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Chemtrails Revealed!!!: What they are, who is doing it and why.

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posted on May, 2 2010 @ 06:16 AM
I have never been interested in discussing chemtrails before. Now, because I hear all sorts of conspiracy theories, I feel the need to ask my one and only question.

For those who say we are being poisoned, etc (de-population argument), I ask : why do we not see our leaders wearing masks or avoiding the open space and fresh air. Presidents and Prime Ministers walk outside just like all of us. In fact all world leaders do.

I know that some will say that the world is not run by those people. It is a secret elite that does the busines of running the world. If that is the case then I must feel sorry for these elites and their families. Imagine not being able to step in the open air. Total enslavement - the exact opposite of what they want to achieve.

So how do they stop themselves and their children from going out in the open and breathe the air that they are supposed to have poisoned. I suppose that some will say that they are reptilians and can breathe without the nasty effect.

I first noticed these contrails about 35 years ago . Still I do not have any medical problems and they do not seem to have had an adverse effect on the health of the world's population generally.

Strangely, nobody suggested that there was a conspiracy to reduce the population by the invention of the cigarette. Neither had there been a conspiracy theory for the lung problems of millions of miners worlwide who had no protecting gear back in the 1950s, 60s and early 70s. I am happy to say that in both cases, attitudes have shifted and tobacco is now seen as harmful by the authorities and so is a dusty work atmosphere.

I feel that the chemtrail conspiracy is somewhat hard to accept. If the perpetrators wanted to poisoned us (physically or mentally)then they are going about it in a very stupid way. I am probably more healthy than my father or grandfather were at my age and, more importantly, I am more of a rebel than a subdued citizen. All this, after some 35 years of so-called toxic chemicals being deliberately released in the air to subdue or poison us.

Please note that I accept there is a collusion by world leaders to control citizens even more. This is something which is undeniable. Our freedom is being eroded and we are constantly under surveillance. We are tracked all the time and monitored. This is far more sinister. The reason we are not able to stop it is because of the new laws that are comming in fast and furious. These laws restrict our freedom and ability to object.

The western population has become like sheep and are so easy to manipulate and they don't have the will to put politicians out of office. They have only themselves to blame. It is not the water they drink or the air they breathe. It is just that the fire of freedom that used to burn in their heart has been extinguished.

[edit on 2-5-2010 by crowdedskies]

[edit on 2-5-2010 by crowdedskies]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 06:44 AM
The main reason that i'm not convinced is that if all of this is thrue, for whatever reason, such a projec would take thousants of employees working on it.
chemical factori's producing the chemicals, specially equipt airplanes. airport personal etc.

With somany people involved, at sometime someone must come forward with some decent proof/foto's and documents. but still the white lines in the sky sometime's raise some questionmarks whit me.

kind regards,

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by crowdedskies

That was a really thoughtful take on the contrail/chemtrail debate Crowdedskies. I'm glad you're in good health, and I hope that remains the case. Please understand that the overall "conspiracy" comes at us from a few angles that interlink as a collective, and that's not to say that you or others reading this haven't already studied the issues and have your take on them.

For those who are simply in denial and don't want to believe these things are true and hold their proofs, this isn't the issue to look at. There are also bound to be locales which are relatively free of problems, at least it's nice to think there are, but for the most part extremely toxic levels of numerous substances are showing up in our air.

Here is a thoughtful claim from the Arizona Skywatch:


CO2 is one of 3 elements necessary for healthy forests and agriculture, along with sunlight and moisture.
To portray it as our enemy is the new fairy tale.

It's basic science, and we were all made aware in high school that plants require carbon dioxide to live, and produce oxygen, and humans require oxygen and process carbon dioxide in their exhalation which results in a harmonious symbiosis. To say that CO2 is reaching horrible levels is nothing more than brainwashing and a lie, a fabrication to support an agenda. If there is an excess, the solution is to grow more plantlife, which will naturally process the gas as it is vital to their survival.

This is even included in geo-engineering as a movement : companies may opt to dump iron in the oceans, which with scientific proof produces an increase in growth of algae and other marine plantlife to combat CO2 excesses - which our oceans are saturated with, that from a number of solid accounts. On the other hand, the atmospheric element of geo-engineering consists of spraying SO2, barium, and other chemicals (including nano-aluminum particulates in shuttles as "green fuel" as proven fact) to cover the sun and cool the earth. This is not intended to neutralize CO2. It is a quick fix, and a very expensive one, to cool the earth. It is also the acceleration of acid rain and ocean acidification; it ensures that moisture will not evaporate and already allows for particularly deadly funguses such as the Gattii outbreak to flourish. Respiratory diseases from suphur dioxide in factories are already a recognized medical claim condition, over a span of twenty years on only 5ppm - the time/concentration scale could easily be a sliding chart. It's called Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease. We have the sulphur now, and the Illuminatii and others are providing the brimstone.

Aluminum and its ills have already been covered, I included a reasonable scoop on sulphur a few posts ago which is the main ingredient in geo-engineering, and here is a brief informative on barium :

Barium is a serious neurotoxin, which will impact nerve reflex changes, blood pressure, heart rhythm changes and heart damage. Barium "tturns off T-cells which are your bodies system to support the immune system. Barium will cause muscle weakness, breathing difficulties. Other body effects ~ paralysis, stomach irratation, swelling og the brain, liver and kidney damage.

As you will see, the impact to wild fires is of real concern too.

I hope you all are choosing your battles and engaging your energy to protect your families and your health. The second "lab report" will be duplicated in analysis.

That's just a quick summary from a researcher, but please don't think that there isn't scientific backing for bariums ill effects.

For those who say we are being poisoned, etc (de-population argument), I ask : why do we not see our leaders wearing masks or avoiding the open space and fresh air. Presidents and Prime Ministers walk outside just like all of us. In fact all world leaders do.

I know that some will say that the world is not run by those people. It is a secret elite that does the busines of running the world. If that is the case then I must feel sorry for these elites and their families. Imagine not being able to step in the open air. Total enslavement - the exact opposite of what they want to achieve.

Obama and other political figures are only the figureheads of the movement, strapped to the front of a freight train commandeered by the wealthy agendas of those who really rule the world. Our governments are only the face for citizens to answer to, and to keep people impotent to actually change their secretive agendas behind. They are also the mask, and will do nothing much to expose policies, plus have access to healthcare the average citizen never will.

So how do they stop themselves and their children from going out in the open and breathe the air that they are supposed to have poisoned. I suppose that some will say that they are reptilians and can breathe without the nasty effect.

Strangely, nobody suggested that there was a conspiracy to reduce the population by the invention of the cigarette. Neither had there been a conspiracy theory for the lung problems of millions of miners worlwide who had no protecting gear back in the 1950s, 60s and early 70s. I am happy to say that in both cases, attitudes have shifted and tobacco is now seen as harmful by the authorities and so is a dusty work atmosphere.

M.C. Douglass is an industry whistleblower whose bottom-line is health - and smoking, in moderation, is healthy. The anti-smoking poster child of the government is another massive coverup and ad campaign to mask the real reasons behind lung disease, heart attacks, stroke, and other illnesses. There are so many listed incidences of fudged data to blame smoking for problems - such as, asking next of kin if the person ever smoked. "Yes, but it was 50 years ago". Reason for death, listed as smoking.

NOT put here for advertising purposes. I hope every smoker and non-smoker alike reads this.


[edit on 2-5-2010 by Northwarden]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 02:36 PM

I feel that the chemtrail conspiracy is somewhat hard to accept. If the perpetrators wanted to poisoned us (physically or mentally)then they are going about it in a very stupid way. I am probably more healthy than my father or grandfather were at my age and, more importantly, I am more of a rebel than a subdued citizen. All this, after some 35 years of so-called toxic chemicals being deliberately released in the air to subdue or poison us.

Hard to accept, absolutely, but not hard to believe when you look at the ground-up governance originally proposed for Geo-engineering that was instead eagerly launched into a UN mega-project, "safely" out of the critics hands.

Or take the fact that "Dr James Lovelock CBE Scientist and environmentalist known for proposing the Gaia theory that Earth functions as an organism, and author of 'The Revenge of Gaia'." is a member of the Optimal Population Club and the British Royal Society, and is a huge proponant of geo-engineering. The plot thickens.

Investment in geo-engineering needed immediately, says Royal Society

Pheonix, AZ air Particulates report 2009. No call for concern?

U.S. government scientists bombarding skies with acid-rain causing pollutant in name of fighting global warming

[edit on 2-5-2010 by Northwarden]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 03:04 PM
link i said, there's no thing like chemtrails.
After reading stuff presented here it is clear for me that there's NO evidence for such thing.
I am sure, that some people will get some interest in that myth, but...
You know what...truthers are SO boring, with no proof and lots of free time...

Only true words here:

The jet fuel exhaust is bad enough.

[edit on 2-5-2010 by potential_problem]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 03:20 PM
reply to post by potential_problem

What do you mean no evidence?

I'm terribly sorry that we don't have the top-secret government air particulates report on chemsprays which busts it wide open for us.

Do you think there's a government that really measures it anyway?

As for truthers being boring, I hope you have more fun watching your Muchmusic then! I don't particulary like having to work away at a degree in "Dealing With the World's BS" myself, but unfortunately it's our reality.
I had plans. I was going to look into an apprenticeship in cabinet-making actually. now it just doesn't look that feasable anymore. I'd rather spend my time unravelling mysteries for a while now, and at least shed some light on the problems we are facing, to press those points of understanding that much farther to hopefully see above the clouds of delusion society enjoys covering us with.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 04:04 PM

I'd rather spend my time unravelling mysteries for a while now, and at least shed some light on the problems we are facing, to press those points of understanding that much farther to hopefully see above the clouds of delusion society enjoys covering us with.

I am sure you are able to make difference between bs and real mystery...
Good luck, man.
Save me.

I'm terribly sorry that we don't have the top-secret government

sigh...this was unnecesary.

Ignorance took over ATS.

[edit on 2-5-2010 by potential_problem]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 04:08 PM
I feel I have, and thank you anyway.

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

Keep on not trying to make a difference.


posted on May, 2 2010 @ 04:48 PM


Dude, this is title of topic:

Chemtrails Revealed!!!: What they are, who is doing it and why.

I just said there's no evidence, i CANNOT see it there, so WHAT backontopic you want?
Building ego, eh?

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.


[topic unsuscribed, reason: BS]

[edit on 2-5-2010 by potential_problem]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

Thanks for your valued comments. I am glad you mentioned the process of photosynthesis. I still remember my schooldays when we learned that plants need to absorb carbon dioxide in order to produce oxygen , with the help of the sun.

I think that scientists (of the environmental type) tend to underestimate mother nature. Sure there is a general warming, but that is all part of the cycle. Where I sit now was once covered by more than 100 feet of ice. Yes the world does go through a warming and cooling cycle. It may take 100,000 years in between, but I don't think it is us humans causing it.

Sorry for erring off the subject. Yes, there is a lot at stake (moneywise) and most western governments have taken a very strong stance of the environment. Luckily there is still the occasional volcano to reming us of the power of the planet. In fact if the planet tilted a few degrees on its axis we would have drastic climate changes. And we should not take the sun for granted either. It gives us life. But should it reduce its activities we would be all be wiped out.

This reminds me, there is nothing new under the sun. All gases and toxic materials are in fact natural. Some may not agree with our bodies but let's not forget that we are made of the same material as the planet itself. It is only a matter of time and generation before we adjust.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

Oh, you are SOOOOO right!!!

Moving on.....

Let's take a bit of logic (and a calculator) out of our pockets, and examine these "chemtrail" claims, shall we?

All the hogwash (pun) being presented here amounts to nothing but hearsay, and feeble "connect-the-dots" attempts, by showing patent applications, and grants, along with abstract papers that suggest possible future methods to be employed, IF they are ever deemed necessary, and this would be a world-wide type of program, needing international agreements. To actually implement these effects, should they (1) be worked out, technically and, (2) be authourized by international agreement.

BUT, back to the math.....

The recent volcanic eruption in Iceland is a great example to use, for what I'm trying to explain here.

Mother Nature, in all its glory....and at the height of the eruption, a story I read said it was spewing about 750 TONS of ash PER SECOND!

I'd like everyone reading to sit, and ponder that number for a moment....

750 'tons'. Well, in American measurement terms, a 'ton' is 2,000 pounds. (We will, with apologies, not use metric, here...this time. For simplicity).

So....750 times 2,000 = 1,500,000 POUNDS per second.

Over a MILLION pounds...a MILLION and a half, actually....EVERY SECOND!

Of course, that rate was not constant, not for the many days it erupted....but that was ONE SECOND!!

1.5 MILLION pounds!!!

One second!

Am I making my point, yet?

Everyone has, by now, likely seen the depictions of the ash cloud extent, as it spread, carried by the prevailing westerlies (winds are described by the direction they come from) to spread, and be dissipated, over much of western Europe (and other areas).

Does any rational, thinking adult in the audience seriously believe that we could possibly match that rate?? This is where you can do some math...thinking about how much EACH 'airplane' can carry, for each flight, and how many airplanes would be required, and how many hours, and how many people involved, etc.

THEN consider that we are speaking of THREE dimensions....some people tend to forget just how vast the area, the volume of area becomes, because they only think in TWO dimensions...and how the VOLUME of a sphere expands, with the increasing radius....( I said there'd be math, remember?

YET....there was minimal visible evidence (from the ground) of all of that ash, even though it WAS THERE!

Do I have to do more math, or can someone, finally, GET IT yet?

NO? OK....I challenge anyone who believes in this "chemtrail" nonsense to explain HOW there is any possibility that Humans, using machines, could hold a candle to Mother Nature in the quantity of MASS to "spray" into Earth's atmosphere, to have any effect as "claimed" by these same "chemtrail" websites.

"Chemtrails" are a hoax, a spoof, a con....and they are directed at gullible people who lack sufficient education and knowledge to see through the BS.

Not ever intending to impugn the intelligence of those who fall for the "chemtrail" baloney, this is an attempt to educate, with logic and science.

AND, a practical example, up above, that I hope will get through to someone, at least.....

[edit on 2 May 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 10:17 PM
Volcanoes are devastating for sure, and seeing there is the likely possibility of Katla blowing in the next few months, worries are not over yet. They only last so long however, and then it's done. You can liken the geo-engineering - which, aside from the reports of plain white jets doing zig-zags across the skies and leaving lingering trails - it looks like we are talking about. Geo-engineering, to put a name to what a chemtrail is. And besides the usual CO2, NOx and SO from jet fuel, sulphur and barium are the main spray ingredients. Do you mind if I call them chemtrails now? They have chemicals in them.

We are like ants compared to the volcano, but ants are very industrious, and geo-engineering is based on a two-dimensional spray plane that covers vast areas, it doesn't travel in one huge, dense cloud wherever the wind prevails. The particulates are also designed to stay in the air for months.

This program A) Has massive funding B) Is a majour UN initiative C) Has had numerous worldwide conferences/attention and D) Has had visual proof worldwide. The chemical spray is already admitted to, the big confusion is that only some recognized the program was Geo-engineering from what I have gathered. There isn't too much to solve here about them. It's all about looking at the longterm health effects instead (especially COLD)

It is an insanity on the part of the governments, and should be recognized as such. as for Morgellons, that is still "unproven", but I don't put anything past them. Consider also widespread cloud cover - how do you know what happens above the clouds? Aerosol spray crimes are nothing new : 20,000 odd documented cases of it. To think they still don't happen is only deliberate blindness, especially when it's a worldwide UN program.

posted on May, 2 2010 @ 11:53 PM
reply to post by Northwarden


Look...not ALL volcanoes produce the same environmental effects as this latest one, in Iceland,

OTHER eruptions have affected air travel, one in Indonesia (can't recall exact year, off the top of my head, but one could look it up).

HOWEVER, not ALL volcanoes spew ash thousands of feet into the atmosphere. Compare to the Kilauea Volcano, in Hawai'i.


SOME volcanoes, at some point in their lifespans, GROW, others tend to SPEW. I guess, if we lived long enough, we'd likely see both aspects, exhibited. BUT, I am not a vulcanolgist, so I can't say with any certaintity.

These things happen on timescales that exceed Human timescales, for the most part.

WHICH is kinda my point....we are TOO PUNY to have as much effect, by some sort of purely mechanical means, as is suggested by these so-called "chemtrail" websites!

They (the "chemtrail" sites) promote, and spread, nonsense.

ANYONE with even a smattering of knowledge can see them for the sham that they are....!

[edit on 2 May 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 12:35 AM
I was rather hoping this could turn into an intelligent conversation about SO2, geo-engineering, political agenda and such, but obviously you don't conceive the UN capable of doing any damage whatsoever and you barely acknowledge the full existant program. Until you do, we have little to discuss. I've tried reasoning with you and am done. You may have a point re. the aluminum soap, but I am not about to take your words at face value either. You're really beginning to sound like disinfo to me.

I welcome others who recognize the implications for us to continue the discussion, heedless of the naysayers who won't recognize a tree for what it is until it' falling on them!

[edit on 3-5-2010 by Northwarden]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 01:00 AM
reply to post by Northwarden

Problem have, in your mind (or by prodding from the many so-called "chemtrail" websites) been convinced of something, based on a random game of "connect-the-dots".

This ATS forum is NOT directed at only YOU, or only US, because many others happen to stop by to read as well.....

So....your comment:

....but obviously you don't conceive the UN capable of doing any damage whatsoever and you barely acknowledge the full existant program.

...smacks, to the way I read and interpret it, as being influenced by the very same "chemtrail"sites that I have mentioned.

Other words, the 'attitude' that is displayed appears to be an almost exact copy of what those "chemtrail" websites promote.

I (and others) have no "agenda" here....certainly, the very notion of some sort of "top-secret" plan fails in logical consideration, SINCE THE PEOPLE WHO 'claim' to "see" this alleged 'top-secret' plan, see it in BROAD DAYLIGHT!

I would think (an many agree) that this alone should alert people to the "BS" factor....

Let's recap:

(1) Modern commercial airliners do NOT have the capacity to "spray" as alleged by the "chemtrail" websites.

(2) See above. NO 'additives' in the fuel of modern commercial airliners is "secretly" being 'sprayed'.

(3) The BEST argument, I made in a post above (and in MANY other posts, in similar threads) is the logisitcs required. Compard to what Mother Nature can do, and without any Human intervention.

That would be only three points --- I have more.

Of the few active posters on ATS I may be the only (retired) airline pilot, at the moment. SO, what I have to offer, in terms of expertise, should count for something.

WE ALSO have a few meteorologists, here at ATS. THEY have chimed in, as well, and support, and add to, whay I have to say.

I CAN LOOK at the sky, as well as anyone else, but I do not have to be arrogant to say that when I look, I can see and interpret differently, based on my decades of experience, than most of the laypersons here ( other professionals excepted, of course

As has been continually mentioned, MOST of the "chemtrail" websites are terribly lacking in the basics of sciences....this in NOT just one person's opinion, BTW.

Only takes a bit of searching, either online, or in actual books, to see how they ("chemtrail" sites) fail in their attempts at "science".

[edit on 3 May 2010 by weedwhacker]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 02:11 AM
I've read much on the chemtrail sites, I've also looked at NASA, various airlines, government statistics, UN sites, Geo-engineering sites from both sides of the fence galore, independant blogs, and all manner of sites to draw my information from.

I've spoken with OZ Weatherman about the matter, even had balloon readings from my hometown - I looked into the meteorlogical sites he presented. I've read past threads, and spoke with other posters about the issue. I've studied it because I care to know the truth, and I also firmly realize that there are more than a few nwo issues at work here that put this outofte ball park on the anti-trust factors.

While I can respect you are a long-time pilot, that does not infer that you have all the industry facts, nor are privy to government agendas. from what I'm reading you know how to wordcraft well enough, but that's about it. Talking from experience may as well be talking through your hat if you simply deny, deny, deny.

You won't even touch the geo-engineering issue, even though it's widely understood.
You label sites as "chemtrail sites" and unanimously dismiss all relevance out-of-hand.
You haven't, point for point, went over anything I have presented, because the global warming issue is a massive lie!!!
You haven't mentioned a single chemical or pollution issue as of relevance to you.
There is no way additives are being used in planes? I've seen dozens, from very science-based resources, proposed and already in use. Many tie to geo-engineering. These include nanoparticulates of various compositions.

You label things as unscientific, when the truest science of all is Observation. Science belongs to every single one of us, not just the so-called experts. You act on fact that your governments satistics are true, and see to think that everyting is disclosed to you. I call that absurd, even nieve. Field research at the Carnicorn Institute is Extremely well-done, but I imagine you're ready to dismiss that as well because it doesn't support your "everything's alright" agenda.

There is already talk of commercial liners using additives to implement geo-engineering, and you already saw the spray apparatus
which will create the sulphuric acid compound.
There have been approx. 20,000 declassified government spraying incidences recorded.

Hundreds of thousands of people agree there is something wrong. Because there is something wrong in our skies.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 04:29 AM
It's only fair to provide some proofs regarding geo-engineering and chemtrails. This includes what are clearly being called as additives to jet fuel, more importantly, they are on the agenda of geo as it stands.

Chemtrails / Obama administration’s announcement to explore “geo-engineering” spurs questions about programs already underway t-programs-already-underway/

The Government is Already "Geoengineering" the Environment

Additives :

JP-8 contains three additives: 1) the icing inhibitor diethylene glycolmonomethyl ether (DiEGME), 0.1% v/v; 2) the anti-static compound Stadis 450, 2 mg/L; and 3) the corrosion inhibitor DCI-4A, 15 mg/L (Allen et al., 2001). The possible toxicity of these individual additives and possible additive or synergistic toxicity with hydrocarbon constituents of the parent fuel has been only minimally researched. JP-8 (+100), a new formulation being introduced for use by the USAF, is identical to JP-8 except for the addition of three more performance additives. These additives are 1) the antioxidant butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), 25 ppm; 2) the metal deactivator (MDA), 3 ppm; and 3) the detergent and dispersant 8Q405, 70 ppm (Kanikkannnan et al., 2001). Benzene is one of the few industrial chemicals that is a known human carcinogen. Exposure to benzene causes leukemia, blood diseases such as aplastic anemia and myelodysplastic syndrome, and also causes hematologic cancers such as leukemias, lymphomas and multiple myeloma.

*Aviation Fuel Additive to Deliver Stratospheric Aerosols* SO2

Chemtrail Central ... forum dedicated to the subject.
Perhaps anyone interested should pay a visit here.

From their FAQ

It has been openly admitted by the Pentagon that the U.S. military has performed many biological warfare tests on unknowing servicemen in the past, additionally the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post have even reported that civilians may have died as a result of exposure to live agents sprayed by the Army and Navy during biological warfare tests

[edit on 3-5-2010 by Northwarden]

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 05:24 AM
Here's my take....

I think this is being done to HELP PEOPLE and not hurt them. I've looked at some of the test results and they show high levels of Barium. Barium is that stuff you take when getting X-rayed, it absorbs the radiation.

I think this is being done because of the hole in the ozone and magnetosphere which protects us from the radation in outer space.

This is only my theory and i'm not even on my first cup of coffee yet. I would post some links to support this, but it's just too early in the morning for me.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 05:34 AM
Very Intriguing! Let's look at their science program. Lots of flights, locations and dates included my friends! And a mission statement to be aware of.

WASHINGTON -- Scientists need a more detailed understanding of how human-produced atmospheric particles, called aerosols, affect climate in order to produce better predictions of Earth's future climate, according to a report issued by the U.S. Climate Change Science Program on Friday. Stephen Schwartz, Chief Scientist of ASP served as co-editor of the report (with Mian Chin and Ralph Kahn, both of NASA). Schwartz also served as contributor to the individual chapters.

"Atmospheric Aerosol Properties and Climate Impacts," is the latest in a series of Climate Change Science Program reports that addresses various aspects of the country's highest priority climate research, observation and decision-support needs. The study's authors include scientists from the National Aeronautics and Space Agency, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, and the Department of Energy.

The ASP Data Archive has various flight info in their ftp. This is proof positive of spraying, as a government agency.

The Department of Energy's Atmospheric Science Program has as its long-term goal developing comprehensive understanding of the atmospheric processes that control the transport, transformation, and fate of energy related trace chemicals and particulate matter. The current focus of the program is aerosol radiative forcing of climate: aerosol formation and evolution and aerosol properties that affect direct and indirect influences on climate and climate change.

posted on May, 3 2010 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by curious_soul

I have my own take on matters, and have had a very educational night anyway. I'm guessing there's going to be nothing documented on any widescale spraying programs, such as "Operation Gambit", and it still depends on independants to figure out if there is anything more sinister afoot. But I don't doubt it for a second. We are already seeing the Codex and Bill 510 linking in the States, working together to literally destroy our health. The FDA/Monsanto attack on the health food industry.

The lack of FDA regulations in nanotech, and 20 majour corps already adding it to foods without any testing. And we have some nasty air particulates reports to let us know that there are areas that are deadly toxic air pollution zones - is it all factories, and cars? AQ indexes don't even measure heavy metals or other dangerous gases which obviously exist in bad quantity - for a reason? Why else. Government knows it's bad.
When I spoke of other factors influencing matters, I mean these as well. It simply all adds up.

The British Royal Society/ Optimal Population Club links to geo-engineering should not be ignored. Nor should the fact that geo-engineering is also to protect semi-conductors from sunlight (recent thread, very informative), and is a UN jurisdiction, which means, a nwo agenda behind it.

We at least know there are spray programs in progress. Global Warming is a crock; David Suzuki refers to geoengineering as utter insanity. The answer is more plants. I looked into tree-planting earlier this year, and this is actually a depressed year for it. We can't do much about forest fires in BC or Pine Beetles though :/ I find it surprising the movement isn't booming from a responsible government initiative.

(Connecting the dots is what we should be doing Weedwhacker. You made that sound like it was a bad thing).

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