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Morgellons Disease: You need to hear about this!

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posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:10 AM
The human body is not as stupid as people think but the mind effects its processes. Change the mind, the processes will slowly follow if this was a disease of extermanation those suffering would be dead. I would advise to do as prevenge did and dont let your limited perspective get the better of you remember the human body is a combination of cells, bacterium, viruses, that learned to work together over time a complex organism and its assimilateing new hosts everday, if you cant destroy assimilate. The progress is slow but it's worked before, if you want prof look in the mirror we are a colony of organisms that at one time long ago ran into eachother and tryied to kill eachother. Quite the mind chanel the storm of your thoughts.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 12:37 AM
reply to post by galadofwarthethird

Anything is possible. There are cases of cancer being cured without chemo and so on. I recommend reading The Joy of Perfect Health. Easy to understand information and helpful advice without the BS you find in some other health books. Like other posters I suspect this disease is caused by GM foods which have been proven to cause cancer and cell mutations.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 01:02 AM
Yeah, it's the assimilation concerns that make me wonder, as well as the ELF and VELF tower-chip connection we see a possibility of. Thanks for thinking ahead Tesla! Clifford Carnicorn studies radiology and Morgellons at the institute he owns.

This account is the most in-depth and concerning I've seen on Morgellons.
Don't read if you're in the mood for the details.

posted on Apr, 17 2010 @ 06:14 PM
reply to post by Northwarden

Ok now im intrestead I always wondered why they keep spraying that stuff in the atmosphere with the planes every summer or whenever there is sun light. What do you think is the point of it these silicone based nano fibers/bots it seems a bit excessive, for just population control, especially since it's so easy to just start a war for that. These things seem way to complex if they can interact with our biology the way they do. Its like a symbotic invasion of some sort. I have never seen these people infected with morgellons but I dont get out much. So what do you think is the point of it if it's made for a purpose.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 12:40 AM
double post mods plz delete

[edit on 18-4-2010 by prevenge]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by Northwarden

What do you think is the point of it these silicone based nano fibers/bots it seems a bit excessive, for just population control, especially since it's so easy to just start a war for that.


So what do you think is the point of it if it's made for a purpose.

Evolution. Intended, directed, activated Evolution.
(nobody ever said evolution was going to be comfortable did they?

On the surface, any witness or experiencer/sufferer of this would see what's happening and think contrary-wise obviously.
The suffering, the paranoia, the social exclusion and ignorance.
all seem to be pointed in a less-than-forward direction of the affected human.

However, having never seen a butterfly, or having no knowledge of where they come from...and knowing nothing about metamorphosis, what would a caveman think if he saw a caterpillar create a cocoon and just sit there... seemingly lifeless?

You can get reverse-symbolic with this in many cases as far as myths and religious prophecy goes...

The rider on the "White Horse" comes in the "clouds".. ie: chemtrails...
Zeus urinates from the clouds down and impregnates a woman dho gives birth to Perseus.. his powerful Son (christ analogy) , who slays the Titans... perseus also rode the White Horse Pegasus.

when the Israelites are being plagued and bitten and stung by the "fiery flying seerpents" that came from the "clouds" ..(motile clear fibers?) ... Moses commands them to raise a brazen serpent upon a standard.
In Masonry, you learn that the Gnostic ROOT interpretation of Moses' parable translates to raising the Kundalini, up the spine.. the snake up the standard.. again we see the parallels between kundalini and morgellons symptoms..
-2 sets of exotic and rare symptoms found nowhere else in literature which are exact.

Kundalini is analogued in the Greek "Caduceus" symbol used in Western Medicine.
the poster for the Masonic Hollywood Motion Picture "Snakes on a Plane" is a central "plane" with snakes wrapped around it forming a caduceus symbol.
Predictive programming? a symbolic nod to the "in the know"
that planes spraying "white horse" chemtrails" indeed translate to "snakes on planes" winking at the caduceus/brazen serpent/ parables...

the "tabernacle of the ark of the covenant" is sewn of blue and red fibers.
the deep knowledge of the Ark is that it is the human skull/brain...
and the tabernacle is a "screen" draped upon the brain .. in order to percieve a higher level of reality.. ie: christ conciousness... to percieve the Creator.

If people have these fibers coming out of their skin.. do you think that they somehow.. "skip" the brain?
I speculate that the fibers are indeed coalesced primarily over the surface of the brain.. under the blood brain barrier.

during this growth-phase.. you have the resultant "brain fog" that sufferers experience.. and change of personality..
you also have massive muscle spasms.. and involuntary quick movements of the limbs..
spasms and jerks don't originate in the limb or smasm locaiton..
the source originates at the location of origin.. the brain.

something phenomenal is occurring in the brain of morgellons sufferers.

keep in mind.
The Masonic individuals behind the scenes and in control, have at the very heart of their belief system... "Illumination" .. which is exactly "raising the kundalini serpent energy up the spine" ...
do you think that someone other than Masonic people are directing the spraying? I think not.

I am in no way pointing accusative spiteful finger at this group in charge. (I'm actually a big fan of their efforts).

I am simply explaining my hypotheses and connections drawing from my experience.

You don't spend billions on a capital city full of greek and gnostic hidden symbolism in statues of gods, frescoes and monuments..
and then somehow draw zero connection to the myths and parables that those were built to signify.

They draw upon the hidden symbolic wisdom of religious myths and implement them using exacted, technologically proficient MODERN methods.

They also acclimate the public to the next level of evolution.. humans with extra sensory perception of time and space and superhuman abilities.
ie: the TV shows LOST and HEROES and The 4400... not to mention the slew of superhero movies out for the past decade... most originating from the mind of Stan Lee, a Mason himself.

according to all these connections.. this is HUGE.

with this in mind.. is it no wonder the world-state is prepping the global terrorism-response apparatus?

Imagine thousands of evolved humans with superheroes who don't have the common good as their number one priority?
people who have severe emotional issues, anger problems, suddenly realize they have immense power?
IMO, governments not being ready to somehow at least try to tame such beasts would be ignorant, irresponsible.

the only method I see HAARP being part of this is as such:

in 2007, the Tulsa Police Dept Forensics Lab studied the fibers.
They found them to not match any textile fibers in their database.
they found them to not burn up to 1400 degrees, and they found that they resonated to specific radio frequencies.

could there be a "moment" .. a place in time that has been scrutinized perfectly, quite possibly in line with many other global events...
for HAARP to entrain these fibers nation-wide (or world wide)...
at an exact moment in time.. thus somehow completely "activating them" either causing the sufferers to go into some sort of ... instinctually embedded "cocoon phase" ..
and emerge fully transformed?

that may be stretching it.. but in the scheme of things.. there needs to be a "switch" .. a "time" where the paradigm finally shifts.. instead of slowly changing the entire time.. just beneath the surface (of the skin) ..
a "switcch" for the final "ON".

possibly there would be arranged a "killswitch" where if things get out of control.. or if "villanous" individuals begin to abuse their power...
a "switch" would be hit.. maybe from HAARP again..
to Decimate the powers of these individuals.

say someone is just.. you know.. a real good guy.. just a down to earth and friendly guy and uses his powers for good to help humanity amidst all this natural disaster..
levitating rubble off quake survivors.. flying from location to location with supplies...
looking into the minds of terrorists to reveal their plans instead of having to torture them..
or defending the world from malevolent invaders. (hey this is ATS!)
say that "good dude" has his powers revoked with everyone else on that day... maybe it only lasts a day...

i'm sure he'd be less likely to have people wanting vengance on him..
than some dipchit that goes around stealing and destroying mindlessly.. or for vengance without prudence... without keeping the big picture in mind..
someone like that stripped of their powers all of a sudden.. i'm sure would be wipe out pretty fast...
his achilles heel as it were...

aaanyways that's my story and i'm sticking to it.

look around you.. the media pumps it . superhero superpowers.. "the FORCE" .. "new perception of non-linear time)
jesus had all those powers.
so did krishna... and MANY more in the global pantheon of religious figures.

next level of evolution would have

flight (no more polluting cars/planes and no more war for their fuel)..

telekenesis (no more building crazy big wasteful machines to claw through things for us)..

pigment photosynthesis..(no more hunger - or poverty)

telepathy - no more miscommunication.. people understand how each other FEELS/thinks 100% (no more WIRES making our landscape ugly)

unaffected by heat or cold ( no more wasteful infrastructure for air conditioning or heating and the energy wasted on them)..

new perception and movement through non-linear time..
no more mistakes! oopsies? no prob.. go back a few secs and fix anything bad that happened.

bullets coming your way from a crazy radical Christian or Islam Jihadist? no prob.. slow time and dodge those bullets. ala- MATRIX

complete social/global civilization changeover... based on the tweaking of a few DNA molecules!


so yeah... I think the purpose is evolution.

google "kundalini" and "evolution" you'll fund gopi krishna's work written about how much he praised kundalini as the evolutionary force in man...

every crawling pulsing symptom of morgellons sufferers is exactly to a T the same as those in kundalini awakening syndrome.

the FIRST main job of kundalini does is detoxifies your system to prepare for the other changes.... the main organ of waste is the skin..
this IMO is why morgellons sufferers have all these "black specks" and "white granules" that come out of their skin everywhere.
toxins being "puged" flesh being "purified"..

what happens when a "bullet" is treated as a "toxin" ...does it get pushed right back out when kundalini has fully transformed the individual?

NANO - also...

we have this tendency to identify something with out first impression of what we learned it to be...
most people's first introduction of nanotechnology is that of "little robots" ..
and they imagine the robots they see in their every day media.. metal bug looking things.. but REAL small...

while SOME things like that may exist.. the vast amout of developments in nanotechnology are indeed "machines" in that the molecules are arranged and or grown on an atomic level in arrangements so that they may achieve a specific goal. purpose..

any type of substance that enters the human form and interacts with all the other nanotechnology of the already existing nano-biology in the body.. powerful enough to re-calibrate our body-apparatus.. would be effectively NANO.


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Mikemp44
Needless to say there are parts of this disease that simply defy modern medical science, such as human bio-luminesence (What!?!).

Bio-luminesence? Like perhaps a phosphorescent feline?

Scientists have cloned several fluorescent cats that glow in the dark by manipulating or inserting a gene during the cloning process. In October 2008, the cat Mr. Green Genes, whose eyes, gums and tongue glows green in the dark, made its TV debut in the U.S. on NBC.ajcpets: Glow-in-the-dark cat a genetic success (October 22, 2008) In December 2007, Korea researchers announced they had cloned three fluorescent kittens that glow red in the dark.Telegraph: Glow-in-the-dark cat could help cut disease (December 12, 2007)

Maybe it dosen't defy medical science, but is, rather, something that has escaped from the lab!

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by Alethea

Originally posted by Mikemp44
Needless to say there are parts of this disease that simply defy modern medical science, such as human bio-luminesence (What!?!).

Bio-luminesence? Like perhaps a phosphorescent feline?

Scientists have cloned several fluorescent cats that glow in the dark by manipulating or inserting a gene during the cloning process. In October 2008, the cat Mr. Green Genes, whose eyes, gums and tongue glows green in the dark, made its TV debut in the U.S. on NBC.ajcpets: Glow-in-the-dark cat a genetic success (October 22, 2008) In December 2007, Korea researchers announced they had cloned three fluorescent kittens that glow red in the dark.Telegraph: Glow-in-the-dark cat could help cut disease (December 12, 2007)

Maybe it dosen't defy medical science, but is, rather, something that has escaped from the lab!

that's a form of bioluminescence yes..
the bioluminescence seen in morgellons fibers are activated and glow RED WHITE AND BLUE under ultraviolet light.

ie: a physical representation of the sacred "Illumination"

note: book of revelation : and there will be no more night...

imagine a world where everything living glows..
imagine a world in which humans are illuminated...
think of the avatar movie scene at night... showing you a hint of it..

"night" ceases to be "night" when there is constant light from illuminated souls.. through biologic activation.


posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 04:14 AM

Originally posted by prevenge

that's a form of bioluminescence yes..
the bioluminescence seen in morgellons fibers are activated and glow RED WHITE AND BLUE under ultraviolet light.

The cats in the photo are green and red. I suppose other colors of the spectrum could be manipulated as well.

Originally posted by prevenge
ie: a physical representation of the sacred "Illumination".

Luciferin: A chemical substance present in certain luminous organisms that, when acted upon by the enzyme luciferase, produces a glow called bioluminescence.

Originally posted by prevenge

note: book of revelation : and there will be no more night...".

Funny you should mention that. The same thought crossed my mind.

And the city had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and the Lamb is the light thereof. (Rev. 21:23)

Originally posted by prevenge
"night" ceases to be "night" when there is constant light from illuminated souls.. through biologic activation.

It sounds beautiful...but creepy, too.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 04:38 AM
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

My point exactly, " the middle of the back is where the crazy people can't reach and scratch so as to self inflict the wounds that then become contaminated with fibers from their environment.

A close reading of the literature quoted in the earlier post uses the
medical terms that are the equivalent to stating these folks are crazy. Suffering yes but not from a dermatological disease.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 05:24 AM

Originally posted by whatwasthat
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

My point exactly, " the middle of the back is where the crazy people can't reach and scratch so as to self inflict the wounds that then become contaminated with fibers from their environment.

A close reading of the literature quoted in the earlier post uses the
medical terms that are the equivalent to stating these folks are crazy. Suffering yes but not from a dermatological disease.

hey man.. youuu're the expert.. expert enough to call people crazy..

let's just forget about all this then...

link - - Unexplained Dermopathy (also called "Morgellons")


Also Available in:
* General Information on Unexplained Dermopathy Adobe PDF file [PDF, 121 KB]

CDC continues to receive reports of an unexplained skin condition which some refer to as “Morgellons”. Persons who suffer from this condition report a range of cutaneous or skin symptoms including crawling, biting and stinging sensations; granules, threads, fibers, or black speck-like materials on or beneath the skin; and/or skin rashes or sores. In addition to skin symptoms, some sufferers also report fatigue, mental confusion, short term memory loss, joint pain, and changes in vision.

At this time, scientists and doctors do not know what causes this condition. They do not know if people who report the condition have common risk factors or if there is a common cause for the symptoms. To assist in learning more about this condition, CDC is conducting an epidemiologic investigation. To learn more about the investigation, please refer to the following link:

man.. you're one of those people who just keep their own little convos going on in threads.. skipping all the other RELEVANT info.

I suggest you go back a few pages and read all the info a splayed out for people like you to absorb.

especially the quotes and links about L CDC, Kaiser Permanente and the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology investigating this all under the scrutiny of then Senators HIllary Clinton and Barack Obama.

man.. i swear ATS is upside down now.. the skeptics are NOW the ignorant ones..

there is a very very significant dermatological aspect of kundalini in it's FAR advanced transformative phases.. while it expells toxins form the body through the skin.

IMO people who display the attitude you show repeatedly.. show a severe lack of basic human respect. but moreso.. a complete deficiency in intelligence, as you clearly have done NO research on your own.. not even consulting the CDC's own web page before mouthing off causing further suffering for people who's lives have fallen apart from this debacle..
just goes to show what gullible suckers there are out there that just swallow down the mainstream news progpaganda koolaid...
some "witty" quip was made about this being "all in their heads" and you like that kinda stuff right" you're the type of Joe that's got it allll figured out.. and on good authority from the "in crowd" right" you like feelin on top .. nothin gets by YOU.. you smarty pants..

people like you should be slapped with multiple libel suits .. or some sort of restraining order for hate speech... it's just appauling..
i dont go into a cancer ward and laugh at little kids who jsut went through chemo...
you shouldn't either.
so why do you do what you do on this thread and call people crazy who suffer from this...?

it blows my MIND

you need to think twice about what comes out of your mouth or fingers typing..
or just don't visit forums where people talk about diseases...... so that you can't do any more emotional and mental damage to the weak and suffering.
calling people with real afflictions of something they cannot comprehend.. calling them "crazy" just because it makes you feel confident to do so.

have some goddamn compassion.


[edit on 18-4-2010 by prevenge]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by ladyinwaiting
I located a letter dated 2009 from the CDC to the American Medical Association.

In the letter they refer readers to a site for "updates" which has apparently not been updated since 2007.

So, it doesn't look like they are working on this.

I sent them an email inquiring as to how I might receive or view a copy of their findings during this study, or could they apprise me of the status of the study.

We'll see what happens.

I have received the following response by email, from the CDC regarding my inquiry:

Thank you for your email about the unexplained skin condition which some refer to as “Morgellons.” CDC is doing a study to learn more about who may be affected with “Morgellons,” the symptoms they are having, and what factors may contribute to it. At this point in the study, all the data from research participants have been collected. CDC is still analyzing the data, and results are not yet available.

CDC does not provide healthcare or maintain a referral list of providers. CDC suggests that you contact your primary care doctor if you feel you have this unexplained condition. If you do not have a primary care doctor, you may be able to find one in your area by contacting your insurance company. You can also use an online physician locator which professional medical societies like the American Medical Association or the American Academy of Dermatology provide on their websites.

For more information regarding “Morgellons,” please visit the CDC website.

This is clearly a form or auto-response letter, as in no way did I imply that I had this condition. However, at least we know they are still up and running. At least, that is something.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 09:05 AM

Originally posted by whatwasthat
reply to post by ladyinwaiting

My point exactly, " the middle of the back is where the crazy people can't reach and scratch so as to self inflict the wounds that then become contaminated with fibers from their environment.

A close reading of the literature quoted in the earlier post uses the
medical terms that are the equivalent to stating these folks are crazy. Suffering yes but not from a dermatological disease.

I hate to be rude, but your post is most assuredly nonsense. What in the world would a mental disorder have to do with the ability to reach one's back, a physical act? I call your reasoning into question, as it is completely irrational and ill-conceived.

I also call into question people continuing to state these fibers are from one's clothing or other substances in the environment. If a person wears a blue shirt all day, then discovers blue fibers in an open lesion, obviously he will know where it's from. They are telling us, this is not the case. The fibers are inexplicable, foreign, and seem to be manufactured within their own bodies.

Little is known about this syndrome, yet you present yourself, not only with simple opinions, but with some type knowledge about this, which you clearly do not possess, and which your lack of information is laid out clearly, for all of us to see.

To further assume and defend the absurd position you claim on this thread, simply renders you a troll., by every definition. Either that, or another word easily comes to my mind, which I will not add, as it would be in violation of T/C.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:25 AM
A potential aviation fuel link:

Role in polymers Ethylenediamine, by virtue of its bifunctionality (i.e. it contains two reactive amines) is widely used in diverse polyester formulations. Condensates derived from formaldehyde are plasticizers. It is widely used in the production of polyurethane fibers. The PAMAM class of dendrimers are derived from ethylenediamine.[2]

Gene Delivery The ability to deliver pieces of DNA to the required parts of a cell includes many challenges. Current research is being performed to find ways to use dendrimers to traffic genes into cells without damaging or deactivating the DNA. To maintain the activity of DNA during dehydration, the dendrimer/DNA complexes were encapsulated in a water soluble polymer, and then deposited on or sandwiched in functional polymer films with a fast degradation rate to mediate gene transfection. Based on this method, PAMAM dendrimer/DNA complexes were used to encapsulate functional biodegradable polymer films for substratemediated gene delivery. Research has shown that the fast degrading functional polymer has great potential for localized transfection.[30] [31]

Transfection is the process of deliberately introducing nucleic acids into cells. The term is used notably for non-viral methods [1] in eukaryotic cells. It may also refer to other methods and cell types, although other terms are preferred: "transformation" is more often used to describe non-viral DNA transfer in bacteria, non-animal eukaryotic cells and plant cells - a distinctive sense of transformation refers to spontaneous genetic modifications (mutations to cancerous cells (cancerogenesis), or under stress (UV irradiation). "Transduction" is often used to describe virus-mediated DNA transfer. The word transfection is a blend of trans- and infection. Genetic material (such as supercoiled plasmid DNA or siRNA constructs), or even proteins such as antibodies, may be transfected.

Also the fibers were tested at 1500 degrees, and still wouldn't burn off. Whoever manufactured those types of threads made sure they were stain-resistant even in Hell.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 11:44 AM
I have been looking for...but can't find....a photograph that someone posted of chaff from airplane contrails. (I actually think it was Phage, but I can't find the photo or even the thread).

Anyway, there were two different kinds of this chaff, and one of them looked almost identical to what you see when you open up a cigarette filter. Long, thin little fibers.

Now, suppose this stuff is released into the air. The other poster (again, I think Phage, I wish I could find it) said these fibers would deteriorate before they reach the ground, or might cause a brief itchy feeling which would be fleeting, if they did reach.

But think about this. Since these particles or substances ARE released by planes, and DO at times fall to earth, then of course over a wide spread area, or through wind, or whatever, they could in fact find their way into reservoirs and consequently into water supplies.

Just a thought.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by Americanist

I didn't understand much of that article you quoted; except that it is clear the "mad" scientists of 50's fame is now part of the mainstream.

The kinds of research being conducted across the world today is beyond the wildest imagination of most of us. Why are they doing it, what is their objective and what are the risks?

I believe Morgellons is one of those risks. I don't think it will be the only weird new thing we will have to worry about either. It boggles the mind to think about all the unintended (or maybe intended in some cases) consequences of all the esoteric research being done in the interests of somebody's financial gain or hopes of world power.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 01:26 PM
Remember when the astronauts came back from the Moon ? That they were kept in quarantine for a week ? Well what if this "Morgellons Disease" is from outer space ? It could be that we are witness to the beginnings of a "space age" disease that is alien in nature and is thus not going to respond to the usual anti-biotics. It could be that it will spread until finally it infects everyone. It is possibly a condition which was dormant, but is due to mutation, now re-emerging. It could be some kind of allergic reaction to modern chemicals ? To research it is going to be very expensive. Thus no one is going to research it until it gets to be pandemic in scale. In the mean while the medical authorities and doctors, not knowing what else to do about it, will simply try to put anyone showing symptoms of it, into quarantine real fast. Thus the insinuation that sufferers of it are insane. It is just a way by which to put you into quarantine with or with out your consent. Governmental authorities will justify the use of force and even military lethal violence in making sure that the "infected" are arrested and transported and perhaps even exterminated. The network of FEMA camps found in the USA were set up with exactly this kind of senario in mind. Other countries will deal with it in similar manner too. It is even possible that if a certain city is infected, and is, due to the large numbers of the infected residing there, thus considered to be a lethal biological threat, then nuclear weapon attack against that city might become contemplatible ? A lesser evil to prevent a greater evil ? During the 1939 through 1945 war in Europe the governmental authorities in NAZI occupied Poland decided that the Warsaw Ghetto, coincidentally populated mostly by Jewish but importantly not only Jewish, was such a grave bio-hazard that they applied to the supreme authority of Heir Adolf Hitler for the "final solution", where by the unfortunate were thus mass transported to Aushwitz and Berkenau for extermination. What I am suggesting is that if the NAZI authorities had had possession of an atomic weapon then they would have exterminated the Warsaw Ghetto bio-hazard in just a single flash of incandescent nuclear fire. The modern day is no different except that now we do possess the atomic weapons. The FEMA camps do exist. The potential new bio-hazard threats exist. Morgellons Disease might be one such emerging new bio-hazard ?

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

Google Video Link

[edit on 18/4/2010 by CAELENIUM]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 01:50 PM
OK there are a lot of speculations but what consensus do we have until now?
I mean if i'm going to believe morgellons does in fact exist, what am i going to explain it to my friends if i want to inform them?
Everybody seems to have different opinions and i've read a lot about it, but still i don't have evidence to back up the following claims if i want to inform my people:

How do you get it?
Is it contagious?
Does it in fact have any conection with chemtrails?
If so, how come it only affects a small % of the population?

Sorry for the uninformative post but if i am to spread the information about morgellons, i need substance to back it up and i didnt think it was worth starting a new thread for this.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 02:01 PM

I believe Morgellons is one of those risks. I don't think it will be the only weird new thing we will have to worry about either. It boggles the mind to think about all the unintended (or maybe intended in some cases) consequences of all the esoteric research being done in the interests of somebody's financial gain or hopes of world power.

Another risk... And this has been floating around for quite some time, is the use of radiation from atomic weaponry to cause gene mutation. These think-tanks have some rather twisted minds.

Now with the ability to nano-size metals and bond them to water molecules (and smaller)... It's anyone's guess.

I posted the use of a particular chemical in the manufacture of polymers. It just so happens it's found in aviation fuel. With the extreme resistance of polymers found in Morgellon's cases, such material could easily pass through the exhaust of engines. Manipulating life isn't so difficult. You'll also find abundant creatures living around deep sea volcanoes. Goes to show you the range of function inside heat and pressure...

[edit on 18-4-2010 by Americanist]

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 02:09 PM
reply to post by CAELENIUM

Remember when the astronauts came back from the Moon ? That they were kept in quarantine for a week ? Well what if this "Morgellons Disease" is from outer space ? It could be that we are witness to the beginnings of a "space age" disease that is alien in nature and is thus not going to respond to the usual anti-biotics.

NASA scientists had considered the potential risks of them returning with unwanted guests. They made plans and put quarantine in place..

Included on the Committee were members of the National Academy of Sciences and representatives from the U.S. Public Health Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, and U.S. Department of Interior. The charter of the Committee defined its purpose as follows:

1. To protect the public’s health, agriculture, and other living resources. 2. To protect the integrity of the lunar samples and the scientific experiments.
3. To ensure that the operational aspects of the program were least compromised.

Not willing to take any chances, they went hardcore and assumed the worst case scenario...

The coordination of the multidisciplinary, and often contradictory, requirements presented a unique series of problems, many of them associated with the hypothetical nature of an unknown lunar hazard. If precise scientific and technical decisions were to be made, basic assumptions and guidelines had to be followed. Those established for development of the Lunar Quarantine Program (LQP) were as follows:

1. The existence of hazardous, replicating micro-organisms on the moon would be assumed.

2. The preservation of human life should take precedence over the maintenance of quarantine.

3. Biological containment requirements should be based on the most stringent means used for containment of infectious terrestrial agents.

4. The sterilization requirement should be based on methods needed for the destruction of the most resistant terrestrial forms.

5. Hazard detection procedures should be based on an alteration of the ecology and classical pathogenicity.

6. The extent of the biological test protocol would be limited to facilities approved by the Congress, to well-defined systems, and to biological systems of known ecological importance.
Same again

If Morgellons is a real condition, it's unlikely to have any genesis in the Apollo program

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