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I Have Become a Racist

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posted on May, 8 2010 @ 09:38 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321
reply to post by antonia

Your attempt to transpose my belief that if only one language is taught in a school it should be to preserve that areas local heritage, into people should not learn other languages and music and opera should only be in English is amusing. Do you really believe/see it that way or are you just trying to be funny?

You said all business. It is a business.

Culture should not be forced, but if it (as in a second language) is required, it should support local heritage, not import another in its place.

And how is one going to determine what the local heritage is? And what's going to happen when you piss off everyone else by saying "This culture takes precedence over that one". That's what would happen.

As for the MoH guy, out of uniform, I likely would have the feelings I mentioned in my opening, but it would not cause me to treat him any different.

But you did treat him differently. You viewed him in hostile manner because he was Hispanic. That's just wrong. I don't where people get off telling you that is appropriate behavior.

I think all those hispanics who come here and abuse the system, do more to spit in the eye of the (hispanic) Americans who have fought and died for this country than anything I have ever done.

You do realize there are whites, blacks and asians who abuse the system? Why are not hostile toward their race? Why do you not view them with the same antipathy?

[edit on 8-5-2010 by antonia]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 09:40 PM
I wouldn't be mad at Mexican/Latino people in general. If you were a TRUE CONSPIRACY THEORIST, you would know that people are sheep. Americans to Eritreans, and everyone in between, are being lead by someone(s) who control something(s).

Now I do not know who are leading these wayward Mexican immigrants towards separatist ideas, but I don't think its not an organic, grassroots movement (nor, really, do I consider it a movement really). And I do not think that the people running our government are especially concerned; hmmm, now, there's a lead...

As a proud Texan I cannot say I have any problems with Mexicans, but then I can't say I know many Mexicans personally. Flying the Mexican flag above the American flag in protest--as I've seen done--does bother me though. I'm halfway on board with you OP, except...

don't allow your frustration with the situation and its players to devolve into anger and hatred. Please keep a cool mind. You may need a brief respite from this crazy world even; but please find your center because the last thing we (our country, our world) is another piece of trash, talking-head, political opiner in the mold of Glen Beck, Rush Limbaugh...feel free to add to the list people.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 09:59 PM

Originally posted by Dock9
The OP and those who agree with him have every right to state their views

They have every right to value their own culture and mourn its destruction

They have every right to reject the jingoistic propaganda of 'multiculturalism'

Of course they have every right

Indeed they/you do, as we have the right to observe and comment on their/your ignorance. At least the OP emotes a degree of soul searching and awareness, whereas you apparently have chosen to wave the bigot flag proudly. Not only that, but you have jumped on what seems to be an earnest disposition on the part of the OP to legitimize your hate filled dogma.

And for their lead, they need only look to Israel -- which as we know, dictates American policy and drives 'multiculturaism' whilst at the same time, rejecting it in their neck of the woods

How predictable, it's all the jooooz fault.

All this blather about the 'evils of racism' ! What a load of humbug !

Racism can't be evil for it is but a concept. The "evil" you speak to is the people who have chosen to lay blame to everyone but themselves for their own desperate reflection. The racists who generalize to make the hate convenient.

I swear -- I believe ATS is stacked top to bottom with those ever-mouthy members of the Israeli Online Troops --- who laugh themselves sick as they type in here, spreading hate and division under the guise of 'goody-goody multiculturalists'

I see. So if I'm not racist I'm an Israeli Online Troop?
No wonder you embrace racism, your reasoning is predisposed to it.
Actually, ATS as everywhere else most people will stand up to your ilk, despite your accusations, but I'm sure you'll blame the jooooooz for that too.

Mexicans have declared it their intention to seize the US in the same way the lunatics in Africa believe that by destroying the whites, they'll all end up with a gold-plated Mercedes and a stolen-farm that runs itself !

I'll just let this one sit there.

Don't let them get you down, OP. They want to destroy and discredit you because you're a danger to their already half-completed agenda -- which is the destruction of your life and culture

Oh yes, once again buddy up to the OP for legitimacy even though he's said none of the nonsense you preach.
You're all in this together right?

And ignore those who imagine they're futhering 'multiculturalism' --- they're just wastes of space who've been indoctrinated by their agenda-filled 'religion'

Stand up for your beliefs, OP. And ignore the rabble pack in here

As I am sure you will have the fortitude to ignore me.

This is simply a forum. Agendas are thick in here. Because they use this place as an indoctrination-ground. Teh young and clueless are their targets. Most of them are paid to peddle agendas in here

Do you even own a mirror?

But out there in the big, wide world ---- there are millions who agree with you

The only truth you have spoken.

and I reject the posters-for-hire

Hire? I post here for entertainment, this one isn't.

because my mind is my own

I for one will not deprive you of it, you deserve it.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by haterproof]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:17 PM
reply to post by Wolf321

Sadly enough...i agree with you.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:24 PM
reply to post by Ace High

i totally agree. i also hate rich white guys we got around here. fing jerks! arrogant as hell as well. so i guess im also racist to white ppl. lol

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 10:54 PM

Originally posted by antonia
You said all business. It is a business.

I guess you can't see the forest through the trees on this, so I wont keep beating that dead horse.

And how is one going to determine what the local heritage is? And what's going to happen when you piss off everyone else by saying "This culture takes precedence over that one". That's what would happen.

I can't speak with enough certainty for every area, but I assume most areas were primarily or majority settled by one group over another. In my area, there were french, german, spanish and a hand full of of other european groups. Not to mention the local native indians. However, the French were the overwhelming majority and their impact is both seen and heard still today, more over than any other group. To lose that in place of Spanish, because the illegal population and their anchor families are growing is a cultural travesty.

But you did treat him differently. You viewed him in hostile manner because he was Hispanic. That's just wrong. I don't where people get off telling you that is appropriate behavior.

So you are going to attack and judge me because of my beliefs and not my actions. I hope you apply that to other groups: homosexuals, catholics, mormons, communist etc.

You do realize there are whites, blacks and asians who abuse the system? Why are not hostile toward their race? Why do you not view them with the same antipathy?

As I have discussed throughout this thread, I am well aware of the non-hispanic illegals and others abusing the system. However, the overwhelming majority are Mexican and other hispanic nationals. It is that majority who I see congregating in groups based upon race, who are doing their best not to learn to speak at least conversational English, and who are demanding rights or more specifically privileges of citizens.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by antonia]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:07 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321

So you are going to attack and judge me because of my beliefs and not my actions. I hope you apply that to other groups: homosexuals, catholics, mormons, communist etc.

You openly admitted you were a racist. Why should i not judge you? You openly admitted you viewed Hispanics in a hostile way when you saw them. Why do you expect me to condone that or understand it? It's ignorant. You've got plenty of atta boys. You need none from me.

As I have discussed throughout this thread, I am well aware of the non-hispanic illegals and others abusing the system. However, the overwhelming majority are Mexican and other hispanic nationals.

The majority of people of welfare are White. Blacks make up a close second. I know plenty of ignorant white and blacks in race groups who feel entitled to something. Should i view all white/black people with hostility now?

[edit on 8-5-2010 by antonia]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:20 PM

Originally posted by Ace High

Originally posted by Wulfiroth
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Is it the U.S. Government you think is at fault or the Mexican Government?

Illegals pour in by the hundreds of thousands bringing their crude ways, because they refuse to change their own country. It would be nice if they took responsibility for their own actions, but sadly from all my years it seems like they refuse to learn. They bring this hatred upon themselves.

LOL. Crude ways really? Compared to what? What change to we cause in the US really? TPTB pick the President every single time. What do they refuse to learn? I am in the Construction industry and have not found a harder worker, more dedicated to family and peace than Mexican immigrants. They are not nearly as lazy as the Americans we see working for us.

It's ok to like them because they act "Mexican" but wrong to dislike them because they act "Mexican".

I've worked construction too and if you've never met these qualities in any other ethnic group than you should really try to branch out a little more.

I don't blame the immigrants because it would take more than a bunch of red necks to keep me from providing for my family in the best way that I can. People often forget to look at the individuals responsible for making America attractive to individuals. It's the people who's breaking the law by hiring these immigrants who should be blamed before the immirants.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:24 PM
reply to post by antonia

I think it's funny how people argue that English should be the standard language instead of just arguing the points of having a language barrier.

Language barrier=Bad
English language disappearing=who cares as long as we all understand each other.

The language debate will really bring out the racist in someone. Funny how it's mainly those who argue heavily in favor of English only who can barely speak a lick of it themselves.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by antonia

I find Progressives to be ignorant. Now, two sides can think each other side is ignorant.. so .. who's ignorant? Guess that's perception. We perceive what we see, and how we perceive it shapes what we see.. not all people wear rose colored glasses, and not all people have the experiences in life to be filled with such anger towards certain people. And some people simply need to have their cup of juicy self-righteousness, the holy-than-thee crowd if you will .. you embrace this mythical idea of "Multiculturalism" that has been pushed on us by Globalist and Progressives, and to what end? To divide the country, disrupt the economic foundation of the lower classes, to create a slave labor force out of migrating poor? And to think progressives like you claim to have the moral high-ground.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by antonia

It seems you are trying to argue without acknowledging the facts, and trying to divert the issue.

Do you not agree that there are millions of illegal mexican and other hispanic nationals, with more each day, infiltrating the USA?

Do you not agree that those groups are the ones congregating based upon race and their criminal associations?

Do you not agree that they are occupying jobs that Americans would do, simply because they don't require benefits?

Do you not agree that those are the groups that are demanding certain rights and benefits when they deserve none?

Do you not agree that it is American citizens being told to limit their speech and give respect to this group?

These attributes are not seen in the quantities, if at all, as it is with the Mexican and hispanics. And you can still ask me why or how I can feel resentment associated with one racial group?

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:36 PM

1. First, I appreciate your honesty and sincerity, as well as your courage to speak your mind on a difficult subject.

2. Second, TO ALL THOSE WHO AGREE with the sentiments you expressed, if you were living in their degree of poverty in their home countries, many of YOU WOULD BE DOING THE SAME, and come here as illegals to escape the poverty.

Now, let's break this down a bit. Much of Latin America has lived for centuries under grinding poverty and corruption. Numerous times the people in these countries simply get fed up and try to change things. In 1954, the people of Guatemala elected President Arbenz to improve their living conditions. The United States sent the CIA in and overthrew him and installed a military dictatorship that would protect "US companies" (the same US companies that couldn't give a crap about US workers now).

Anytime the people south of the border try to improve their impoverished situation by forming unions or farmers coops, the US has labeled them as communists and financed death squads to kill their leaders and members. It is still going on today in Colombia, Honduras, El Salvador and many other Latin American countries.

In the 1970s, workers for Dole got tired of their measly wages and horrible working conditions working on Dole banana plantations. So they pooled their money, bought land, and began growing their own bananas, and soon their crop rivaled that of Dole. So the US sent troops in, who arrested the workers and threw them in jail, then gave the land to Dole. This type of thing has happened repeatedly throughout Latin American history.

Poor farmers clear forest in order to get title to a piece of land, then they plant it and farm it. Later, the big landowners show up with the military or hired security forces and tell the farmers to get of the land. The big landowners who run the country routinely steal land from the peasants. And if the peasants complain or try to take action, they end up with their head on the end of a post.

And both Democratic and Republican administrations have sought to maintain this status quo. Faced with such realities what would you do? How would you get food for your families? Would you take up arms against the landowners, only to be wiped out by the country's US-trained and US-advised and US-armed military?

Our foreign policies have essentially forced many of the people of Latin America to come to the US as illegals.

3. It should be obvious to everyone that the foreign and economic policies of the US government are designed to weaken the US economy, weaken American culture and supremacy in the region, and weaken national sovereignty. This is being done in preparation for the US to join the rest of the Americas in becoming a single political entity, like the EU. A powerful US would never see the benefit in joining such a unified body where its power and influence would be greatly reduced. But a weak, poorer, crime-ridden US with a cultural identity crisis would be more inclined to join such a union.

The folks south of the border are simply pawns in a geopolitical strategy, just as we are pawns here. Our elite masters manipulate our laws, our trade agreements, our economy and our culture in order to create the circumstances that best serve their agenda. If the US government truly wanted to end the wave of illegals, it would have happened long ago. They are as much the victims in this as we are, in fact, they have been victimized to a much harsher extreme for centuries. Only now, this same system which squashed their lives and stole their wealth in their countries, is now doing it to us here in our own country. We share a common enemy.


posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Wolf321
reply to post by antonia

It seems you are trying to argue without acknowledging the facts, and trying to divert the issue.

How am I trying to divert the issue? You are the one who wrote the OP in which you stated you had become a racist. You are attempting to justify why you have the response. What i'm telling you is that you can flap all day but I still think your response is ignorant.

Do you not agree that there are millions of illegal mexican and other hispanic nationals, with more each day, infiltrating the USA?

Sure, doesn't mean I'm gonna support you being a racist.

Do you not agree that those groups are the ones congregating based upon race and their criminal associations?

Sure, there are plenty of other groups doing that too. Like the KKK, the Black Panthers, the Crips, the Bloods, etc. That doesn't give me a right to be a racist.

Do you not agree that they are occupying jobs that Americans would do, simply because they don't require benefits?

Sure, but that doesn't give me the right to be a racist.

Do you not agree that those are the groups that are demanding certain rights and benefits when they deserve none?

I don't believe there is a group on this planet that doesn't deserve some rights. Even criminals have rights. So as for the none comment, nope don't agree. I do think think people shouldn't have special rights, but that doesn't give me the right to be a racist.

Do you not agree that it is American citizens being told to limit their speech and give respect to this group?

Nope, I've never been told to do that. Still wouldn't give me a right to be a racist.

And you can still ask me why or how I can feel resentment associated with one racial group?

I never asked you why you were a racist. I don't care why, nothing excuses your ignorance. I told you that it is wrong to be a racist. Go work on your problem, end of contribution to thread.

[edit on 8-5-2010 by antonia]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:53 PM
4. The drug trade is another reality that is manipulated by these same elites that control the US government. Virtually every government in Latin America, except the US puppet Colombia, has publicly stated that the US government is heavily involved in illegal drug trafficking. It was slightly exposed somewhat during Vietnam and Iran-Contra, but it has been going on long before then, and continues to this day. A quick internet search on "US drug trafficking" and "CIA" will turn up a whole host of informative hits. Former DEA agents are some of the strongest opponents of the United States' leading role in drug trafficking. The drug wars along the US-Mexican border is, once again, all being carried out to create certain perceptions and desired circumstances that they will later exploit, in order to move forward their ultimate agenda.

5. States are not going bankrupt because of illegals' use of government services. They are going broke because the giant corporations that once paid 90 percent of our taxes are now paying no taxes. These "proud US companies" are basically using blackmail; If you make us pay taxes, we'll take our jobs and go elsewhere. Like to China. That is what is devastating the budgets of so many states; they simply can't raise enough revenue on the backs of working folks to make up the difference.

Of course the illegals exacerbate an already dire situation, but they are not the cause of it.

6. There are good and bad people everywhere. You can't generalize. Yes, there are illegals here who may be simply opportunists, who are opting for an easy path to a comfortable life. Yes, there are many illegals here trying to escape gang violence back home, only to join gangs here and become involved in illegal drugs and violent crime. But that should not tarnish those individuals who are fleeing the US-created hellish environments in their home countries, and who come here in order to work hard and make money to send to their impoverished, suffering relatives back home.

Those are the two extremes, and I'm sure there are plenty of illegals who fall somewhere in the middle. But next time you meet an illegal, ask him or her for their story. You'll likely be shocked and saddened.

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by mr. toddly

5. States are not going bankrupt because of illegals' use of government services. They are going broke because the giant corporations that once paid 90 percent of our taxes are now paying no taxes. These "proud US companies" are basically using blackmail; If you make us pay taxes, we'll take our jobs and go elsewhere. Like to China. That is what is devastating the budgets of so many states; they simply can't raise enough revenue on the backs of working folks to make up the difference.

Of course the illegals exacerbate an already dire situation, but they are not the cause of it.

6. There are good and bad people everywhere. You can't generalize. Yes, there are illegals here who may be simply opportunists, who are opting for an easy path to a comfortable life. Yes, there are many illegals here trying to escape gang violence back home, only to join gangs here and become involved in illegal drugs and violent crime. But that should not tarnish those individuals who are fleeing the US-created hellish environments in their home countries, and who come here in order to work hard and make money to send to their impoverished, suffering relatives back home.

Common sense in a racist thread? Looks like somebody made a wrong stop at Albuquerque.

[edit on 9-5-2010 by xEphon]

posted on May, 8 2010 @ 11:57 PM
reply to post by mr. toddly

Wonderful analysis. I agree that US may be negatively impacting local economies in some foreign nations. To what extent I cannot prove nor speculate on the legality vs the morality of it all.

Originally posted by mr. toddly
3. It should be obvious to everyone that the foreign and economic policies of the US government are designed to weaken the US economy, weaken American culture and supremacy in the region, and weaken national sovereignty. This is being done in preparation for the US to join the rest of the Americas in becoming a single political entity, like the EU. A powerful US would never see the benefit in joining such a unified body where its power and influence would be greatly reduced. But a weak, poorer, crime-ridden US with a cultural identity crisis would be more inclined to join such a union.

I believe you are 100% correct on this. Still, a person may be a pawn, but they are responsible for their own actions. If they chose to break the law for the financial or survival of their person or family, they should not be demanding rights and privileges or using benefits prescribed to American citizens, and not attempting to bend in with society.

The folks south of the border are simply pawns in a geopolitical strategy, just as we are pawns here. Our elite masters manipulate our laws, our trade agreements, our economy and our culture in order to create the circumstances that best serve their agenda. If the US government truly wanted to end the wave of illegals, it would have happened long ago. They are as much the victims in this as we are, in fact, they have been victimized to a much harsher extreme for centuries. Only now, this same system which squashed their lives and stole their wealth in their countries, is now doing it to us here in our own country. We share a common enemy.

We may share a common enemy, but no matter if their presence and abuse on the system is their attempt at retaliation, it is negatively impacting the American system, the American citizen, the social and cultural aspects of this nation. We have a responsibility to combat our government on the issues you addressed. Despite any US influence, they should be responsible for their countries officials and policies.

I think there are enough problems in America I have to battle each day. It causes difficulties of all sorts for me and my family. I'm not leaving the country to go to one that the government gives everything to me though. And should the government ever come after me because of my disagreement with their actions, I will stand and fight, despite the political and evil mind games TPTB and elite may have and be playing with me.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:03 AM

Originally posted by mr. toddly
5. States are not going bankrupt because of illegals' use of government services. They are going broke because the giant corporations that once paid 90 percent of our taxes are now paying no taxes. These "proud US companies" are basically using blackmail; If you make us pay taxes, we'll take our jobs and go elsewhere. Like to China. That is what is devastating the budgets of so many states; they simply can't raise enough revenue on the backs of working folks to make up the difference.

Of course the illegals exacerbate an already dire situation, but they are not the cause of it.

I think you are wrong here. States are going bankrupt because of overspending and benefits packages that are ludicrous.

In California alone, the illegals use of tax dollars is $10.5 Billion a year.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:08 AM


posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:08 AM
reply to post by antonia

So you may agree with me on most counts; one you don't because it personally hasn't happened to you.

You call me ignorant for having a condition emotional response, yet want to divert attention to other racial groups, from this overwhelming and obvious disaster befalling the USA from hispanic illegals. That is naive.

end of contribution to thread.

Best contribution so far.

posted on May, 9 2010 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by Dwellewd

Originally posted by Ace High

Originally posted by Wulfiroth
reply to post by Sinter Klaas

Is it the U.S. Government you think is at fault or the Mexican Government?

Illegals pour in by the hundreds of thousands bringing their crude ways, because they refuse to change their own country. It would be nice if they took responsibility for their own actions, but sadly from all my years it seems like they refuse to learn. They bring this hatred upon themselves.

LOL. Crude ways really? Compared to what? What change to we cause in the US really? TPTB pick the President every single time. What do they refuse to learn? I am in the Construction industry and have not found a harder worker, more dedicated to family and peace than Mexican immigrants. They are not nearly as lazy as the Americans we see working for us.

It's ok to like them because they act "Mexican" but wrong to dislike them because they act "Mexican".

I've worked construction too and if you've never met these qualities in any other ethnic group than you should really try to branch out a little more.

I don't blame the immigrants because it would take more than a bunch of red necks to keep me from providing for my family in the best way that I can. People often forget to look at the individuals responsible for making America attractive to individuals. It's the people who's breaking the law by hiring these immigrants who should be blamed before the immirants.

Many people I work with exhibit the strong qualities of hard working and taking care of family.

I can't blame the contractors for hiring the workers. The pool of workers who are qualified is shrinking by the day.

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