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Originally posted by heffo7
reply to post by nevermindme
I can't believe you posted that. How can you lump a whole race of people under such appalling and general terms.
Really bad form man
Originally posted by heffo7
Originally posted by mazzroth
Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by heffo7
I am really into indigenous races - the Maori and the Aborigine.
I would like to know what happened to these races.
Jesus told them " Don't do anything until I get back!"
But seriously I am more interested in the Bunyip tales from Aboriginal folklore, its possible they are referring to that "Hobbit" like race recently found in Indonesia. The stories tell of small short haired human like creatures that had a penchant for stealing Aboriginal Children and eating them, perhaps just a different version of the "Boogey Man" but.
In the most excellent book titled "the Yowie - In Search of Australia's Bigfoot" by Tony Healy and Paul Cropper they devote an entire chapter to this smaller type. They call it Littlefoot or as the aborigines referred to it, The Junjudee.
This is a whole different kettle of fish, and I agree that there is strong suport for a link between these reports and our near neighbours find of the Homo floresiensis.
If you are at all interested in this subject do yourself a favour and buy this book. No affiliation just a recommendation.
Originally posted by Forest King
do yowie's live underground? where do they supposedly reside?
australian bushland isnt very dense, although can be mountainous, i can understand creatures never being found because they live in dense locations, but the aussie outback is generally open spaced... just seems like within half a century you could find a giant creature in an open space. although i'm not familiar with the geography of yowie canyon or whatever, why are yowies only in this region, a great majority of australia is one piece of land, why havent they moved about??? aboriginals did.
im suspiscious of this one. but prove me wrong and ill eat my hat :p
Originally posted by SOXMIS
An Aboriginal friend of mine took me out night fishing for a few days as payment for me rewiring his boat, he mentioned these Junjudee as living around the Coffs Harbour area, which led myself and few open minded friends to camp down there for a week on the lookout, we didn't find anything though. They are said to be around two feet tall, very dark skin and give off a strong earthy smell. He also mentioned a huge lizard that lives in northern Queensland. He told me to go to the Brisbane museum to see a model of the creature (which was originally displayed with two stuffed Aboriginals, now taken off display but still stored at the museum). The museum did indeed have the life-size model but I believe it too is no longer displayed, it sent shivers running down my spine and always gave me caution when I went out bush. The Aboriginals seem to accept the existence of these crypto zoological creatures without much fuss and without the prejudice of us white fellas I'm inclined to believe them as they don't seek to make a crust out of it and it is, after all, their land.
A side note on the pyramids in Gympie, the one bull dozed by the Australian army into the sea during the 1920's was at Rainbow beach, the one at Gympie was stripped of its casing stones (said to have been used on a number of the buildings in Gympie) the mound still stands in a farmers field, Rex has an arial photo of it on his site. I've been diving around Rainbow beach but was unable to find anything of interest.
[edit on 17-4-2010 by SOXMIS]
Originally posted by omega.13
i live in australia and trust me theres no things likke that lol
Originally posted by srsen
Heffo - some great posts mate. Really interesting accounts, thanks for posting them
Regarding the possibility that these creatures (Yowie, Junjudee, etc) live in caves or underground.
Long story short, I have some channeled information in my personal library which thus far has been highly reliable (will keep source confidential so as to not derail thread, nothing controversial though) and in this information Yowie type creatures are mentioned.
This information states that one of the reasons these creatures are so seldomly seen is because they tend to dwell in deep caves or caverns underground.
Interesting, the source predicted that man would officially 'discover' and catalogue these beings eventually. It stated that the find would be bones in a cave but that we wouldn't realise what the bones were for quite a while and that they would be misidentified for quite a long time.
Take it or leave it - just thought i'd put it out there
The recent 'X-woman' find stirs my imagination in this respect!
[edit on 18-4-2010 by srsen]
Originally posted by heffo7
There are definitely caves in the Torrington area. A lot of properties in the area are dotted with them.
You've also jogged my memory of something else. When the early explorers found a way to cross the Blue Mountains, someone asked the Aboriginals why they hadn't done the same. They replied that there was no need to go over them, they had always travelled through them.... wish I could remember which book I read it in! No-one now seems to know where the entrance/s are, or they're not saying. It would be amazing if someone could find the entrance to that natural tunnel.
Originally posted by heffo7
Reading your linked article, this paragraph jumped out at me:
"Experts have been wondering whether X-woman might have links with known fossil humans from Asia, which have controversial classifications."
There are other bones, they just don't know what they are!!
I bet every country has got the bones, they just don't fit in with anything else so we don't hear about them.