveR
They may be from Mexico but they are not indicative of the wider Mexican people and culture. They are more indicative of human beings who take what they can get, and have learned they do not need to respect the land they are in. It really has little to do with being Mexican, there are plenty of peoples all over the world who act the same way.

I agree, the causes are not just the people themselves, nor is the situation and their behavior exclusive to hispanic people alone. I wanted to say, how despite higher reasoning, I have been conditioned by everything to invoke a negative emotional response because of it all.

I only have a small bit of education in psychology, but I don't see enough beneficial aspects or attributes to counter what the negative have inculcated in me. And I certainly don't see the government sweeping the problem out and letting me acclimate myself to it in small quantities and on my terms.

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