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Originally posted by mryanbrown
reply to post by SpectreDC
Democracy is put to use when voting on laws that DON'T interfere with our rights. That's not exactly the same as the Democracy we have now.
Where it's simply majority rule. And the majority can vote to interfere with you, violating the Constitution. (See Part 2)
[edit on 6-5-2010 by mryanbrown]
Originally posted by SpectreDC
They were attributed to men and women, blacks and whites, gays and straights, christians and atheists, because all of these labels and categories exist under another label: HUMAN
I'm going to say this next part slowly, because this is where people seem to stop reading or start having trouble understanding, or simply refuse TO understand.
Our rights aren't "granted", "allowed", "given", "acquired", or any similar terms. They are not LEGAL rights.
The concept of "inalienable rights", of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness", is not LEGAL. They are not positive rights. It is NATURAL.
American principles are founded on NATURAL LAW. Natural law, as the name identifies it as, is the law of nature, the law of God.
Natural law is not granted upon anyone, because they are inherent in us.
I am so sick and tired of hypocritical, sycophantic, uneducated pieces of trash who have no idea what they are talking about...
Originally posted by dariousg
You state that people who are unamerican need to leave the country. Then you go on to define what YOU believe American means. It was the worse explanation I have seen yet. You, my friend, are completely way off point. I understand your frustration and I can see that you are most likely a right leaning conservative.
But you say that being American means following natural law. You state that it isn't applicable to just white men and so on and then go on to state that it covers all including atheists. Then you go on to state that the natural law is the law of God and that if you don't believe in that then you are unamerican. Which in turn automatically leaves out the aethiest.
But then you don't seem to understand that if we truly did follow 'natural' law that this country would not exist how it is today. The strongest would own large chunks and would use brute force to keep that ownership. Until someone stronger came along and took it from them. You see, that is the law of nature. The strongest and fittest survive. Sure, there are many that survive in unison but you can't just pick and choose what you like about a law to make it fit what YOUR concept of being American is.
Originally posted by maybereal11
Hey Jenna. Rarely agree with you and certainly don't here, but for some reason I always appreciate your posts...I think it is your "tone". Maybe that and for some reason your avatar plays upon deep rooted fond memories of my youth playing D&D.
It WAS the intent and spirit of that document to proclaim equal rights for all. The delay of implementing those ideals was due to congress and politics....not the founding fathers.
Originally posted by Jenna
As I said, if that were not the case it wouldn't have taken two amendments for the rest of us to be able to vote.
Originally posted by mryanbrown
Sadly blacks never fought to have themselves recognized as equal men under the Constitution. They fought for civil rights, instead of unalienable god given rights.
The same goes for women.
Originally posted by Jenna
When writing something for a group of people, it isn't just the intent of the one holding the pen that's important. It's the intent of the group. The group in this instance only cared about white men and their rights.
Originally posted by mryanbrown
Blacks and women shouldn't have fought for amendments granting them civil rights. They should have left the Constitution as is and just fought to have themselves recognized as equals according to the Constitution. According to the Declaration of Independence, according to world recognized Human Rights, according to Natural Law.
They were already free and equal. They already had the right. They needed to fight to get the right recognized by society. Once recognized, the provision making them equal under law is already present. The scope of it has just broadened.
Originally posted by papagil
reply to post by SpectreDC
Basically, you get to have an opinion and I get to tell you to stuff have a nice day.
One other note, sanctimonius pricks spouting off like you know everything is exactly why I hate sites like this and I am gone. dumbass
Originally posted by Jenna
reply to post by maybereal11
They didn't condemn slavery until 1865 when they passed an amendment that did so. There was no consensus that slavery was wrong until then, and the civil war is evidence that even then there wasn't a consensus seeing as how it had just ended.
Originally posted by maybereal11
reply to post by Jenna
Jefferson and the "framers of the constition" at least reached a consensus on including the passage condemning slavery. I know it was a heated debate, but they did in the end agree to it.
It was congress that edited out those passages before signing it.
Originally posted by Jenna
Originally posted by mryanbrown
The mere fact that they had to fight to obtain that right proves you wrong in this instance.
They have to fight for their rights in the society that takes them away, but society is not the spawn of nature/god. It's the spawn of man. Society is, I guess you can say, the "domain" of man. And often naught, man ignores natural law.
We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.
Originally posted by mryanbrown
reply to post by Jenna
That suddenly every white male in America would be like, "well that's it, you no longer have the right."
[edit on 6-5-2010 by mryanbrown]
Originally posted by mryanbrown
You continually danced around the the arguments presented to you, and spin your reply into some tangent. You ignore replies to your own questions, then reiterate them as if you are somehow making a point or lending validity to your posts.
Once again. There are no 'versions' of natural law. There are no version of common law. There are countries which follow a distinct adherence to common law. They are all rooted in Ecclesiastical law. Which has the simple premise of doing no harm, or causing no loss.
Hobbes didn't believe unlimited rights was a good thing, he saw it leading only to basically an unending war with everyone trying to impose their will on every one else. He also found the idea of finding natural rights in natural law to be a preposterous notion because as he saw it, according to natural law all men had the right to take everything including things owned by others. Natural law according to Hobbes is anarchy. Complete and utter anarchy. Under his version of natural law, our Constitution would not work and there would be no equal justice unless by that you mean an eye for an eye.
Aquinas on the other hand pretty much took everything back to God, so God's law is natural law. His version is slightly better in that it follows the golden rule of do unto others, but not everyone buys into God's law and it's worth pointing out that God's law back in the day included stoning those who were accused of witchcraft. Not convicted, accused. No right to a fair trial there.
Locke only believed there were three natural rights. Life, liberty, and estate. Pain believed that governments only had power because the people gave them power.
Do not encroach or interfere with a person or their liberty, and do not cause them loss.
"Oh but that sounds like the golden rule." That's because it is. It's the SIMPLE understanding of right and wrong. And I am truly sorry that escapes you.
I'm more apologetic that you WOULD DENY basic human rights to people solely due to the fact that slavery existed after the Constitution was founded.
I think you need to read the Constitution. Again, and again, and again.
Until you can actually point out where it references blacks, whites, women, etc.
I don't see where it says We the white males of the United States. It says WE THE PEOPLE. Are you suggesting black people and women are not people outside of the amendments?
You're racist, and sexist to honestly sit here and try to argue that two amendments were required to get blacks and women recognized as equals.