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Yowies stalk bushwalker in Blue Mountains Australia

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posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 09:59 PM
reply to post by srsen

I was just about to put the call out as well.

So I will start by contacting Rex and Troy and see if they are interested and then we will go from there.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 10:24 PM

Originally posted by mazzroth

Originally posted by catwhoknows
reply to post by heffo7


I am really into indigenous races - the Maori and the Aborigine.

I would like to know what happened to these races.

Jesus told them " Don't do anything until I get back!"

But seriously I am more interested in the Bunyip tales from Aboriginal folklore, its possible they are referring to that "Hobbit" like race recently found in Indonesia. The stories tell of small short haired human like creatures that had a penchant for stealing Aboriginal Children and eating them, perhaps just a different version of the "Boogey Man" but.

In the most excellent book titled "the Yowie - In Search of Australia's Bigfoot" by Tony Healy and Paul Cropper they devote an entire chapter to this smaller type. They call it Littlefoot or as the aborigines referred to it, The Junjudee.

This is a whole different kettle of fish, and I agree that there is strong suport for a link between these reports and our near neighbours find of the Homo floresiensis.

If you are at all interested in this subject do yourself a favour and buy this book. No affiliation just a recommendation.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 10:28 PM

Originally posted by Epsillion70
Argh! ...Come on Folks cant you see it was just a Sniper and his Spotter from 4RAR Holsworthy Army Base doing some training etc. Who were simply in their Ghille Suits and were probably prone in a LUP( Lying Up Position) and thought they were made out with this Dude walking around with his Camcorder and so threw rocks near him as a warning to stay away. Like who throws rocks at you from approximately 20 feet and completely misses.

[edit on 13-4-2010 by Epsillion70]

lol, wouldn't be the first time.

Had that happen to a mate of mine, minding his own business in the middle of nowhere, where sniper crept up to him and within ten feet sprang up in front of him scaring the wits out of my mate and saying he's now dead.

as for getting the rocks thrown, this guy maybe should have stayed within the confines of his camp instead of trying to follow and film the noises that he heard.
why walk around in the dark in the first place, stay put and use a large fire for security.

[edit on 13-4-2010 by redgy]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 10:30 PM
reply to post by srsen

Thank you for the google images, they were very informative. Star for your efforts sir

Although, your definition of accessible and mine vary.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Horza
reply to post by srsen

I was just about to put the call out as well.

So I will start by contacting Rex and Troy and see if they are interested and then we will go from there.

Hi Horza

Before any of you guys call them you better get the names right, I'm pretty sure the guy on youtube is named Tony not Troy. Might be the sensitive type. Or better still, just go with Mate hey.

Also just to clarify a point posted earlier, I don't think he was camping he was just checking out the area. He says it got dark really quickly and he was a bit caught out. I think he'll have his torch fully charged in future too!

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 10:47 PM

Originally posted by srsen
reply to post by heffo7

Sweet video. Interesting for sure.

On page one you asked if anyone knew any indigenous Australians who may be able to provide some info on the Yowie?

I have a suggestion.

My girlfriend's family owns the Echo Point centre near the Three Sisters. It has souvenir shop, cafe, restaurant, etc - anyone who's been there would know it.

There is a guy, an aboriginal guy, named Goombalah (not sure of spelling), he goes to centre for food n stuff quite alot, you could ask him.

For me, this guy seems very genuine and there is certainly 'something' in the bushes. Not saying it couldnt be faked, but you honestly never know! Interesting stuff

EDIT TO ADD: The guy in the youtube video gives a location.

12ks down Table Lands road in Wentworth Falls. Wow - i know how to get there. SO TEMPTED to take a trip with my camera... During the day of course...

[edit on 13-4-2010 by srsen]

[edit on 13-4-2010 by srsen]

Thanks for the information on the local aboriginal identity. Hope someone who's close can follow this up.

Your last statement though "...During the day of course..." Priceless! ROFL!!

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 10:57 PM

Originally posted by heffo7
Hi Kailassa

Thank you for your contribution. May I ask if you've ever seen anything out of the ordinary during one of your trips?

I believe I encountered metaphysical beings in the Black Spur/Royston River area, something like Dryads, and I came across some pretty strange people, but I saw nothing which could indicate I was sharing the bush with unknown physical creatures.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 11:18 PM
Here's the answer to the Gympie Pyramid question. Guess it was good old Rex not Tim that deserves the credit.

"Rex Gilroy himself was a poor student, a slow learner who was overlooked by the educational methods of that day, and had to teach himself. His home is overflowing with books, thousands of them. Here he is also surrounded by his huge collection, which includes several hundred rock inscriptions of Phoenician, Egyptian, Libyan Celtic and other ancient visitors who came to these shores thousands of years before Captain James Cook.

Here he keeps his collection of huge stone 'megatools' and other evidence of giant hominids, as well as a fossil skull collection showing the evolution of Homo erectus into Homo sapiens in Australia long before modern humans supposedly first evolved in Africa.

His research on our pre-Aboriginal history alone has taken up the past 35 years of his researching life.

Rex met his wife Heather in 1972 and since then they have become Australia's most famous research 'team', making regular field investigations Australia-wide, as well as in New Zealand on a variety of endeavours. They have found evidence of a surviving Little Scrub Moa colony in the North Island and in 2004 they will search areas in the South Island for the equally supposed long 'extinct' Giant Moa. The regions where they flightless birds are believed to survive is virtually impenetrable mountainous scrublands.

The 'father ' of Yowie research, he established the "Australian Yowie Research Centre" in 1965 and officially at his Katoomba home in the 1970's where all manner of evidence of these relict hominids is gathered and scientifically researched. Rex Gilroy was first to realise that the Yowie, or "hairy man" was living relict populations of Homo erectus, a tool-making, fire-making race and our immediate ancestor.

Yet, for all his 46 years of research into the Yowie mystery alone, he has had to face up to not only an often violent academic opposition, the ridicule of ignorant journalists, but the plagiarism of jealous 'researchers' who, unlike Rex and Heather Gilroy, seek only quick fame and MONEY using his hard-won findings for their own personal, selfish gain!

In the word of American author/publisher-researcher, David Hatcher Childress "I wouldn't want to be Rex Gilroy".

In the course of his field investigations, in July 1999 Rex Gilroy was lost in the dangerous Kanangra Boyd National park overnight, soaking wet in -3 degrees temperatures, and fighting hypothermia and hallucinations, had to battle his way up an escarpment through dense scrub, to be found the next morning, still on his feet despite exhaustion and a dislocated right shoulder!

In 1995 Nexus published his first book "Mysterious Australia" [soon to be re-released by URU Publications]. This book continues to inspire and encourage other future young researchers.

In 1999 the Gilroys formed URU Publications and have so far published "Pyramids in the Pacific - The Unwritten History of Australia" and "Giants From the Dreamtime - The Yowie in Myth and Reality", with more titles on the horizon, including a monster book on unknown animals, which is seen as the 'Bible' of Australian Cryptozoology, just as their "Giants From the Dreamtime" is hailed as the 'Bible' of Yowie research in Australia.

There have been attempts by university academics to discredit Rex Gilroy's books, even to the point of sending a delegation to the Gilroy home to ask them to withdraw "Pyramids in the Pacific" from sale while a university historian went over the text, and who would subsequently tell them what they had to remove and what they could retain!

The 'delegation' [which included an elderly retired politician in his nineties!] was naturally sent packing by Rex - after a lecture on free speech and the freedom of people to make up their own minds about what they want to believe about our ancient past.

At this the former politician retorted "The public have to be told what to think sometimes!"

Back in 1965 Rex Gilroy discovered a number of mysterious altar stones and strange rock script at site on the Blue Mountains. It was the beginning of a lifelong quest to uncover what has become the "Lost [megalithic] civilisation of Uru". After 28 years he was able to 'crack' the translation of the mystery script [Rex is deeply involved in Epigraphy] to find that this people called themselves the Uru [a root word of 'Aryan'] and that this the THE 'mother' civilisation, which arose here in Australia to spread out across the earth at the dawn of history.

The Gilroys, aided by a team of trustworthy field assistants, are searching the continent, turning up lengthy stone alignments, circles, temples and other astronomical site of this advanced stone-age civilisation. "When in 1965 I realised I was the discoverer of a 'lost civilisation' I felt like Heinrich Schliemann, who discovered the lost city of Troy in 1873.

Schliemann was rubbished by jealous university academics at the time who tried to discredit the importance of his discovery, due to his lack of academic credentials. I soon got a taste of what Heinrich Schleimann went through, when I tried to write newspaper articles on my find in the later part of the 1960's and early 1970's, and they were dismissed as nonsense by journalists who knew nothing about these matters anyway.

"I have made many important discoveries over the years, may with the loyal assistance of my wife Heather. Finds which would question many aspects of our 'official' history - fossil hominid footprints, Homo erectus [mineralised] skull-types, the Gympie and Cooktown pyramids; countless rock inscriptions left by a host of ancient maritime peoples, and all have without exception been dismissed out-of-hand and my work discredited in the media, by a close-minded academic establishment.

Slander and ridicule are no strangers to Me", said Rex.

The Lost Civilisation of Uru is the subject of another book which the Gilroys will publish in the near future. Like everything else they produce, or lecture on, it is regarded as "not Politically Correct"!"


posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 11:32 PM

Originally posted by Kailassa

Originally posted by heffo7
Hi Kailassa

Thank you for your contribution. May I ask if you've ever seen anything out of the ordinary during one of your trips?

I believe I encountered metaphysical beings in the Black Spur/Royston River area, something like Dryads, and I came across some pretty strange people, but I saw nothing which could indicate I was sharing the bush with unknown physical creatures.

I had to look this up.

"Greek mythology tells many tales of nymphs—beautiful female demi-goddesses, often associated with water, who sometimes have human lovers.Nereids are sea nymphs; naiads are freshwater nymphs. There are also woodland nymphs known as dryads."

Read more: Nymphs - Nereids, naiads, dryads

Sorry, but this just begs the question. Did she want to sleep with you?

Mods, I know this is off topic but I've just gotta hear the answer to this. (Well maybe not off topic, we are discussing things that go bump in the night).

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 11:45 PM

Originally posted by acrux
reply to post by heffo7

Tim the Yowie Man, now there's a character.
Would love to go on one of those tours. Power to you man. I do hope you'll create a thread about the experience? Be a very interesting read I'm sure. Or feel free to add it here.

Yes should be great, but unfortunately I cannot go until his August 2010 tour.

Names 91 in top 100 Aussies ever

Although Tim the Yowie Man predominantly made the exclusive list due to his David and Goliath legal victory against confectionary giant Cadbury, over use of the word ‘Yowie,’ his other antics including a lifelong dedication to tracking Australia’s mysterious phenomena, breaking into the US survivor campsite in outback Queensland in year 2000, and successfully attempting to break the drought by shaking his rainstick in June this year, certainly did him no harm.

“Being named in this list even beats the day I spotted the Hawaiian lava tube mutant pig monster for the first time,” exclaims the elated real-life super sleuth - the only cryptonaturalist to make the list

"Being named in this list even beats the day I spotted the Hawaiian lava tube mutant pig monster for the first time,”

I missed this the first time I read it, that is hilarious.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 11:51 PM
Just posted a message on Tony's youtube account (Rickrocket2010) regarding this thread. Hopefully he heads on over and joins in the conversation.

Maybe someone else should contact him too?

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:04 AM

Originally posted by srsen
Just posted a message on Tony's youtube account (Rickrocket2010) regarding this thread. Hopefully he heads on over and joins in the conversation.

Maybe someone else should contact him too?

Good thinking! I'm off over there now. He's probably gonna still be at work for another couple of hours, but I hope he joins in the thread tonight. That would be great!

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:14 AM
If you pause at 2:43 the camera is pointed at another person. And it cant be him pointing it at himself because the person in the frame appears to be holding a camera or looking at whatever is strapped around their neck. Very fishy...

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:22 AM

If you pause at 2:43 the camera is pointed at another person. And it cant be him pointing it at himself because the person in the frame appears to be holding a camera or looking at whatever is strapped around their neck. Very fishy...

Gee your a better man then me gungadin. I cant make out that other person. I see a tree but a person

Now I am not saying the myth/ legend of the Yowie does/ doesn't exist, but there would be some people in Australia that have had enough of life and go live in solitude off the land. Australia being so vast is a perfect place to do this


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:31 AM

Originally posted by Dark Passenger
If you pause at 2:43 the camera is pointed at another person. And it cant be him pointing it at himself because the person in the frame appears to be holding a camera or looking at whatever is strapped around their neck. Very fishy...

I noticed that too and assumed it's a later added scene or a bad edit. Seems unlikely he'd leave it in if the intention was to hoax. Cryptozoology is infested with hoaxers so it's hard to say.

For anyone else interested in reading more, Fortean Times comes up with the goods as usual...

"Then this thing absolutely roared," Jerry recalls. "It was alien, and it sounded like nothing I’ve ever heard in my life. We didn’t have a torch so we couldn’t really see anything. But the feeling that came from it was like a physical barrier, like I was a threat to it. This wall of fear hit me and the hair stood up on my arms and the back of my neck. I just dragged Sue inside and shut the door. There was nothing that I was taught about in the Aussie bush that sounded like this. I never wanted to hear anything like it again, it was that frightening."
The Yowie

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:33 AM
I see nothing in the videos at all to suggest these creatures were there?

Being out in the BMs in the deep bush, you are going to hear noises.
Anyhoo carry on

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:33 AM

Originally posted by auswally

If you pause at 2:43 the camera is pointed at another person. And it cant be him pointing it at himself because the person in the frame appears to be holding a camera or looking at whatever is strapped around their neck. Very fishy...

Gee your a better man then me gungadin. I cant make out that other person. I see a tree but a person

Now I am not saying the myth/ legend of the Yowie does/ doesn't exist, but there would be some people in Australia that have had enough of life and go live in solitude off the land. Australia being so vast is a perfect place to do this


A tree? lol you need to get your eyes checked, from 2:43 to 2:46 he is shining his flashlight on another person, its clear as day. Now maybe this is just a bad edit, and this was from when he was shooting somthing else. Or maybe he didnt edit his video good enough.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:35 AM
reply to post by zazzafrazz

I see nothing in the videos at all to suggest these creatures were there?

Its funny you say that, because those noises in the back ground really do sound like a hopping dog hopping away


edit will check eyes mate

[edit on 14-4-2010 by auswally]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by Dark Passenger

Originally posted by auswally

If you pause at 2:43 the camera is pointed at another person. And it cant be him pointing it at himself because the person in the frame appears to be holding a camera or looking at whatever is strapped around their neck. Very fishy...

Gee your a better man then me gungadin. I cant make out that other person. I see a tree but a person

Now I am not saying the myth/ legend of the Yowie does/ doesn't exist, but there would be some people in Australia that have had enough of life and go live in solitude off the land. Australia being so vast is a perfect place to do this


A tree? lol you need to get your eyes checked, from 2:43 to 2:46 he is shining his flashlight on another person, its clear as day. Now maybe this is just a bad edit, and this was from when he was shooting somthing else. Or maybe he didnt edit his video good enough.

He answers this question on another forum.

I've asked on you tube who the guy is who shows up right at the end of the vid - looks too far away from the vid to be the person who's holding it?
And has replied to me - leftover footage on the tape from when he last used it.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 12:51 AM
Its an interesting video, but personally if i was being stalked by mythical beasts and they were hurling large rocks at me and pacing my perimeter. Im not sure i would be sane enough to narrate a video for the users on you tube

And why turn the camera off? You finally find yowie after endless searching and you cant even leave the sound on while you walk back to your car? The guy is on the verge of making world history and its to much of an inconvenience to leave the camera on?

@Heff07: Ah ok, fair enough seemed like it may be from another time.

[edit on 14-4-2010 by Dark Passenger]

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