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The New Religion

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posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by mararas

Why not making a choice and find the word god in good?

Great post my friend, I have often mused if you take a O out of Good you have God and at a D to Evil and you have the Devil.

Sometimes I wonder if the metaphorical has been lost in translation over the centuries.

The Getty Museum in Malibu, CA has a beatuiful and the world's largest collection of illuminated Bibles.

Back before the days of the printing press, Bibles were all written by hand, by clerics and scribes, and about the only people who could afford them were those of Noble lineage.

Naturally they would take months if not years to have a Bible written out for you in hand, and they focused on making them real works of art.

They would take animal intestines, catgut, and stretch it as thin as cellophane and then color religious pictures in them that mimic stained glass windows, in place them in holes cut out in the parchment.

That's how much effort and art went into making them before the printing press, and their collection of them stems hundreds of years of that practice.

If you took the Modern St. James version of a Bible and compared it to those, the differences would probably be varied and startling.

Those illuminated Bibles didn't start appearing until around the 1100's so imagine from about 400 hundred on, with each Bible being copied and written out by hand, how much might have been changed or altered just with an errant stroke of the pen.

Food for thought.

Great post, thanks for sharing.

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by ProtoplasmicTraveler

I would like to touch base on a concept you brought up in this thread, one which I feel we all need to consider when taking into account our various proposals for the appropriate One World Religion. That concept is: fear.

I think, PT, that you -possibly unknowingly - stated a very valid fact when you asked if it was the political and religious leaders who stirred up mankind's fear and paranoia. I believe that it is.

Consider Ur, the one-time capitol of Sumeria. Ur was a vital well-spring of cultural connectivity in ancient Mesopotamia. You had not only international trade among the various Mesopotamian tribes and bands, but you had transnational trade among the pagan Arabs, the polytheistic Egyptians, the monotheistic / dualistic Persians, and the animistic / shamanistic residents of Mesopotamia.

Yes, there is no doubt that there was war and fighting, slavery, death and disagreement among these factions. However, it is also historically believed that all of these groups would unite during festivals, rites and ceremonies. That a suffering city-state in Mesopotamia would be aided by his war-torn enemies in times of suffering. That trading between all of these groups brought diverse philosophies, sciences and agricultural revolutions to all of these areas is no question.

What belonged to one, was traded and exchanged to all over the course of time. Religious and political divides did not matter to these ancient "barbaric" peoples.

They had no concept of fear when it came to their fellow man. All men were equal in these cultures eyes. All philosophies equal. A conquered city-states defined religion would be adapted into the new controlling powers existent religion. Those who followed the god Anu were absorbed into those who followed Enlil. Anu was not wiped away, but continued to be embraced and respected even by the new conquerors.

Such is what we need to happen again.


Let the extra-dimensional believers unite over 4d discussions with the extra-terrestrial believers.

Let these two groups find a union with the spiritualist who believes it is humans themselves, not only through the aid of extra-sensory beings, who are capable of reaching these realms.

Let all three of those parties coincide with the Christian who believes that our body is merely a shell holding in a spirit which craves to be with it's Creator in a separate dimensional space.

Let all of these groups meet and have a cup of tea with the Satanist who espouses a belief that carnal, human desires and emotions are vital to understanding and living a full human experience.

After tea let them all join in a circle of hands with the shaman and the pagan who feel human emotion and desire should be coupled with nature and her ways to unlock a fuller understanding of everything.

Once we've got all of these folks together, let them sit and have a talk with the Buddhist at the end of the street. Maybe if they don't agree that all life is Dukkha they can at least build a greater respect and distinction in their own beliefs by talking with one who seeks to eliminate himself from all beliefs, because there might be a higher plane of existence waiting for those who do not feel the Wheel of Saṃsāra should hold sway over them.

Let the agnostic come and see, for maybe in this day-trip through the valley of belief he might come to a firmer understanding of his stance on the existence of God, and what that existence might be. Or maybe he won't, in which case he remains an Agnostic.

And finally, let the atheist continue in his or her own stead. Life is long, and many joyous wonders await us here. Let us not forget life is ours to live and we should fill it with as many filling things as we can, while we can.

Most of all though, let none of these people fear each other.


I'm a dreamer too. But sometimes a dream is just what it takes to bring about a great change.

~ Scribe

[edit on 12/4/10 by Wandering Scribe]

[edit on 12/4/10 by Wandering Scribe]

posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 10:25 PM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by lowki

Intresting but what abouth cohesion for the ones being added to the group. And the ones wanting to leave the group, It will cause friction especially with human emotion involved,

there are many systems that can be implemented.

one that I was mind-sensing,
mix of what's been done before.
at age 12 or 13 children are allowed to run free,
build a home, and marry if they so wish.

they can choose to stay with the tribe,
or go elsewhere.

though some tribes might have "rules" about these things, "rules" are optional,
just as DNA "plans" can be different for different biological entities.

indeed "social rules" are things we follow out of courtesy for one another.
though really it stems from karmic balancing,
what we do to our peers, our peers do to us.

at some point the tribe might decide to get a new member,
perhaps a member died, and they wish to maintain a certain number.
they can send out a call, or review the local listings of people looking for a tribe.

the only way I can see this to work is 1. the fab lab are really high performance bordaring on nanotech

I have a distaste of nanotech due to short lifespans of assosciated technologies.

what's required
alternating current frequency modulator(s),
motors or pumps (actuators),
circuit boards.

with that can have induction furnace,
computer controlled cutting and drilling machines.
printers, and all the things for replicating.

with that can make a loom,
an other things.

macro-scale items have longer life expectancy.
also longer history of use, easier to repair.

if anything I'd like a computer that's built to live at least a hundred years,
preferably a thousand or more, especially if colonizing other worlds.

this might mean having thicker circuits,
slower speeds, and lower density storage,
but longer life.

can still make use of short-lived but really fast things,
especially once set up to be able to produce them regularly,
but a long lived back-up system is a safety measure worth investing in.

2. The indeviduals are of a like mind like the amish, wich is rare in humanity.

agreed, though it's actually called an atom-tribe.

tribes are very common throughout the universe.
there are many pack animals,
indeed intelligent-species typically evolved as social tribe animals.

what's rare in the universe,
is restriction on activities,
by small groups of entities.

for instance a whirl-wind planet or plasma planet doesn't tell which entity can do what.
there is perhaps a general motivating force in a certain direction.

even federation planets typically organize people in small groups,
on Pleiadian Erra it's groups of 1-5,
for Arcturians it's typically pods of 20-30.

industrial cities were an abomination created by slave masters,
wishing to put all their slaves into one place,
so they'd be easier to control.
certainly depletes life expectancy.

with atom-tribes us being a resilient species,
just as atoms and nature be resilient.

3. Unless all other atom tribes are of a similar mind, there will be war on other atom tribes, and again humanity is to diverse for stability for long periods.
I mean look at cristianity, muslims, and judaism they are all worshipping the same god, they just call it by different names, and they dont get along very well.

excellent, evolution continues.

where in nature have you seen the stagnation that purists endear?
perhaps in the fossil record.

Can still find some nautilus in the ocean.
Some call it a "living fossil", it doesn't look forward, only looks backwards.
Many homo-sapiens are taught to do as the nautilus does.

with atom-tribes we can actually increase diversity.
if some decide to be predators like our reptilian ancestors,
that's completely fine.

And 4. If this succeeds over long periods of time the comunitys will become bland, even gray in nature sort of say, how will diversity be astablished so as to not break apart the atom tribes, but also to not be boring/bland

well there is the "plan" or DNA of an atom-tribe,
which can be modified by the tribe,
to account for new information, or ways of doing things.

since it's these ideological differences which can lead to a split up,
a tribe can choose to keep to the traditional way,
and another can try a new way.
whichever prevails is more successful.

just like in nature.
similarly to "sexual reproduction"
an atom tribe can choose to adopt plans/beliefs from other tribes,
integrating them with their own.

an eco-system of intelligent species.
with conflicts at such a low-level,
and atom-tribes being so small.

most predators will be able to make due with small weapons,
which are relatively harmless to the environment.
similarily it will be relatively easy to defend oneself,
as only have to convince the predator can get an easier meal elsewhere.

adrenaline rush.
a natural flow, not from caffeine,
but the exhilaration of thrival.

[edit on 12-4-2010 by lowki]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 02:05 AM
The New Religion today is the omnipresent holier-than-thou preaching of Newagers who know what's right for you, of how to come to terms with beliefs of 2012 or whatever, all beliefs being a product of the mind, the mind conditioned by everything read, watched, taught or bludgeoned into it. I trust no one. 'To believe is not to be. To not believe is to be' - either way, that's still a belief. Despite all my leanings in any direction, I confess my ignorance. Inevitable death is the only reality. So someone tell me that that's an illusion, like reality itself, which, let's face it, is a contradiction in terms. We live in a world of Theorists, one of endless hot air, never provable here or in the next (if there is one).
You can say that's merely my opinion, but it's what I see.


posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 04:12 AM
reply to post by lowki

Intresting your plans for atom tribes are better then most and it makes sense because on thouse scales it would be efficient, though I dont understand were your distaste for nanotech comes from since you said you would like a computer with a lifespan of a thousand years, but whatever. And also what I meant of war on atom tribes is the space between them the unknown, were will the regulation come so as when they fight amongst eachother the balance is keept stable, what I meant by the war interaction is if you keep it to frequent it will be unstable and if there is not enough war it will grow stale. But in either case the ones that win will assimilate and grow eventually reaching a unstable number, wich will eventually assimilate all thus destroying the atom tribes. How will they be keept from assimilateing thill they become unstable, wont you need a third force to keep them within bounds.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 09:23 AM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by lowki

Intresting your plans for atom tribes are better then most and it makes sense because on thouse scales it would be efficient,

thanks :-)

though I dont understand were your distaste for nanotech comes from since you said you would like a computer with a lifespan of a thousand years, but whatever.

a small pyramid made on a beach of sand,
might live a few hours.

a large pyramid made of megalithic stones,
can live a few thousand years.

if there is some "nano-factory" chances are it would be extremely fragile,
what if something breaks? then it's little more use than a rock.

I have a friend that works for a major CPU company.
he says that at the nano-scale there are "random-fluctuations" of quantum particles (heat),
any one of which could rupture a pathway leaving it unusable.

Says the only way to have a longer lived CPU is to have thicker pathways,
which would be resilient against such natural fluctuations.

The half-life of a hard-drive is about 6 years,
flash-drive 5 years,
optical disk 30 years,
alkaline-paper 500 years,
fired-clay tablet 4,000 years+
fired-clay in caves 30,000 years+

can probably achieve even longer life expectancies
by keeping things in distant orbits or on cold rocky planets.

And also what I meant of war on atom tribes is the space between them the unknown,

Yes, well atoms certainly do have much space between each other.
If we had that much room, each person/atom would have a radius of at least about 30km of empty space.

that's not quite feasible at the moment.
we are in a star, (earth) where we are closer together.

though tribes can still be organised in a similar fashion.
with community core area at center,
though technically the zeroth zone,
so might be a quiet area for meditation,
like the eye of a whirl wind.
residential area surrounding that,
with forest garden and production facilities surrounding that.
a series of concentric circles,
with spiral paths through them.
similar to a galaxy.

here is concentric circles laid out by golden phi fibonacci, 1, 3, 4, 7, 11,
can potentially be used as layout plans.

the section around the residential area,
can have a fence, traps, and various security measures.
the safe spiral paths through them can be marked.
and known by residents.

for purposes of security, guests and temporary visitors
can be entertained outside this zone.

only tribe-members should really have any business going into the residential or zeroth section.

to commemorate many a belief-system on this planet,
can have a pole or monument at the very center of the tribe.

were will the regulation come so as when they fight amongst eachother the balance is keept stable, what I meant by the war interaction is if you keep it to frequent it will be unstable and if there is not enough war it will grow stale.

well nature just lets things happen.
there might be some etheric-spirits and the planetary soul,
that helps with maintaining equilibrium.

though generally an entity can assimilate atoms as part of it's body whenever it eats.
some are ejected as waste and might take part in a different organism, like a bacteria or fungi.

eventually host-bodies wear down and die, returning their atoms to nature.

But in either case the ones that win will assimilate and grow eventually reaching a unstable number, wich will eventually assimilate all thus destroying the atom tribes. How will they be keept from assimilateing thill they become unstable, wont you need a third force to keep them within bounds.

atom-tribes are supposed to be more efficient and effective.
that's really the advantage.

a hierarchy or megalithic organization tends to be bulky and cumbersome,
with many unsatisfied peoples.

so when there are atom-tribes, they can lure people from being "cogs" in a national or corporate machine, to being protons of an atom tribe.
the atom-tribe lifestyle be a paradise worth striving for.

though there can be "large groups" as atoms connect into molecules, cells, and all the rest.
chances are that there would be several such groups arising,
so can maintain equilibrium amongst each other.

and there would probably also be atom-tribes in remote places no one is even aware of.
there are more atoms than biological organisms, there are more mono-cellular organisms than multi-cellular.

even homo-sapiens a relatively advanced multi-cellular organism,
has to go to great lengths to create a clean room free of bacteria,
and only vacuum chambers are even theoretically free of atoms.

even if a larger inter-connected group forms,
such as a multicellular organism, it is still comprised of many atoms.

In a way we can look at intelligent-species evolution as universe evolution.
Astro-physicists tell us
at some point there were many large suns,
atoms formed within,
the suns eventually exploded,
forming galaxies.

the atoms of our host-bodies were made within stars.

the life cycle continues.

[edit on 13-4-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 13-4-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 13-4-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 13-4-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 13-4-2010 by lowki]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 01:49 PM
The new religion is not one that will be really for this crop,so to speak. We're discussing something horrific here, one most of us still don't want to wake up and see. The Colorado Denver Airport, and the huge statue of the horrific Apocalypse horse, a place of such significance that they have now transferred both the head of the CIA and the Military/Northern Command offices to. The murals speak of a ethnic cleansing of billions, and the horse speaks of a harvest.

The way out of this, possibly not able to stop some unavoidable events, but to mitigate them, transform them and redirect the energies from them into a new option and world stage, is rather simple.

We must show in large numbers that we are aware, not in darkness thoughtless apathy, ie. all their official stories have so many 100s of holes in them,that they themselves spotlight to us for a reason. Because there is a Universal Law and actions do have consequences, and so do theirs, and they are managing an old empire (one of millions like this) fascist duality system school. And LOVE is the answer, not every man for himself, ignore your neighbor, but truly wishing for and taking actions for a world with absolute equality. Because this test is about Love, and for many its a test to see if we wake up in the dream, becoming who we really are. And everyone is your beloved brother and sister in the light. Its also being recorded for prosperity sake. I was shown this by my Higher Self.

As I became myself, and as every step down the stairs took on a light filled boyant feeling, I suddenly said to myself, Where do you think you anyway? Do you really think you could leave your home? Vague images of laying on a cot with veils of curtains, partly see through, shapes of my family talking on the other side, then a huge movie screen curtain, and when pulled back the dvd is playing. Smile you're on candid camera, and since this role of film covers all of our lives, perhaps we should examine what roles we're playing.

There is a spirituality to life, and a matrix. They have been managing this fascism for a long time, just out of our sight, phased so most don't see it. They already know that this represents reality:

Reality is an illusion. An illusion created by the Mind.

Basically dinosaurs evolved first in this universe, before mammals, and they have a different mind set than mammals. So control and domination and exploitation or managing others like livestock is their mentality. Also know they advanced intellectually/scientifically ahead of us as well. And they operate in a empire fashion. Of course the universe is a duality so there are many free planets as well.

What is reality, especially if someone controls the imput signal to your brain? When someone controls the signals, where are you?

This is however a real test, a duality school, and if you connect to your Higher Self, regularly, it becomes a little less frightening, and less harsh than we're seeing, because, we get all the help we need to get through. For example in my experience that I shared, as I became me there was a playful, joyous element to this, showing behind the illusion. Home.

Though high technology may form a matrix, its something that a child can see that passes the test: LOVE and doing the right thing from love, and compassion and equality.

It is not about, never about, and never can ever be about: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.
but about, empowering others, and striving for their happiness always.

This Universe is NOT the Creator. Its a digital hollogram. We did not come from NOTHINGNESS! We are the INFINITE LIGHT. Light/energy = consciousness/LIFE.

In this world, some people manage to turn off their control mechanisms including RELIGION and reach a state of memories, connections to Higher Self, and awareness of what the universe and reality is showing them. Even glimpses of whats behind the veil, the curtain.

Note, the veil, the curtain is NOT the curtain of life here, or life beyond here, it is the CURTAIN of whats BEYOND this Universe!

Why is it that in the vacuum of space, they have an infinity that is so large and big, they couldn't mathematically tidy it up by rounding off the numbers, they had to create a hack program and interject another element into the equation? That in one cubic centimeter of vacuum there is more energy than all the energy in the known universe going back towards their mythical big bang. Zero point streaming in.

In reality this universe and our lives is like a digital television set, and if the signal all stops, but we don't stop ever.

In infinity, there is no ONE, the math doesnt work, there is only 11111111111..............., and all contain the whole, within all possibilities and potentials we are identical, therefore all are completely and profoundly EQUAL, and loved as family.

We are all 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000001%. of our Higher Selves.

By the way, this is the kind of stuff that starts to open up in you, when you study the metaphysics, the real nature of Infinity, and look within your heart/love to reach your Higher Self.

So, the answer is to not form any knew religion, by not allowing them to truly take out the next of cookies from the oven after harvesting this one, and duping the next crowd.

But instead, simply turn within, study metaphysics, practice psi,and telepathy, and most of all put your LOVE into action and always care for the little guy, the homeless and the world, and write in and tell them its over, they're fired and share the world you wish to see, but forgive everyone including them.

Because the whole batches, cookies in the oven and reality might have a new outcome here on earth if we see it properly.

In short, if things progress as they're going, we won't be here to influence a new religion.

Edited to clarify and add an experience.

[edit on 13-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 05:04 PM
reply to post by Unity_99

A truly excellent and well thought out post and series of contentions.

It would truly seem that the Elites are up to no good, and planning some horrible series of events.

Though this could just be some Mad Hatter's way of tricking their wife into thinking they aren't going to remember their 50th Wedding Anniversary!

Yet I think many would agree that there is so much more to the infinite universe and the cosmos that surround us, and even the world we live on, that we have yet to be told of, or to discover ourselves.

Some would say most religions in their present forms are designed to disquise these things or to obscure them, or at least to keep the masses from hearing of and talking about them.

Yet evolution is a process that while many might attempt to tamper with it, or slow it down, can't truly be stopped.

The posibilities are endless, and it's a shame that so many of the current possibilities and alternatives are either poor ones, or ones with unhappy endings.

Will we ever have the courage to collectively look beyond the illusion of life as so many percieve it currently?

I like to think so!

Thanks for a really great post.

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 05:50 PM
I heard and also contemplated before hand how all this is tied into the New Age Movement which may be actually the opposite of what it claims to be. I feel as though a large portion of the movement is anti-spiritual and is basically creating puppets to spout out all this crap that someone else implanted in their heads.

Some new agers are even against entheogens and the like which is where all this stuff comes from in the first place. It's a form of mind control if you ask me. There is something sinister behind it all even if that is just a money scheme.

[edit on 13-4-2010 by Hullabaloo]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:02 PM
[edit on 063030p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:10 PM
[edit on 063030p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:13 PM
[edit on 063030p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:25 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

This is my push something that is on time, and needed by everyone here, so its something that humanity needs to think on beacause its the real journey. This is what this about for many people and they need to be nudged into this ASAP.

In other words, this is for all who can hear, or rather feel inside, because thats the process, and those who reach inside will start the awakening, and pass the test.

Push is a hard word to describe as I don't want to go into great depth now, but this involves lifelong experiences, sitings of many crafts shared with family, and contact, that is continual, in addition to my Higher Self, with ever increasing needs to bring awareness, because the test for many, is to became aware, to wake up, and really become themselves, in this state they are Love.

And basically, if people weren't ready for the message, I wouldnt be here, and yet I am. So some indeed are.

[edit on 13-4-2010 by Unity_99]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:44 PM
[edit on 063030p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by Hullabaloo

Everything is mind control, your thoughts are the result of every life experience, you would have to have lived on a deserted island to have pure uninfluenced thoughts.

We wont start a new religion, it will start from some earth altering event.

[edit on 063030p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

So I was premature in ordering the robes and frocks for the New Protoism Priests?

Makes me feel a lot better there aren't any Priests yet to wear them!

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:49 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Have you every noticed how the birth canal has a light at the end of the tunnel?

This is why I chose to arrive late at night, when everyone was sleeping!!!

Wait, this isn't the Santa Clause thread is it?

Never mind!

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler

Originally posted by Stormdancer777
reply to post by Hullabaloo

Everything is mind control, your thoughts are the result of every life experience, you would have to have lived on a deserted island to have pure uninfluenced thoughts.

We wont start a new religion, it will start from some earth altering event.

[edit on 063030p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

So I was premature in ordering the robes and frocks for the New Protoism Priests?

Makes me feel a lot better there aren't any Priests yet to wear them!

Do you want priest in your new religion?

I would like to think we would be one with one another.

No one would lord over another, instinctively we will have attained perfection with telepathic thoughts, that sort of thinking/ communication that we will finally be at peace, and know all there is to know..

That would be fully aware and awake.

[edit on 063030p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 06:53 PM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Have you every noticed how the birth canal has a light at the end of the tunnel?

This is why I chose to arrive late at night, when everyone was sleeping!!!

Wait, this isn't the Santa Clause thread is it?

Never mind!


You didn't get it?

Well I am sorry, I will leave.

I don't think I will like your new religion.

[edit on 063030p://bTuesday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 07:01 PM

Originally posted by Unity_99

The way out of this, possibly not able to stop some unavoidable events, but to mitigate them, transform them and redirect the energies from them into a new option and world stage, is rather simple.

yes like creating a thriving atom-tribe community.

then even if events come to pass,
you and those with you will be quite fine.

We must show in large numbers that we are aware,

how could that possibly change anything?

I guess if one is aware of a predator one can do something about it.
hmmm, like form an atom-tribe.

"large numbers" is quite optional,
even one could start it,
then invite more people.

It is not about, never about, and never can ever be about: SURVIVAL OF THE FITTEST.
but about, empowering others, and striving for their happiness always.

sounds like just another fitness metric.
large government systems breed specialists that can work with their specific rules.

being a servant for other people,
only aids pack animals that work together to accomplish a goal.

Though conceivably if you helped your food grow bigger,
like having a forest garden, you could satisfy the urge to help others,
while at the same time allowing yourself to feed.

In any case I prefer the term Thrival.

and I don't really know what a "fittest" could possibly be,
seems like some kind of conformist term,
since there is "fitting".

a better way to state it "Thrival of the We with You"
since that's really what's happening with atom-tribes.
There is always a universe within infinity for you and those with you where you live on.

With whichever qualities you'd like to classify yourself as having.

[edit on 13-4-2010 by lowki]

[edit on 13-4-2010 by lowki]

posted on Apr, 13 2010 @ 07:08 PM
reply to post by Stormdancer777

Do you want priest in your new religion?

The New Protoism Religion would ideally have the following things in it’s temples…

1. Priests (scantily but colorfully clad, no sequins though, that’s tacky!)
2. Poles (For Pole Dancing)
3. Steam Rooms, Saunas and Jacuzzis (for purification, yeah that’s it?)
4. A Media Wall (With Flat Screened TVs with Satellite Feeds for all the latest sports action!)
5. Reclining Pews (Leather with adjustable electronic lumbar supports, with built in cup holders and ashtrays)
6. Betting Windows (To take full advantage of the Flat Screen TV sports feeds, no truth to the rumor the sports feeds to the congregants are on a delay, while the Priests are getting the action real time in their offices, none at all)
7. Soft Serve Ice Cream Machines
8. Gourmet Restaurants
9. Gift Shops
10. Concierge Desk
11. Day Care Center
12. Bocci Ball and Shuffle Board Courts and Dart Boards and Billiard Tables and Horse Shoe Pits, Black Jack, Craps, and Baccarat Tables, and a Roulette Wheel.
13. A really, really big Barbeque

Here we see the prerequisite all important 13 elements necessary in any of Earth’s Religions.

I feel this could all prove to be very popular with the masses, I am just not sure whether to name the New Religion...Protoism or Viva Las Vegas!

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