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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Apr, 30 2011 @ 11:59 AM

... commoners) who want more money and power and to be more oppulent and seen as
more successful to piers while the rest of the world worked to the bone...

You're kidding -right, Wayne?

After all the slatings, after hiding behind all the false names, you're still using the
word 'piers' instead of 'peers'?!!!

The Queen's English huh?
edit on 30-4-2011 by A boy in a dress because: Left after being ravaged by Harry in Edit Room

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress
Wow look at you.... almost enough to make me say, 'Are those real?'

BTW: Did you go to the wedding?

On topic: When's them dang aliens gonna get disclosed? Will we have to wait for them on the piers???
edit on 2-5-2011 by butcherguy because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by butcherguy

*BIAD giggles behind his dainty hand*
You ButcherGuy... you make me blush so!

Edit: I was asked if I could attend, but with Harry's
quick hands around, it would've been embarrassing.

The Waynster will have to bang his gong louder now,
with the clamour over Bin Laden's demise!
edit on 2-5-2011 by A boy in a dress because: Left 'Buckaroo' hat in Edit Room!

posted on May, 2 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

He's trying to 'shoe horn' Osma and Obama into his little charade fb latest -

W.H. Some say he's been dead for a while, some say he was one of the elite that got

too powerful. Obama is gloating about his 'kill'......BBC

fb.friend.lying b******s are already using the FAKE Osma death photo






fbfriend I believe Osma Bin Laden was killed years ago and the PTB had to keep the

'charade' up to keep us in the 'high military budget' mind set. They used well known

photo of Bin Laden we've seen millions of times, they used it and flipped it

horizontally in photo shop it is an EXACT match, exact facial expression, exact

placement of beard 10 years later

W.H. "Operation America Rejoice" brainwash objective launched today to keep their

player in the hot seat.........up in 10 mins.

fbfriend Wake up people dont believe your government they lie to us all the time about

everything, don't be brainwashed, my god wake up to what is going on, this is a

plan to bring on the one world nation the end of the world.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 07:37 AM
Simply couldn't resist this one
paranoia ??

WAYNE HERSCHEL...I realised my g.mail is also watched and hacked by a higher
power.......any film offers that go to my address are removed by some elite Hacker.
Those film makers that still find me are interfered with.........even after they express
excitement about a big project.....they get a phone call warning that networks will not
air the documentary footage so don't risk using it.

FB FRIEND...That is awsome that film makers are keenly interested in your work -
excellent, however dont let them stop you. Remember the problems you had with
publishing........keep on fighting the fight Wayne !!!!

WAYNE HERSCHEL...I will prevail......need to proceed slowly and make as much
viral as possible. If i am stopped directly in any way it will be in the hands of 20 of my
investors who are absolutely anti elite because they haven't earned a cent yet..........
they will do 20 times the activity as me the moment they have to go ahead by agreement.

FB FRIEND...Oh thats have "back up" power

WAYNE HERSCHEL...I have had warnings by face book earlier for linking too many
times to my web sites which are reported as "inappropiate content" in their logs......
the condition was to minimise or lose my account. I only link two or three per week on

FB FRIEND...I wanted to share your link Wayne and all - here is what i see 'pop up on my
screen' You have been blocked from sharing web address (URLs) because you repeatedly
misused this feature.

FB FRIEND...I was looking at true friends of friends.........guess what..........when you have
as many friends as Wayne you will stumble upon elite Rothschild, Rockefeller,
and others ........they are here too......and they like Waynes posts as much as the average
Joe......hell, I have learned more history here than in school.....Wayne is an instution :-)

Would that be a Mental Instution ??

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by eletheia

I've not been saying much in the "yay! bin Laden is dead!" threads, and the site seems to have been nearly taken over by them of late. My reticence probably comes as a shock to a lot of people. The thing is, I've always taught my kids that there are REAL monsters out there, not just the sort that hang out under your bed and in your closet. They have to be dealt with, whether you like it or not, as was done in this case. With that said, I celebrate the death of no man, enemy or not. It's enough to me to know it's done, and that one won't be committing any further depredations. I reckon you could say I'm satisfied with the results, but not ecstatic or jubilant over them.

I recall the days after 911, when no airplanes were allowed to fly at all, and "the Arab street" (that's the first time I ever heard that phrase) were all celebrating, dancing in the streets, selling little bin Laden statues, big posters of the WTC in flames and going down, all sorts of partying and jubilation. If I do the same at the death of a man, how then am I any different from those? The answer is, I'm not - I've joined their ranks and become what I detest.

Not gonna do it.

That's what I taught my kids, and I live what I preach. I realize that the bible enjoins one to "celebrate a death and mourn a birth", but I'm bass ackwards from that. Might go to hell for it, but if I do, it'll be on my own terms, and without compromising myself.

It could be that I'm "unamerican", that Wayne can successfully lobby to have my paid disinfo agent license pulled, and all those high-dollar payments I get from the government just for expressing my opinions stopped cold. There's all the info he needs to try to get it done.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 01:35 PM

Originally posted by eletheia

Simply couldn't resist this one
paranoia ??

WAYNE HERSCHEL...I realised my g.mail is also watched and hacked by a higher
power.......any film offers that go to my address are removed by some elite Hacker.
Those film makers that still find me are interfered with.........even after they express
excitement about a big project.....they get a phone call warning that networks will not
air the documentary footage so don't risk using it.

Wayne of all people, as a premier paranoiac on a par with myself, should KNOW that Google and everything connected with it watches all of us! That would include Gmail. I doubt he's important enough as an individual to draw the attention of "elite hackers", though. By the way, is there some sort of hacker who is NOT "elite"? I've occasionally drawn fire from hackers, mostly Chinese, a couple from Romania of all places, one from Hungary, and one from Africa. In none of those cases did it have anything to do with "hidden knowledge protected by elites". It had to do with politics (I helped out a couple of Chinese intelligence agents, and they were not amused) or just kicks - they were doing it for grins and giggles. Most of the time it wasn't even specific targeting, just port scans sniffing for an open port to sneak in through. Those are run by the millions in a single batch.

Google? No hacking - they just sit, watch, and record. I did away with the Google Tool Bar because of that, and won't even consider running Chrome as a browser. I've just come to accept that Google products "phone home", and avoid them when possible, block them when I can't avoid and blocking is possible, and let 'em roll when it's not (i.e. I run Google Earth unfettered - and wonder if some elite hacker somewhere is scratching his head over my place searches).

Of course, I don't 1) put out hoaxes about "hidden elite information", 2) try to piss off Google on purpose, and 3) make movie deals as a part of my "film mogul" persona.

FB FRIEND...That is awsome that film makers are keenly interested in your work -
excellent, however dont let them stop you. Remember the problems you had with
publishing........keep on fighting the fight Wayne !!!!

Thousands of movies created every year, and Wayne can't get ONE made? Could be it suffers the same problems as his book sales - lack of interest, except among a small core group of Elite Light Warriors.

WAYNE HERSCHEL...I will prevail......need to proceed slowly and make as much
viral as possible. If i am stopped directly in any way it will be in the hands of 20 of my
investors who are absolutely anti elite because they haven't earned a cent yet..........
they will do 20 times the activity as me the moment they have to go ahead by agreement.

Wayne will "prevail"? How does he expect to do that? he couldn't even prevail against us little folk, how does he expect to prevail against the likes of giants like Google? Looks like he DID learn a lesson from us, though - that "viral" works if done properly. "The Hoax Heard 'Round the World" is STILL being downloaded and passed around. I've changed computers since then, and this one has had 4 more downloads from it in the past week. No telling how many downloads from the other machines it sits on around the world. Where in the devil are his "Elite Investors" and their twenty-fold activity against it?

Interesting that his "investors" haven't earned a cent yet, despite all the glowing promises he made them of 17 cents a book, and recoup of investment within a year, well over a year ago. I had no IDEA that his book sales were THAT bad! Looks like the ire of his investors would be directed towards himself, rather than externals. After all, HE is the one who made those extravagant promises!

FB FRIEND...Oh thats have "back up" power

WAYNE HERSCHEL...I have had warnings by face book earlier for linking too many
times to my web sites which are reported as "inappropiate content" in their logs......
the condition was to minimise or lose my account. I only link two or three per week on

Facebook takes a dim view of Google Bombing inappropriate content? Who knew? When do you suppose he'll go to war against Facebook? BTW, this appears to me to be a tacit admission that he purposely sets "Google Bombs" (via link spamming), those things he so seems to despise, himself.

FB FRIEND...I wanted to share your link Wayne and all - here is what i see 'pop up on my
screen' You have been blocked from sharing web address (URLs) because you repeatedly
misused this feature.

Oh noes! He's gotten his friends in hot water for link spamming and Google bombing, too? Birds of a feather...

FB FRIEND...I was looking at true friends of friends.........guess what..........when you have
as many friends as Wayne you will stumble upon elite Rothschild, Rockefeller,
and others ........they are here too......and they like Waynes posts as much as the average
Joe......hell, I have learned more history here than in school.....Wayne is an instution :-)

Would that be a Mental Instution ??

Probably so. probably so. It gives all signs that is the case. Nice to know that Rockefellers and Rothschilds can take time from their busy jet-setting opulence to sit on Wayne's FB page and shove out "likes", but it begs the question that, if they "like" it, WHY are they fighting against it, per his claims? Why fight it AND promote it? Those wacky Elites! Always acting in a contradictory manner - it makes one wonder how they ever got to be "elites" to begin with!


It could be merely a case of cognitive dissonance (believing two contradictory ideas simultaneously, an often misused phrase at ATS) in action on the part of the Wayneites!

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 01:37 PM
reply to post by nenothtu
You won't go to hell for having a good attitude.

Nice post.

posted on May, 4 2011 @ 02:08 PM

If i am stopped directly in any way it will be in the hands of 20 of my investors who are
absolutely anti elite because they haven't earned a cent yet...

I envisage Mr. Herschel leaving the tent where the group is sitting on worn, fold-away
chairs and has he rams the cash into his tweed coat pockets and adjusts his dickie-bow...
"No really, I'll come back and give you more than you can dream of..." a snakeoil Salesman
smile will appear "just wait there and ponder what I said earlier"

Mr. H is seen running like someone out of a Norman Rockwell painting with ruddy cheeks!

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:28 PM
Hi all.

It's that time of year again ... she's baaack.

Almost exactly a year to the day and it seems our Judy has another hoax project up her sleeve.

It's a bit of a long read, but thoroughly entertaining for those who followed this original NASA hoax.

The Latest Live Alien Video Challenge

Some snippets:

Thursday, 05 May 2011

The following is the complete record of an investigation done on a video that has just been put up on the internet claiming to be of a live alien from Zeta Reticula recovered at the Roswell UFO crash in 1947 ...

Knowing that the source of the video was the most important part of the story that would lead us to verification of the live alien story, or just another story to make ufology look bad, I sent a message to the girl who had posted it - Judy Fältskog ...

"Grant, maybe the world would sit up and pay attention this time," wrote Judy. "Previously I was persecuted for the truth about the Alien signal ...

No sooner had I begun my investigation of Judy, the Roswell live alien theory started to fall apart and a dark figure from my past started to emerge...

As the film still makes its way around the world of the internet, the person behind it was gone and it all happened in 24 hours ... Further research indicated that disappearing is part of the pattern with Judy or James or whoever it was I was taking to ...

Some very savvy folks over at (ATS) exposed "Dr." Judy Faltskog for what he/she is: a long time, UFO hoaxer, transsexual, con-artist; not a "Dr." of anything, not a scientist, certainly not an astronomer of any kind ...

How exciting!! It seems Judy now has in her possession a Live Alien Video that she "paid a lot of money for and spent 2 weeks in Antarctica to arrange the sale of the video."

When I get time I'll do a bit more research. That is, if I could be bothered ...

edit on 8/5/2011 by Netties Hermit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:46 PM
Another examination and quick research to the latest scam video here:

Analyzing the latest alleged ET video

Is Judy celebrating her one year ATS anniversary with another hoax? Or just bored? Do I care any more?

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 10:58 PM
Found some threads here about it ...

ATS Thread New alien footage. Real or fake?

In the Hoax forum

Is Judy just riding off the back of another hoaxer or is there a link between the YouTube accounts 351Nova, Ivan0135, Orbitalobserver and Judy?

Edit to add: I missed this earlier. Re-reading the original article under "Psychology of a Hoaxer by Paul Robinson" it seems Orbitalobserver is Judy as per her details on the Seti@Home stats page here

(And oh look! There's a familiar face to some ATSers in her subscribers/friends

edit on 9/5/2011 by Netties Hermit because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 8 2011 @ 11:37 PM
How exciting!

I'm very happy to know that Judy is alive and well. The Army of Darkness has been very bored lately with no bullsh!t to expose during Judy's absence. Now that Judy's back, looks like our pay checks will keep flowing. KA CHING!

I also find it EXTREMELY amusing that Judy says she's never been part of any group (in her dialogue with Grant Cameron). What about NASA Judy? You'd think any idiot would automatically google the name of someone who is puportedly the source of a huge video. Having done this, said idiot would find this thread and see that YOU (Judy/James) claim to be "NASA-affiliated." You put the group title on yourself and now you say you've never been part of a group.
What about all those sites you created where membership was needed?

At least be consistent in your stories Judy. I know you're still young (about 20 as a female) but you gotta do better. Don't forget YOU ARE ALSO A LIGHT WARRIOR!

I really hope Grant Cameron reads this. He should be aware that in a couple of months, Judy/James or one of its (him/her
) cronies will say that Judy's computer was attacked via facebook by way of the conversation they had. Also prepare for him/her to attempt to get your site/posts taken down. Its all part of Judy's game.

But I commend you for exposing this episode! Hopefully Judy will give us enough crap to write a sequel and keep the Army of Darkness and the entire CIA well-funded.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 05:19 AM
OK - so if there was ever any doubt that Orbitalobserver's YouTube Channel
is actually Judy, then this may drive another nail in (so to speak).

Regulars here may remember a boring Saturday Night I had here some months ago where I found a link to some obscure South African Band called HOT R.S. where the vocals were done by a lady called Judy Fältskog. At the time I thought it was maybe just a coincidence - but with the above link, and with Orbitalobserver's comments Here on YouTube "HOT R.S." of:

I knew the band leader of Forbidden Fruit, Kevin Kruger. I think this was their biggest hit back then! Went to school with him in South Africa. His brother Dan was at some time also involved with the group. Judy Fältskog was the lady who did their lead vocals. Backing vocals was done by Karen or Tanya. I used to watch when they did their garage practices in Port Elizabeth.
They were really pretty good for that time.I think Judy is the only surviving member still of that group, she is on FB
Orbitalobserver 5 months ago

Can't be a coincidence can it?

So the question is ... is the fake Judy Fältskog riding off the back of this new "leaked alien video hoax" or is she the perpetrator? Can we link her to Michael Cohen of AllNewsWeb with all the links I've provided above?

Stay tuned folks ... I'm thinking there's more to come here ...

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 08:57 AM
When I saw the orbitalobserver handle on Grant Cameron's page I instantly recognized it as Judy. After all, that's where the six minute video exposing us as CIA paid agents is from.

We make our cameo appearances at the 4:50 mark.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 11:42 AM
Once more into the breach, dear friends!

I KNEW she couldn't lay low forever! The Orbital Observer account has been linked to Judy forever, and she has always vehemently denied that linkage in running battles across a few forums. The EFFET Telescope hoax (actually footage of the MAGIC Telescopes in the Canaries) was one case in which that battle took place. Nice to have confirmation (suitably archived now!) that the connection is real, concrete, and verifiable!

Just look at the entire list of Orbital Observer's videos on that channel, and one can see a glaring concentration of interest. She's even got the videos of her mythical "EFFET Telescope" still resident there, where she was trying to "prove" as a sock puppet offering "independent verification from the work crew" that Judy really had such a mythical beast.

Originally posted by Netties Hermit

(And oh look! There's a familiar face to some ATSers in her subscribers/friends

I saw that. He's entirely on the up and up, not a Judy Worshipper or a Wayneite. He has an interest in a particular aspect of the Judy/James Faltskog saga, and will evidently go to great lengths to gather information. A solid researcher, that one, beyond reproach in my mind.

Wheels already spinning for Volume Two of the Hoax Heard 'Round the World, which will likely concentrate on Judy and her various identities rather than Wayne this time, since Wayne appears to have gone to ground and Judy's star appears to be rising again. Just like the last one, it'll be a mix between the two, with the focus shifted... unless Wayne wants to do battle again...

You know, after the concentration of effort I put into the last volume, I seriously haven't been able to sit down and read it through. A recent comment on the book thread has spiked my interest in doing so, and I may have to do that one day soon. Besides, I need to run through it for typos (which are likely rampant) and perhaps make a few revisions, re-release it then as "2nd Edition" or something.

I reckon I better get that done before it ramps up far enough to warrant a "Volume Two" ! On top of that, some folks have been nagging at me to try my hand at writing a book for profit - which nothing in this saga will ever be. This is too important to try to sell.

That would be two new books and a revision at the same time. Got my doubts that I'm up to it, so the "for profit" book will be the one to fall by the wayside. After all, none of those nagging are actual publishers, and when it's done for profit, it's the publishers that count!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by Netties Hermit

Is Judy just riding off the back of another hoaxer or is there a link between the YouTube accounts 351Nova, Ivan0135, Orbitalobserver and Judy?

Seems to have been answered in the link you provided here.

But to add to the mysterious origin of the video(s), a YouTube user by the name of Ivan0135 uploaded the ET video a day earlier—on May 1st—and the UFO video was uploaded on April 13th. Interestingly, “South Africa” and “Kalahari Desert” are among the string of descriptive keywords attached to the ET video uploaded by Ivan0135. This suggests a connection between Ivan0135 and Judy Fältskog.

The ATS investigation gets an honorable mention at that page, too, so our efforts are paying off at not having more people taken in by this mess.

Also, "351Nova" and "Ivan0135" are pretty obviously anagrams for the same name, with the addition of an "I" in the second to make it a real name, and substitution of "0" for "o". Running through these videos, I noticed the KGB logo at the beginning of one of them, which I suppose was supposed to fool someone into thinking it was somne sort of official USAF video, but it was a sloppy effort. Maybe there just aren't that many folks left who recognize the KGB logo since it's makeover after the collapse of the Soviet Union, but going the extra step and finding an actual US logo wouldn't have hurt them. I only recognized it because I happen to have some of their "accessories" from back in the day.

That KGB logo is also recognized at that page, with a clearer picture of it and the words not blocked out. The initials "KGB" are in Cyrillic in the bottom line of text at the far right. Seems a Croatian put them on to that, and a Croatian ought to know, as there was heavy KGB involvement there way back when.

Does this mean we. as paid CIA disinfo agents, now have competition from a "defunct" intel agency? Bummer...

Here's something to check into: WHO actually originated the video, and what is Judy's connection to them? Some of her other videos are fairly well done, even though they are fairly obvious forgeries for one reason or another (misclaimed or misattributed subjects in particular). Still, it would be an interesting exercise to determine where she's getting this stuff from, and what her connection to them is. I personally don't think that she's producing them herself. I think it is rather a collaboration of some sort, with Judy being the Front.. erm... Man of the operation.

These videos in particular seem to show a new direction, what with the animated ET and all, and the application of the aging filters to the footage.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 12:50 PM
Ha ha, my sides are hurting and I spit out my coffee onto the monitor. Judy,judy,judy, That freedom of information act document from NASA (that I requested) stating that Judy Falkstog never worked for NASA Ames or NASA anything still hasn't stopped you , huh. Well, I see that we will have to start operation "Blind Alley" and pull every agent in the known world and set up our resources to stop Wayne Herschel and Judy Falkstog. They have released the truth on Facebook and UTube, the dam has burst and the world's population is rising up in armed revolt over this ultimate world secret from "the powers that be".. Bin Laden may have been the lucky one considering what you two have released and are responsible for, I would not want to be in your shoes and have to look over my shoulder all of the time and sleep in a different location every night. OK now, all agents. this is code black, use affirmation andromeda and reply with proper response. Take out targets, repeat, leave no clues, wipe this story clean. we need total erasure. Its time for the final solutiuon.........initiate immediately.

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by Netties Hermit

Typical Judy!! a very much restrained version of what she put out late Nov. 2010 on

Club Conspiracy, Disclose TV, and numerous other sites - Note the subtle psychology

of bringing up the bad news first so everything after that makes it appear 'poor Judy' every

one is against her and out to get her !


Grant, I'm just glad it's out. I'm not into getting a prize or a pat on the back for it. With all

the disclosure i have brought to the world i have only ever received slander, defamation, and

lies told about me, and you will see the disinformation campaign raging against me even right

now. Why do you think i am such a threat to the Government that they have been trying to

destroy me for the last year already? (
which government does she mean ? the UK,

the US, the German, the S.African, the Australian, the French the Spanish?

I paid a lot of money for that video and spent two weeks in Antartica to arrange the sale of

this video to me. (Wonder which penguin sold her the video
she was done!!!

posted on May, 9 2011 @ 02:28 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Nenothtu you said you think Judy is the front 'man' of the latest operation.......Do you

also think Judy could have a 'NEW' day job - Animated ET ? (with an ET outfit from the

local fancy dress outfitters!!)

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