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Spiritual Awakening- a taste of what it's like

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posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:14 PM

Originally posted by lowki

How about joy and happy, love and acceptance?
Yes, embrace of game exit,
game enter quite attainable.
Have fun in game now,
that's what it's for,
fun and learning
edutainment. :-)

Yes, the more enlightened pebbles do accept the transition much more readily.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 04:28 PM

Originally posted by hiimbryce
How i cried at the sight of a beautiful little girl dancing around her mother and others on the festival grounds, looking so happy and loving. How i was awestruck that i was the christ, and the christ was me. how all of the love i could have ever asked for just poured into my awareness and out of my being, turning the heads of everyone i walked past. throwing the dirty money out of my pockets onto the ground for someone else who still had a desire for such things. there are no words to describe how magnificent the feeling is.

However, after the awakening the feelings of strong compassion and love for every single piece of life and energy around me slowly faded as i dropped back into my every day life. i separated myself from everyone i knew for a few months and went into a deep confusion and slight depression after that because i was so hungry to have that feeling back.

since then, i have gotten my feet back on the ground and continue to just do my best to live with utmost compassion. although i have my problems like everyone else, and alot of the time my lower self still shines through, i have been steadily following the light, knowing that one day soon, the day will come when i am reunited with that glorious cosmic feeling.

thank you so much for taking me back to that.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 06:31 PM

Originally posted by Boypony
reply to post by Emptiness Dancing

quote from Emptiness Dancing:
"I thought I was going completely NUTS!! I was seriously on the edge of an abyss, looking in and seeing only myself staring back. I was one with God! I could hear the trees cheer as the sun rose. As I went about my daily life I would encounter strangers and when I looked at them I could see my spirit in their eyes looking back at me."

Wow. Awesome post..gave me goosebumps of remembering my experience. And you being a Pentecostal preacher revealing this Awakening is HUGE. Kindof makes church irrevelent, eh? NOW YOU KNOW. Maybe now that you have opened up here you will be able to help others by showing them there is more to spirituality than Sunday Church. I wish every religious leader on the planet could have this experience......the world would be changed in a heartbeat. Thank You again for your courage in revealing your enlightenment!! Bravo! Bet you feel better, eh?

After typing out my post I hit the reply button with a certain trepidation having witnessed many torn to shreds by naysayers and those that would 'split hairs' being seemingly sidetracked in heated debate.

Now, as I look back on my own path, I no longer perceive their inquisitions as abrasive negativity but rather a searching. Their minds protest, but the soul listens intently.

As a moth flutters in chaos about the light of a flame, such is the rabble of the seekers which are those that are reading and debating the concepts, thoughts and light in your OP and the many enlightening posts that have followed. They are here, seekers attracted by the light.

All should be encouraged by question and debate. One never knows when a certain thought, communicated here in sincere debate, will later resonate to thunderous crescendo in the heart and soul. Many have for me and I have learned and grown thanks to many of you who post here.

There has also been a great outpouring from those that have had similar experiences. This thread has certainly refreshed my soul. I am thankful for each and every one of your posts.

Keep up the great work! The ONE will do the rest!

(Sorry, I ramble on)


[edit on 21-4-2010 by Emptiness Dancing]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:16 PM
I myself believe in this spiritual awakening. Like others I've had my own experience that I believe was the kick to get me on the right track.

I've always been drawn here to ATS looking for answers. It has helped me to see all kinds of things most people don't even bother to consider. Everything I was reading over the course of many years just kind of "clicked" one day and was all brought together into one "idea" although I couldn't really explain it. I was browsing and it was like everything I read synced perfectly or answered a question I had about other topics. It was like everything was out in plain sight for everyone to see but you just had to know how to connect it. And I will say it was the scariest thing I've experienced, until after when I looked back at what had happened.

I can only describe it as a feeling of wanting to go home, but not being able to. You could say it was very similar to an anxiety attack (that's what my doctor said when I talked to her, cause hey I was scared and wanted to make sure I wasn't insane, even got a 2nd opinion). During this whole experience which lasted about 10-15 minutes, it seemed like I KNEW what I was thinking, but couldn't put it into words or phrases that made sense.

One thing that stood out was that I was obsessed with the colors green and blue. For some reason my dad was important in all of this, so much that I HAD to call him and tell him I loved him, over and over... Needless to say he got really freaked out by the situation as well. I had a huge urge to pray for help, and I am not a very religious person. Also I felt like if I just calmed down, listened to what I felt was "right" I would be fine. And that is what happened.

For days after this I felt like what happened was meant to happen and it seemed like there were signs all over for me to follow. While it did seem to fade a bit, my feeling of "just follow what is right" didn't. Still on occasion I will get those, "hey this is important feelings" and it so far hasn't led me wrong... However since this wasn't long ago, we will see in the long run.

So far I feel much happier and see the world completely different.

I don't know EXACTLY what happened to me, but so far this is the closest explanation... Or it could have been a panic attack, I prefer spiritual awakening.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:16 PM

Originally posted by Boypony
reply to post by Northwarden

The quantum physcicists are freaking out because the deeper they go to find "matter", the less they find. They are chasing ghosts....and admit that electrons are "smeared out" like waves and only collapse when observed by a consciousness! For God's (ha) sake think about this! Our consciousness is creating Reality on the fly.

You might want to google doe's account.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 07:17 PM
Boypony! I understand your attempt to bring like minded people together in the shared happiness of awakenings! I salute you! I've long since abandoned my futile attempts to find others who've awoken. It was a sad, but less disappointing choice. It lightens my heart to know there are others. Thanks for posting!

To the naysayers:
No matter what you believe, or who you are, it's your path.. so walk it tall. But leave us alone, as we leave you alone. We are peaceful ones, we aren't invading your chats and telling you how dumb and ignorant your beliefs are.. are we? So please just be a good person and leave it be. You won't convert us, just as we won't convert you.

And a side note to Northwarden:
Your replies are pretty irrelevant..

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Puresilence
reply to post by Emptiness Dancing

Thank you for your response and the beautiful post. The percentage example you mention is pretty accurate. I personally believe, at least at this time in human evolution, that we have to strike a good balance between states. This way you can experience and see things from Oneness/Truth and also still function in this illusion. Very soon, however, I think we are going to be moving the balance more to the Oneness side and be experiencing more and more unity as people awaken. WE are all ONE GOD. Yes, that means that YOU ARE GOD! It is not a SIN to know you are GOD, even though the bible may be making you think so.

I agree with your assessment of the future. Energy is increasing and the light of the One is shining brighter daily. We can ALL feel it. Admit it or not, Something is coming this way. From the inside.

Even those that I converse with that are not of what we would call a' spiritual mindset' have admitted, sometimes reluctantly, that they can feel it. They may not be able to understand it but they can feel it in their bones. Some run desperately away, denying and rationalizing. Thankfully, many are seeking.

A 'shift' is coming whether we like it or not - it will happen.

Hopefully, I can help & encourage some that have come from a similar background as I escape from beneath the veil of deception that religion, orchestrated by men for money, control and power, has cast upon them. If I am useful as such, I will truly be thankful.

Jesus said to the religious leaders of his time (i'm paraphrasing) that they held the keys to the kingdom. They prevented those that would enter and they would not go in themselves. And so it has been throughout time and so it is today even in Christian churches. I know, I was one of them.

Since the veil was lifted in my life I no longer hail religion of any kind - I embrace faith.

As Jesus told us, "the kingdom of heaven is IN YOU." THIS kingdom he spoke of, heaven, I have experienced. I had forgotten. I had lost the way to find it. I was lost seeking an external. I was out in the darkness of the streets seeking the keys to my own home only to find out the door was not locked. Oh Silly man am I.

I, like many, had stood at the door and debated the mechanism of the door hinges, the handle the latch, and the 'proper' way to open and cross it's humble threshold. Oh silly man am I. There is no door! Just an open passageway inside with the light shining out welcoming me home. Now, I can freely come and go.

Thank you much for your kind words! Your posts have inspired and enlightened me.


[edit on 21-4-2010 by Emptiness Dancing]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:04 PM
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

Rabbit Man

The people in this forum do not understand the meaning of an Awakening experience.

You are almost on the same level as I. To be Awakened best described as reading the end of a book before starting the beginning.

Nobody would be bragging that they have experienced a true Awakening.

This material world we live in is nothing more than material and existing in this world is all there is, afterlife is nothingness.

If these people on this forum have been so called Awakened with their Goose bumps and feelings of euphoria, life is so great because I have been Awakened I must now rush to post this on A.T.S. W T F? Do you really think they have been Awakened?

I am warning you all, You do not need an Awakening experience, it is not goose bumps or good feelings.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by smashenator
reply to post by WickettheRabbit

Rabbit Man

The people in this forum do not understand the meaning of an Awakening experience.

You are almost on the same level as I. To be Awakened best described as reading the end of a book before starting the beginning.

Nobody would be bragging that they have experienced a true Awakening.

This material world we live in is nothing more than material and existing in this world is all there is, afterlife is nothingness.

If these people on this forum have been so called Awakened with their Goose bumps and feelings of euphoria, life is so great because I have been Awakened I must now rush to post this on A.T.S. W T F? Do you really think they have been Awakened?

I am warning you all, You do not need an Awakening experience, it is not goose bumps or good feelings.

I wonder if the butterfly would hide the brilliant colors of his wings if he considered the journey he took first crawling on his belly then wrapped in the transforming darkness of his cocoon?

No, I don't think he would, he emerges and stretches his beautiful wings for all to see and flies away.

Perhaps you will emerge in like glory.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by Emptiness Dancing]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Boypony

The quantum physcicists are freaking out because the deeper they go to find "matter", the less they find. They are chasing ghosts....and admit that electrons are "smeared out" like waves and only collapse when observed by a consciousness! For God's (ha) sake think about this! Our consciousness is creating Reality on the fly.

Our consciousness creates the lattice that "matter" forms around. Without this consciousness, there is NO REALITY to speak of. If that's not "being God"....what is?

I have had a think about these quotes you say about we create reality with consciousness, and i thought maybe reality is the way it is as in matter is bonded in the lattice it is because for example there are billions of minds knowing what wood is so collectivly they make that matter stay in the form that is commonly believed to be,

I cant make much sense to myself trying to put this into words??

Our consciousness collectively creates the world around us, so what if all but one person died so there was one consciousness on this world, Would they have free reign over the way everything around was latticed together . As there would be no other minds competing in the collective consciousness,

Like if they believed they could walk on water, there would be no other minds believing that it was not possible to walk on water so that belief system wouldnt be there as the one soul on earth would be the whole collective consciousness making anything possible?

Sorry if it seems like a lot of crazyness, im very tired so i gotta get to bed and i will try to make a better post that is more thought out tomorrow.

To the OP what do you think about that idea about one way consciousness can work, If we collectively make the world around us?

I Better get to bed.


posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:20 PM
reply to post by Boypony

I have many Christian friends who get not only annoyed, but downright nasty about it, when I even suggest that we are all sparks of God and we are all evolving all the time.

They want the process to be over, the bible is the bible and that is that.

They are quite non spiritual about many things including wars that exist today, not to mention the Crusades etc etc...

When i ask them if Jesus would want war, they talk about how it might be okay and the bible allows for violence and death and war.

It just makes my head spin how anyone could think that any God, any deity jesus included could validate the importance of harming another for any reason at any time, for any reason.

Why is it so hard for them to remember that Jesus instantly forgave everyone that harmed him and turned the other cheek. I hope that as we move along this timeline, more and more people will realize that true spirituality is not what we say or what we read, or where we gather on Sat or Sun, but how we treat each other every minute of every day.

Harmonious wishes to all.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by rainmkr6970

I hope that as we move along this timeline, more and more people will realize that true spirituality is not what we say or what we read, or where we gather on Sat or Sun, but how we treat each other every minute of every day.

Harmonious wishes to all.

And what we think - - because thought is energy - - a thought is an action.

There is no "smile on the outside - - while frowning on the inside".

You can't fake it. It just doesn't work that way.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:12 PM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo
There are some great things and experiences shared in the posts...but I think many are forgetting something.

We are not God....without each other. Take one of us, any of us, in separate form, as human, and that one person is not God. Take two of us, in separate forms, as human, and that two is not God.

And the core part of our purpose in this experience. The soul will then not seek self salvation of the old beliefs, nor will look for rest or ascension, for living in the Divine Will of God is to bring all lights of the vessels together. Eagerness for ascension, just like self a path that escapes the Divine Will to your other selves.

You are not a God, all by yourself. Dont forget about your other selves that make you who you really are in the highest form and image.

If the One were to be looked at as a Human body you would not be the arm nor the leg nor the eye... No, you would be the entire body in all of it's glory.

You contain everything within You, You are every situation, every thought, every emotion, every entity, You are.

You are the I am, there cannot be two I am's there is only One that exists in the eternal present and that is the One Creator which you are.

You are Loved Infinitely for why would not the One Infinite Creator Love itself?

When you die you will realize you were the Earth the whole time.

When the Earth dies it will realize it was the Sun the whole time.

When the Sun dies it will realize it was the Milky Way the whole time.

And so on and so forth until all is once again the One Infinite Creator and then out again like a great infinite heart beat another creation, and another, and another, indefinitely for each creation another grand experience for the Creator to better know itself as the Creator.

For Infinity to know Infinity and therefor due to the Infinite possibilities of many-ness this experiencing is free to continue into an eternal present.


Any piece of existence, even if it be so small that not the greatest microscope on Earth could see, contains all the mystery and glory of the One Creator which is Infinity.

You are all so Loved, and yet due to this illusion that you have placed yourself in you have forgotten that Love that flows and emanates from the Oneness.

I Love you truly from my very core, from every fiber of my being. I Love you all.

Just know this illusion is very real, but it is much like a paper mache mask. Made of paper, glue, and an Infinite array of variations, but it is only this a mask and under this flimsy paper-made mask there is the true essence of the One Creator that you are - the essence that can never be destroyed and has always been and always will be for it is of the only true existence and that is the present.

Love, brothers and sisters, religion fights itself over who is right and forgets the underlying foundation which it is founded upon that of Love.

We are ONE.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by 11118]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by 11118

Love your post.

This is not directed toward anyone person.

I have found that some who have been raised in a religion where God is a separate "person" and revered in such a way - - have difficulty in accepting "they are god in oneness".

I've been called some very un-saintly names for making reference to "I am god".

I now use the term - "I am of god" - - which means the same thing - - but is easier for them to accept.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by 11118

Love your post.

This is not directed toward anyone person.

I have found that some who have been raised in a religion where God is a separate "person" and revered in such a way - - have difficulty in accepting "they are god in oneness".

I've been called some very un-saintly names for making reference to "I am god".

I now use the term - "I am of god" - - which means the same thing - - but is easier for them to accept.

I find it better to not mention it at all. There's no point in being subjected to people's opinions if you don't have to.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:41 PM

Originally posted by Annee
reply to post by 11118

Love your post.

This is not directed toward anyone person.

I have found that some who have been raised in a religion where God is a separate "person" and revered in such a way - - have difficulty in accepting "they are god in oneness".

I've been called some very un-saintly names for making reference to "I am god".

I now use the term - "I am of god" - - which means the same thing - - but is easier for them to accept.

God is a corrupt term, for it takes the power out of your hands and places it in a far off entities grasp.

Creator is a word that I choose to use as a more appropriate expression of the thought behind it.

Religion has a core of truth but it's drowning in a sea of perversions.

As long as you have Love my friend then all be okay, there is nothing to fear.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:58 PM

Originally posted by Visitor2012

I find it better to not mention it at all. There's no point in being subjected to people's opinions if you don't have to.

I meant during a discussion like this. I don't just blurt it out.

I was born this way - knowing - having OBE's at least as young as 5. It was extremely difficult being a child living in two worlds - - with no on to talk to or explain what was happening.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:08 AM
Namaste Ba Ba

I appreciate both the Post and the depth on the Subject... and I'm happy you've stuck with it.

Nevertheless, there seems to be plenty of hot air to be found herein as well and interesting to see the many ways that the Higher Self chooses to express itself, or not, as so many so obviously miss the Mark.

But even more so, the extent to which the human Ego will go to deceive others as well as themselves; what a pity that so many waste so much effort on Maya while steadfastly ignoring the Eye of the Spirit.

Perhaps you could discuss your opinion of the differences (if any) between Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment?

Discuss the difference between Awakening and (the curse of) Consciousness?

I'm also curious about the time length of the conscious part of your journey this lifetime?

Namaste Ba Ba
Go with God

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:18 AM
reply to post by 11118

I use Creator

I am only using god - as I do if others introduce it in the discussion. It depends on what and how something needs to be understood.

To me personally - god is a title - like a general in an ancient fleet.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:22 AM
"Mission to Mars" is the movie with the evolution scene I was referring to.

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