posted on Aug, 28 2012 @ 02:51 PM
Well, she has been quiet until last night. There were a series of explosions on the southwestern rim of the New Southeast Crater which lasted about
ten minutes. This was followed by some smaller ash emissions. It seems to have removed a portion of the crater rim and caused an avalanche of mostly
old, but still slightly hot stuff on the south flank of the cone. There was already a gap, but this has significantly widened.There is also a new vent
up there The explosive ash emissions at the nearby Bocca Nova crater have ceased for the moment. So this looks like the beginning of a new chapter in
Etna's activity. Perhaps the return of the monthly paroxysm?
A few small quakes again today.
Magnitude: 2.0
Location: Sicily, Italy
Time: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 15:57:52 GMT+01:00
GMT: Tue, 28 Aug 2012 14:57:52 GMT
Latitude: 37° 7' 11" N (37.1200°)
Longitude: 14° 34' 47" E (14.5800°)
Depth: 21.0 km