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Morgellons Disease: You need to hear about this!

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posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 03:34 PM
reply to post by Mikemp44

They say Mothers breast milk usually cures this disease. When women get pregnant the disease goes away. I have the closest thing to Mothers breast milk. Let me know what you think at [email protected]

1. What is THIS PRODUCT?

A. this product is not a prescription drug, but a powerful and unique patented (8 Method of Use Patents world­wide, and 5 US Patents) un-denatured and highly bio-active whey protein dietary supplement that is loaded with glutathione precursors, this product took $10 million and 18 years of research to perfect. The primary researcher involved in the discovery of this product is Gustavo Bounous, MD.

this product is a highly concentrated milk serum isolate which is high in protein (90% protein by weight) and is lactose-free and fat-free, this product shares many of the same immune promoting and enhancing properties of Mother's milk, this product has been clinically proven to increase serum and tissue glutathione levels, and its efficacy is validated by extensive research, including over 390 published scientific studies and review articles which appear in the medical literature and are available for you to examine through our MEDLINE (National Library of medicine) link.

This product increases glutathione, which is your cells' own natural antioxidant and most potent detoxifier. this product has been demonstrated to enhance both healthy and deficient immune systems, and is validated as an effective nutritional supplement by the medical community, this product is the only non-prescription dietary supplement to appear in the year 2000 Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) for Prescription Drugs, although it is available without prescription! It has it's own NDC (National Drug Control) number, and is reimbursable under Medicaid, Medicare, and by private insurance in many states.

2. Is this product approved by the FDA for the treatment of cancer, chronic fatigue, auto-immune, and glutathione deficiency diseases?

A. No. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not "approve" any nutritional supplements for these indications. The FDA determines the safety of nutritional supplements, and regulates or restricts the distribution of those products considered to pose a health risk to the American public, this product is considered to be "generally recognized as Safe", (GRAS) by the FDA. This is the same classification given vitamin C. Based on a recent decision by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the FDA is tolerating references to certain therapeutic uses of nutritional supplements which are based on strong scientific or clinical evidence and "significant scientific agreement". Because this product is manufactured by a Canadian company, the manufacturer is more sensitive to the regulatory pressures of the FDA than American supplement manufacturers, and has chosen to be ultra-conservative in their marketing of the product. No disease treatment claims are made concerning this product.

3. What is the difference between this product and other whey proteins?

A. this product has been shown to differ from other whey proteins in its effect upon the immune system. Specifically, scientific studies on other whey proteins have not shown the same immune stimulating effects that are seen with this product. this_product is has been extensively studied in the clinical literature. Comparing the bio-active ingredients in this product to those in other whey proteins clearly shows the superiority of this product, this product is a bioactive dietary supplement that is supported by eighteen years of research through rigorous clinical trials that have been published in peer review journals. These studies, performed in world-renowned medical and scientific institutions, attest to the efficacy of this product, this product studies have shown that this product not only increases intracellular levels of GSH (glutathione or glutathione precursors) following ingestion, but also significantly builds up the stores of these substances inside the cells. This beneficial effect lasts for considerable periods of time after ingestion of this product.

4. What is the product's bioactivity dependent upon?

A. Concentrations of 3 bioactive and thermolabile (easily damaged by heat) proteins that are contained in the milk serum: serum albumin, alpha lactalbumin and lactoferrin. Because these compounds can be damaged by heat (in excess of 140 degrees F) or excessive mechanical agitation, this product must not be cooked, heated, or placed in a steel-bladed blender. For these reasons, and to preserve the bioactivity of its serum albumin, alpha lactalbumin and lactoferrin, this product has not been exposed to standard high-temperature Pasteurization. Rather, it has been bio-filtered to remove bacteria, and subjected to patent-process low-temperature purification procedures to ensure its safety and purity.

5. If a different manufacturer of whey protein supplements was able to duplicate our technology, could they make the same claims? A. No. The power of our patents is not in manufacturing, this product patents (presently there are eight patents on this product: 5 US patents, and 3 international patents) relate to the METHOD OF USE. That is, no other whey protein can state: "clinically PROVEN to stimulate the immune system", and "significantly raises glutathione levels". Additionally,

although there are dozens of companies producing denatured (high-heat Pasteurized) whey proteins (primarily for use as a protein source in body-building), there currently is no company manufacturing an UNDENATURED whey protein product similar to this_product. Over 390 clinical studies and medical reviews appear in the clinical literature which specifically involved this product, and not other whey proteins. Accept no imitations.

6. What exactly is glutathione and how is it important?

A. Glutathione is the master antioxidant of the body. Without glutathione, we die. The replenishment of the glutathione levels within the lymphocytes (also called leucocytes or white blood cells) increases the intensity of the immune response. The increase in glutathione levels also results in the proliferation of lymphocytes that act as a scavengers, and helps to combat infections. Selenium (a micronutrient and mineral) is a structural component of, and a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. For this reason, supplementation with selenium can modestly increase glutathione levels in persons who are selenium deficient.

Glutathione is a tri-peptide of the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. Tissue glutathione levels increase when cystine levels increase within the cell. This is why cystine is critical in the production of glutathione, but prior to the development of this product, no effective way was known to safely and significantly increase cystine levels in the cell over long periods of time. A deficiency of glutathione can cause hemolysis (the destruction of red blood cells resulting in severe anemia) and numerous diseases of oxidative stress.

Low glutathione levels are commonly found among the elderly, those undergoing cancer chemotherapy, and among patients suffering from autoimmune and immune deficiency diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFSIDS), fibromyalgia, and AIDS. Glutathione is essential in intermediary metabolism as a donor of sulfhydryl groups (which are essential for the detoxification of the liver). That is why the only known "side effects" associated with this product supplementation are associated with the beneficial detoxification which occurs as a result of improved liver function. The antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase functions in the process of elimination of wastes from the body. Glutathione works within the liver, lungs, colon, kidneys, and skin in the process of removing toxic eliminating cellular metabolic wastes.

7. What is the difference between products or pills that people use as supplements that are labeled as "glutathione" or "cystine"?

A. Glutathione is produced within the cells (intra-cellularly). When taking a pill labeled "glutathione", dinical and laboratory studies demonstrate that oral glutathione is NOT absorbed but will be eliminated by the liver through the bile before ever reaching the systemic circulation (blood stream). Cystine is not well absorbed when taken by mouth. Injectable glutathione also has limited benefits. It is unstable in the blood stream. By the time it gets to the cell, much of it gets degraded, and much of this remaining glutathione cannot effectively pass through the cell membrane.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that oral cystine supplementation (NAC or N Acetyl L-Cysteine) is NOT effective in increasing cystine levels within the cell, and has also not been associated with significant increases in glutathione levels within the cell. The three bioactive proteins supplied by this product constitute a "natural delivery system" from these cystine precursors to the cell (in order to facilitate clinically and statistically significant increases in glutathione levels in BOTH the extracellular serum and intracellular tissues). Because this product provides the building blocks for cystine, and these building blocks for cystine are easily transported inside the cell where they can be quickly synthesized into glutathione, this product is therefore ideally suited to increase glutathione levels within the cell.

8. What is the difference between NAC (N Acetyl L-Cysteine) and this product? A. N Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) is sulfur-containing (sulfhydryl) amino acid which is present in many proteins, and is in the same class as the amino add methionine. NAC is a naturally occurring amino sugar and is a form of cysteine which has been demonstrated to facilitate the SHORT TERM cellular detoxification of alcohol, tobacco smoke, acetaminophen [Tylenol®] poisoning and environmental pollutants in several in vitro studies. When Cystine is heated, molecular bonds are cleaved and it becomes Cysteine. Cysteine is beneficial if it is produced INSIDE the cell, but is mildly toxic if it is produced outside the cell. NAC does not travel well in the blood stream, and doesn't reach the cells (to be used to synthesize glutathione and Glutamic add).

NAC supplementation over long periods has been associated with modest increases in serum glutathione, but has not proven particularly useful in the treatment of chronic, long-term intracellular glutathione deficiendes. Furthermore, therapeutic levels of NAC are relatively toxic and have been associated with significant side effects. At therapeutic doses, oral NAC supplementation has been associated with cerebral symptoms, nausea, blurred vision, and vomiting, this product provides the precursors for the manufacture of intra-cellular cystine, and effectively delivers these to the cell. For this reason, this product supplementation has been associated with sustained and significant

increases of cellular glutathione, and is virtually devoid of troublesome side-effects, this product has the same side-effect profile as mothers' milk.

9. What is the difference between bovine colostrum and this product?

A. The proteins in colostrum have almost no cystine content. Cystine is critically essential to the immune system. Although Growth Factors present in colostrum (including IGF-1, or Insulin-like growth Factor-1 which is effective in promoting muscle growth) are not affected by stomach acid, research published by one manufacturer of Colostrum (Vital Health News, Winter 1998, page 7) demonstrated that "the effectiveness of the immune factors present in colostrum is lowered by stomach acid."

Although the immune enhancing factors found in colostrum are often "preferable to single isolated immune components" (such as interferon, which is more likely to cause troublesome side effects), colostrum has NOT been demonstrated to be superior to isolated undenatured whey proteins such as this product. Colostrum (which is produced during the first 26 hours following birth by the mammary glands) is primarily composed of immunoglobulin and some lactoferrin. According to both laboratory experiments and clinical trials conducted in Germany, although colostrum supplementation was associated with mild increases in immune function in some patients, these increases were not statistically significant, (p=ns).

A postulated mechanism of action of colostrum is the inter-species transfer of immune factors, however this has NOT been clinically proven. Most of the data supporting the effectiveness of colostrum is anecdotal (consisting mostly of personal testimonies rather than clinical studies). Since the primary mechanism of action on the immune system is via stimulation of the synthesis (production) of glutathione, the near absence of glutathione precursors in the immunoglobulin fraction (from the colostrum) may explain its relative lack of effect.

Conversely, this product contains substantial amounts of thermolabite (heat-sensitive) proteins that are rich in cystine and glutamyicystine (known precursors of glutathione), and the effectiveness of this product has been demonstrated in numerous human clinical trials which found statistically significant increases in glutathione and indices of immune function (such as CD4:CD8 ratios). Colostrum might be beneficial as an adjunctive (add-on) therapy to this product, but the clinical data is significantly more convincing for this product.

10. How does the manufacturing of our product differ from other whey proteins?

A, In the manufacturing of other whey proteins several things occur: in the process of heating and Pasteurization, critical bonds holding the cystine together get broken down ("denatured", meaning they loose their original nature-similar to the denaturing and irreversible changing of liquid egg white by the heating process involved in frying an egg). The exact type of proteins that serve to increase tissue and serum glutathione most effectively are lost or diminished. The researchers (the manufacturers of this product) have developed a process by which these delicate proteins remain intact in their natural form to serve us most effectively.

11. What are some additional benefits of whey proteins?

A. this product has been clinically demonstrated to increase exercise capacity by 13 percent (Lands et al., 1999), and may be useful as a supplement for competitive athletes. IVaffanabe ef al. (Japan) conducted a clinical study with this product to evaluate increases in GSH among patients with Hepatitis 6 and C, and found that these viruses are vulnerable to glutathione. In-vitro studies in Japan also showed that whey can stimulate the bone cell (osteoblasts) to produce more bone, hence increasing bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Lactalbumin from whey protein has been demonstrated to kill breast cancer cells in vitro (in a test-tube). Glutathione (from whey protein) lowers serum cholesterol by stimulating bile synthesis in the liver. In addition, glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that will prevent lipid peroxidation (a sign of free radical activity). Lipid peroxidation is implicated in arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), stroke and coronary artery disease.

12. What is the theoretical mechanism of action of GLUTATHIONE in Cancer and Immune dysfunction?

A. Natural killer (Immune) cells may become glutathione-depleted over time, and immune response weakens. THIS PRODUCT raises glutathione levels and strengthens the immune system to fight cancer, viruses, bacteria, etc. For those patients receiving traditional medical therapy for their cancers, THIS PRODUCT supplies lactalbumin and has been clinically proven to raise glutathione levels. Glutathione and lactalbumin (a component of THIS PRODUCT) have been associated with the strengthening of healthy cells and (paradoxically) the weakening of cancerous cells. In research conducted by C. Svanborg et al, lactalbumin was associated with apoptosis (or the programmed death) of breast cancer cells. Glutathione has been scientifically demonstrated to decrease cancerous cells' resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs, while protecting healthy cells. This would theoretically allow a patient to respond better to chemotherapy with less side effects.

. 13. What are the diseases or conditions that have been associated with low glutathione levels?

. Most of the autoimmune and degenerative diseases of aging including: Acetaminophen poisoning, ADD, Addison's Disease, aging, AIDS, Alopecia Areata, ALS, Alzheimers, Disease, anemia (hemolytic), Ankylosing Spondylitis,Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), arthritis (rheumatoid), asthma, autism, autoimmune disease, Behcet's Disease, bums, cacexia, cancer, Candida infection, cardiomyopathy (idiopathic), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, colitis, coronary artery disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, Crohn's disease, eczema, emphysema, Epstein Barr Viral (EBV) syndrome, fibromyalgia, free radical overload, Goodpasture Syndrome, Graves' Disease, hepatic dysfunction (liver disease), hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol), herpes, infections (viral, bacterial and fungal), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), lupus, macular degeneration (diabetic macular degeneration), malnutrition, Meniere's disease, multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, neurodegenerative diseases, nutritional disorders, Parkinson's disease, Pemphigus Vulgaris, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, progeria, psoriasis, Rheumatic Fever, Sarcoidosis, scteroderma, shingles, stroke, surgery, toxic poisoning, trauma, vasculitis, vitiligo, and Wegener's Granulomatosis.

14. Has therapy to increase glutathione levels been effective in treating

the diseases or conditions that have been associated with low glutathione levels?

A. Yes. See: Medline Search Page

15. Can a person who is lactose intolerant take this product?

A. Yes, this product has less than 1% lactose which should not cause any ill effect even in the most severe

case of lactose intolerance.

16. Can a person who is intolerant of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) take this product?

A. Yes, this_product has NO added MSG which should not cause any ill effect even in the most severe case of MSG intolerance, this product contains the following amount of glutamic acid by weight: 180 mg/gram. There is therefore 1.8 grams of glutamic acid in a 10 gram packet of this product. Every single protein on the earth contains glutamic add, and glutamic acid is required for good health. Glutamic acid is an amino acid formed in the digestion of ALL proteins (including wheat gluten and meat). It is the only amino acid metabolized by the brain. Glutamic acid is necessary in human nutrition but can usually be manufactured by the body in adequate amounts. That means that our own body produces it. In certain disease states, deficient diet, malnutrition, and in certain metabolic abnormalities this amino acid becomes conditionally essential. Glutamic Acid's sodium salt, is monosodium glutamate, and ALL proteins may contain naturally occurring trace amounts of MSG. In summary, this product would not supply any more glutamic acid than a serving of steak or other similar protein. There is NO added MSG in this product, and this product should not cause a medical problem in a person highly sensitive to MSG.

17 .Are there any interactions known between supplements such as coenzy me Q-10, antioxidant vitamins, or herbs and this product?

A. No, there are no known potential or reported interactions between this product and nutritional supplements. In fact, this product increases glutathione levels, which helps to improve the action of antioxidant vitamins (which are less effective if your glutathione levels are impaired). For this reason, mega-doses of antioxidant vitamins (i.e. doses in excess of 10 times the RDA of these vitamins) are not required if you are supplementing with this product. As we age, our glutathione levels fall precipitously like a down-hill ski-slope. Low levels of glutathione are associated with a host of degenerative diseases, and critically low levels of serum and tissue glutathione often predict that death is imminent. Supplementation with this product helps restore these precious glutathione levels, and helps the supplemental vitamins we are taking to work more effectively to maintain optimum health!

18. Are there any interactions known between prescription medications and this product?

A. No, there are no known interactions between this product and prescription drugs, this product is composed of the same basic proteins which are found in human breast milk, and should be considered to be as safe to take as mothers' breast milk. Furthermore, this product is 90% protein, and is one of the best sources of highly-absorbable protein on the planet. Patients taking immunosuppressant drugs such as Cyclosporin® should consult their physician before taking this product.

19. Are there any side effects associated with this product?

A. thjs product increases serum and liver glutathione levels. When liver glutathione levels rise, the liver is able to more effectively detoxify the body (which is a beneficial function of this product. Some patients (especially those who have been exposed to high levels of environmental toxins) may have a mild temporary reaction to these mobilized toxins as the liver is removing them from storage in body fat. Typically, reducing the dose of this product will allow these temporary side effects to quickly disappear, this product is composed of the same basic proteins that are found in human breast milk, and has the same side effect profile as mothers' breast milk. Because this product is a milk protein, persons who are mildly allergic to milk proteins may experience minor gastric distress from thjs product. This gastric distress usually disappears if you reduce the dose of this product. Persons with serious milk-protein allergies should not take this product

20. Can you overdose this product? Is there any potential for toxicity if you take too much?
A. Your greatest risk is wasting your money if you take "too much" this product. Clinical data seems to indicate there is limited benefit from exceeding 30 grams per day (3 scoops per day) of this product. Because our cells have an innate mechanism of "feed-back inhibition" with respect to the glutathione synthesis precursors (building blocks) provided by this product, there is no potential for making "too much glutathione" within the cell if large quantities of this product are consumed, this product supplementation will result in establishment of normal glutathione levels, (NOT excessive glutathione levels) within the cell. Excess this product would be metabolized as protein (this product is an excellent source of protein, containing 90% protein by dry weight).

21. Because this product is 90% protein, is it contraindicated in patients on renal dialysis who must limit protein intake?

A. No, this product is not contraindicated in these patients. Although we suggest that you consult your personal physician with medical questions such as these, there is no reason to believe that this product would be harmful in these patients, this product is one of the most easily digested and most easily absorbed forms of protein in the diet. Its Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER: a mark of the quality of a protein) is extremely high, and in conditions such as renal failure where protein intake must be limited, it is most prudent to consume the highest quality proteins such as whey proteins and egg white proteins, versus lower quality proteins that produce more problematic metabolic waste by-products and residues.

22. Is this product contraindicated in Celiac Sprue disease?

A. No. These patients are usually instructed not ingest wheat or gluten. There is no wheat, or gluten in this product. Furthermore, this product is lactose-free. There is no reason to believe that that this product would be detrimental in patients with Celiac Sprue.

23. Who should not take the product?

A. People with an allergy specifically to milk protein, (which is very rare). NOTE: Please understand that lactose intolerance is NOT a milk allergy. Also, anyone who has had an organ transplant and is receiving immunosuppressant therapy should not take thjs product unless instructed to do so by his or her physician or another health care professional. The immune system needs to be suppressed in order to prevent organ rejection, and this product may counteract immunosuppressant medicines such as cyclosporin®.

24. What are some of the critical ingredients in a daily amount of this product (1 pouch)?

A. 9 grams or 90% Protein, 0 Fat, less than 0% Lactose, 60 mg of Calcium, 4 micrograms of Selenium, 30 Mg of Potassium, 4 mg of Iron, and approximately 40 Calories.

25. What is the recommended dose for taking this product?

A. Check with your physician or health care professional. If you do not have a documented glutathione deficiency and are taking this product for good health, one pack per day is not unreasonable. Generally, most studies conducted using this product in patients with glutathione deficiencies used at least 20 grams per day (2 pouches), and some studies showed increased effectiveness using up to 30 grams (3 pouches) per day. Most of our customers use 2 boxes per month (this provides 2 pouches, or 20 grams per day per month).

26. What is the difference in taking this product as opposed to taking other antioxidants?

A. Vitamin E and C are important antioxidants, and you should consider these important supplements in your diet, this product is not an antioxidant per se, but provides the building blocks for the synthesis of glutathione, which is THE principle intra-cellular antioxidant. Glutathione is the most potent cellular antioxidant known to man, and is hundreds of times more potent than vitamin C or vitamin E. For this reason, glutathione has been called the "Super Antioxidant". By raising the glutathione level within our bodies we provide for the optimum functioning of other lesser antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. More importantly, glutathione serves as a detoxifying agent for multiple toxins that we encounter on a daily basis through the environment and medications we are exposed to. Glutathione has been demonstrated to act as an effective protectant against ultraviolet radiation, which is important in view of the continued loss of the ozone layer. Click here to read the arUcIe_!!Fmm_Gel! to Super-Cell - withGlutathione"

27. Is there a test to determine If my glutathione levels are low?

A. Yes. Check with your Doctor

.28. Is this product listed in the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR)?

A. Yes. this product is the ONLY nutritional product sold by direct sales to be listed in the prestigious PDR, which is also frequently called the "physician's bible", and is owned and consulted by virtually every physician in the USA and world-wide! Physicians have relied on the PDR for up-to-date information on prescription drugs for over 50 years. The PDR is considered the standard prescription drug reference and is found in virtually every physician's office. Although this product does NOT require a prescription, this product's inclusion in the PDR is a result of our recognition by the medical community, of the extensive clinical data supporting this product's effectiveness, and as a result of our recognition by Medicare and Medicaid as a reimbursable medical treatment. The publisher of the PDR, Medical Economics, also produces a smaller companion volume for non-prescription drugs and herbal medicines. This volume may contain references to

our competitors. ONLY this product is listed in the PDR. this product meets the coding

determination for coverage by Medicaid. Medicare, and many private insurance programs.


posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 03:36 PM
Here's the cure believe it or not: let me know at [email protected]
sorry if I posted twice!

1. What is THIS PRODUCT?

A. this product is not a prescription drug, but a powerful and unique patented (8 Method of Use Patents world­wide, and 5 US Patents) un-denatured and highly bio-active whey protein dietary supplement that is loaded with glutathione precursors, this product took $10 million and 18 years of research to perfect. The primary researcher involved in the discovery of this product is Gustavo Bounous, MD.

this product is a highly concentrated milk serum isolate which is high in protein (90% protein by weight) and is lactose-free and fat-free, this product shares many of the same immune promoting and enhancing properties of Mother's milk, this product has been clinically proven to increase serum and tissue glutathione levels, and its efficacy is validated by extensive research, including over 390 published scientific studies and review articles which appear in the medical literature and are available for you to examine through our MEDLINE (National Library of medicine) link.

This product increases glutathione, which is your cells' own natural antioxidant and most potent detoxifier. this product has been demonstrated to enhance both healthy and deficient immune systems, and is validated as an effective nutritional supplement by the medical community, this product is the only non-prescription dietary supplement to appear in the year 2000 Physician's Desk Reference (PDR) for Prescription Drugs, although it is available without prescription! It has it's own NDC (National Drug Control) number, and is reimbursable under Medicaid, Medicare, and by private insurance in many states.

2. Is this product approved by the FDA for the treatment of cancer, chronic fatigue, auto-immune, and glutathione deficiency diseases?

A. No. The United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) does not "approve" any nutritional supplements for these indications. The FDA determines the safety of nutritional supplements, and regulates or restricts the distribution of those products considered to pose a health risk to the American public, this product is considered to be "generally recognized as Safe", (GRAS) by the FDA. This is the same classification given vitamin C. Based on a recent decision by the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit, the FDA is tolerating references to certain therapeutic uses of nutritional supplements which are based on strong scientific or clinical evidence and "significant scientific agreement". Because this product is manufactured by a Canadian company, the manufacturer is more sensitive to the regulatory pressures of the FDA than American supplement manufacturers, and has chosen to be ultra-conservative in their marketing of the product. No disease treatment claims are made concerning this product.

3. What is the difference between this product and other whey proteins?

A. this product has been shown to differ from other whey proteins in its effect upon the immune system. Specifically, scientific studies on other whey proteins have not shown the same immune stimulating effects that are seen with this product. this_product is has been extensively studied in the clinical literature. Comparing the bio-active ingredients in this product to those in other whey proteins clearly shows the superiority of this product, this product is a bioactive dietary supplement that is supported by eighteen years of research through rigorous clinical trials that have been published in peer review journals. These studies, performed in world-renowned medical and scientific institutions, attest to the efficacy of this product, this product studies have shown that this product not only increases intracellular levels of GSH (glutathione or glutathione precursors) following ingestion, but also significantly builds up the stores of these substances inside the cells. This beneficial effect lasts for considerable periods of time after ingestion of this product.

4. What is the product's bioactivity dependent upon?

A. Concentrations of 3 bioactive and thermolabile (easily damaged by heat) proteins that are contained in the milk serum: serum albumin, alpha lactalbumin and lactoferrin. Because these compounds can be damaged by heat (in excess of 140 degrees F) or excessive mechanical agitation, this product must not be cooked, heated, or placed in a steel-bladed blender. For these reasons, and to preserve the bioactivity of its serum albumin, alpha lactalbumin and lactoferrin, this product has not been exposed to standard high-temperature Pasteurization. Rather, it has been bio-filtered to remove bacteria, and subjected to patent-process low-temperature purification procedures to ensure its safety and purity.

5. If a different manufacturer of whey protein supplements was able to duplicate our technology, could they make the same claims? A. No. The power of our patents is not in manufacturing, this product patents (presently there are eight patents on this product: 5 US patents, and 3 international patents) relate to the METHOD OF USE. That is, no other whey protein can state: "clinically PROVEN to stimulate the immune system", and "significantly raises glutathione levels". Additionally,

although there are dozens of companies producing denatured (high-heat Pasteurized) whey proteins (primarily for use as a protein source in body-building), there currently is no company manufacturing an UNDENATURED whey protein product similar to this_product. Over 390 clinical studies and medical reviews appear in the clinical literature which specifically involved this product, and not other whey proteins. Accept no imitations.

6. What exactly is glutathione and how is it important?

A. Glutathione is the master antioxidant of the body. Without glutathione, we die. The replenishment of the glutathione levels within the lymphocytes (also called leucocytes or white blood cells) increases the intensity of the immune response. The increase in glutathione levels also results in the proliferation of lymphocytes that act as a scavengers, and helps to combat infections. Selenium (a micronutrient and mineral) is a structural component of, and a co-factor for the antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase. For this reason, supplementation with selenium can modestly increase glutathione levels in persons who are selenium deficient.

Glutathione is a tri-peptide of the amino acids cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid. Tissue glutathione levels increase when cystine levels increase within the cell. This is why cystine is critical in the production of glutathione, but prior to the development of this product, no effective way was known to safely and significantly increase cystine levels in the cell over long periods of time. A deficiency of glutathione can cause hemolysis (the destruction of red blood cells resulting in severe anemia) and numerous diseases of oxidative stress.

Low glutathione levels are commonly found among the elderly, those undergoing cancer chemotherapy, and among patients suffering from autoimmune and immune deficiency diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFSIDS), fibromyalgia, and AIDS. Glutathione is essential in intermediary metabolism as a donor of sulfhydryl groups (which are essential for the detoxification of the liver). That is why the only known "side effects" associated with this product supplementation are associated with the beneficial detoxification which occurs as a result of improved liver function. The antioxidant enzyme glutathione peroxidase functions in the process of elimination of wastes from the body. Glutathione works within the liver, lungs, colon, kidneys, and skin in the process of removing toxic eliminating cellular metabolic wastes.

7. What is the difference between products or pills that people use as supplements that are labeled as "glutathione" or "cystine"?

A. Glutathione is produced within the cells (intra-cellularly). When taking a pill labeled "glutathione", dinical and laboratory studies demonstrate that oral glutathione is NOT absorbed but will be eliminated by the liver through the bile before ever reaching the systemic circulation (blood stream). Cystine is not well absorbed when taken by mouth. Injectable glutathione also has limited benefits. It is unstable in the blood stream. By the time it gets to the cell, much of it gets degraded, and much of this remaining glutathione cannot effectively pass through the cell membrane.

Clinical studies have demonstrated that oral cystine supplementation (NAC or N Acetyl L-Cysteine) is NOT effective in increasing cystine levels within the cell, and has also not been associated with significant increases in glutathione levels within the cell. The three bioactive proteins supplied by this product constitute a "natural delivery system" from these cystine precursors to the cell (in order to facilitate clinically and statistically significant increases in glutathione levels in BOTH the extracellular serum and intracellular tissues). Because this product provides the building blocks for cystine, and these building blocks for cystine are easily transported inside the cell where they can be quickly synthesized into glutathione, this product is therefore ideally suited to increase glutathione levels within the cell.

8. What is the difference between NAC (N Acetyl L-Cysteine) and this product? A. N Acetyl L-Cysteine (NAC) is sulfur-containing (sulfhydryl) amino acid which is present in many proteins, and is in the same class as the amino add methionine. NAC is a naturally occurring amino sugar and is a form of cysteine which has been demonstrated to facilitate the SHORT TERM cellular detoxification of alcohol, tobacco smoke, acetaminophen [Tylenol®] poisoning and environmental pollutants in several in vitro studies. When Cystine is heated, molecular bonds are cleaved and it becomes Cysteine. Cysteine is beneficial if it is produced INSIDE the cell, but is mildly toxic if it is produced outside the cell. NAC does not travel well in the blood stream, and doesn't reach the cells (to be used to synthesize glutathione and Glutamic add).

NAC supplementation over long periods has been associated with modest increases in serum glutathione, but has not proven particularly useful in the treatment of chronic, long-term intracellular glutathione deficiendes. Furthermore, therapeutic levels of NAC are relatively toxic and have been associated with significant side effects. At therapeutic doses, oral NAC supplementation has been associated with cerebral symptoms, nausea, blurred vision, and vomiting, this product provides the precursors for the manufacture of intra-cellular cystine, and effectively delivers these to the cell. For this reason, this product supplementation has been associated with sustained and significant

increases of cellular glutathione, and is virtually devoid of troublesome side-effects, this product has the same side-effect profile as mothers' milk.

9. What is the difference between bovine colostrum and this product?

A. The proteins in colostrum have almost no cystine content. Cystine is critically essential to the immune system. Although Growth Factors present in colostrum (including IGF-1, or Insulin-like growth Factor-1 which is effective in promoting muscle growth) are not affected by stomach acid, research published by one manufacturer of Colostrum (Vital Health News, Winter 1998, page 7) demonstrated that "the effectiveness of the immune factors present in colostrum is lowered by stomach acid."

Although the immune enhancing factors found in colostrum are often "preferable to single isolated immune components" (such as interferon, which is more likely to cause troublesome side effects), colostrum has NOT been demonstrated to be superior to isolated undenatured whey proteins such as this product. Colostrum (which is produced during the first 26 hours following birth by the mammary glands) is primarily composed of immunoglobulin and some lactoferrin. According to both laboratory experiments and clinical trials conducted in Germany, although colostrum supplementation was associated with mild increases in immune function in some patients, these increases were not statistically significant, (p=ns).

A postulated mechanism of action of colostrum is the inter-species transfer of immune factors, however this has NOT been clinically proven. Most of the data supporting the effectiveness of colostrum is anecdotal (consisting mostly of personal testimonies rather than clinical studies). Since the primary mechanism of action on the immune system is via stimulation of the synthesis (production) of glutathione, the near absence of glutathione precursors in the immunoglobulin fraction (from the colostrum) may explain its relative lack of effect.

Conversely, this product contains substantial amounts of thermolabite (heat-sensitive) proteins that are rich in cystine and glutamyicystine (known precursors of glutathione), and the effectiveness of this product has been demonstrated in numerous human clinical trials which found statistically significant increases in glutathione and indices of immune function (such as CD4:CD8 ratios). Colostrum might be beneficial as an adjunctive (add-on) therapy to this product, but the clinical data is significantly more convincing for this product.

10. How does the manufacturing of our product differ from other whey proteins?

A, In the manufacturing of other whey proteins several things occur: in the process of heating and Pasteurization, critical bonds holding the cystine together get broken down ("denatured", meaning they loose their original nature-similar to the denaturing and irreversible changing of liquid egg white by the heating process involved in frying an egg). The exact type of proteins that serve to increase tissue and serum glutathione most effectively are lost or diminished. The researchers (the manufacturers of this product) have developed a process by which these delicate proteins remain intact in their natural form to serve us most effectively.

11. What are some additional benefits of whey proteins?

A. this product has been clinically demonstrated to increase exercise capacity by 13 percent (Lands et al., 1999), and may be useful as a supplement for competitive athletes. IVaffanabe ef al. (Japan) conducted a clinical study with this product to evaluate increases in GSH among patients with Hepatitis 6 and C, and found that these viruses are vulnerable to glutathione. In-vitro studies in Japan also showed that whey can stimulate the bone cell (osteoblasts) to produce more bone, hence increasing bone density and reducing the risk of osteoporosis. Lactalbumin from whey protein has been demonstrated to kill breast cancer cells in vitro (in a test-tube). Glutathione (from whey protein) lowers serum cholesterol by stimulating bile synthesis in the liver. In addition, glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that will prevent lipid peroxidation (a sign of free radical activity). Lipid peroxidation is implicated in arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), stroke and coronary artery disease.

12. What is the theoretical mechanism of action of GLUTATHIONE in Cancer and Immune dysfunction?

A. Natural killer (Immune) cells may become glutathione-depleted over time, and immune response weakens. THIS PRODUCT raises glutathione levels and strengthens the immune system to fight cancer, viruses, bacteria, etc. For those patients receiving traditional medical therapy for their cancers, THIS PRODUCT supplies lactalbumin and has been clinically proven to raise glutathione levels. Glutathione and lactalbumin (a component of THIS PRODUCT) have been associated with the strengthening of healthy cells and (paradoxically) the weakening of cancerous cells. In research conducted by C. Svanborg et al, lactalbumin was associated with apoptosis (or the programmed death) of breast cancer cells. Glutathione has been scientifically demonstrated to decrease cancerous cells' resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs, while protecting healthy cells. This would theoretically allow a patient to respond better to chemotherapy with less side effects.

. 13. What are the diseases or conditions that have been associated with low glutathione levels?

. Most of the autoimmune and degenerative diseases of aging including: Acetaminophen poisoning, ADD, Addison's Disease, aging, AIDS, Alopecia Areata, ALS, Alzheimers, Disease, anemia (hemolytic), Ankylosing Spondylitis,Arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), arthritis (rheumatoid), asthma, autism, autoimmune disease, Behcet's Disease, bums, cacexia, cancer, Candida infection, cardiomyopathy (idiopathic), Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, colitis, coronary artery disease, cystic fibrosis, diabetes, Crohn's disease, eczema, emphysema, Epstein Barr Viral (EBV) syndrome, fibromyalgia, free radical overload, Goodpasture Syndrome, Graves' Disease, hepatic dysfunction (liver disease), hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol), herpes, infections (viral, bacterial and fungal), inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), lupus, macular degeneration (diabetic macular degeneration), malnutrition, Meniere's disease, multiple sclerosis, Myasthenia Gravis, neurodegenerative diseases, nutritional disorders, Parkinson's disease, Pemphigus Vulgaris, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, progeria, psoriasis, Rheumatic Fever, Sarcoidosis, scteroderma, shingles, stroke, surgery, toxic poisoning, trauma, vasculitis, vitiligo, and Wegener's Granulomatosis.

14. Has therapy to increase glutathione levels been effective in treating

the diseases or conditions that have been associated with low glutathione levels?

A. Yes. See: Medline Search Page

15. Can a person who is lactose intolerant take this product?

A. Yes, this product has less than 1% lactose which should not cause any ill effect even in the most severe

case of lactose intolerance.

16. Can a person who is intolerant of Monosodium Glutamate (MSG) take this product?

A. Yes, this_product has NO added MSG which should not cause any ill effect even in the most severe case of MSG intolerance, this product contains the following amount of glutamic acid by weight: 180 mg/gram. There is therefore 1.8 grams of glutamic acid in a 10 gram packet of this product. Every single protein on the earth contains glutamic add, and glutamic acid is required for good health. Glutamic acid is an amino acid formed in the digestion of ALL proteins (including wheat gluten and meat). It is the only amino acid metabolized by the brain. Glutamic acid is necessary in human nutrition but can usually be manufactured by the body in adequate amounts. That means that our own body produces it. In certain disease states, deficient diet, malnutrition, and in certain metabolic abnormalities this amino acid becomes conditionally essential. Glutamic Acid's sodium salt, is monosodium glutamate, and ALL proteins may contain naturally occurring trace amounts of MSG. In summary, this product would not supply any more glutamic acid than a serving of steak or other similar protein. There is NO added MSG in this product, and this product should not cause a medical problem in a person highly sensitive to MSG.

17 .Are there any interactions known between supplements such as coenzy me Q-10, antioxidant vitamins, or herbs and this product?

A. No, there are no known potential or reported interactions between this product and nutritional supplements. In fact, this product increases glutathione levels, which helps to improve the action of antioxidant vitamins (which are less effective if your glutathione levels are impaired). For this reason, mega-doses of antioxidant vitamins (i.e. doses in excess of 10 times the RDA of these vitamins) are not required if you are supplementing with this product. As we age, our glutathione levels fall precipitously like a down-hill ski-slope. Low levels of glutathione are associated with a host of degenerative diseases, and critically low levels of serum and tissue glutathione often predict that death is imminent. Supplementation with this product helps restore these precious glutathione levels, and helps the supplemental vitamins we are taking to work more effectively to maintain optimum health!

18. Are there any interactions known between prescription medications and this product?

A. No, there are no known interactions between this product and prescription drugs, this product is composed of the same basic proteins which are found in human breast milk, and should be considered to be as safe to take as mothers' breast milk. Furthermore, this product is 90% protein, and is one of the best sources of highly-absorbable protein on the planet. Patients taking immunosuppressant drugs such as Cyclosporin® should consult their physician before taking this product.

19. Are there any side effects associated with this product?

A. thjs product increases serum and liver glutathione levels. When liver glutathione levels rise, the liver is able to more effectively detoxify the body (which is a beneficial function of this product. Some patients (especially those who have been exposed to high levels of environmental toxins) may have a mild temporary reaction to these mobilized toxins as the liver is removing them from storage in body fat. Typically, reducing the dose of this product will allow these temporary side effects to quickly disappear, this product is composed of the same basic proteins that are found in human breast milk, and has the same side effect profile as mothers' breast milk. Because this product is a milk protein, persons who are mildly allergic to milk proteins may experience minor gastric distress from thjs product. This gastric distress usually disappears if you reduce the dose of this product. Persons with serious milk-protein allergies should not take this product

20. Can you overdose this product? Is there any potential for toxicity if you take too much?
A. Your greatest risk is wasting your money if you take "too much" this product. Clinical data seems to indicate there is limited benefit from exceeding 30 grams per day (3 scoops per day) of this product. Because our cells have an innate mechanism of "feed-back inhibition" with respect to the glutathione synthesis precursors (building blocks) provided by this product, there is no potential for making "too much glutathione" within the cell if large quantities of this product are consumed, this product supplementation will result in establishment of normal glutathione levels, (NOT excessive glutathione levels) within the cell. Excess this product would be metabolized as protein (this product is an excellent source of protein, containing 90% protein by dry weight).

21. Because this product is 90% protein, is it contraindicated in patients on renal dialysis who must limit protein intake?

A. No, this product is not contraindicated in these patients. Although we suggest that you consult your personal physician with medical questions such as these, there is no reason to believe that this product would be harmful in these patients, this product is one of the most easily digested and most easily absorbed forms of protein in the diet. Its Protein Efficiency Ratio (PER: a mark of the quality of a protein) is extremely high, and in conditions such as renal failure where protein intake must be limited, it is most prudent to consume the highest quality proteins such as whey proteins and egg white proteins, versus lower quality proteins that produce more problematic metabolic waste by-products and residues.

22. Is this product contraindicated in Celiac Sprue disease?

A. No. These patients are usually instructed not ingest wheat or gluten. There is no wheat, or gluten in this product. Furthermore, this product is lactose-free. There is no reason to believe that that this product would be detrimental in patients with Celiac Sprue.

23. Who should not take the product?

A. People with an allergy specifically to milk protein, (which is very rare). NOTE: Please understand that lactose intolerance is NOT a milk allergy. Also, anyone who has had an organ transplant and is receiving immunosuppressant therapy should not take thjs product unless instructed to do so by his or her physician or another health care professional. The immune system needs to be suppressed in order to prevent organ rejection, and this product may counteract immunosuppressant medicines such as cyclosporin®.

24. What are some of the critical ingredients in a daily amount of this product (1 pouch)?

A. 9 grams or 90% Protein, 0 Fat, less than 0% Lactose, 60 mg of Calcium, 4 micrograms of Selenium, 30 Mg of Potassium, 4 mg of Iron, and approximately 40 Calories.

25. What is the recommended dose for taking this product?

A. Check with your physician or health care professional. If you do not have a documented glutathione deficiency and are taking this product for good health, one pack per day is not unreasonable. Generally, most studies conducted using this product in patients with glutathione deficiencies used at least 20 grams per day (2 pouches), and some studies showed increased effectiveness using up to 30 grams (3 pouches) per day. Most of our customers use 2 boxes per month (this provides 2 pouches, or 20 grams per day per month).

26. What is the difference in taking this product as opposed to taking other antioxidants?

A. Vitamin E and C are important antioxidants, and you should consider these important supplements in your diet, this product is not an antioxidant per se, but provides the building blocks for the synthesis of glutathione, which is THE principle intra-cellular antioxidant. Glutathione is the most potent cellular antioxidant known to man, and is hundreds of times more potent than vitamin C or vitamin E. For this reason, glutathione has been called the "Super Antioxidant". By raising the glutathione level within our bodies we provide for the optimum functioning of other lesser antioxidants such as vitamins C and E. More importantly, glutathione serves as a detoxifying agent for multiple toxins that we encounter on a daily basis through the environment and medications we are exposed to. Glutathione has been demonstrated to act as an effective protectant against ultraviolet radiation, which is important in view of the continued loss of the ozone layer. Click here to read the arUcIe_!!Fmm_Gel! to Super-Cell - withGlutathione"

27. Is there a test to determine If my glutathione levels are low?

A. Yes. Check with your Doctor

.28. Is this product listed in the Physicians Desk Reference (PDR)?

A. Yes. this product is the ONLY nutritional product sold by direct sales to be listed in the prestigious PDR, which is also frequently called the "physician's bible", and is owned and consulted by virtually every physician in the USA and world-wide! Physicians have relied on the PDR for up-to-date information on prescription drugs for over 50 years. The PDR is considered the standard prescription drug reference and is found in virtually every physician's office. Although this product does NOT require a prescription, this product's inclusion in the PDR is a result of our recognition by the medical community, of the extensive clinical data supporting this product's effectiveness, and as a result of our recognition by Medicare and Medicaid as a reimbursable medical treatment. The publisher of the PDR, Medical Economics, also produces a smaller companion volume for non-prescription drugs and herbal medicines. This volume may contain references to

our competitors. ONLY this product is listed in the PDR. this product meets the coding

determination for coverage by Medicaid. Medicare, and many private insurance programs.


posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by Mikemp44

i've only heard about it through the web and ATS and im a practicing

physician in new england.

We have had no cdc alerts, flyers, Dept of Public health alerts, or anything

on this. I wouldn't even bother to ask or derm dept. about it, as they

are too elitist to bother with anyone's questions (ive been snubbed

many times by the dermies in the past).

good luck. its a path of self discovery and learning . . .

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 03:44 PM
Looking at these photographs, and reading first hand accounts of this condition, has literally brought me to tears.

This is a very real syndrome, which is acknowledged by the medical community. It is supposed to be treatable with identified anti-biotics, but can be unresponsive to them.

To those of you who read this and have the symptoms, or the full blown syndrome, I wish you hope, and courage, and the resolve to stay committed to identifying causation factors, and finding a cure.

Is there anything we can do? Put together a petition insisting more research, or having the CDC publicly make statements acknowledging it is real, thereby ending the "stigma" of having a psychosomatic disorder?

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 04:00 PM
reply to post by drphilxr

At what point does the CDC issue an alert? How many people have to be involved before they consider it worthy of their attention?

Also, are physicians in offices and hospitals required to report these the CDC, or some overseer?

Thank you in advance for your response.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 05:08 PM
I'm with ladyinwaiting on this one. To anybody afflicted by this awful ailment, I offer my full support.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 05:13 PM
I feel with everybody suffering from this horrible disease. This needs full scientific attention and if a corporation or government agency is behind this they need to be held accountable!

I myself have had a similar situation with another disease that doctors would not take serious because they did not understand it. I found help now with this doctor's website:

Best doctor I ever found! (Dr. House is a woman)

She does not cover Morgellons in her work, but maybe sufferers find suggestions on her website that help strengthen their bodies. This might help in reducing symptoms.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:07 PM

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:15 PM
I havent read all this thread but if it was an insect/bug then ingesting insectasides such as worm tablets. Also herbs such as neem, neem will kill a locus but is harmless to humans. You can actually purchase neem tablets.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:27 PM
Sounds like a nasty consequence of human bio pollution to me, im not surprised. Nothing 'otherwordly' about it, every component is explained excepting the means of infection.
The same sad fools who cry 'conspiracy' and other rubbish now, were very likely present back when bubonic plague was unexplained.
We live very unnatural and unhealthy lives, we pollute so much more than we realise, perhaps at unrealised levels too (molecular).
We should probably expect many more strange diseases to come.
Humanity has been over confident in its ability to overcome nature, often with disasterous results (think new resistant strains of disease), we rely on
pharmacueticals way too much and as a result, have stunted our immune systems natural evolution.
We aggrevate this issue by plowing over pristine rainforest which may hold
answers we need, but will now never find.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 06:31 PM
I located a letter dated 2009 from the CDC to the American Medical Association.

In the letter they refer readers to a site for "updates" which has apparently not been updated since 2007.

So, it doesn't look like they are working on this.

I sent them an email inquiring as to how I might receive or view a copy of their findings during this study, or could they apprise me of the status of the study.

We'll see what happens.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by narveson

Whew! Is this an advertisement? It sure comes across as one.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 07:36 PM

Originally posted by Frakkerface
I thought i read somewhere (in this thread?) that this disease was documented in the 1600\'s or something. If this is the case, how can it be synthetic or nano technology in anyway?

Mary Leitao , first \'coined\' the modern term of fibers and crawling sensations as \"morgellons\" after her kid was talking about bugs in his lips.. and she found fibers in a lesion he had..
so she did some online research and found a story from the 1600\'s.
where a physician in the \"Morgellion\" area of France found some women with large thick hairs on their back and an unstoppable \"whooping\" type cough.

nobody with modern \"morgellons\" grow long thick hairs\" on their back any more than normal people might.. say .. out of a mole or such..
and a whooping cough is not connected to the symptoms either.

the name is a misnomer.. and mrs Leitao should only be given credit for bringing this to public light .
I think calling it \"morgellons\" is stupid IMO.

just goes to show what people in the west, u

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 08:02 PM
reply to post by Mikemp44

On good authority this is Delusional Parasitosis.

A big waste of $300,000.00 by the CDC looking for a disease that does not exist.

The people are in extreme discomfort that is certain. Does anyone have the symptom present in an area of the body they can not scratch? Does it ever present in the middle of the back?

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 08:42 PM
reply to post by whatwasthat

What? The human body is designed in such a way that we can reach all parts of it with our hands. If you can't reach the center of your back, you have a problem.

I don't see how this is pertinent anyway.

To comment you have anything "on good authority" does not fly on this website. It's absolutely meaningless. Just FYI.

[edit on 4/15/2010 by ladyinwaiting]

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by seanryann
We had the same fear-mongering at the beginning of the Swine Flu outbreak and many here were talking about the end of the world. Nothing major came of it, and this will play out the same way.

Nothing to see here.

This is not the beginning. Do some research.
There is in fact plenty to see here.
It is already major. Have some respect.
People are suffering and have been for quite some time.
It is being purposely ignored.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 09:43 PM

Originally posted by wayaboveitall
Nothing 'otherwordly' about it, every component is explained excepting the means of infection.

Im sure everyone on ATS reading this would appreciate that you provide your evidence in showing that every component is explained excepting the means of infection

Considering the fact that there are tons of people reporting this ailment, and are getting zero help from the authorities.. you may just shed some light in explaining the symptoms...

I mean if you actually have some worth behind your typed words you display to he public and sufferers here, you'd be a boon to the phenomena's understanding by sharing your findings.

The same sad fools who cry 'conspiracy' and other rubbish now, were very likely present back when bubonic plague was unexplained.

If you had the sensation of something crawling directly under your skin, through your eyeballs, through your abdomen, through your genetalia.. 24 hours a day.. 7 days a week.. for years with no help, and had fibers and black ooze , black and white granules emerging from your skin... trying to hold face-to-face social interactions with people.. while this sensation worms through your lips and face occur.. then pulling moving fibers out of the lesions..

I think you'd think twice about whether you would think it is merely due to "pollution"...
I gander you'd actually go through a plethora of hypothetical situations that would explain what is going on... some of which would very likely involve the fact that authorities would have some understanding of what is occurring.. or other explanations that may not fit into your current version of reality which is spoon fed to you by your media.

You do not seem to be a very wise man. A wise man can sit back and put himself in other's shoes, and attempt to perceive the experience of another.

It's always easy to scoff and attempt to maintain an artifice of skeptical "i know better"...

no matter your life experience..
other go through vastly different experiences than you.

what is MOST interesting.. and in the end what is to be learned the most from this phenomena..
is man's unkindness and impatience with man.
we will look back on this.. when science unveils the actual mechanisms behind what is occurring here...

and there will be a mass /gasp/ of horror as to how we have neglected inhumanly.. our fellow human beings.

all in the name of fear of being ostracized ..fear of sticking your neck out and taking a chance to go against the grain of the status quo's opinion..... all in the name of absolute cowardice... and lack of common decency...compassion and sympathy.

it's so easy to call someone nuts. or paranoid..
it makes us feel safe in our little world of how we see reality.
we can habitually, sadistically, call someone nuts... and sweep them under the carpet.

you, and people like you.. are in for a very outstanding day full of regret.....
that is.. if you have any ability to experience human remorse.

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
reply to post by drphilxr

At what point does the CDC issue an alert?.

the CDC recognizes this.. and has funded an investigation in league with Kaiser Permanente Health Care of northern california AND the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
both Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton before Obama's election had written the CDC to investigate, due to the amount of letters they had recieved from sufferers.

CDC to Launch Study on Unexplained Illness
Moderator: Dave Daigle, January 16, 2008, 2:00 p.m. EST
DAVE DAIGLE: Thank you, Laura, and welcome everyone. I′m Dave Daigle with CDC′s press office. Today, we are announcing that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in conjunction with Kaiser Permanente′s Northern California Division of Research is launching a study to learn more about an unexplained skin condition known as Morgellons. This is a briefing for the working media. And we certainly understand that there are a lot of folks out there with questions, but we′re going to limit questions today to the working media.

Joining us today are Dr. Michele Pearson, who is the principal investigator for the CDC. And Dr. Joe Selby, who is the Director of the Kaiser Permanente′s Northern California Division of Research.


DR. MICHELE PEARSON: Thank you, Dave and good afternoon. I′d like to begin by providing some background on this condition. Over the past year or so, the CDC has received an increased number of inquiries, regarding an unexplained condition which some refer to as Morgellons. Persons who suffer from this condition report a range of dermatologic symptoms, such as skin rashes and sores associated with abnormal skin sensations, such as crawling, biting and stinging sensations and the presence of thread, fibers, other foreign material on or beneath the skin. In addition to these skin manifestations, many sufferers also report fatigue, mental confusion, memory loss, joint pain and changes in vision.

To date, the cause of this condition is unknown, and there is insufficient information to determine whether persons who identify themselves as having this condition, have common cause for their symptoms or may share common risk factors.

What is clear, however, is that those who suffer from this condition, as well as their family members and physicians who provide care to them have questions, and we want to help them find meaningful answers.

To assist in learning about this condition, CDC is conducting an investigation in collaboration with Kaiser Permanente′s Northern California Division of Research and the U.S. Armed Forces Institute of Pathology. The primary goals of this study are to learn more about who may be affected with this condition, the symptoms they experience and to look for clues about factors that might contribute to the condition. We believe that the suffering that many people associate with this condition is best addressed by a careful, objective, scientific analysis.

Our study will aim to better define the clinical and epidemiologic features of his condition. We also will assess the histopathology of this condition based on skin biopsies from effected persons. We will attempt to characterize any form materials (ph) such as fibers or threads obtained from persons who are enrolled in the study. Describe the geographic distribution of the condition in the northern California area. And generate estimates about how common this illness among the study population.

In the first part of this investigation, we will identify and recruit, persons who are eligible for the study and obtain detailed information on their symptoms, and possible factors that may predispose them to these symptoms. In the second part of the investigations, our participants will undergo detailed clinical evaluations which will include a general medical examination, a dermatologic examination, a mental health examination, skin biopsies and multiple blood tests. We certainly understand that these are- those who are effected by this condition are very anxious for answers. But we estimate that it could take 12 months or longer to complete this investigation.

Let me conclude by saying that this condition is complex, and it may be due to multiple factors. We are certain that this study will not provide answers to all of the questions. This may be one of many studies that will need to be done on this condition. Nevertheless, we believe this study should provide some useful insights and information, not only to the medical and scientific community, but most importantly to persons who suffer from this condition. Thank you.

the CDC stated they would be releasing information on their findings in JANUARY of 2009.
This did not happen.
They said that they are still taking time to have the collected analyzed by... analysts...


it's April 2010 still no answers.
all sufferers are waiting for the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology to relinquish their data to the CDC.

on a side note..
I PERSONALLY went into the Kaiser Permanente Division of Research, and talked to the lady in charge of the Kaiser leg of the investigation.
I asked her if they are considering Kundalini Syndrome as a possible prime component- she replied "we are considering all possibilities"

so when you sit there.. comfy in your armchair whipping off how nuts people are or how incredulous the sufferers are.. or how you know it all and it's all been described by other diseases...
we are talking about peoples LIVES here... lives turned into utter crap.
families torn apart.. social lives dumped in the gutter
happy productive human beings tossed in the gutter by who? by people who NEGATE their cries for HELP with attempted witty quips and know it all shut-downs.

this is more a study on man's inhumanity to man on the verbal emotional level than anything else.

more of a TEST for humanity.. to see who will stop and hear another's cries.. and stop and help...
and see who will laugh and mock.

end of story.

ALSO... artist Joni Mitchel suffers from Morgellons - (she even wrote a song about how physicians are of no help with this)...
read here -

people who make a religious social habit out of skepticism absolutely make me sick.... everything should be used in moderation!
when it's people's lives at stake... SUCK IT UP and lend a compassionate ear in trade for your little moment of: "look see i think i'm right, and you're crazy, i don't care if your life is full of pain" ..

take my second signature quote in fine print for food for thought.


posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 10:12 PM

Originally posted by whatwasthat
reply to post by Mikemp44

On good authority this is Delusional Parasitosis.

now here is where I have to agree.
judging by my previous posts, you may be suprised at this, but hear me out.

I do not think the crawling sensations are caused directly by a parasite.
I went through a stage where I thought that it was.. it MUST be. it feels EXACTLY like that!

but then I educated myself on the symptoms of a Kundalini Awakening.. and the symptoms pair up exactly...
except people with kundalini awakenings already understand it's prana / chi energy flowing through them at an elevated rate.. and don't jump for the magnifying glass and tweezers trying to find evidence of anything else.. ie: a parasite....

as i'm typing this .. i can feel it flow through my veins and i've convinced myself that it is prana.

sadly i think the vast majority of sufferers think that it is a worm or parasite or fibers crawling though them.

this is not to discredit them.
i personally KNOW first hand what they're experiencing is REAL.. and what it SEEMS to be.. when you don't know anything of kundalini / chi /qi gong / holy spirit pentecost symbolism in biological manifestation.

this may seem a bit out there to you (even more than the parasites explanation) ...
but elevated energy through the nervous system / endocrine system is what i and all people recognizing this as a kundalini awakening know it to be..

now this VERSION of kundalini awakenign is nowhere near the moderate levels that have been reported in the past... (mild warmth up the spine) .. (cozy feelings of bliss) ..

this is HARDCORE nervous system activity...
constant muscle spasms, faccilations.. electromagnetic phenomena causing considerable static energy buildup...

roam through any moregellons sufferers message boards out there.. and you'll see the symptoms people speak of can be directly paralleled to that of deep phenomenal kundalini awakening..
i'll repeat this though...
there must be a catalyst.. some sort of agent that is activating so many people's nervous systems at once.

in the past this activity was activated by kundalini yoga, sexual tantra, alchemic practices of reserving the orgasm and bringing it's energy up the spine instead of releasing it...

but it seems that mankind has found a method of activating it en masse... through a specific biological means..

the details of that i can only hypothesize...

but IMO .. excessive prana activity through the nadis and meridians (nervous system) ..
can be interpreted exactly as that of a parasite crawling through your flesh

either way.. to the indiscriminate experiencer...
the lack of knowledge of this causes the sufferer/physician conundrum we've beeen discussing.

eventually you will see the scientific discovery of the actual nervous system-spiritual connection...
thus leading to scientific explanation of rthe actual meaning and purpose of religion.

so... "Delisional Parasitosis" ... seems on the mark to me..
ONLY a descriptive subtext to the issue.
NOT as the end all be all source of the phenomena..

if someone believes there are parasites within them.. and there are not..
then there you go.

but if there are slews of the population having a spiritual awakening and it is affecting their body incredibly to the point of failure..

let me quote the incredible rennaisance man Nicholas Roerich on this subject.. back in 1936 - from his book Shambahala -

The Yoga affirms boldly: “Let us be sincere, and let us discard all prejudices and superstitions, which are not fitting to the conscious man, who wishes to investigate scientifically and to acquire knowledge.”
Speaking of the approaching influence of cosmic energies, the Yoga warns of the peculiarities of the nearest future. The Yoga addresses physicians as follows:
“During the development of the centers, (chakra endocrine nerve centers) humanity will feel incomprehensible symptoms, which science, in ignorance, will attribute to the most unrelated ailments. Therefore the time has come to write the book of observations regarding the fires of life. I advise against delay because it is necessary to explain to the world the manifestations of the reality and unity of existence. Imperceptibly, into life enter new combinations of perception. These signs, visible to few, constitute the foundation of life, penetrating all its structures. Only the blind fail to perceive how life is filled with new conceptions. Therefore scientists should be called to cast light on the evidence. Physician, do not neglect!” . . .

ya digg?

A big waste of $300,000.00 by the CDC looking for a disease that does not exist.

The people are in extreme discomfort that is certain. Does anyone have the symptom present in an area of the body they can not scratch? Does it ever present in the middle of the back?

here's where i disagree vehemently.
how can a disease that does not exist... be a disease?

you REEEEALLY think Hillary Clinton and Barak Obama convinced the CDC to waste money?
Maybe the $300K covered the service-end of just talking to the people and processing the blood samples /biopsies?
Then if they find something relevant, they can ask for more money.
Maybe the Army Institute of Pathology's part in this has unlimited funding that isn't spoken of.
Maybe the $300K is just a theatric cover to appease concerned people to show them "yes we're doing something" .. menwhile the origin, cause, and effect of this phenomenon has been studied since decades ago.. with god knows how many billions poured into it.

who knows?

i think you haven't thought this through very deeply, given how many people are reporting it.


[edit on 16-4-2010 by prevenge]

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by narveson
reply to post by Mikemp44

They say Mothers breast milk usually cures this disease. When women get pregnant the disease goes away. I have the closest thing to Mothers breast milk. Let me know what you think at [email protected]

1. What is THIS PRODUCT?

A. this product is not a prescription drug, but a powerful and unique patented (8 Method of Use Patents world­wide, and 5 US Patents) un-denatured and highly bio-active whey protein dietary supplement that is loaded with glutathione precursors, this product took $10 million and 18 years of research to perfect. The primary researcher involved in the discovery of this product is Gustavo Bounous, MD.

mods.. can you delete one of that guys' posts?

and i would say .. Morgellons sufferers have been attacked like vultures by snake-oil salesmen .. like no other disease around .

i'm sure human breast milk is full of great stuff.. and should be fed to our babies. and maybe it has alot of help to adults.

but is it going to quell symptoms that even the Army Institute of Pathology and the CDC say they dont even understand? come on...

how do you draw the connection that you say some woman ceases her morgellons symptoms once she gets pregnant.. with mothers milk?
is she drinking her own milk??? vultures man... vultures...

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 10:54 PM
I just wanted to say I'm sorry to you folks suffering from this disease. It is quite scary and not understood at all. I also want to help you by saying that at least some medical professionals are taking it seriously. There is of course the original team at Okla St Univ. who worked with the pitcher Koch as well as other patients but also my wife is an MD at the University of Arizona and she has sat in on a couple of lectures concerning Morgollon's. It is indeed quite real. And there was even mention of an air quality test done by the air quality board here in Arizona where they had done tests specifically of supposed "chemtrails" in the air and found some similar contaminates. Also the tests showed that the air itself was very contaminated by heavy metals and strange biological materials. You can even look up the results of the air quality tests online I believe. Anyway, even if most the MSM isn't on board as usual some people are and are trying to help!

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