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Wikileaks Video Released!!

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posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by Archirvion
To be honest,i dont see the bad thing in this video. I am also a former Elitesoldier and been in war. You normal and everyday living people dont know how it is down there. Its all about survival,you cant trust no one. If you are uncertain of your life,shoot. Because if you dont,i promise you that they will. They WILL kill you.

If i was in the same position as those in the video, i would also shoot them. Just look at their body langauge,if you dont know anything about war or psychology you dont understand.

I do not respect troops who shoot down people for fun,but in this case i dont think its the issue.

If you have seen what they do down there, iraqi and many others,they rape,shoot,torture eachother like animals. Normal rules and regulations are usually taken away. And the persons are typical persons who dont understand peace or reason,you cant talk with them,its impossible because they wont understand.

This is a video of a well done job. Not anything else. If bombs aint raining from the sky were you are sitting right now. Your opinion doesnt even count,cause you are in heaven and they are in hell.

I used to be a combat diver from 91 to 2004. One of the things we were though was exactly to analyse body language and body behavior. Not just to interpret who is a foe, but to identify our own as well. You should know what i am talking about.

From the video there is only one incident that might cause a concern for attention. And that is when you see the guy sitting at the corner of the wall with a object (camera) pointing out. When i say attention that means it needs to be further clarified as a hostile act. Hiding is not a hostile act its a normal human reaction.

If you see the video again. The pilots had made up their mind about a hostile crowd long before they had clarified it as such.

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by Reign02

I'm not going into discussion what is or what isn't, and please, don't put meanings in words I didn't say.

I'm not american btw, I'm with NATO.

And again, I'm not discussing all situations, I know them like you do. I just think this is was a irresponsible act with too much trigger happy factors and some unnecessary use of force.

I'm not even saying that they shouldn't have engaged the targets. I just think they should be more responsible when doing so.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:34 AM
reply to post by Elvis_Is_Dead

I understand, I just don't understand why people especially Americans have decided that this is what war is.

When some one joins the military they join to risk their lives and fight. To follow orders and such. So blow up and maim threats to their lives.

But just joyriding around town picking off any group of people who are possibly armed is just wrong, I never imagined such a cowardly creature existed.

The USA is turning the proud US military into a shooting video game. Whats the point? Mine as well just call it pest control.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:45 AM
Its interesting how these soldiers have the "Predator" syndrome, where if you have a weapon (or something that looks like a weapon) you get shot. That's sad that soldiers have the same programming as the fictional early 1990's Hollywood Monster mentality.

also, CNN has this on front page news:

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:46 AM
reply to post by Blood Eagle

I do have to hand it to the ground troops that arrived on the scene, They tried to get the best possible care for those kids.

The USA does have a very ethical military, Most of these soldiers care more for kids and women than any military out there.

But things are changing, Having the US ride around in choppers shooting at the first sign of danger, in a heavily civilian populated area, in a country they have absolutely no business being in, is retarded. And the fact that The Iraq war is not viewed as the most retarded money driven war in the history of the world is retarded.

We are treating people worse than Saddam did all in the name of helping them. That's retarded.

You never go full retard man....

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:57 AM

Originally posted by Izarith
reply to post by Blood Eagle

I do have to hand it to the ground troops that arrived on the scene, They tried to get the best possible care for those kids.

The USA does have a very ethical military, Most of these soldiers care more for kids and women than any military out there.

But things are changing, Having the US ride around in choppers shooting at the first sign of danger, in a heavily civilian populated area, in a country they have absolutely no business being in, is retarded. And the fact that The Iraq war is not viewed as the most retarded money driven war in the history of the world is retarded.

We are treating people worse than Saddam did all in the name of helping them. That's retarded.

You never go full retard man....

To be honest yes most of the ground troops did the right thing except one vehicle driving over a dead body. He had no business driving in there when they already had the perimeter secured with Bradly's. And the chopper circling from above.
They also laughed at that scenario as if it was a cool thing to do.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 06:59 AM
I don't trust the audio, and the captions. If you notice, it looks like there were other captions being covered up.

I believe they knew EXACTLY who these people were, and were intentionally silencing journalist.

How much you wanna bet, the conversation went more like,..

OK, we found em.

Take em out.

Take out all witnesses too.

Nice work, now get you ass home.

They're serving steak at the chow hall.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:00 AM

Originally posted by spy66
To be honest yes most of the ground troops did the right thing except one vehicle driving over a dead body. He had no business driving in there when they already had the perimeter secured with Bradly's. And the chopper circling from above.
They also laughed at that scenario as if it was a cool thing to do.

One of the soldiers said "That must have been an optical illusion" clear doublethink.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by 911stinks
I don't trust the audio, and the captions. If you notice, it looks like there were other captions being covered up.

I believe they knew EXACTLY who these people were, and were intentionally silencing journalist.

How much you wanna bet, the conversation went more like,..

OK, we found em.

Take em out.

Take out all witnesses too.

Nice work, now get you ass home.

They're serving steak at the chow hall.

Well there was nothing odd to how the aftermath was played out. The superior in charge of that perimeter also asked for pictures to be taken. Which i interpret as very correct. When so many people get killed in one location. And with a chopper pilot with that kind of attitude.
But what i find odd is why they wanted to relocate the two kids at the very end. That is not a normal procedure.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:10 AM

Originally posted by belial259

Originally posted by spy66
To be honest yes most of the ground troops did the right thing except one vehicle driving over a dead body. He had no business driving in there when they already had the perimeter secured with Bradly's. And the chopper circling from above.
They also laughed at that scenario as if it was a cool thing to do.

One of the soldiers said "That must have been an optical illusion" clear doublethink.

Well the clue is not if they did it or not. But the clue is that they thought it was cool. And it was specifically expressed on the radio.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:18 AM
reply to post by jeddun

[edit on 6-4-2010 by insurgency]

[edit on 6-4-2010 by insurgency]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:37 AM
reply to post by Brahmanite

Now I can't be exactly correct but they were walking in the same place as people actually holding weapons?? I mean it did look like some of the men (Not the Journalists) were actually holding weapons. So my question is were the other individuals armed? If so then that is according to the rules of armed warfare, sad that two unarmed men were near them. But if the others truely had weapons, in the open, during wartime... Then I mean, I can see this as being unfortunate but not necessarilly a crime.

Also I find it odd that they label the men holding camera's but they don't label what the other men are holding. This seems like the same thing the MSM does everyday.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by NoJoker13]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:37 AM
convenient how the largest US mine disaster since the 80's just happened in time for the news to cover up the video release, since the earthquake didn't work.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:43 AM
The American military are #ing disgusting. That includes the actions of many soldiers like those doing the killing in the video, as well as the highest ranks of commissioned officers who were purposefully deceptive during the investigation which followed.

I am not military. I have friends in the Australian SAS and Australian Army, both served in Afghanistan and Iraq. Both agree with the #ty attitude of American military.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:49 AM
The US used to be known for it's cars , music , science and culture.

Now you are known for two things, American Idol , and of course killing people.

I think American Idol has run it's course, which leaves the US known for one thing and one thing only...Murdering people all over the world.

I'm taking a stand and i'm holding all you whining "the government did it , and im powerless" Americans responsible.

No American is welcome in my house or my country and I'll be sure to let them know. I have done business with the US , I shut that down.

No more US for me. I have had enough of you whining Americans.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:56 AM
Its amazing to me how un-skeptical ATS'ers become when propaganda is posted that they agree with. Suddenly the process of asking questions and getting to the truth goes out the window. They also become experts on military and war, even if they have no idea what they're talking about.

Ever wonder why these same people don't post these threads when Islamic extremists intentionally targets and murder people by the hundreds?

The facts are these chopper pilots did nothing wrong. They were waiting in their kill zone for fleeing insurgents. They targeted and requested permission to engage. They got the permission and executed their orders. They cant help it if some dumb reporters thought it would be a good idea to join a group of fleeing insurgents, who were CLEARLY armed. A fact most of you continue to gloss over.

EDIT: Also notice how this isn't political madness. Anytime a majority of left wingers consider it news, its no longer political madness. We see that political madness from the left is treated completely different on these forum, even given there own topics like the 9/11 conspiracy forum. This place is dripping with hypocrisy from start to finish.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by MajinRoshi]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 07:59 AM
This was front page on one of my cities news websites today.


posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 08:00 AM
for all you people with eyepatches on (the ones who see AK's and RPG's)

even the military disagrees with you:

The military disagrees. From Salon:

A military investigation later concluded that what was thought to be an RPG was really a long-range photography lens; likewise, the camera looked like an AK-47.

If there were AKs there, the military investigation wouldn't conclude that they had misidentified a camera for an AK-47, they would have said they'd correctly identified an AK-47. Similarly, they wouldn't conclude that the "RPG" was a misidentified camera lens if there had been an actual RPG.
The above linked picture was taken by Namir Noor-Eldeen with his Canon-RPG!

One of the last pictures taken by Reuters Iraqi photographer Namir Noor-Eldeen before he was killed on July 12, 2007 shows an American military Humvee in the al-Amin al-Thaniyah neighbourhood of Baghdad. U.S. soldiers took Noor-Eldeen's two digital cameras from the scene after he was killed. The military returned them to Reuters on Sunday.

To anyone who still claims there were AK's and RPG's= you are deluding yourself to justify this, it's pathetic and a disgrace.

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 08:03 AM
reply to post by mr-lizard

Hello my friend! respect to you!

Do you know what the saddest part is in this thread about the Wikileaks video and these cold blooded murdering mofos, really is?

It's the sad fact that 10-15% of our members here on ATS are trying to justify a clear warcrime and a grave breach of the 4 Geneva Convention article 3.

By doing so! they reveal to us in the whole world community openly - how insanely twisted and evil their skewed & corrupted brainwashed minds really are.

And I hope that they will never experience something like this in their own backyards and streets - against their own families and children, because Karma would punish them really hard!

In my eyes, they are not any better than the murdering scum that perpetrated the cold blooded murder of those in the black van and/or deadly injured those poor innocent children.

I don't even know if the children survived or later died from their injuries?

but if they did die from this atrocity - these murderers can now also be labeled 'murderers of children' for very clear reasons.

I'm so disgusted with some of the comments in this thread which clearly reveal the rotten corrupted souls & minds of some of these people - but thankfully they are really, really few, and they are sadly a shame & disgrace to humanity and the rest of us in the world community.

But equally much, we need to strongly support all those great American friends and the majority of ATS, who are now clearly distancing themselves from these kinds of atrocities and vile vicious behaviour & crimes against humanity!

Kudos to all of you with common sense!

You are making this world a better place by speaking up against these crimes! It's very honourable! thank you!

[edit on 6-4-2010 by Chevalerous]

posted on Apr, 6 2010 @ 08:04 AM
reply to post by XyZeR

To anyone who still claims there were AK's and RPG's= you are deluding yourself to justify this, it's pathetic and a disgrace.

The reporters weren't the only ones there. There are definitely guys with weapons around the reporters. Not even wikileaks denies this. The hate and vitriol in this thread is totally manufactured.

Let me know when anyone calling US troops murders make a thread wringing their hands about the newest youtube video of Islamic extremists murdering hundreds of innocent people. You wont, because they agree with those guys. They don't have hatred for them, because they think the enemy of my enemy is my friend. Not to mention most people here are trained to react this way to any video showing the US killing bad guys. Show the same people a video of Islamic terrorists chanting "allah ackbar" while killing innocents and they'll find a way to blame the US.

[edit on 6-4-2010 by MajinRoshi]

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