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Morgellons Disease: You need to hear about this!

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posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:31 AM
Morgellons has been around for several years now. In fact as of March 2009,
the CDC was investigating around 3,000 cases. Below is the article and some excerpts.

Morgellons' disease remains a mystery, says CDC

The sufferers - found in clusters along USA coastlines -- describe them as 'fiber 'machines' which thrive in the human body and apparently use the host body's bio-electric energy, its minerals and other elements for power and to physically replicate themselves.

It is also reported by many Morgellons victims that the fibers and other Morgellons items exhibit a kind of collective intelligence within the bodies they have parasitized.

The fibers are motile and can be easily observed to move and to reach out for nearby objects with a 10x to 30x scope. They are not bacterial or viral and can withstand blowtorch temperatures of 1400 F under laboratory conditions, researchers have already established.

It is established that Morgellons fibers are commonly found in all body fluids and orifices. They have been found in bone joints, and are believed to routinely achieve full body systemic penetration from major organs to the brain.

The Centres for Disease Control started receiving inquiries from about 2006, and now are investigating more than 3,000 infection sites. They don't know what they are. Entire families and extended families are now infected. However, the spreading of Morgellons does not occur in all who come into contact with the afflicted.

There may be some form of 'immunity' some people possess. Why that is the case remains unknown. Since the fibers can withstand temperatures in excess of 1400 F, assured sterilization of medical/dental reusable medical equipment and instruments is moot, sufferers say.


Until we have stood in someones shoes or in this case skin, we shouldn't be so quick to judge. After all, it could be any one of us afflicted with some strange disease.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 01:01 AM
We had the same fear-mongering at the beginning of the Swine Flu outbreak and many here were talking about the end of the world. Nothing major came of it, and this will play out the same way.

Nothing to see here.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 01:11 AM
Utter nonsense. This has been around for years now, under media suppression, and a reluctant agency formed by the FDA after years of belittlement, calling them insane. Swine flu had a tiny percent of sufferers by comparasion, had massive media coverage, and created the creation of an entire nationwide vaccine to cure it.

Do you see the attempts to suppress this, even here? There is a certain call for more unofficial coverage on our part.

[edit on 14-4-2010 by Northwarden]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 02:29 AM
Has anyone ever died from Morgellons?

If so, did anyone do a full autopsy, and examined all the glands, organs, etc.?

Surely someone must have died with this disease considering all the skin lesions.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by ChemBreather
It is a wierd disease and surtenly an conspiracy.
Some say flat out Lies and Hoaxes and that the patients are not 'well in the head' etc. but, those dudes havent looked into it..

I am inclined to think that now a days something of this nature should be considered a conspiracy, untill proven otherwise.
thanks for the link.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by unityemissions

I don't mean to second guess you here, but the symtoms you mention are not due to morgellons. They sound more like clinical depression to me and the changes in your diet and the extra vits/minerals you started taking would also suggest this, as it is often caused by chemical imbalance.

The major symtom of morgellons is the skin irritation and lesions, with the fluff. If you didn't have these, then it wasn't morgellons.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 02:55 AM

Originally posted by harrytuttle
Has anyone ever died from Morgellons?

If so, did anyone do a full autopsy, and examined all the glands, organs, etc.?

Surely someone must have died with this disease considering all the skin lesions.

lots of people who have had morgellons have died.
but their deaths showed they died of other things.. like cancer or suicide.
some say that just because they died of cancer.. that morgelons "gave" them cancer.. and then they go on to say that morgellons is a contagious cancer.. and they all feed into the fear spiraling downwards.. etc...
like its as if they believe that you can't have morgellons AND cancer simultaneously.. like.. naturally occurring..

many people's bodies dissapear...
what i mean is.. one woman who died.. had a written request from her mom to have her body buried at a certain spot.. and they went ahead and cremated it against her will after not getting back to the daughter for weeks... like she was calling them over and over.. where's my mom's body etc....
and nope.. no response.. then all of a sudden.. hey here we go.. here's your mom's "remains" .. no way of knowing whether those ashes were actually her moms...

other reports of the cadaver completely going "poof" ... lost in the paperwork as it were...

believe me... your idea is not a new one... it's the first thing thought of.. and last thing that actually happens.. meaning.. it doesn't happen....


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 03:16 AM
This is ridiculous. It is nothing more than peoples paranoid fantasies coupled with a low intelligence/mental illness or a desire for attention. Some of these posts so far have made me laugh, there are people on here who would jump at their own shadow. The government is not releasing super nano technology bugs into the water supply which turns you into a human sewing machine. I would advise a trip to the psychiatrist for those who have this "disease". As mentioned by some of the more straigh forward posters on here, it is a hypochondriacs dream

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 03:19 AM

Originally posted by nik1halo
The major symtom of morgellons is the skin irritation and lesions, with the fluff. If you didn't have these, then it wasn't morgellons.

ask any sufferer .. they go in and out of having lesions and not having lesions..

some never have lesions.

many talk about all their hair being replaced by new thin metallic copper type hairs.. that move like static electricity (prana/Chi)

many MAAANY talk about the "crawling sensation" of things under and on the skin.. like "prana" zapping between the metallic hairs...

fluff and lesions do not affirm or negate the unofficially labelled "morgellons" phenomena..

a name given unofficially by mrs Letaio.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 03:54 AM
OK, let's just inject a little logic into this thread.

If we assume that this is a real desease, then we must also assume that it is not spread through the water or the air, otherwise FAR more people would be suffering, if not nearly all the people in the area infected. Environmentally spread deseases spread quickly and usually without prejudice.

This means that the desease is either being deliberately introduced to certain people in their direct environment (something in their home) or it is spread through touch/fluid transfer. Touch seems unlikely, as again, transmission of the desease would be far too easy and far more people would be affected, which leaves fluid transfer or local environment.

Fluid transfer would explain how families are being infected, as parents would transfer through kissing/sex and kids tend to clamber over parents with no regard for weeping sores etc and then tend to stick their hands in their mouths. The pets being infected through licking the woulds clean?

So basically, it is either a desease that is spread through fluid transfer, or someone is intentionally introducing it to people's homes.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 04:01 AM
reply to post by prevenge

Regardless, the symptoms given by unityemissions suggest classic clinical depression and nothing more.

Also, any desease that shows no physical symptoms is more than likely either psychosematic or neurological in nature.

The simplest solutions are often the correct ones.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 04:06 AM
I think the cause is agrobacterium, an organism that has the ability to genetically modify cells. It is used in the creation of GM food. You can get it through gardening.

Vitaly Citovsky is a professor of molecular and cell biology at Stony Brook University in New York (SUNY). He is a world authority on the genetic modification of cells by Agrobacterium, a soil bacterium causing crown gall disease in plants, that has been widely used in creating genetically modified (GM) plants since the 1980s because of its ability to transfer a piece of its genetic material, the T-DNA on its tumour-inducing (Ti) plasmid to the plant genome (see later for details).

Citovsky’s team took scanning electron microscope pictures of the fibres in or extruding from the skin of patients suffering from Morgellons disease, confirming that they are unlike any ordinary natural or synthetic fibres (see Fig. 1, assembled from Citovsky’s website [8]).

Figure 1. Scanning electron microscope images of fibres from skin biopsies of patients with Morgellons Disease - a, white fibre with calcite, scale bar 10 mm; b, green fibre with alumina ‘rock’ protruding, scale bar 20 mm; c, various ribbon-like, cylindrical and faceted fibres all coated with minerals, scale bar 10 mm; d, skin lesion with fibres stabbing through the epidermis, scale bar 300 mm

They also analysed patients for Agrobacterium DNA. Skin biopsy samples from Morgellons patients were subjected to high-stringency polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for genes encoded by the Agrobacterium chromosome and also for Agrobacterium virulence (vir) genes and T-DNA on its Ti plasmid. They found that “all Morgellons patients screened to date have tested positive for the presence of Agrobacterium, whereas this microorganism has not been detected in any of the samples derived from the control, healthy individuals.” Their preliminary conclusion is that “Agrobacterium may be involved in the etiology and/or progression” of Morgellons Disease.

[edit on 14-4-2010 by TheComte]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 05:10 AM

Originally posted by TheComte
I think the cause is agrobacterium, an organism that has the ability to genetically modify cells. It is used in the creation of GM food. You can get it through gardening.

Vitaly Citovsky is a professor of molecular and cell biology at Stony Brook University in New York (SUNY). He is a world authority on the genetic modification of cells by Agrobacterium, a soil bacterium causing crown gall disease in plants, that has been widely used in creating genetically modified (GM) plants since the 1980s because of its ability to transfer a piece of its genetic material, the T-DNA on its tumour-inducing (Ti) plasmid to the plant genome (see later for details).

Citovsky’s team took scanning electron microscope pictures of the fibres in or extruding from the skin of patients suffering from Morgellons disease, confirming that they are unlike any ordinary natural or synthetic fibres (see Fig. 1, assembled from Citovsky’s website [8]).

Figure 1. Scanning electron microscope images of fibres from skin biopsies of patients with Morgellons Disease - a, white fibre with calcite, scale bar 10 mm; b, green fibre with alumina ‘rock’ protruding, scale bar 20 mm; c, various ribbon-like, cylindrical and faceted fibres all coated with minerals, scale bar 10 mm; d, skin lesion with fibres stabbing through the epidermis, scale bar 300 mm

They also analysed patients for Agrobacterium DNA. Skin biopsy samples from Morgellons patients were subjected to high-stringency polymerase chain reaction (PCR) tests for genes encoded by the Agrobacterium chromosome and also for Agrobacterium virulence (vir) genes and T-DNA on its Ti plasmid. They found that “all Morgellons patients screened to date have tested positive for the presence of Agrobacterium, whereas this microorganism has not been detected in any of the samples derived from the control, healthy individuals.” Their preliminary conclusion is that “Agrobacterium may be involved in the etiology and/or progression” of Morgellons Disease.

[edit on 14-4-2010 by TheComte]

sorry but that's old news - actually the Citovsky info has been downgraded...
by the main researcher Dr Wymore... at Oklahoma U

from the annual morgellons conference this year -

Dr. Wymore reported that an agrobacteria study DID NOT significantly reveal agro as a prime vector. Dr. Stricker said that Dr. Vitaly had applied for a grant to further research agro findings, but was turned down.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 05:11 AM

Originally posted by nik1halo
reply to post by prevenge

Regardless, the symptoms given by unityemissions suggest classic clinical depression and nothing more.

then you should be addressing him in particular, about what he thinks is going on in his body.. rather than the common experience of thousands of individuals across the globe that all talk about the saaame exaaact symptoms... research them.. then comment.
symptoms which.. highly parallel that of kundalini syndrome.

Also, any desease that shows no physical symptoms is more than likely either psychosematic or neurological in nature.

where'd you get your Phd?

so like...
like "water dripping down the leg" sensation.. being attributed to Multiple Schlerosis.. which is clinically diagnosed and medically treated..
or no like.. heat flashes which signal menopause which is medically treated.
oh wait no.. the memory loss from Alzheimers is psychosomatic.. and has no biologic role.. and isn't treated medically.. oh wait yes it is..

The simplest solutions are often the correct ones.

try some Occams Rogaine there buddy... when you only have limited data.. then your data set is thus "simple" and your choice of plausible options are as well limited.. and simple...

when your mind is open to broader and newer phenomena.. then your plausibility is wider and more prone to be accurate in finding the out of the box result.

your type of thinking belongs in the stone age.

i love it.. i go up to this baboon and show it one of those "garden rock audio speakers" playing a recording of my voice from an MP3 player.. .. and he tilts his head and hand signals to me the only thing his limited data set can possibly come up with .. HIS "simplest answer" ... (which in his mind is probably right based upon his limited data AND limited imagination)....

"little man in rock???"

i chuckle to myself and say yess yessss simple answers for simple monkey mind...

you obviously have not read enough on the phoenomena. NO experienced it NOR spent any time in the hundreds of thousands of pages of sufferer's support forum convos that have accumulated over the years...

it's going to be funny when people like you choke on your own ignorant words in the not so near future...


[edit on 14-4-2010 by prevenge]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 06:14 AM

Originally posted by AllIsOne
reply to post by Rigel Kent

So sorry to hear about your ordeal. I wish you good health!

Thanks for your concern and well wishes, alas it is thankfullynot me or any of my family or friends, I just saw the letter on David Dees site and pasted it here.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 06:16 AM
could there be a link between food here and the disease here? It definatley sounds man made to me, but I was just thinking that maybe it's a symptom of eating GMO food, and this bacterium they use to splice new gens into plants is being injested by us when eaten, and carrying on it's work. If that was true the government's would want to keep that hush, imagine the court cases!

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by seanryann
We had the same fear-mongering at the beginning of the Swine Flu outbreak and many here were talking about the end of the world. Nothing major came of it, and this will play out the same way.

Nothing to see here.

Sorry Sean,
That is an absurd comment, The swine flu was engineered and hyped by the vaccine companies and the WHO who are in their pockets. If you were even half as informed as you crack on you would already know this. It has been proven, the evidence is out there for those prepared to spend the time looking.

Morgellans on the other hand is not even recognised by mainstream medicine, there is no government funding for research and it is not been hyped up by the MSM, go figure...... there are thousands of people around the world already sick and a google search on Morgellans Syndrome throws up 306,000 pages.

You should check some of the sites out and see some of the objects removed from patients sores then you will begin to see that it is nothing like swine flu.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 06:40 AM

Originally posted by Pryde87
This is ridiculous. It is nothing more than peoples paranoid fantasies coupled with a low intelligence/mental illness or a desire for attention. Some of these posts so far have made me laugh, there are people on here who would jump at their own shadow. The government is not releasing super nano technology bugs into the water supply which turns you into a human sewing machine. I would advise a trip to the psychiatrist for those who have this "disease". As mentioned by some of the more straigh forward posters on here, it is a hypochondriacs dream

Google it before you come on here calling it ridiculous and expecting people to take you seriously. You provide nothing but opinion.
Go spend a couple of hours doing some research then come back here and enlighten us with your findings.
you advise a trip to the psychiatrist to someone who has developed open sores on their body ofted with strange unnatural fibres and minute objects emerging...... Brilliant....Just Brilliant,


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:13 AM

Originally posted by Rigel Kent
Back in 1993, my husband was forced to work around MANipulated NANO-engineered microbes. It cost $10,000 for one 35 gallon barrel of these microbes back then and they used about 2 barrels a month at this wastewater treatment plant inside the chemical plant. He was given NO SAFETY PROCEDURES, NO PROTECTIVE CLOTHING, nothing... and there was NO PROPER TESTING to ensure the safety of the maintenance workers forced to work around these open pits and blowers harbouring these microbes. In fact, they would be working and oiling the blowers while they were still running and pouring a mist into the air all around the wastewater treatment plant - a heavy fog, really. These microbes could have been be airborne in that mist NO PROBLEM. In fact, the parking lot for the chemical plant workers was right beside the wastewater treatment part of the plant. The fog hung thick in the air around the parking lot. No wonder this area is considered a hot spot for this disease. The truth will prevail as more and more families are sickened with Morgellons...or whatever it is.

Most interesting.... I am working with some individuals in a Northern state testing the water supply and have found what appear to be Morgellon-like fibers. Could you clarify please, were these chemicals used in waste water remediation for use as muncipal drinking water or was this waste water remediation for return to the environment via the sewage system? This is important as we attempt to verify a few things: a.) Are these in fact Morgellon fibers, b.) What vehicle is being used for their presence; i.e rainwater, water treatment chemicals, environmental runoff, industrial waste, intentional additive etc... c.) can these microbes be filtered from the water and by what mechanism?

Thank you for the info...

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by Pryde87

Originally posted by Pryde87 This is ridiculous. It is nothing more than peoples paranoid fantasies coupled with a low intelligence/mental illness or a desire for attention.

Your diatribe was purely subjective therefore pointless and designed as far as I can see only to bait others into responding and I might as well respond then.

It seems odd to me that you would think people with open sores would on one hand be unintelligent and yet also be yearning for attention on the other. In my world if I developed such an affliction I would rather curl up into a ball and disappear and would certainly not wish to draw attention outside the medical field to my plight. = your argument does not compute on any level!

I would think that these people are desiring attention but medical attention not the attentions of someone who is obviously ignorant of the fact surrounding Morgellons but rather than adding to a debate on the subject would rather jump in with hobnailed boots and just hurl derogatory comments.

Research the topic and then come back and tell us that sufferers are delusional fools with a low intelligence. As it stands with your nasty little post, you are a kettle calling colour on a pot. Until you become more cognizant of the facts surrounding a very real phenomenon your argument is construed as both lazy and unintelligent and certainly does not deny ignorance, it actually embraces it.

Even the American CDC are at a loss (as pointed out earlier in this thread) to explain the medical condition but importantly in failing to explain it they have not to my knowledge lumped all sufferers into the box of the deranged, delusional or somehow lacking intellect. In wishing to find answers for what afflicts them does not mean the afflicted are unintelligent or deranged though I could imagine such a disease could drive someone to severe distraction and cause them to come across as deranged – it does not mean they are however.

Originally posted by Pryde87 Some of these posts so far have made me laugh, there are people on here who would jump at their own shadow.

And there are some people on here that have the lack of respect for another and what’s worse they will even admit to laughing at their misery because it is in their warped world much better, much more convenient to embrace ignorance without forethought or consideration for their fellow poster and even better – point and laugh.

Originally posted by Pryde87 The government is not releasing super nano technology bugs into the water supply which turns you into a human sewing machine.

And in your great wisdom I am compelled to ask you how do you know this for a fact? You are obviously privy to information that the rest of us imbeciles could never have discovered so please put us out of our misery of low intelligence and explain to us how you have come to this conclusion.

“Cuz i sed so” does not count.

Originally posted by Pryde87 I would advise a trip to the psychiatrist for those who have this "disease". As mentioned by some of the more straigh forward posters on here, it is a hypochondriacs dream

Please do not be offended if no one decides to take you up on your advice and instead probably slaps you on ignore instead but only out of care for your feelings and respect for your totally objective and unbiased opinion which brought much to this thread and forced us all to take you seriously on anything you might say in the future.

Morgellons sufferers are attention seeking beings with a low intelligence? – such an irony and my advice to you is to engage brain before keyboard as it tends to stop you looking like a butt.

[edit on 14-4-2010 by SmokeJaguar67]

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