posted on May, 10 2010 @ 03:57 PM
reply to post by dcmb1490
yes its extremely annoying. the headline says nasa affiliated astronomer, then wayne says she works for nasa then after he is questioned he again says
shes a nasa affiliate!. she either works for nasa or she doesn't its simple!. and as proven by bedlam, anyone can join a nasa affiliated seti@home
team but that does not make them a scientist, i also lend my playstation 3 to a cancer research programme called life with playstation but that in no
way makes me a biologist.
i did post this once but deleted because i thought i was just nitpicking like you just said, but i thought it was more relevant now after your post,
there are huge holes in every part of this claim and almost everything that wayne has said. it really annoyed me that he added the paul vigay story to
try and add credence and drama and parallels with judy but then he totally ignored my questions about his claims that paul vigay was a special ops
and he was either vague, defensive or elusive with the answers to a lot of the other questions, he says in his latest update that this is how he would
have expect it to play out if it was real but he is wrong, this is how it would play out if it was a hoax and a few people predicted this very early
now if judy was employed by nasa and had leaked sensitive info she would surely have been fired now for totally ignoring protocol and maybe even
breaking the law regarding any confidentially agreements nasa employees most likely sign when they join. surely she would not be allowed to continue
with the work because she is a liability to them.
also wayne claimed that judy was a whistle blower and was leaking secrets but now his update makes out as though its only just been made into
confidential work, so which is it?.
either wayne is a total idiot or hes totally involved in perpetuating a hoax!