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BREAKING: Proof of survivors in Smolensk!

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posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:15 AM

Survivor or optical illusion? You decide.

first translation, from this vid:

0:29 (pizdec)
0:30 (kurwa) 0:30 (whore)
0:43 (idziemy z tad, idziemy) 0:43 (we go from here, let's go)
0:47 (dawaj z tad paskuda) 0:47 (come on out of here bungling)
0:49 (idzte z tad) 0:49 (idzte of here)
1:00 (ni chuja sobie) 1:00 (ni # yourself)
1:12 (wszyscy spowrotem idziemy) 1:12 (we all go back)
1:18 (ojciec idz wszystko, idziemy) 1:18 (father all go, go)
1:21 (ni chuja sobie) 6 1:21 (ni # yourself)

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:21 AM
reply to post by airspoon least you give this stuff some proper consideration. That is way more credit I can give than to any OP of any of the numerous threads on this subject...

You've really gone a long way dissecting the sound of the "gunshots" and I can't really fight you over it... Except for one thing: there has been no confirmations of any shots being fired on site, not from any (other) witness, coroner, rescue worker...not anyone.
What has been said, however, is that the ammo belonging to the security personel went off in the fire and that those very casings have been found (I am currently trying to find this article).

I would still advice you to spend that precious energy in more interesting threads around ATS

This subject have been milked dry already.

To understand the anti-Russian mindset that flourish in these parts of the world, you must understand the history of Russia and her neighbours.
The propaganda and dis-info goes both ways. Still, to say that this accident was "pre-planned" is nonsense, thought up by (presumably) minors who watch too many bad movies.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:26 AM

Originally posted by euleberlin
first translation, from this vid:

0:29 (pizdec)
0:30 (kurwa) 0:30 (whore)
0:43 (idziemy z tad, idziemy) 0:43 (we go from here, let's go)
0:47 (dawaj z tad paskuda) 0:47 (come on out of here bungling)
0:49 (idzte z tad) 0:49 (idzte of here)
1:00 (ni chuja sobie) 1:00 (ni # yourself)
1:12 (wszyscy spowrotem idziemy) 1:12 (we all go back)
1:18 (ojciec idz wszystko, idziemy) 1:18 (father all go, go)
1:21 (ni chuja sobie) 6 1:21 (ni # yourself)

I'm sorry.
This "translation" does nothing for me.
It isn't even in proper English (and it also violates T&C, just like your OP!)

"Come on out of here bungling"

Is this supposed to mean something?

And why is everyone set on the idea that they speak Polish in this vid???

It doesn't even border to Poland, it's much closer to Belarus where they ALSO speak RUSSIAN.

I don't get it...

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:32 AM
reply to post by Raud

Well most of my guys and girls over there speak Russian, English, French , Dutch, Spanish and italian and German in fact they put most of us to shame. 5 of them speak most variations of the ex russian block countries as well. So as long as they are speaking one language between Russia and Spain then we should get a clear answer after the weekend.

My polish department have to handle my overseas business and do all my translation, hence they are multi-linguistic.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:34 AM
reply to post by Raud

I know it sucks., i just posted is since it´s the first one i saw.

How do i violate T&C when i give proper credit and link to where it stands? Dozens of threads do this daily here.

Why i think it´s polish? Because polskaweb (german newssite about Poland) says this to the video:
A re-revised version of the first photographs after the crash of the Tupolev. Experts in Warsaw say that words in Polish with Russian accent have been detected. The investigation of the shoots continues. Because of the poor sound quality shots can not yet be confirmed or denied.

That´s where i got the video from, and i think it´s a good source. Your oppinion may differ.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:36 AM
reply to post by Raud

There's no reason to doubt a simple translation on the internet. But I'll admit, it did not occur to me that the transcript that was being translated may be incorrect. But if it is incorrect why aren't people familiar with the language (whether it's Polish or Russian) outright saying it's incorrect?

I watched the video at this post, but it seemed that there was more being said than what was being translated. As someone who speaks Russian, can you clarify whether or not that is a full translation, and if it's not, what has been missed?

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by euleberlin

Also, you would have thought maybe a silencer would have been used. I'm not a secret service bod....but ...seems logical to me to assume that people would not want to over advertise the fact they were shooting people.......which of course did not happen anyway.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:38 AM
ok, i gotta do this one more time. first of all, all the translation is nearly perfect, im russian so i can confirm that. so lets break it down for the "its not a conspiracy, its just an accident" crowd. First, we got a plane full of all the govt. officials of poland, the plane that they call "the flying coffin" because of how unerliable it is. and this plane "crashes" killing ALL 96 people although there are multiple times when people survived a plane crash even worse than that in the past. ok now another thing, this happens 2 months before presidential election in poland. then we have people on the video saying "streliai" which means shoot. they also say things like "he's running away" then we got someone saying "dont hurt/kill us" and we hear gun shots. It happened to happen on 70th anniversary of massacre of polish people... hmmm u know ptb like to twist things up, like 9/11 its catchy because its the emergency number, and i assure you it was no coincidence that it happened on that day. as there's no coincidences these people got killed on that day. now russia could have been behind it, but it looks more like someone wanted people to THINK russia is behind it perhaps to make conflict in those parts of the world? maybe it was the same ppl behind 9/11? pearl harbor? sinking of lusitania? holocaust? i duno ww1, ww2, should i even go on?

[edit on 29-4-2010 by ponyboyats]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:38 AM
reply to post by euleberlin

The curse words (like the f-word for example).
Doesn't matter if you typed 'em yourself or not.

I know it don't seem like much, but it apparently is here at ATS (I started a thread about it no avail).

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by Quickfix
My theory on the matter is, the U.S. corp. decided to get rid of a countries most important people with one swoop, President, vice pres., bankers, lawyers, and etc.

It seems they accomplished the move. Why, who knows.

But after the assassination up goes some missile defense system in Poland boarding Russia.

Coincidence, I think not, but that is just my theory.

Thanks for the translation by the way

edited for spelling and grammer.

[edit on 28-4-2010 by Quickfix]

Your theory is flawed.
The Polish PM was pro-western and had no problem with Starwars being placed in his country.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Raud

True, i forgot that rule, can´t edit it anymore though. If a mod could do that, i´d be utterly grateful!

Also i want to say, i´m absolutely not anti-russian. If something strikes me odd, i´ll think about it, no matter what the implications are.

My favorite band: Distemper

[edit on 29-4-2010 by euleberlin]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by ponyboyats
ok, i gotta do this one more time. first of all, all the translation is nearly perfect, im russian so i can confirm that.
[edit on 29-4-2010 by ponyboyats]


In this post you asked Armap if he could help getting a Russian member to translate (and he provided you with a list of numerous members) because you said that you didn't want any "fake Russians" to translate...however, I see that this post have been edited (to take away that crucial information?).

What everrr...

Then, we have the question why you can confirm the translation when you say that 1) you are Russian and at the same time 2) say that they speak Polish.
Last time I checked, Polish and Russian are veeery far apart (no matter how related the two are).

The rest of your conspiracy is just something you made up.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by Recouper

he likes to avoid such questions because "russian is not his native language"

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:49 AM
reply to post by Pax et Intellectus

Pax, your claim of certainty to what did or did not happen, is just as ludicrous as the people with the same certainty on the other end of your argument. Put simply, you can't say for sure what did or did not happen, since you weren't there. It is crazy for anyone who was not there to suggest that they know with certainty what happened. Your claim is just as rediculous as those claiming fact that it did happen and I'm sure that this sentiment is shared by both skeptics and believers alike. Fact is, you have just as much data as most others posting here and that data is simply not enough to know with absolute certainty, what did or did not happen. Regardless of what you believe, you should set your emotions aside from your logic and cede to the fact that you don't have all the facts.

Edited to add: You can't be certain if you weren't there and an adequate amount of evidence is lacking. The evidence is simply not there to suggest that no one was shooting, shot or that this is not a conspiracy, just as there is simply not enough evidence to say with certainty that this is in fact a conspiracy. If you believe that this was not a conspiracy, then fine but to suggest that as a fact, is misleading.

[edit on 29-4-2010 by airspoon]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:50 AM
reply to post by Raud

very far? i can read most of polish and understand what they're saying because the languages are very similar. i can also talk to ukranian or polish person and understand what they're saying. the languages are very similar. plus i have a translator for those polish words that are a little different. but most are very similar.
also appreciate for pointing out that list of russian people on that post. i never got to read that yet as i saw this thread on the main page. i will get in contact with them for you and we'll get this thing straightened out.

[edit on 29-4-2010 by ponyboyats]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:53 AM
ponyboats, can you confirm the transcript is correct? I´m german, i have a hard time determining if that´s the case or not.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by euleberlin

you know im just one russian so my confirmation is not good enough, i do have a list of russian volunteer translators that a mod supplied me with, however. so im gonna do even better for you. im going to contact each one of them and ask them to confirm this for us on this thread. but yes, from what im hearing most of it is correct. its polish and russian used in this video but they are very similar languages so i can translate most of what said in the transcript, even in polish. and what i hear people say corresponds with the transcript(some parts are muffled though) i will however get it cleared up for ya'll as soon as i talk to those translators.

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 10:59 AM
Okay, I give up.

This entire discussion, in all its vile threads, have been so retarded from the very beginning.

Believe anything you's your loss (if you don't mind being looked upon as idiots, that is).

I mean, why be critical?
Oh, wait. I forgot. It comes with maturity.
See you there in a couple of years...


posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 11:02 AM
reply to post by Raud

yeah how mature. lets not investigate any evidence, lets not discuss it, just stick to the official story. its a plane wreck people, pilot error, nothing to see here, move along. no shots, those are just cooked off bullets. in the translation they just say "hi how you doing what a nice day outside." it was a coincidence all those people were on the same plane. no survivors, sorry.

gosh, next thing you know these crazy conspiracy theorists will be saying 9/11 was an inside job!

btw, if you think im going to stop pursuing this cuz you "give up" u're wrong. im still gonna talk to those translators and get to the bottom of this.
[edit on 29-4-2010 by ponyboyats]

[edit on 29-4-2010 by ponyboyats]

posted on Apr, 29 2010 @ 11:12 AM
reply to post by airspoon

Dont think you read my post. I have no idea what happened, and as I said in that post, it looks a little fishy. But the tribe that is coming from here on ATS is just that...Tripe.

Perhaps you could read my post in full and then comment again. I did claim to know anything or have any theories. I was just stating how crap and loose the ones were that I have seen here, and ...highlighting the fact that everyone seems to believe this made up testament here on ATS.

So read it again chap.

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