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Alleged NASA -Affiliated Astronomer Deciphers 'Intelligence' Signal From Nearby Stars

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posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by Portugoal

I figured our group of scientist heroes would be honoured to be so priviledged as to dance topless with Einstein. Maybe should've thrown in some Tesla and Gallileo? The extra Wayne and Judy's represent their alter egos by the way.

Ah, like LadySambuca and SunFlare, those sorts of alter egos.

Or did you mean in Wayne's case his "Altar Ego"?

No, you did right. Tesla and Galileo would have been too much. I'd have never survived it....

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:23 AM
G'morning, folks!

Our word for today is "viral".

viral (ˈvaɪrəl)


to be spread all across the internet, into every nook and cranny, as by a virus, infecting the whole world with a particular set of thoughts or viewpoint. Called so because "Viral" infections are often difficult or impossible to dislodge from the organism.


- "I'm gonna make this go VIRAL!"
- "Rob", "Moaningmartel", "Gorgonzola", etc.

- Wayne's hilarious "Google Bombing" of himself, but directing traffic here instead, is an example of an attempted viral campaign gone horribly wrong.

Take your meds and hit the bunkers, you've got not more than a month or so before my answer to your "viral" threats shakes loose....

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 12:38 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Viral... the last bastion of attention-seeking!
It's certainly not a timid creature, it can be found cavorting in cyberspace
and it this time of year, a red cap with white fur-trim adorns it's grinning head.

It holds no loyalty to an owner and will not be called to heed.
Watch out!

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 01:19 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Aye, and I hear that the latest medical research is checking in to employing "Counter-virii" as anti-viral agents. Evidently, the premise is to engineer a "good" virus which attacks and eats all the bad virii it can find.

The beauty of that approach is that the good virus replicates itself over and over again, with each new one ALSO replicating itself, as any other virus does, creates it's own legion, then infects the infected host, and cleans it up.

I wonder what happens when Wayne and Judy's "viral" campaigns meets a matching campaign - but one that was engineered by a group of mad (I mean REALLY mad!) scientists who are faster, stronger, and FAR more intelligent (and a lot better looking, too!)?

They better get those meds in order. By Christmas, or Valentines Day at the absolute latest, it'll be a done deal.

Yuk. "Valentines Day" and "viral" don't go together in the same sentence very well, do they?

I'm at page 142 of the thread currently in The Book, and right now the whole thread is 195 pages long. Assuming it doesn't grow too fast, I ought to be able to gain ground fairly well. 142 pages in two months, with 53 more to go, makes it just under a month -assuming, like I said, that it doesn't grow too fast and outstrip me again. As it stands, I'm gaining on it.

Hear that Wayne and Judy? Don't look back - something might be gaining on you!

Edit to add - I stumbled upon a place on the internet for file sharing that gives me a BUNCH of upload space. I can, conceivably, encrypt ALL of the archived material - the websites, the documents, the quotes, ALL of it, into a single encrypted file and upload it there for download, as with the infamous Wikileaks "Insurance" file - with the exception that my password wouldn't be so secretive that I had to encrypt IT too, and break it up into chunks among several. If there's any interest in the archives, I'll do that, and privately distribute the password to whoever needs it, to keep undesirables from peeking in to it.

You know us S3krit Squirrels got some pretty stout encryption, right?

Heh, heh, heh......

edit on 2010/12/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 04:15 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

Nenothtu digs and buries his pages away from the cold Winter air.
If one wanders through any leafy public areas when the traffic is quiet
and the children are at school, you'll see Nenothtu scurrying backwards
and forwards from his haven in the branches down to his cache of revelations.

Hoax-shown documents, such as UV signals and alien-built Pyramids lay under
the very ground you stand on and day-after-day, Nenothtu strives to collect the
vital information ready for Spring.

Spring may come early this time.

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 04:30 PM
Going through all the backups I had of the page where Wayne was coordinating the attack on dcmb1490's blog, watching the post "changes" and deletions and whatnot on it, I came across this:

-Wayne Herschel- Thanks Lynn!!!... I saw your stand there and that is inspiring
I get copies each time there is a response. I saw the idiots claiming more lies and hoax till the cows come home... the letters to the abuse department are mounting and if there are enough the pleas should inspire the removal of the site.

No, Lynn, Wayne DIDN'T see your "stand" at the blog. I refused it permission to post myself, since it was a part of the spam attack you all were perpetrating at the time. It never posted to the blog, so Wayne COULDN'T have seen it there. He LIED to you. He saw it on his own page, and nowhere else.

Us "idiots" were a step ahead of the Light Brigade attackers. If we're "idiots", and we were ahead of you, what does that make you?

Neither were we claiming "more lies and hoax". We were sort of busy at the moment, pushing ladders off the castle walls. Didn't have time to post ANYTHING ourselves. ANOTHER lie, courtesy Wayne Herschel.

I'm not sure why the Wayneites fall for anything the man says.

The single bit of truth he lets escape from him here is his admission that he was leading a spam attack against the Wordpress e-mail boxes. That, however, is NOT what led to the removal of the blog. It was a good 2 or 3 weeks afterwards when the attacks led to success.

The attack which finally hit the mark was a blackmail attack. Yeah, bet y'all didn't think I had any evidence of that, huh? Well, I do.

It will be in The Book. You can BET on that! I'll have a special price on it for Light Warriors. Maybe even autographed copies. Maybe a special copy for the woman who led the blackmail charge. You know who you are.

I do, too. So will the world, soon enough.

Oh, yeah, Wayne deleted the page where he made that post, to hide the evidence.

Bet ya never thought you'd see THAT again, huh Wayne?

Look for more stuff that you thought you'd erased, and would never see again, when The Book finally does come out.

I'll save a special, autographed copy just for you, Wayne. Gratis. I'm not sure yet what I'll write to you in it when I sign it, but I still have a little time to figure that out.

Wanna trade?

Don't worry Judy, you'll not get left out. There will be plenty of YOUR "missing time" episodes in it as well.

Do you want a signed First Edition, too?

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 05:03 PM
Found this too, from when Wayne realized his attack wasn't working, and he went into panic mode (as opposed to 'stealth mode'):

-Wayne Herschel-
I just found out it is now not safe at all to be on that site.
They also delete postings... From here forward ...
PLEASE SUBMIT ONLY THE EMAIL COMPLAINT (with your opening line and the letter of violations below) TO THESE TWO ADDRESSES:

[email protected], [email protected]

I left the rest out, since it was their complaints and allegations, and it's against ATS T+C's to knowingly post lies. I know they were lies - and Wayne does, too. I told him several times at the blog they were, and that if he thought they weren't he should provide some evidence to back up his claims.

He NEVER could, so he had to know that he was telling lies. He HAD to know there was not a shred of evidence to support his contentions, or he would have provided some.

He kept telling them any way, just louder.

We weren't deleting postings - we were not allowing them to post to begin with, since they were all essentially the same precise string of words. The spam posts were easy to spot like that in the holding tank. The only "danger" was when Wayne realized he had directed all his minions to visit the blog, to post their spam, and when the attack had no effect, he was afraid they might get ahold of a little bit of the truth found there, and then THEY might start asking uncomfortable questions of him.

After the dust settled, I personally posted ONE of their spams, so that they could be heard as well at the blog. I'm not big on silencing the opposition, but neither am I very big on reading the same rant over and over. 44 times, at the blog. That's how many times they tried to post the same precise thing, before they gave up. I posted it ONCE, for them.

I suppose you COULD consider that to be "SAFETY COMPROMISED" in a strange sort of way. One has to ask themselves, however, just WHOSE safety was compromised by it, and in what way?

Well, of course the only logical solution is that the integrity of Wayne Herschel's house of cards, his hoax empire built of lies, might be discovered. Of course, he couldn't have THAT, and so tried to scare his minions into not visiting the blog at all after he saw the attack was pretty much non-functional.

You can also see in that post a further admission that he was directing a spam attack on Wordpress solely to create injury by having us silenced, using cut and paste spam letters (the "letters of violation below", which each minion was to include in their spam shots).

Yeah, Wayne, you got us. Your injury hit home. Damn shame you didn't kill me, though, because injuries heal - but they leave scars. I can look at those scars every so often to remind me to never forget.

Not that I was ever going to forget anyhow.

Just a bit more evidence that the tracks you thought you'd covered are still around....

And here's a bit more, which proves what I said about thread deletions you were doing:

-Wayne Herschel- Okay... new thread with safe approach uploading: I will delete this thread in a jiffy...
about a minute ago ·

Oh, by the way, Wayne, Google searches INSIDE documents, like PDF files, when it crawls the 'net. Would it be ok with you if I include YOUR OWN google bomb in it, recorded for posterity? You know, the one from this page, where you're trying to blackmail ATS like you did Wordpress? I hear those things work better in large quantities, so if I include it in The Book for you, with several THOUSAND copies of it floating around the internet, your work here ought to be done!

Sounds like a pretty good idea to me! See how helpful I can be?

Yeah, I GOT yer "viral", buddy, right HERE!

edit on 2010/12/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 06:41 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

I love all this stuff you bring out of the shadows. Wayne must sh!t himself every time you bring back a quote he thought was gone. I imagine that when he sees it something like this happens:

Step 1: Curses.
Step 2: Shakes his head in disbelief- in such a motion that his fine hair frolics in the air (slow motion like in the shampoo commericials).
Step 3: Goes to check and make sure he really did delete it.
Step 4: Prays to himself asking how this could have happened.
Step 5: Places a collect call to Judy. She doesn't answer.
Step 6: Decides to just call James direct. She answers right away.
Step 7: Judy goes on a testoterone induced tangent to get back at us Dark Warriors but ends up further making a fool of herself.
Step 8: Wayne returns to ATS to see if we've deconstructed any Judy's arguments on any other forum yet (such as Gorgo's, Rob's, etc.) only to see the Neno has pulled up even more quotes of Wayne's which he thought were buried.
Step 9: Cycle starts again from step 1.

By the way Neno, I was really looking forward to giving your book, The Revealed Records, to everyone I know for Christmas. Doesn't look like it'll be possible. However, I do this I'm going to do so for Waynemas (or would it be Onemas?).

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 07:54 PM

Originally posted by Portugoal
Step 1: Curses.

I wonder what constitutes a curse in Wayneism? "WAYNEDAMMIT!"?

That was great - I could actually visualize Wayne going through the steps - that's just how disturbed I am.

By the way Neno, I was really looking forward to giving your book, The Revealed Records, to everyone I know for Christmas. Doesn't look like it'll be possible. However, I do this I'm going to do so for Waynemas (or would it be Onemas?).

It might be possible, but if so just barely. Depends on whether or not the sox...erm, I mean "newly minted members who only post to this thread" - come marching in to keep me tied up here and away from writing. I don't see that happening, though. They seem to be scared of me or something. I mean, look at how many times I directly addressed poor moaningmartel, and she never DID muster up any sort of response or answer for me!

Wayne's no braver. I pinned his ears back but good in a discussion over at dcmb1490's blog, and he's not been able to speak above a stammer to me since. Too bad he and the Light Brigades had that blog erased from the internet. You'll never be able to see how soundly he was beaten in that debate.

Oh, wait...

I am SO tempted to re-post dcmb1490's "Wayne Herschel: The Anti-Christ?" blog right here - the one that got Wayne's knickers so wadded up because it cut so close to the bone. When they spammed the complaint department at Wordpress, THAT was the link they gave in the complaint spam message - to that specific blog out of about 72 blogs there at his site, instead of the front page of the blog, which was "The Alien Lie".

Yup, I am SO tempted. Now that I think about it, I might have to backtrack a bit, and put that one into The Book.

edit on 2010/12/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 15 2010 @ 11:05 PM
Going through the archives and organizing them, I came to the realization that Judy has TWO versions out of the "Truth about the Signal" video where she slanders us by name. They have different background pictures, slightly different text scrolls, and different aspect ratios, but it's the SAME "Universe Radio Transmission" as the background music. Interestingly, she specifies in the second that the signal we are hearing was received in the "230nm frequency", on a radio telescope. Ignoring the fact for the moment that 230nm is a wavelength, rather than a frequency (which is measured in Hz, Khz, Mhz, Ghz, Thz, etc), is she REALLY still trying to push the idea that UV can be picked up with radio equipment? Seriously?

And this odd woman had the nerve to say that I and Bunken Drum didn't know what WE were talking about?

Hey Judy: wanna talk shop? How about a debate?

Yeah, that's what I thought. No testicular fortitude. Of course, the testicular fortitude must have left along with the testicles...

Anyhow, that was a pretty sweet trick with the telescopes you tried too pass off as your EFFET telescopes. Had me going for a minute. Then, it had me searching for adaptive optics scopes for a couple more minutes. I should have realized that you, true to form, would put a clue right in the video as to their actual identity.

You do that a LOT, don't you?

ETA: ARRGGH! The media portal absolutely refuses to allow me to upload any media other than pictures. I still need a guru. Maybe I ain't got permissions to upload to my own media portal any more or something. This vid of Judy's shiny new EFFET optico-radio telescopes will just have to sit here a while I reckon. I'm done wrestling with it tonight. Gone to bed. See y'all tomorrow.

ETA again: Yup, that's it. No permission. Firefox gives me a teaser, with about half a chance at uploading, but no real edit fields or submit button, and IE flat out tells me I don't have permission. Night all.

edit on 2010/12/15 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:10 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

So do you think Ms. Faltskog and Mr. Herschel will come here to respond?

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:35 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress

Not a chance. Like cockroaches fleeing from the light, they're scared spitless to face the truth.

There are a couple of folks here whom they appear to be particularly unable to respond to. I'm guessing that they're perhaps afraid that our "Darkness" is going to absorb all of their "Light", and leave them as empty husks...

It amuses me to no end to realize how "Dark" their "Light" really is, and concurrently how much "Light" is bursting forth from our "Darkness".

Strange, sometimes upside down, world we live in.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by A boy in a dress


I dont think we will, last I saw they were Santa's 'frakken' little helpers dancing on U-Tube!

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:27 PM
reply to post by merkury

That Youtube video will haunt me for quite some time!

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

I suppose it shows Wayne Herschel in his true 'light' and the opportunity to
debate with him will go unanswered again.
It could be that his status as 'Anti-Christ' to his minions is taking up most
of his time.
It's a shame really... that time could've been used in new hobbies, such as research!

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 07:03 PM
I came to this thread about six months ago probabaly for the same reason as most of you

all here.......FOR THE TRUTH........It troubles me that there are many people out there that

are SO eager to believe that they get taken advantage of by unscrupulous con.artists. If

someone wants to go on believing even after the FACTS have been laid out for them well

be it on their own heads, perhaps they deserve to be conned.

In Wayne's case as pointed out by nenothtu he is very adept at deleting information which

shows him in a bad light AND if he thinks his followers may find out anything from other web

sites he cleverly steers them away with telling them that their "SAFETY IS COMPROMISED"

by these Government disinfo. agents, NASA, The Powers to be etc. etc. in other words FEAR.

From his own blog he claims "They have told lies that associate me with another researcher

who i had referred to making a substantial claim. I expressed very clearly it was impossible to

know if the claim was real or not as at the time i clearly explained over and over and over again


ASSOCIATE JUDY FALTSKOG) Again Nenothtu has screen shots of their many exchanges


FRIEND OF WAYNE'S...........but then they both sing from the same hymn sheet so it's a case

of who stabs who in the back first!!! Then Wayne never did explain to his followers,( two years

ago) who were waiting for his BIG disclosure "the event" co-ordinated with Blossom Goodchild

IT NEVER HAPPENED and then as always like a thief in the night Wayne deleted and quietly

slipped away making as much distance as possible between himself and Blossom going into

stealth mode till things quietened down and he could start afresh.

And then there was James Van Greunen who perpertrated the infamous Kalahari and Lesotho

hoax's whilst impersonating a high ranking officer.......who after that morphed into

Judy Faltskog a Dr, an astrophysist, an astronomer, working for both nNASA and SETI. it has

been proved on this blog that she was never employed by NASA or SETI and that she never had

ANY of the above qualifactions.When this happened she showed NO guilt or remorse for the

lies or deception she had perpetrated ....Instead she deleted all the false information and her fb

off the internet and faked her own suicide......NOW she has slipped back into this world again

and is putting it about that she has her own telescopes and dishes with very advanced

technology ( more advanced than NASA and SETI and all the other research centres ) from

my limited knowledge i would say that would put her in the same finiancial bracket as the likes

of Bill Gate's (she wishes!!)

Now all this has been very dilligently researched by ALL of you here and the PROOF is in the

volume which Nenothtu is compiling for the perusal of ANYONE ANYWHERE......So those of

you out there ........READ.... COMPARE FACT ......against reasoning hypothesis (which is

only an idea? a theory? after all) and then be it on your own head if you get conned.................


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 08:46 PM

Originally posted by eletheia

I came to this thread about six months ago probabaly for the same reason as most of you

all here.......FOR THE TRUTH........It troubles me that there are many people out there that

are SO eager to believe that they get taken advantage of by unscrupulous con.artists. If

someone wants to go on believing even after the FACTS have been laid out for them well

be it on their own heads, perhaps they deserve to be conned.

We can only teach them, we can't enlighten them. Enlightenment has to come from within - or not, as they prefer.

In Wayne's case as pointed out by nenothtu he is very adept at deleting information which

shows him in a bad light AND if he thinks his followers may find out anything from other web

sites he cleverly steers them away with telling them that their "SAFETY IS COMPROMISED"

by these Government disinfo. agents, NASA, The Powers to be etc. etc. in other words FEAR.

He's a master at revising history to suit his agenda. Egyptian history... Lenape history... his own personal posting history... NO historical fact is allowed to stand alone on it's own merit when Wayne gets around it. If Wayne can't twist it, use it for profit, or answer it with any semblance of logic or rational thought, he tries to make it go just away, simply vanish as if it never was.

Speaking of fear, it's my best guess that Wayne is simply projecting his OWN fear towards his minions. Misery loves company, and I've noticed after the thrashing he received here at the hands of the likes of RICH-ENGLAND, he tucked in his tail and slunk away. All RICH did was to insist that Wayne provide some kind of evidence for his outrageous claims, and Wayne consistently failed to be able to do so. The same thing occurred at dcmb1490's blog, where I insisted that he provide some sort of evidence to back up his wild claims and accusations. Again, he never was able to muster any evidence up.

What does one call a "theory" or "hypothesis" that has absolutely NO evidence to back it up? If one is charitable, he calls it "fantasy". I'm not so charitable. I call it a LIE, and will continue to call it a LIE until such time as Wayne Herschel provides something that at least resembles logical evidence. I don't think that day will come any time soon, because of his abject FEAR of facing the light of facts and truth. He KNOWS his "work" won't stand up to debate, and so avoids it at all costs.

From his own blog he claims "They have told lies that associate me with another researcher

who i had referred to making a substantial claim. I expressed very clearly it was impossible to

know if the claim was real or not as at the time i clearly explained over and over and over again



This quote provides endless amusement. He dares to accuse US of lying, when we have clearly set forth evidence to back our claims, yet shies away from the term applied to himself, when he has presented NO evidence? Not at all hard to figure out just WHO is lying there, and just WHO is afraid to face a factual debate. He's been invited MANY times to engage, and always slinks away. Not the actions of one who is possessed of the "truth", one would think.

Notice the fact that he can't even bring himself to mention Judy's name in this quote, for fear that someone will research it and find the entire claim to be completely false. I see where he says he questioned her credentials right here at ATS. Please Wayne, if you have even an ounce of veracity in you, provide a link to the post where you do anything of the kind. If you did so "over and over again", it should be a relatively small matter to find one to quote.

Oh, right, I almost forgot how you shy away from requests to back your claims up....

I don't. Get the book, Wayne, and you'll see that I don't.

Again Nenothtu has screen shots of their many exchanges

before they were deleted.

Yeah, I DO, don't I? How problematic for them....


FRIEND OF WAYNE'S...........but then they both sing from the same hymn sheet so it's a case

of who stabs who in the back first!!!

Yup, she tried to throw him under the bus a couple of times already as well, hasn't she? What is it they say about "honor amongst thieves"?

Then Wayne never did explain to his followers,( two years

ago) who were waiting for his BIG disclosure "the event" co-ordinated with Blossom Goodchild

IT NEVER HAPPENED and then as always like a thief in the night Wayne deleted and quietly

slipped away making as much distance as possible between himself and Blossom going into

stealth mode till things quietened down and he could start afresh.

Unfortunately, he didn't get it deleted well enough or fast enough.... Now, he talks trash against Blossom with the best of them, trying to hide his involvement in THAT hoax as well. Can't hide it. I have the goods. In a couple of years, he'll talk the same trash about Judy, after it pans out that her hoax was of no utility in getting his cult of Oneism off the ground.

Interestingly, they haven't given up on that hoax YET! Judy is still trying feverishly to make it work some how, and lately has stated that the translated "message" she claimed to have received will be "revealed soon". Don't try to erase or hide that video now, Judy. I already have a copy. I was going to post it here, but the ATS media portal doesn't like me, and says I'm not authorized to upload it. That's going to be problematic just after Christmas or so, but problems were meant to be overcome.

And then there was James Van Greunen who perpertrated the infamous Kalahari and Lesotho

hoax's whilst impersonating a high ranking officer.......who after that morphed into

Judy Faltskog a Dr, an astrophysist, an astronomer, working for both nNASA and SETI. it has

been proved on this blog that she was never employed by NASA or SETI and that she never had

ANY of the above qualifactions.When this happened she showed NO guilt or remorse for the

lies or deception she had perpetrated ....Instead she deleted all the false information and her fb

off the internet and faked her own suicide......NOW she has slipped back into this world again

and is putting it about that she has her own telescopes and dishes with very advanced

technology ( more advanced than NASA and SETI and all the other research centres ) from

my limited knowledge i would say that would put her in the same finiancial bracket as the likes

of Bill Gate's (she wishes!!)

Not only has she shown no remorse, but after sneaking back on to the planet, she's STILL trying to float the same hoax, complete with her manufactured "doctorate"! Not only is her technology more advanced than that of NASA, it's more advanced than modern physics allows for! It actually violates the laws of physics and logic! She's welcome to show up here any old time and "educate" me if she feels otherwise. C'mon, Judy, show the world what an idiot I am - don't just crow about it without any evidence! You KNOW what I call statements claimed as fact, without any evidence to back them up, right? LIES.

Prove me wrong.

Now all this has been very dilligently researched by ALL of you here and the PROOF is in the

volume which Nenothtu is compiling for the perusal of ANYONE ANYWHERE......So those of

you out there ........READ.... COMPARE FACT ......against reasoning hypothesis (which is

only an idea? a theory? after all) and then be it on your own head if you get conned.................


posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 09:41 PM
This is dedicated to Wayne, Judy, and most especially my old pal Satanic Rob:

Avenged Sevenfold - "Nightmare"

I didn't embed it, on account of a single word of profanity, but it's nothing that would shock Judy, anyhow.

"You Should have known the price of Evil"

Lyrical hilights:

[Now your nightmare comes to life)
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
It’s your ****in’ nightmare
(While your nightmare comes to life)

Can’t wake up in sweat
'Cause it ain’t over yet
Still dancin' with your demons
(Victim of your own creation)
Beyond the will to fight
Where all that’s wrong is right
Where hate don’t need a reason
(Loathing self-assassination)
You should have known
The price of evil
And it hurts to know that you belong here, yeah
No one to call
Everybody to fear
Your tragic fate is looking so clear, yeah
It’s your ****in’ nightmare


The "nightmare" part? That would be me....

Have a nice day, y'all!

edit on 2010/12/16 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by nenothtu

There's a small part of me... (in this cold weather, I'm not surprised!!)... that wonders if
Wayne had just made an innocent mistake in backing Blossom Goodchild and James's
claims on trust and hope. Then as the hoaxes were revealed, panicked and not liking the
feeling of being a fool, scurried around trying to distance himself from the hoaxes without
realising he was showing the attributes of a charlatan.

I want to to think the above is true... I really do, but then again, as I look at his site and
others, there doesn't seem to be any sense that he has remorse for being duped along with
the rest of us.
As it's been said many times, his idea of Oneism is a worrying subject. Mr. Herschel seems
to enjoy the limelight and disregards any requests for proof of his beliefs and just puts it down
to an 'after-death' experience.

For James/Judy, there isn't any possible way I can forgive his/her actions.
The views expressed here from either James or cohorts are full of venom and rage, when asked
for evidence, a childish rant ensues and distraction from the question becomes the norm.

What's wrong in saying that a mistake is made?
I refuse to believe Wayne Herschel enjoys his beliefs in his 'anti-christ' cult... surely he
must see that a faith tends to fair better if it doesn't oppose other faiths scructures?

Maybe Nenothtu is correct and Mr. Herschel has other more-sinister reasons that
have yet to be revealed.

posted on Dec, 16 2010 @ 11:09 PM

Originally posted by A boy in a dress
reply to post by nenothtu

There's a small part of me... (in this cold weather, I'm not surprised!!)... that wonders if
Wayne had just made an innocent mistake in backing Blossom Goodchild and James's
claims on trust and hope. Then as the hoaxes were revealed, panicked and not liking the
feeling of being a fool, scurried around trying to distance himself from the hoaxes without
realising he was showing the attributes of a charlatan.

I want to to think the above is true... I really do, but then again, as I look at his site and
others, there doesn't seem to be any sense that he has remorse for being duped along with
the rest of us.

Once upon a time, I was willing to give him the benefit of the doubt as well. We all make mistakes, right? But, as time wore on, and I saw him continually trying to resurrect the hoax when he thought no one was looking (as was done directly in the wake of the blog going down - it'll be in the book), I could no longer force myself to believe that he was innocently taken in. Those attempts to bring the hoax back to life were demonstration enough to me that he was complicit in it from the beginning. Had he been duped, and just too embarrassed to admit it, he would have doubtless left it to lie where it fell.

His insistence on trying to silence the voices of all critics, rather than merely answering them, strengthened that conviction considerably.

As it's been said many times, his idea of Oneism is a worrying subject. Mr. Herschel seems
to enjoy the limelight and disregards any requests for proof of his beliefs and just puts it down
to an 'after-death' experience.

To be fair, it would be exceedingly difficult to provide proof of such an experience - which is, of course, why he uses that as a hook to hang his cult on. There are, however, PLENTY of other points where he could provide evidence - IF such were available - but strangely, he can't seem to find any. That, also, tells me exactly what I need to know about the Cult of Oneism.

For James/Judy, there isn't any possible way I can forgive his/her actions.
The views expressed here from either James or cohorts are full of venom and rage, when asked
for evidence, a childish rant ensues and distraction from the question becomes the norm.

T'would be vastly less costly in time, energy, and emotional wear and tear to simply provide some sort of evidence, rather than to go off on incoherent rants in lieu of rational discussion. For that reason, it can be fairly said that there IS no evidence, nor logical rationale, and so she is left to do the only thing she can, which is terribly costly in psychic resources.

What's wrong in saying that a mistake is made?
I refuse to believe Wayne Herschel enjoys his beliefs in his 'anti-christ' cult... surely he
must see that a faith tends to fair better if it doesn't oppose other faiths scructures?

Maybe Nenothtu is correct and Mr. Herschel has other more-sinister reasons that
have yet to be revealed.

When I read this, I had to do a double-take. Did you somehow "know", psychically, that I was sitting here with my finger on the button, getting ready to re-post the "Wayne Herschel is the Anti-Christ" blog? It ought to show up soon in several places, and take a great deal of energy to hunt all of them down... but I have to do it, since Wayne has been singularly unable to answer even a single question concerning it, and instead went the censorship route.

Wayne continually referred to his "cyber war" on Facebook during that episode, calling on his "Light Warriors" to assault the gates.

All it really brings to my mind is "complete destruction - Total War". Have you ever read "The Edicts of Ares - Thirteen Rules of Absolute Warfare" by Michael C. Riggs, or "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu? Those gents were MASTERS of warfare, and I try to learn from them. Miyamoto Musashi's "A Book of Five Rings" is an excellent treatise on strategy as well, assuming one can properly assimilate it.

"Cyber War"? Yeah, I GOT Wayne's "Cyber War"! Just remember, Wayne, YOU drew first blood!

"Google Bombs" are a child's prank or a lunatic's ravings. Censorship is not. Let's dance.

edit on 2010/12/16 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

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