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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 01:36 PM
reply to post by nenothtu


Ok elite member, here is one for you. I have included a definition along with my word of the day for Wayne. I hope you enjoy.

"Milquetoast" ~ an ineffectual man; a shy coward; an effeminate male. a very timid, unassertive, spineless person, especially one who is easily dominated or intimidated.

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Marrr

"MILQUETOAST" i like that word
fits the subject perfectly !!!

I wonder if that is what Wayne means when he uses one of his favourite 'phrases'

eg. " I'll be toast"......"we'll be toast"....."they'll be toast"

posted on Apr, 1 2011 @ 06:51 PM

Originally posted by eletheia
reply to post by Bunken Drum


Wayne Herschel...LIAR..Deceiver..Fraud..Swindler..Con-artist..Cheat..Fraudster..Fibber

Story teller..Dissembler..Fabricator..Prevaricator..Perjurer..Falsifer..Mythomaniac..Pseudomaniac

Pathological liar..Congenital liar
.........IF THE CAP FITS

Would you define "Pseudomaniac" please?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Marrr

PSEUDOMANIAC......A mania for lying an insane tendency to make false statements.

And you are now no. 6 when you google defination of pseudomaniac

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 02:58 AM
reply to post by eletheia

Now that is just plain crazy. You did a search for Wayne Herschel, or for pseudomaniac?

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 03:07 AM
reply to post by Marrr

Either way one always leads to the other

Pseudomaniac = Wayne

Wayne = Pseudomaniac

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 05:56 AM

Originally posted by nenothtu
Poor Wayne.

The Mad Google Bombers just won't let him be.

From his Facebook Page:

Wayne Herschel

Please friends can you help me remove a google bomb attack ... list complaint here ... click impersonation .. mention defamation ... copy the attacker address...

Wayne Herschel
if anyone googles my name the first word that pops up is "hoax' to add to my name... an illegal website with wordpress impersonating my name with abusive content then links to the ATS website where the attackers operate from where there are... over 800 pages of abusive words using the word hoax over 1000 times.

Please help me break this link by eliminating the wordpress site as it is set up against the conditions of use... click the link above and click impersonation and add a one line about abuse and defamation.


14 hours ago

I was surprised when reading he is going after the guy with the same name. If, Wayne #2 is legit and not another faux account of Wayne #1. I hope for Jesus Wayne's sake that he made that story up. Otherwise, if he's successful and gets this man's blog shut down..that old man may show up at Wayne's front door pissed off looking for some justice.
How hiliarious would that be? I'm sure we'll get blamed for it in the end. What is the "google bomb attack" all about? I seriously doubt that old man is sitting in that bar punching in "WAYNE HERSCHEL HOAX" over and over again. Although Wayne, if that old man is committing that much devotion to informing people that he is not you...he may JUST be mad enough to show up at your door

posted on Apr, 2 2011 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by Marrr

Yes that blog has (had) been on wordpress for some time so for Wayne to notice it now

makes me think ....He set it up on a back burner as it were for when things went quiet

on the hoaxing front and he needed an injection of 'publicity' to convince his sycophants

of his HIGH PROFILE in the world, that he was still the messiah, the fountain of knowledge,

and keeper of all things 'forbidden.' And his followers gain kudos preserving all this by helping

Wayne out 'googlebombing' and getting rid of all his detractors in one fell swoop !

There you have it Wayne's puffed up, self important, self publised world.

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 10:39 AM
Looks like Wayne may have found something to hitch his "dodgy waggon to!" The recent

find of lead booklets found in a cave
He starts his blog in caps as usual



on trying to tie in various things to his star maps)

Before i go on i would just like to define 'scholar' A learned or erudite person especially one who

has profound knowledge of a particular subject. Knowledge resulting from study and research. I

have made this point because Wayne the armchair, google researcher's next post goes

Wayne Herschel Can you believe scholars interpret this plate with the pyramids as Jerusalem

.............because of the Menorah ??? Absolute idiots !!









FB Friend posts "FORGERIES" news that these books are forgeries from Oxford expert Thormann
(condensed post)

Wayne Herschel You haven't been following all the links i provided on the attempts to dispute

this discovery. This is expected due to the contents of the books revealing information that

is NOT in the best interests of religious organisations or the elite. Please follow more carefully

here and look at earlier links to see how much testing has been carried out. THESE ARE






oficially made the claim.....others are referencing his "feelings" on unofficial websites...look at

the image of the very, very, young scholar who felt his university image NEEDS to be the one

where he is the one in CHURCH. But that is not all........he is so young he only qualified

in 2007....but more importantly has no background in the dating science or methods already

used in the tests.

Finally two other FB friend posts:-

L.S.S. Will post viral...Thanks Wayne

M.M-G..Youtubers also started criticzing it so I posted a few comments there referencing your



References for Peter Thormann MA DPhil University Lecturer in Ancient History at Wadham

College Oxford. (Has taught ancient history at Wadham since 2007)

Lecturer in Ancient History Keeble College, courses taught (undergraduate and graduate) Greek

Roman, and Near Eastern History from 8th centuary BC to 4th centuary AD.

Wayne where are YOUR qualifactions

This poster takes no credit for the capitals or dots in this posting they are all Waynes work

posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 10:23 PM
reply to post by eletheia

How odd.

Wayne's theories tend to go all willy-nilly, here and there. First, he tried to equate the "face" at Deir Alla with the "face" on Mars... NOW it's the face of Jesus as found in a lead book? Does that mean by extension that Jesus was a Martian?

The thing about the lead books being written ONLY for initiates of the "Star People" story is priceless! Seems to be making a play that lead books were written 2000 years ago and coded just for Wayne... possible bid to strengthen his "messiahship"...

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 03:50 AM
It's been a while since I popped in here. I see the ongoing trainwreck of Wayne's research is continuing unabashed by sense and reason. Lucky for him that those 'lead' books showed up eh? Shame he couldn't have 'foreseen' them.

The world is so full of hoaxers that if he ever actually gets serious about it they'll knock him out of business for stepping onto their territory. Us actual thinkers and people who expect claims to be substantiated aren't a real threat to believers.

Still, it's a lot of fun unmasking a hoax of this severity eh?


PS: I think Wayne'll bring down all wordpress blog with his name in them - I think someone should have a talk with the boys who put up the free hosting and let them know he's abusing their decency.

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 09:43 AM
Apart from the usual drivel, and constant linking to his sites a few snippets from Wayne's
face book on his 'research' on the recent metal books find that i found amusing :-

Wayne Herschel - Chances are the, elite powers to be, will get hold of most of the books
and they will 'accidentaly' go missing. There will be fakes getting news coverage, and great
effort to make it all look like a hoax. 'They' prefer to cover up any material showing we are not
alone in the universe anything showing we are ALL of the sacred blood line. Some Elite who
harass me still believe their small remote region of people are the only chosen people by God
..........and only they are worthy of this knowledge.

( Good hoaxing advice Wayne is that how you do it ? Setting the 'stage' in advance
pre-empting the logical outcome for when you are proved wrong.
Wonder who he is referring to by 'Some Elite' who harass me still ??

Wayne Herschel - My 20years research on all my websites conclude our ancestors came from
the star groups in question.....we are the decendants of the ET's that invaded this planet of the
apes (Neanderthal was the top of the hominids) over 17000 years ago.....and maybe 35000
years ago......maybe even earlier

(Well thats a huge time line !! Surely with his knowledge and researching he can be a little more

Wayne Herschel - UPDATE BBC RELEASE 7 MORE PIC's.................
I'm sure the Tree is no ordinary tree this tree to my rendition to what i said
on a NDE. The Cosmic these books secretely reveal The Creation?
http// Some say it will inspire another da Vinci code book.........

(Or another Hidden Records Wayne ?

Wayne Herschel - Ordinary as in tree of wood and leaf which i have a passion for............
but nothing like the passion I have for the Cosmic Tree.........home of the soul as revealed at
http// I'm sure these books will enlighten humanity !!!!

Wayne Herschel - Generally the Pleiadian movement of light workers is infiltrated with terrible
destructive false propagander. It started as a reference to very positive beings who are our
ancestors to all sorts of federations and cults

( Would this be a reference to Wayne's 'light workers' who cut and paste, and googlebomb?

If i'm ever feeling low Wayne's fb gives me a good LAUGH

posted on Apr, 6 2011 @ 11:12 AM

Originally posted by eletheia

Wayne Herschel - Chances are the, elite powers to be, will get hold of most of the books
and they will 'accidentaly' go missing. There will be fakes getting news coverage, and great
effort to make it all look like a hoax. 'They' prefer to cover up any material showing we are not
alone in the universe anything showing we are ALL of the sacred blood line. Some Elite who
harass me still believe their small remote region of people are the only chosen people by God
..........and only they are worthy of this knowledge.

( Good hoaxing advice Wayne is that how you do it ? Setting the 'stage' in advance
pre-empting the logical outcome for when you are proved wrong.

They've already gone missing - the real ones, that is. Two guys in black trench coats with funny accents brought them by here last Thursday night, told me to keep them in my freezer and not ask any questions... then drove away in their black SUV with South African plates. They're right here, next to the frozen burritos, wrapped in tinfoil to keep any alien UV signals from penetrating the refrigerator and potentially "activating" them.

The frozen burritos are tinfoil wrapped, as well. I'd hate to see THEM get activated!

Wonder who he is referring to by 'Some Elite' who harass me still ??

That would be us - but the ancient Babylonian god Marduk IS on our side. He sent a message through the guys that brought the lead books. It said (as nearly as I can recall - Marduk is old, and can't write any more, so he only communicates verbally) "Hey yo, I'm on YOUR side. Everyone on Earth is of the same ancient alien bloodline EXCEPT Wayne Herschel, so he doesn't get to be let in on the real secret. We've sent 'stuff' for him to believe in, but don't you dare let the real cat out of the bag!" Funny how Marduk had the same odd accent as they guys in the trench coats.

Wayne Herschel - My 20years research on all my websites conclude our ancestors came from
the star groups in question.....we are the decendants of the ET's that invaded this planet of the
apes (Neanderthal was the top of the hominids) over 17000 years ago.....and maybe 35000
years ago......maybe even earlier

(Well thats a huge time line !! Surely with his knowledge and researching he can be a little more

Still needs to bone up a bit on his archaeology, I see. Modern man only invaded EUROPE around 45,000 years ago (Wayne is only 10,000 YEARS off if that's what he means - that's only around a third longer than he says), but has been present elsewhere in the world for nearly 200,000 years. Neanderthals weren't "at the top of the hominids", they were at the end of one of the branches of the phylogenetic tree, and developed at around the same time as modern humans from a common ancestor, but in Europe. Neanderthals are not "older" than we are, they developed at the same time but in a different place.

I got that information from the same "education" that I got my "eloquence" from. Wayne ought to try it some time... the education thing, I mean.

Wayne Herschel - UPDATE BBC RELEASE 7 MORE PIC's.................
I'm sure the Tree is no ordinary tree this tree to my rendition to what i said
on a NDE. The Cosmic these books secretely reveal The Creation?
(URL to Wayne's disinfo website deleted) Some say it will inspire another da Vinci code book.........

(Or another Hidden Records Wayne ?

I have a coat-tree in the hallway. Wayneites can come worship it if they're into this tree-cult thing he's got going on. As a rambling observation, is it "Trees of Life" that Wayne is killing to have his books printed? What a waste of a perfectly good tree! He should go electronic. The e-book business is booming, and no trees are harmed in the production of those sorts of books...

Wayne Herschel - Ordinary as in tree of wood and leaf which i have a passion for............

Well, except the ones he kills off to have his boos printed... THOSE trees he can do without...
Go green, Wayne!

Edit to add: I originally meant "books" when I typo-ed "boos", was going to edit and change it, then decided that "boos" is probably more fitting.

but nothing like the passion I have for the Cosmic Tree.........home of the soul as revealed at
(URL to Wayne's disinfo website removed) I'm sure these books will enlighten humanity !!!!

The only way they'd "enlighten" humanity would be the light produced by burning them.

Wayne Herschel - Generally the Pleiadian movement of light workers is infiltrated with terrible
destructive false propagander. It started as a reference to very positive beings who are our
ancestors to all sorts of federations and cults

( Would this be a reference to Wayne's 'light workers' who cut and paste, and googlebomb?

"Infiltrated"... that would be US, or more properly the moles that we have infiltrated into Wayne's World of secret ninja "light warriors". What is a "propagander" anyhow? Is it a "propagandist", or is it someone who takes a look at propaganda - you know, taking a "Proper Gander"? See, it really makes a difference, because this thing got started by us taking a "proper gander" at his propaganda, and seeing it for what it is - a hoax.

His last sentence here appears to me to be descriptive of his own "work" - going from well meaning to "all sorts of federations and cults". Freudian slip, perhaps?

edit on 2011/4/6 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:45 AM
reply to post by eletheia

Agreed. He goes off on how the researcher only qualified in 2007 and is so young with no background in certain sciences and methods. Uhh, Wayne, WHERE ARE YOUR CREDENTIALS? Having someone write a book for you and spamming youtube with idiotic ufo videos doesn't automatically earn you a doctorate.
That is like telling people that you don't play sports, but yet you are an athletic supporter, I.E. a jockstrap.

Oh, the ever-loving Facebook and the "Will post viral" comments. Wayne, NOBODY IS BUYING IT.

I am starting to wonder if this "Tree of Light" may be a peyote bush. It's clear the man is hallucinating every time he takes a big 'ol bite of tree.

federations and cults

Lightworkers, Trekkies and Satanists..

posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 02:32 PM
Just when you think you're out, they drag you back in!
I see the 'olde gang' are back in formation and ready to roll.

Apologies to eletheia for the misunderstanding regarding FaceBook
and I'm back manning the wall.
Wayne's packing his legions ready for his second... (or is it third?),,,
assault, the book must be up for denial on a second printing option.


posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 11:44 AM
reply to post by nenothtu

Do the 'Elite' eat burritos?

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 01:25 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Why do you ask?

Who are TPTB ?

posted on Apr, 10 2011 @ 07:12 PM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress
reply to post by nenothtu

Do the 'Elite' eat burritos?


Usually the frozen sort, since we are generally too busy doing elite-ish stuff to actually cook, and we don't like eating our own cooking, any how.

Occasionally, when our disinfo agent checks come in from the head CIA office, we splurge and visit a Mexican restaurant.

Just as long as we don't have to cook it ourselves.

Edit to add: another bonus to the frozen sort of burrito is that they are best microwaved, and we DO like playing with things that throw out microwaves....

edit on 2011/4/10 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 07:51 AM

Originally posted by eletheia
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Why do you ask?

Who are TPTB ?

Burritos are very symbolic... it's all very mysterious and could be tied in
with Ra riding The Sphinx!

The TPTB...? why OverLord and Springer, of course!

posted on Apr, 11 2011 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

OH !!!!!!!
Its just coz Wayne keeps referring to them

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